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File: 58 KB, 800x800, 15S.-Srinivasa-Ramanujan-1887-1920-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12400968 No.12400968 [Reply] [Original]

are geniuses born or made?

>> No.12400972

To be successful and specialized in a field much more than the average person? Made
To be a genius remembered forever? Only born

>> No.12400985

Both, a genius needs the right genetics and upbringing to achieve his full potential. Ramanujan was an oddity in that he was brilliant despite his poor conditions but he had several gaps in his mathematical knowledge that only started to be corrected at Cambridge. One must wonder what he could have achieved if he was sent to Cambridge at 16.

>> No.12400989

Same as with computers: you need BOTH good hardware and good software.

>> No.12401009

You have to be born with the potential. MOST people are, like probably 50%. But in terms of creation they are mostly self made, even if you shove math into them they won't practice it and explore it religiously unless they want to.

>> No.12401015

Vast majority of scientists are not geniuses, and it's not because they didn't push themselves.

>> No.12401051

>You have to be born with the potential. MOST people are, like probably 50%.
You are off by two orders of magnitude, and I'm being generous.

>> No.12401056

Who knows. You’re certainly not going to find the answer here tho.

>> No.12401064

a genius doesn't waste his/her time on 4chan, that's for sure

>> No.12401079

Both. You can't make a genius out of a literal retard, no matter how hard you try. And you'll never succeed if you don't try, no matter how much potential you have.

>> No.12401080

50% had the potential, but probably wasting it being egotists, jerking off, being a normie, etc.
the self creation part reduces the number of possible total geniuses below 1%.
You literally only need to be slightly above average. neural plasticity is a thing.

>> No.12401153

>You literally only need to be slightly above average. neural plasticity is a thing.
>Source, my ass

>> No.12401160

>probably 50%
genius is extremely high iq which is inherited and statistically rare

>> No.12401163

>thinks neural plasticity isn't real
maybe read a book sweaty.

>> No.12401169

what’s a genius?
nabokov and gauss both fit

>> No.12401174

this is like asking if athletes are naturally gifted, or if they just work out a lot. The answer is both.

>> No.12401177

>He's going to become Gauss become he's got neural plasticity
The amount of cope.

>> No.12401186

No. Because Guass was born with tremendous potential. But I can improve myself. I only have an iq of 146. gauss is at least 269

>> No.12401195

>gauss is at least 269
are these digits even possible? 169 you were supposed to say.
If you are actually 146, you're a borderline genius and should be aware of how retarded general public is sometimes.

>> No.12401198

>I only have an iq of 146
>I can improve myself
Cope some more, brainlet

>> No.12401212

Gauss won the last game with his digamma identity. Nothing else compares.
The new game is Cantor.

>> No.12401227

>you're a borderline genius and should be aware of how retarded general public is sometimes.
Yes but if you hit someone on the head with a baseball bat they are bound to be retarded.
Many poor people demonstrate self creation and overcome their poverty. Meaning even though they are of low IQ quality they still worked through the effort of becoming better than the average person they interact with.
YES most people are massive retards, it almost amazes me, it's like they arent even human sometimes. But I believe it's mostly due to societal factors causing massive brain damage preventing them form being at least slightly rational.
They won't be gauss, but they would be something, if they tried.
I see myself. Even though I'm independent in my studying, my mother infantilized me so I can't function as an adult without her. Whenever I'm faced with a social situation I fear for my life.
I'm fairly certain my mother is to blame.
t. guy that doesn't want to put the effort into improving.

>> No.12401232

Why do people dickride Ramanujan so fucking hard? He was brilliant and I share his summation autism, but you'd think he invented math the way people go on about him.

>> No.12401250

i think it’s because he did his shit before computers.

>> No.12401261

because he encompasses the meme that "dude there's totally secret geniuses out there but nobody discovered them yet" and legitimizes their autism fantasies that they're actually super smart, they just never got the chance to prove themselves yet

>> No.12401264
File: 73 KB, 300x227, successful-people-take-responsibility-300x227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mother infantilized me
Chances are you're shitting at the person who was the most kind to you. Not that it's unnatural, but it's disgusting.
> I'm fairly certain my mother is to blame.
That is how losers think.

