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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12397449 No.12397449 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone post the university you graduated from and your major. I graduated from a top tier university UCLA with a degree in Economics. Come at me bro.

>> No.12397465
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U of T, Applied Math Spec

>> No.12397469

>degree in economics

You do realize you're on a science/math board, right?

>> No.12397472

Economics is a science you Mong and I doubled majored in Applied Mathematics.

>> No.12397474

Shitty school for chem followed by a shitty school for DO

>> No.12397481

the eternal econlet cope. When will they learn?

>> No.12397488

IE at a shitty state school
PhD OR at a less shitty state school

>> No.12397489

Penn State degree in sports management

>> No.12397501

Im not coping you loser hahahah

>> No.12397509

berkeley with math. get fucked baby bear, your "top tier" uni is trash

>> No.12397520

did you take the 101 or 100 sequence?
>don't lie

>> No.12397531

101 sequence. Why you asking?

UCB is a terrible university nobody outside of California has even heard of that shit school.

>> No.12397549

>101 sequence. Why you asking?
because 100 sequence is literally high school tier, but if you're smart enough to do the 101 sequence then you fucked up somehow in life
you should shit on him for not doing Haas

>> No.12397587
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Associate of Computer Technology

>> No.12397600
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Normally I'm excited to see a fellow UCLA grad here but holy shit you're cringe af OP. Please stop. Actually, you're probably some faggot from Berkley or USC trying to make us look bad, huh?

>> No.12397613
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honors math / cs

>> No.12397652
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Business Administration/liberal studies because I'm a retard but also because I played baseball there on scholarship and I only cared about that and having sex with slutty women

>> No.12397659
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>there on scholarship and I only cared about that and having sex with slutty women
> retard
You might be the smartest person on this board, actually. Certainly smarter than us non sex havers who go to "prestigious" universities in STEM.

>> No.12397677
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Don't feel bad friend, I was really fat until I was 18 and didn't morph into a Chad until I was 21. Problem is that now I'm 30 with a generic degree and a mediocre job. Yes I've had lots of sex and had lots of fun, but sometimes I wished I would have been the smart nerdy loser that contributed more to society and made lots of money. Thankfully my gf makes really good money and our children should be genetic freaks athletically that I can live vicariously through.

>> No.12397861
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Pure Mathematics with Honors. Comfiest major and school in the entire world.

>> No.12397872

Bachelor in Computer Science. Go Broncos!

>> No.12397879
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forgot pic

>> No.12397989

I hated Ucsc
T. Cowell

>> No.12398050
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Computer Science / Math

>> No.12398316


>> No.12398322

Not OP but also UCLA. What did you study?

>> No.12398372

Based fellow IE chad

>> No.12398532
File: 29 KB, 400x396, 495C2ED1-98F0-47B8-AF4C-D45952D0CF1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a degree in Film where I now work at McDonald’s as a store manager why you ask bro?

>> No.12398534
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>> No.12398591

get a job tookster

>> No.12398659

I am also studying at UCLA but I am doing EE, doing undergraduate research in neural engineering and deep learning algorithms. I am getting a lot of invites to talk to different graduate school programs from top schools like CMU and Stanford. I'm gonna go to CMU to specialize in machine learning and make a doctors salary with almost no debt. We may have gone to the same school but our experience is vastly different. There, I came at you bro.

>> No.12399418

It's either you love it bc you had lots of friends, or you hate it bc you never had friends. And this is al decided by fate in the first week.
>T. Cowell
damn, sorry. t. Porter

>> No.12399573

Biophysics. Go Blue!

>> No.12399603
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MCDB, how bout you anon?
You're being ironic right? Please tell me you are. If not, we'll work through this together, we'll get you into film. Also you have to tell us which McDonald's you work at so we can go make fu- I mean support you.

>> No.12399915

Skool of Hard Knocks - tax evasion

>> No.12399953

based department

>> No.12400021
File: 49 KB, 673x175, rpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the hockey games