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File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, chinese moon mission.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12405285 No.12405285 [Reply] [Original]

Chang'e 5 is already in Moon`s orbit


And it will land tomorrow.

>> No.12405319
File: 24 KB, 213x319, 49170047371_5810e360bc_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China will have no mercy with the West, will they.

>> No.12405325

>inb4 it crashes into the surface at 100 m/s

>> No.12405376

Hopefully the mission succeeds, it will enable the next steps of the chinese program and the competition will force american and european programs to step it up a notch too.

>> No.12405436

>the competition will force american and european programs to step it up a notch too
lol, with this many chinese-friendly dems in the next administration? fat chance

>> No.12405503
File: 615 KB, 1920x1440, Artist_impression_of_a_Moon_Base_concept_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will enable the next steps of the chinese program
This is in fact a dry run for Chen 6. Chen 6 is a capital mission in the Chinese space program, it will survey the place where the Chinese moon station will be, checking for water and other data.

>> No.12405567

Awesome - I can't wait to see what kind of liveleaks disasters we get from a Chinese moon station.
>Commander Chen accidentally blows his crew out the airlock
>Crewman Li takes a piss in the hydroponics bay and starts an electrical fire
>Specialist Yang leaves the hatch to the containment unit with the lunar changeling sample in it, is infected, and hunts down the surviving colonists one by one

>> No.12405593

US, likely. Europe? Nah, they're lost in bureaucracy and will never even start.

>> No.12405758

Europe doesn't have extra money to waste on space.

>> No.12405776

Lol Biden is President soon. We’re going back to doing fuck all with actual space exploration and continuing on with climate change hysteria and SJW shit.

>> No.12405785

sadly this - i fully expect to see nasa spend the next four years in another round of congressional hearings as it's forced to (yet again) justify every fucking mission in the program and answer a bunch of chucklefuck questions like "how does this mission advance the cause of black equity?" or "what is nasa doing to reach out to the dozens of trans scientists?"

>> No.12405802

You realize NASA has landed 8 probes on mars, captured an asteroid sample, puts probes into orbits around gas giants, pays 80% of the cost of iss and orbited most of the tonnage, operates Hubble, and on and on?

>> No.12405805

Don't forget the man eating space escalators.

>> No.12405845
File: 379 KB, 879x485, conceptual-art-human-moon-base-china-CAST-879x485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn`t matter, people is replaceable, hardware in the Moon is not.

>> No.12406101
File: 2.99 MB, 512x288, 1606710752479.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in fact a dry run for Chen 6
I'm fairly sure if this one fucks up they are going to use 6 to retry this mission, otherwise it go on with the planned goals. Think it will be tough for them to pull this off, they have four different modules and a half-tested skip maneuver to get back to Earth. Is not an easy feat for all these parts to not have a failure somewhere.
> over 10 posts in and this thread hasn't descended into polucks whining like bitches about the chinks
I'm honestly impressed /sci/

>> No.12406673

back when USA was still proud of its colonizer culture. no more.

>> No.12406674

Dont forget back to bombing the shit out of the middle east

>> No.12406680

>yfw 15 posts in some loser starts whining about /pol/ out of nowhere

>> No.12406929

>that 10 second long ignition sequence
Why can't chinks make T-0 at liftoff like the rest of civilized world?

>> No.12406966 [DELETED] 

>no chinkonauts

its fucking nothing who cares.

>> No.12406968 [DELETED] 


>> No.12406969


>> No.12406970
File: 2.97 MB, 960x540, china_chang'e-5_touchdown_moon_mons_rumker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12406973

that looks poorly rasterized

>> No.12406983


Not a fan of how tight lipped China is about everything unless it already happened and it had succeeded.

Somebody decoded the telemetry data in order to see footage of the Chang'e 5 probe flying through space. Here's footage of one of the solar panels.

>> No.12406986


Maybe if the 'West' (United States) let them collaborate on global outreach projects like the ISS and Artemis, then they wouldn't be in direct competition.

>> No.12406988

>we'll have 2.5 kids
I'm kind of worried about that .5

>> No.12406991

>back to

Trump literally just resumed the murdering spree against Iranian technocrats, but ok


None of this is going to stop Musk, Starlink and the planned military version is the blank check he's been waiting for.

>> No.12407275

Where are the dishes aimed at?

>> No.12407319

Germany could fund a program by themselves but they will rather spend it all on refugees.

>> No.12407432

fake as fuck

>> No.12407489

Moon isn't real

>> No.12407500

>european programs

>> No.12407540

Europe is already working with China to create moon base and ISS-alternative.

>> No.12407564


landing succesful

>> No.12407566

China doesn't need to join a three-legged race. They need to consolidate the knowledge they've stolen and start creating new stuff for themselves. Good luck to them.

Trump's killed less Arabs than Biden's friends have killed Brits.

>> No.12407593
File: 50 KB, 650x433, 1557104117452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12407604

Soon....we will have robot waifus that will do all the activities in your webm

>> No.12407658
File: 855 KB, 634x634, 1590803746279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12407726

>Not a fan of how tight lipped China is about everything
seriously. like, how hard is it to give an estimate of when the fucker will land? is their space program that rickety?

>> No.12407753

There is no division between civil and military for China. So they're not like NASA but rather like air force launches mired with some secrecy.

>> No.12408461


>> No.12408822
File: 293 KB, 1280x1706, EoDczsOVEAAqJLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There IS a timeline for this mission. Everyone interested in this launch already knows about the schedule. It's just that there isn't as much interest in this in Anglo-centric nations to give a damn about overcoming the language barrier in the information everyone has in China.

>> No.12408934

>lol, with this many chinese-friendly dems in the next administration? fat chance

>> No.12409094

Everybody knows the timeline. We just don't see the livestreaming because they don't show it in case there's a failure. So you only see what happens 30 minutes after when it succeeded.

Like Tianwen-1. The rocket launched, but the livestream but off. So all we had to see were cellphone clips taken by people in Hainan. Then 30 minutes later, the official video of the launch was released.

>> No.12409915
File: 532 KB, 738x467, 1595044434013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timeline on pic

>> No.12409923

This is the first lunar sample we'll have gotten back in 47 years, correct?

Also, appropriate:

>> No.12409934


>> No.12410030


Live footage of the drilling and scooping of samples on the moon.

Scientists explaining everywhere.

>> No.12410160

The stuff I mentioned was contemporary. Lunar probes are 1960s tech for the west. China and India are playing in the sandbox. Russia is shedding Soviet era capabilities and the euros don't have any money. NASA has no peers.

>> No.12410177

When ISS was being built China was still developing its Soyuz based Shenzou and had almost nothing in the way of original capabilities and know how to bring to the ISS project. As of know they have only flown Shenzou with crew seven times and have only had two short lived single can space stations, probably based on Russian TKS modules. They are total noobs at space.

>> No.12411392

Chang’e-5 collecting lunar samples