>> No.12401267

garbage and in the trash
what are you offering besides

>> No.12401268

>that picture
You just know it was made by somebody who talks about institutional racism or something

>> No.12401273

1-1+1-1.. is NEVER 1/2
and of course those summations of his are not sums
I didn't read him, so chances are he was screwed up by the middlemen who look for ways to screw you too with all those cognitive dissonances to stop your comprehension so you can only memorize the way they teach at their schools and further on.

>> No.12401276

>i didn't read him
>post contains an over 200 word essay about him
Kek ishygddt

>> No.12401281
File: 421 KB, 1000x1413, _EQL7ONIijc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you feel it? Either way I don't care, it's still correct.
Also those people are suckers who blame the society for niggers being not successful enough.

>> No.12401283

>How did you feel it
Shitpost precognition. My mind has adapted to manipulate spacetime in order to let me see the future in the service of making posts on this website.

>> No.12401284


>> No.12401285

He literally invented many results on his own. In fact he didn't know that some of those results were well known and was very impressed by them so he sent them to hardy without knowing they were known.
the guy could have been the most phenomenal genius.
No it's because he's brown and normies eat the shit up like flies.
>Chances are you're shitting at the person who was the most kind to you. Not that it's unnatural, but it's disgusting.
I'm not mad at my mum. It makes sense. She was a single mother and her instinct is to be kind and loving, but in the long run it may have damaged me as a social human being.
I recently cried and curled into a fetal position because a girl my age said hello to me and that she really liked my Venom shirt. I had to wait until my mom came and got me. It was horrible. I now don't leave the house ever.
>That is how losers think.
I agree. I'm sure she is to blame why I am like this, but I am to blame why I am still like this. I'm working on it.

>> No.12401288
File: 472 KB, 2421x996, 1606681329460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on blaming your mother, while wearing her pantsu.

>> No.12401290
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>> No.12401296

Actually institutionalized racism is more about people blaming others for their lack of success. I would think someone that believe in systemic racism believes the opposite of that picture.
that guy isn't me you faggot.

>> No.12401300

Captcha is a bitch. I'd rather mass reply than do another fagtcha.

>> No.12401301

>Actually institutionalized racism is more about people blaming others for their lack of success. I would think someone that believe in systemic racism believes the opposite of that picture.
That's the point I was trying to make, that people will say this and then in the same breath contradict themselves with something like that infographic.

>> No.12401303

Yeah that sounds right too. They'd probably circle back and use mental gymnastics.
basically the tautology: I'm right because I am.

>> No.12401305 [DELETED] 

Good genetics are a necessary but not sufficient condition for genius. You still need the right environment to turn potential into reality.

>> No.12401306

The phrase "can't polish a turd" encompasses it pretty well

>> No.12401316

I don't think you've tried hard enough. I think it would be trivial to polish a turd.

>> No.12401318

>that guy isn't me you faggot.
Then whether you answered to the question which wasn't meant for you, or you answered to yourself in the post I currently answer to.

>> No.12401320

We need to quantitatively define polishing actions and to what degree an object is in fact polished before I feel comfortable discussing this. Come back to me with a paper on methods in turd polishing and we can discuss a proof.

>> No.12401323

you got it wrong get over it.

>> No.12401330

allow the turd to dry. temper the turd.
lightly polish the turd so that it is fairly smooth, if any large pieces break off reattach it with resin. put a polish layer on it.

>> No.12401331

If there are actions that can modify the polished-ness of a turd, then that means that there are actions for which the polishedness is an invariant. We should classify said actions.

>> No.12401339

ok classify them.

>> No.12401344

Because of our premise being, "can't polish a turd", my conjecture is that the degree of how polished a turd is is an invariant under all allowable polishing actions.

>> No.12401346

>To be successful and specialized in a field much more than the average person? Made

No shit, it takes about 2 hours of reading to know more about a subject than 97% of the world

>> No.12401371

They're born, but you can get really, really far with hard work.

I know people who work basically 10 hours/day every day. Those people get the best opportunities handed to them and they get to work with people who are geniuses.

People who work really hard will still be better than like 90% - 99% of their field, but genius is like once a lifetime in a particular field. But I also think that there are way more geniuses than we may see. So many people just don't get any opportunities at all (poverty, shitty childhood, etc.) while others are extremely lazy (goes back to shitty childhood/parents).

>> No.12401390

IQ might be inheritable but the Genius traits are not. See: children of many geniuses

>> No.12401395

Mine is the opposite of that.

