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File: 828 KB, 831x573, lofstrom[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12408992 No.12408992 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't any government funded a Launch Loop?
Is it just not practical or is that most governments don't care to try even if it would totally work?

>> No.12409036

unfortunately humanity is scared of huge projects, long timelines, fraudulent growth, basically the things we can't understand if it'll be worth it
that's why the ladies are scared of my dick

>> No.12409054

Too much infrastructure and cost to put up said infrastructure to appeal to a market that's barren even with a single commercial provider of reusable rockets. It might be useful for a far future where hundreds of tons of payload needs to be delivered monthly, but for now and the near future it is simply too much for too little benefit.

Also, it's a convenient target for terrorists.

>> No.12409139

very cool idea, OP. never heard of it

>> No.12409145

1. People are not aware of it
2. If people were aware of it, they are not demanding it because they don’t understand its implications well enough
3. The government is corrupt

>> No.12409148

Most estimates say about 10 billion dollars. That is within Nasa's Budget

>> No.12409151

Ok, but why isn't Nasa demanding one? It would save them money in the long run.

>> No.12409156

Where's the bridge between LA and Japan?

>> No.12409157

one downside is that the US doesn't have any territory on the equator. international waters would be the best place for it, but there may be legal issues with that

>> No.12409231

1. we don't have a big need to put massive amounts of crap into space
2. the launch loop's fairly low TRL. It's unstable and Lofstrom's solution to fixing the instability is just LOL COMPUTERS! He doesn't show any simulations of stabilizing it, just LOL COMPUTERS!

>> No.12409259

>we don't have a big need to put massive amounts of crap into space
consider a spherical brain in a vacuum

>> No.12409516

What're you launchin' anon? No really. What do we really need to launch? Not to mention there will be limits to the size of the stuff you can launch with the loop.

>> No.12409606
File: 164 KB, 830x1020, 861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China builds unbelievable amounts of infra in a few years. The problem is the west is that parasites have infested the whole process and every big project is bogged down by every cunt wanting their piece of the pie.
gif related

>> No.12409621


For the same reason you personally haven't build a launch loop

>> No.12409628

I am not a government with billions of dollars

>> No.12409633

When it has to run 24/7 that sorta doesn't matter too much.
If you can get a cycle going every 5 mins lifting a meager 1t thats 288t a day.

>> No.12409661

Megaprojects actually turn out to be not worth the effort.

>> No.12409663

the iss wasn't built in a single launch. easy access to space unlocks all sorts of new opportunities for humanity, from exploration to mining to manufacturing materials. it doesn't take a lot of creativity to think of ways to take advantage of such technology

>> No.12409667


>> No.12409699

>>the iss wasn't built in a single launch
the ISS doesn't make a profit and the scientific benefits per unit cost are questionable
>> from exploration
is not necessarily profitable
show me it's profitable
>>manufacturing materials
is not necessarily profitable either. Often better processes can be found on earth

>> No.12409714

> easy access to space unlocks all sorts of new opportunities for humanity
The US as the dominant military power on the planet doesn't want cheap access to space for everyone. Change my view

>> No.12409722

> Often better processes can be found on earth
Microgravity, vacuum, temps close to absolute zero, there's a shitload of technologies that could benefit from this. Not everything but there's certainly plenty of products that use a lot of energy on earth trying to achieve these environments

>> No.12409750

>benefits per unit cost are questionable
uh, that's why we are discussing alternative strategies to get to space, you dummy

>> No.12409869
File: 7 KB, 110x84, screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was thought that microgravity could be used to make better semiconductors because some silicon refining process was limited by gravity. Because semiconductor grade silicon costs bazongas, it might have been profitable to make it in space. Except then we found out that surface tension driven convection still occurs in microgravity and fucks shit up. Processes for making silicon on earth improved too. Metal foam used to be the killer app for microgravity too. Except metal foam's sort of obsolete now. Additive manufacturing can make materials that have BETTER properties than metal foam. A non-random structure is better than a random one, plus you can only put material where it is needed. Funny thing is that some additive manufacturing processes like electron beam melting NEED gravity too.

