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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12413559 No.12413559 [Reply] [Original]

I just got hired as a highschool science teacher. What is /sci/'s opinion on the current education system and how it could be improved?

>> No.12413568
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Also post any pictures you have related to education. I mostly just have math stuff.

>> No.12413573
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>> No.12414587

That's an interesting read. But, I was wondering if it is possible to teach my (possibly brainlet) younger cousins some basic group theory at that age? They also have trouble focusing due to gadgets and shit.

>> No.12414594

>What is /sci/'s opinion on the current education system and how it could be improved?
Expel anyone who is violent.
Fail anyone who doesn’t know the material

>> No.12414596

It’s actully easier to teach advanced math around grade 7 before that it takes longer, but all at once another system comesononline

>> No.12415201

use feynman's method. teach mterial from first principles. the future is in your hands to mould op.

>> No.12415291

You can’t fix the system from inside the system. Just be a good teacher and help as many kids as you can.

>> No.12415493
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>What is /sci/'s opinion on the current education system and how it could be improved?
Privatize it

>> No.12415526

Just play Bill Nye videos and fuck around on your phone

>> No.12416371

The barrier to entry to group theory is an understanding of basic arithmetic and counting. As long as they've got that under control, you can easily start teaching group theory, as it is fundamental.

>> No.12416694

Never under any circumstances assign work that doesn't accurately grade a students understanding and ability to perform the material taught. Literally all it takes is one retarded assignment like a diarama to muddy the water and make the entire class see you as someone not worth listening to.

>> No.12416863

Did you get decent exposure to methods courses? I taught highschool science for 3 years and am not pursing a Phd in science education.

>> No.12416869

*Am now.

>> No.12416878

Teach them about racial science.

>> No.12417562
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It's pretty bad at the moment, well, I suppose it's how you look at it. Overall, all schools are pushing students through successfully, but the quality of students has gone down. Instead of half the class failing and the other half being incredibly educated, you have all the students passing but they're all only somewhat educated. The intelligent students simply have to climb above on their own now, to which they do, and maybe it even makes them out to be smarter individuals then if they were assisted, but I feel many smart students don't climb out and they get stuck in mediocrity with the lesser students and get into bad habits.

Our schools have become like day-care centers or juvenile jails, where it's feast or famine and only the smartest rise to the top. Shame, because the changes done throughout the years to it were all in effort to prevent this very thing from happening -Promoting classism, elitism, and not allowing for equal opportunities, but now they encourage leaving children behind more than ever, I feel.

I thought about becoming a teacher like my mom, but I ended up quitting out of my program. I hated the other students (Spoiled entitled white yuppies), I hated the teachers, I hated the curriculum, I hated the god damned acronyms, I hated the lack of respect and pay, and I hated the red-tape everywhere. Teaching had little to do with teaching, and more-so with how to be a government mandated babysitter and brain-washer. Be careful of female students, parents, and the staff above you. You are disposable and the field is becoming more and more female dominated; you will be pressured into higher positions, higher education, or out of the field.

>> No.12417724

I think you can teach most types of difficult math at a young age, it mostly comes down to having an effective teaching style.

First you have to figure out how good they are at the basics like arithmetic. Then you start introducing the core concepts in a very simplified way

>> No.12417743

Are you babysitting niggers or did you get a private school gig?
Good luck, the education system sucks.

>> No.12418027

Thanks anon, I'll look into it.
Probably good advice. I never really though much about it, but that was definitely a factor in disliking several teachers for me. Thanks.
Not at all. I'm required to take 15 credit hours of education classes over the next three years. But other than that I don't know much about methods. I know the material well and have some classroom experience from subbing, so I at least know I won't be some retard that fucks up these kids futures.
Yeah, while definitely true, it's hard to determine exactly how to engage the smarter students without leaving the rest behind. I'm thinking I might do frequent after school reviews, so I can challenge them more while giving the slower learners an opportunity to keep up, all without just pushing them through the class without them really ever 'getting it'. As for your later points, I'm really not looking forward to dealing with the school politics, but I guess you have some degree of that in every job.
The school actually has a much larger hispanic population than black, so that should be a bit better than your average city public school. I had been a sub at a private school with all WASP kids and it was amazing. I'm hoping to get a full time job like that one day.

>> No.12418329
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>> No.12418433

Be more experimental
More sensory driven and art incorporating
More existential overall
Make good use of video as that's how kids process info these days

Fuck the education system, but at least u can try to make it less dog shit

Teach kids how to learn as well as enquire themselves
Not to just recite bullshit that doesn't actually swim around inside them

>> No.12418452

read focault

you can't teach anything complex in a large classroom. You will always be alienating a certain percentage of students and for that you will be fired.
your brain is on retard juice

school courses have to serve the lowest common denominator of students. If a certain percentage of students cant pass because they are retarded (15 percent of all students)
then they are useless and dont spend any money and dont work any jobs. The economy would collapse if you raised this percentage

implying it isnt already heavily privatized.

work is assigned in school to keep the students busy and weed out distractable hyperactive children like brad see >>12413573
. You can't stop progressing in elementary school you are only there because of your age.

>> No.12418808

This. Refund the tax paid into the state system so parents have the money to pay for private education. Within just one generation the overall quality of education would rise dramatically. Let a form of social Darwinism take its course with education. Successful pragmatic private schools will succeed and be replicated across the country, while those which fail in meeting the needs of their students will vanish.

Finally teachers will once more be able to go into a classroom and teach without spending half their time coaching retards, managing disruptive students, attending "professional development" courses, and having their time dimed away in pointless meetings, writing special snowflake reports and attending to trivial bureaucratic tasks.

>> No.12419613

Read Dewey or at least an abbreviated version. The man wrote in 1912 everything we know about effective teaching and we still can't do it today. I work under some big name sin science education and you need good methods courses unfortunately. Did you get to take a course on how people learn? If not, study and use the learning cycle to the best of your abilities. Conceptual change is one of the most challenging things in science teaching but for meaningful and authentic learning, its fundamental.

>> No.12420423
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