>> No.12401445

Most geniuses face human barriers because for some reason people feel entitled to be better than people. Its really sad because you get lazy retards who do nothing shunting the growth of these geniuses

>> No.12401448

>ITT: chuds try to cope for not being as successful as PoC

>> No.12401614

Yes I do.

>> No.12401630

Indians are Aryans, retard.

>> No.12401633
File: 94 KB, 522x579, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

born AND made. they have to be born with proper genetics to become a genius, and they have to be nurtured properly in the first 10 years of their life by their parents and/or mentors.

>> No.12401651

>tfw born with good genetics
>tfw shitty upbringing
I-I'ts not fair bros

>> No.12401656

and how do u know u were born with good genetics mas

>> No.12401657

Sorry G, but you'll never be as good as you could have.
if you hit gauss on the head with a baseball bat he'd be retarded.
your upbringing was your bat.

>> No.12401673

I've never taken a proper IQ test, by I've taken similar tests for entry exams (most of them included Raven's matrices and similar questions), and I've always placed very well.
Actually I was memeing a bit. While it's true that my home wasn't the most intellectually stimulating environment, it could've been much, much worse. At least my father didn't beat me.
There are actually other reasons why I'm a loser.

>> No.12401678

Upbringing doesn't matter as long as you weren't dropped on your head or something severe.

Seen enough brilliant people transcend their situation to know.

>> No.12401680

if we could make them they'd be everywhere

>> No.12401685

>Seen enough brilliant people transcend their situation to know.
My experience too. It just takes more time and work.

>> No.12402230

Anyone can be a "genius". It's only a matter of learning to access the Akashic records, like Ramanujan or Tesla did.

>> No.12402294

IQ doest work like that, if you max an IQ test it doesn't mean IQ=Infinite. Plus IQ only measures how good you are at taking IQ tests and there were no IQ tests during Gauss life.

>> No.12402304

Dumb picture. Sometimes you can absolutely blame others. Imagine you are walking down the street and a sniper shoots you in the dick, how could that be your own fault?

>> No.12402311

Adding polish is dumb, polish is not the same as shiny you dumb trickster

>> No.12402341

GH Hardy once told he was better than Euler

>> No.12402350

>GH Hardy once told
Okay Ranjeet

>> No.12402362

see for yourself

>> No.12402380

My point is that you are clearly ESL

>> No.12402383

stop talking to me bitch.
it's a finisher, I bet the wood in your house looks like shit.

>> No.12402384

So are many people on /sci/ and the internet in general

>> No.12402386

Well do the needful and make it not completely obvious to the good, god-fearing white folk here.

>> No.12402394

What about that phrase sounded like an ESL?

>> No.12402396

>GH hardy once told that
Come on, don't be obtuse

>> No.12402400

It doesnt matter, the challenge is to polish a turd. Your sly attempts at varnishing wont fool the judges.

>> No.12402401

the judges wouldn't know shit about polishing shit if they didn't think my shit was the shit.

>> No.12402486

Born, IQ is everything in life and it's a dice roll at birth you can't influence.

Those long term students who drop out after 20 semester and will end up broke and homeless? Those are sub 120 IQ students who tried to get an undergrad stem degree and studied more than 100% of all stem graduates, but have the disadvantage of a lower random generated number at birth.

>> No.12402512


>> No.12402520

very stupid picture, if a nigger sets your house on fire who are you going to blame? yourself?
"I was a racist so it was good to have my home burned!"

>> No.12402882

>what are dominant genes
Perhaps the wife didn't have what it takes to make a genius?

>> No.12402916

They are mostly born I would say, in terms of personality, Geniuses are not only High IQ, but have moderately psychopathic/autistic very masculine personalities, which generally are negatively correlated, and both are almost entirely determined by genes

>> No.12402921

Genius is not just about IQ, but a particular moderately psychopathic/autistic and very masculine personality as well it seems statistically.

>> No.12402923

I'd also say most genuinely brilliant people will thrive no matter scenario the are in, meaning they will make themselves

>> No.12402929

At first they're born than they're made

>> No.12402937

They are made in bed if you know what I mean

>> No.12402950


>> No.12402957
File: 17 KB, 240x320, 9C83B685-D611-4CF5-87A3-45B6B1339C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well while I’d agree that they could be born, they could be made... have you considered grown? Don’t believe the lies, the pepperoni man is growing geniuses to make the rest of us scrubs to have hope...

