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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12405390 No.12405390 [Reply] [Original]

is math the language of the universe?

>> No.12405545

Can anybody here even understand what he was saying and explain it in laymans terms?


Guy just got banned on Twitter after coming out with this information.

>> No.12405566

qhe h92 9rr 59 09o

>> No.12405571
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I wanna know what's going on with this Bobby Piton fellow

>> No.12405572

x86 assembly

>> No.12405580

Twitter shut him down for his testimony. That’s all you need to know. If whatever he was saying had zero validity whatsoever, then Twitter wouldn’t have done anything.

>> No.12405587


>> No.12405589

Its the language we read it in

>> No.12405597

Math is the universal language

>> No.12405614

Facebook banned Flat Earth communities, does that make them true too?

>> No.12405625

mathematical and logical thought is merely a tool humans evolved to help them survive. Those who developed weak mathematical intuitions died off or had less children, and eventually evolution has selected a set of logical rules that allows humans to create and manipulate tools at an extremely advanced level.

However, I don't believe there is a universal truth and we will reach a limit to how far our current mathematical rules, logic, and intuitions will be able to take us. There may be even deeper rules governing our universe that we will simply never discover because it's not useful for human achievement and tool making. These "hidden truths" may even be illogical, impossible, or counter-intuitive to current mathematical models and thought.

>> No.12405627

Not true

>> No.12405632
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Best explanation I could find

>> No.12405683

They did. They banned the largest Flattard community with over 400k members formerly run by Nathan Thompson. Keep burying your head in the sand, though, it'll keep you well-informed.

>> No.12405753

>These "hidden truths" may even be illogical, impossible, or counter-intuitive to current mathematical models and thought.
I'm yet to see any reason to believe that this is an actual possiblity; saying "anything is possible bro" is all well and good, but without evidence from. Which we can begin to ascertain probability, it's equally valid to suggest that I'm the godself and you are all figments of my infinitely intricate and endlessly layered mindfield.

>> No.12405887

I think it's unlikely we evolved have mathematical powers which give us perfect insight about the universe, since evolution generally selects for "good enough." Similar to how our senses of sight, sound, and touch lie to us, I don't think it's out of the question to think at some levels our maths break down and our mathematical reasoning is also lying to us.

>> No.12406249

It's a language invented by humans to describe the universe. Ultimately it's just another language of humans.

Population growth and voter turnout in Arizona within a 15-20 year period is a statistic impossibility.

>> No.12406374


Microsoft Excel and WingDings font

>> No.12407294

>applying evolutionary biology meme to development of math
You have to go back

>> No.12407301
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The clamp is the only language in this universe. Feed or be fed upon.

>> No.12407421


>> No.12407431
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>> No.12407438

Math is not a language, it's a body of knowledge. The language of math is english (or whatever other language you like).

>> No.12407443

crappy shop

>> No.12408824

Nah dude DMT is.

>> No.12408850
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Math is the language of pattern recognition.
Nothing more nothing less.

As far as common sense goes: Language is something that is extremely versatile and be written in diFferect sppels and grmar and still still come up with the same meaning

The ones who call math as something that be used in linquistics is a pretentious fuck.

>> No.12408890
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>is math the language of the universe?
No. Pure math is merely a subset of pure logic.
Logic is the true language of the universe.

I could go 1 step further and drop a truth bomb and reveal the true nature of reality itself but I think this may be beyond the scope of this thread.

>> No.12408897

Logic is a subcategory of math though - the study of Heyting algebras.

>> No.12408919

You can do logic without knowing math
You cannot do math without logic.

Basic logic

>> No.12408924


>> No.12408938

Logc and Pattern recognition is the entire driving force in survival. Even an ant can deduce a conclusion from smells

>> No.12408941

And he's using math when that happens.
Any time you make any though of the form "A implies B" or "a and b implies c" or whatever, you're using math.

>> No.12408952

Sorry, Mandarin Chinese is.

>> No.12408955

The map is not the territory.

>> No.12408958

Yeah, if you strecth out the definition of math hard enough