>> No.12409914

No. It is the correct view.

>> No.12409917

>Is it just not practical

>> No.12409948

That's a nice big volatile valuable infrastructure you have would be awkward if some one flew a plane into it r something you all really smart in this thread it really is a no brainer to just invest in this

>> No.12410034

You couldn't even buy enough materials with 10 billion to make one let alone actually build it, try 10 quadrillion.

>> No.12410054

>Fly a plane into it
How fucking often do people fly planes into huge structures you idiot? 9/11 comes to mind but most people aren't willing to die to stop a space elevator.

>> No.12410127

just don't let arabs near planes

>> No.12410136

China also builds 20 story buildings that end up falling over because they were dirt and garbage instead of concrete.

>> No.12410162
File: 64 KB, 720x403, 1494075831485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12410187

Shut up faggot and actually read up on the thing

>> No.12410200

Take your meds bucko

>> No.12410204

Is this bot broken? It's responses don't make sense any more.

>> No.12410209

You need to take your meds if you think you could build one for 10b, simple as that.

>> No.12410211

>He didn't read the papers on it detailing the costs
Oh, you are a brainlet, lol

>> No.12410214

Just because someone who hasn't taken his meds either wrote a paper on it doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.12410219

Yeah this bot is fucking broken. Try again with a better one China

>> No.12410222

>How to spot an underage poster

>> No.12410228

Yes if you unironically think you could build a launch loop for 10b then you are most likely underage or at least have a mental age that's 12. Meds will help with that too.

>> No.12410241

Yes and there are detailed explanations from scientists and engineers explaining how. You are a retarded child.

>> No.12410250

Every cost estimate that ends up at 10b is written by a totally delusional retard. Delusions can be fixed with meds.

>> No.12410253

>I-I don't need an argument
Lol, child.

>> No.12410259

There are bigger/longer structures that are cheaper to make then that. God you are dumb.

>> No.12410265

The argument is that it can't be done with 10b, which is obvious. The insult is that these people need to take their meds because they are delusional.

In the end there are 2 camps.
The people who aren't delusional who understand the technical limitations and the expense that would go into making one
And the delusional group who simultaneously thinks it's easy and cheap and wonders why smart people aren't making one.

There are no structures like a launch loop, if you can't understand the difference between a thing spinning at incredibly speeds and a railway line then you need medications.

>> No.12410268

>Which is obvious
Like your love of cock?

>> No.12410271

keep seething

>> No.12410273

Nigger, it's just a lot of metal wire. The movement comes from applying energy, now any expensive material.

>> No.12410276

>lose argument
Lol. Cope

>> No.12410285

I won the argument which is why you are seething. Reality is on my side

>> No.12410287

>I don't need to argue, IT'S OBVIOUS
Lol. Imagine telling actual engineers and scientists this. You are a child

>> No.12410294

Take your meds bucko, magic doesn't exist just because you keep repeating it does.

>> No.12410295

Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.12410299

>nooooo if you don't believe in magic you need to go to v
Take your meds and calm down

>> No.12410315

Nice LARPing as an American politician.

>> No.12410569

NASA has better things to worry about, like social equality in the workplace

>> No.12411756


Takes the items of today and go back in time boom your a magical wizard.

Magic= things that don't exist.

Once it exists it is not magical.

Next thing your gonna tell me is flying cars don't exist.

Wtf is a helicopter ? Some even have wheels. How much engineering would it take to put wheels that work the same as a car.

Wtf is an air plane if not a bus that flies?

>> No.12411770

China doesn't have OSHA or stringent building codes.

>> No.12412769

You can't get a helicopter with 50 bucks, you can't buy an airplane with 100 bucks. That's what makes it delusional.