>> No.12403153

Born. IQ is highly heritable and virtually immutable. Despite what seething liberals will try to claim.

>> No.12403191

You can be born a genius but squander your potential, so in that case they can be make or break based on personality, socioeconomic status factors in here. But an idiot will always be an idiot. Thats why Genius is so rare, its being wasted or undiscovered due to how bad society is at cultivating it.

>> No.12404623
File: 489 KB, 2400x3000, 777e346d7c594fc438b942c9e6c13e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances of the sniper? And how often do people blame others when something is equally their own fault? That picture shows tendencies we all tend to have.
What's the use to blame a nigger? Blame your self for living outside of the gated communities, for allowing retarded nogs to walk loose. For building a large house of a cardboard instead of having a small concrete pod.

>> No.12404894

Tbh, Ramanujan was a genius, but he had 0 idea of what he was doing. That must really sucks.

>> No.12405022

varnish it then

>> No.12406015

This type of posts on /pol/ gets unironically massive amount of replies from scared people

>> No.12406030
File: 60 KB, 1080x606, 0f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12406047

99% of the world is functionally irrelevant.
If you're speaking this language you're already fighting for the cream of the crop, not the scraps of shit

>> No.12406052

counterpoint, fucking half of the Bernoulli family

>> No.12406061


>> No.12406062

Yeah and by my instincts the Riemann hypothesis is true and COVID is a liberal hoax. Kys retard.

>> No.12407130

Yes. Part of genius involves extreme intellectual confidence.

>> No.12407303


>> No.12409071

...you gonna finish your sentence bro?

>> No.12409178

sub-60 IQ

>> No.12409216

He gets dick rided because he was so unique in that he could produce conjectures or solutions way ahead of when they would appear organically. In math things don't come out of thin air, there is usually a roadmap of advances that need to be taken to arrive at things. Ramanujan could produce things from 50 to 100 years into the future just be looking at equations.

It's kind of like devinci designing helicopters or something in the 16th century.

>> No.12409342
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>> No.12409604

>Ramanujan could produce things from 50 to 100 years into the future just be looking at equations.
I don't think you can make this conjecture in good faith

>> No.12409627

Both of those are true

>> No.12409635

? There are many mathematicians that have made a career out of reading shit ramanujan scribbled in notebooks and try to make theorems out of it and they still do it TODAY.

>> No.12409636

So? That doesn't mean that there was a set date for something to be discovered. You're making a weird leap in logic

>> No.12410726


>> No.12410738

Dude ramanujan does the totally opposite
Ramanujan proves that all you need is genius, and all those redditors from the developed world with all the resources imaginable can't catch up to ramanujan
Ramanujan is basically proof genetics >> upbringing

>> No.12410814
File: 5 KB, 205x246, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ramanujan is basically proof genetics >> upbringing

>> No.12410925

>YES most people are massive retards, it almost amazes me, it's like they arent even human sometimes.
I know someone at the very upper end of the spectrum, who finds it natural to learn a new language in a few weeks, commands poetry and calligraphy as well as physics. They are so far, far above me that I wonder if they too are really humans.

>> No.12410932


>> No.12410945

Intelligence is just a rate at which a person can acquire and apply knowledge. Iq tests are more tests of working memory which is arguably the most critical aspect of intelligence. More than anything though, dedicated effort over prolonged periods of time is what leads to success. Intelligence just defines the boundary.

>> No.12411049

>I know someone at the very upper end of the spectrum, who finds it natural to learn a new language in a few weeks, commands poetry and calligraphy as well as physics.

Future Nobel Prize or future autistic failure.

>> No.12411309


>> No.12411314

Why the racism?

>> No.12411327

That image is just platitudes. You should try to be like green but dont expect it to suddenly make you "successful". Theres more to life than a 6th grade hallway poster.

>> No.12411329

me on the left

>> No.12411332

A lot of his work would not of been discovered until computers started being used in number theory research. That is absolutely evident to anyone that has had any experience with the field whatsoever. There are no weird leaps in logic you can go ahead and ask any mathematician irl and they will repeat what i say.

>> No.12411467

Anon, you are conjecturing about an alternate reality, you sound ridiculous

>> No.12411780

Not much autism detected, instead I expect an appearance in Stockholm.
I have a PhD in Physics myself but this one was at an entirely different level.