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12392268 No.12392268 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most chad subfield of mathematics and why is it set theory?

>> No.12392275

If set theory is such a chad field, let me ask you a question. What is a set?
>inb4 autistic screetching

>> No.12392281

I like set theory, but it's really not that chad-like
There are only a handful of things which are interesting that fall cleanly under set theory, like the continuum hypothesis or large cardinals.
The rest of set theory just provides the tools for more interesting fields.
Like you wouldn't sit down and do research on the english (latin) alphabet, but you may find the idea that the letter thorn was removed from the alphabet, but the most interesting part of the alphabet is its applications in language. Any other alphabet would do just as well

>> No.12392283

It doesn't matter what a set is.

>> No.12392285

>inb4 autistic screetching
You're the one screetching.
"set" is a word use to speak of the terms in set theory. That theory has axioms reflecting, more or less well, the intuitions about collections. More or less because it's inevitably used to conceptualize non-finite sets.
If you formalize what a proof is to the extent that you do formal logic, and set up group theory in this logic (as opposed to defining a group as set together with an operation), then a group "is" also just what the axioms characterize it as.

That's a nice enough formalist definition. If you define it in terms of something else, then you could play this smartypants question also with whatever that something else, so it's questionable what this rhetoric achieves.

>> No.12392289

A set is a mathematical object, which can contain other mathematical objects. In set theory with ur-elements, each mathematical object is either an ur-element or a set. In pure set theory, all mathematical objects are sets.

>> No.12392290
File: 42 KB, 1701x360, 1606081113186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sets to math are what pic related is to biology

>> No.12392300


>> No.12392302

Your whole "chad" subfield rests on an undefined notion LOL. The absolute state of set theorists.
>"set" is a word use to speak of the terms in set theory.
Yeah no shit. The question is what do the terms refer to.
>then a group "is" also just what the axioms characterize it as.
Nobody would buy that unless you explain what you're talking about. If you're just give a set of axioms nobody would care unless you explain what they apply to.
>If you define it in terms of something else, then you could play this smartypants question also with whatever that something else
This is a massive cope. You can define natural numbers, rationals perfectly well. For example, rationals as a string of strokes on a whiteboard, integers as naturals with a sign, rationals as appropriate pairs of integers and so on. It's clear, precise and actually explains what we're talking about. You could ask what a series of strokes on a blackboard is and I can show you.
Nothing of the sort has been done with sets. Nobody knows what a "set" is. Can you show me a set? No. Can you compute with sets? No.

>> No.12392307

>A set is a mathematical object
Ok and what mathematical object is it? Please clearly define what a set is for me so I can understand.

>> No.12392309

> For example, rationals as a string of strokes on a whiteboard,
Oh great, its the wildberger schizo

>> No.12392311

How am I a schizo? Don't just namecall, explain how I am wrong. (protip: I'm not).

>> No.12392329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12392337
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>> No.12392339

An object is a material thing
A mathematical object is an immaterial thing such as a number. I have never seen a number in nature. I have seen an apple, and another similar apple, and yet another similar apple, and denoted those apple with an idea "3".
Similarly I could have "3" bananas. 3 is a non-material object.

Similarly, I can say those apples form a collection, or a set of apples. And those bananas form a set of bananas. I could ask about a set of numbers, a collection of numbers. A set of only mathematical objects is a mathematical object. I can ask about a set of sets of mathematical objects for example.

I use the notation {apple} to denote a set with an apple in it, i use {3} to denote a set with the number 3 in it. I use {{3}} to denote the set containing the set containing 3.

If you don't have a problem with taking a collection of objects and assigning an abstract idea to that collection (numbers) then you don't have a problem with sets either; you're just LARPing

>> No.12392348

I can see a number. I can write it down, compute with them. I can either represent them by strokes on a whiteboard, or by a string of digits. How do I do the same for sets? How do I write them down and compute with them?

>> No.12392365

You can see the representation of a number as a series of strokes on a whiteboard. But you can't see an actual number, just a representation of it.
I can write down a set. In fact I've already done it. {{},{{}}} is a set. It is a series of strokes on a whiteboard.
You do math (or "compute") with them in a different way from arithmetic. Pure geometry doesnt use arithmetic. Pure set theory doesnt use arithmetic.

>or by a string of digits
obviously you can represent digits with digits

>> No.12392368

I can define numbers in terms of these representations so that it's clear for everyone what I actually mean. Now how do you define a set?

>> No.12392380

I do it the same way as you define numbers.
{} is an empty set. {{}} is a set containing an empty set. if we have urelements (ie numbers) then I can say, the set of even naturals less than 10 which is {2,4,6,8}. Simple and clear

>> No.12392384

>I do it the same way as you define numbers.
How? Surely not as a series of strokes. So how do you define sets that's in any way similar to how I can define natural numbers?

>> No.12392389

Do you not see these characters here? {2,4,6,8}
These are a series of strokes.

>> No.12392401

So is ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| a set? How do you write the union of it and {2,4,6,8}?

>> No.12392408

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| is not a set, and it is not a number.
Each of those lines occupies a unique position in space, and so each line is not equal to any other of those lines. All you are representing there is a line, and a different unequal line, and another different and unequal line, and so on.

>> No.12392410

>All you are representing there is a line, and a different unequal line, and another different and unequal line, and so on.
i.e. a string of strokes.

>> No.12392423

If you are saying each physical stroke is the same as a different physical stroke, then you are confused.

I have an apple in my bedroom. I have an apple in my kitchen. They are not the same apple, so they are unequal.

You have one stroke here | and a different stroke here |. They are not the same stroke, they are unequal. There is only ever ONE of a particular physical object.
An electron in my fridge is not equal to an electron in my car. Since they are not the same object

>> No.12392446

>You have one stroke here | and a different stroke here |
They're both strokes. And together they form a string of strokes.

>> No.12392447

>What is a set?
Shut up and calculate.

>> No.12392453

Ok please tell me how I can calculate with sets.

>> No.12392459

>rationals as a string of strokes on a whiteboard
>integers as naturals with a sign
>rationals as appropriate pairs of integers
>reals as appropriate sequences of rationals

>> No.12392462

You misunderstand
I could have a 2 year old called george, and a friend who is 30 called george. I would not put them together and say they are two of the same thing.

I call | a stroke and | a stroke, but they are not the same thing. I simply need names to refer to them by.

I could as easily say I have a | here called fred and a | here called george, to explicitly show their similar names dont make the the same object.

I cant say I have two of the same object if only one of that object exists. At best you have shown only that 1 exists

>> No.12392463

>reals as appropriate sequences of rationals
What is a sequence? How do I write it down? You do understand that I'm unable to write down infintiely many things, so what do I write down? How do I represent a general sequence?

>> No.12392466

>I call | a stroke and | a stroke, but they are not the same thing
Never claimed they were, nor do I need them to be. Both strokes, as you agree. Put together, they form a string of strokes.

>> No.12392468

holy shit this is comedy gold

>> No.12392470

What's so funny?

>> No.12392473

Yes there is a stroke and a stroke, but there are not "two" of anything. You cant simply represent a number by a series of strokes

>> No.12392475

>Ok please tell me how I can calculate with sets.
Are you that retarded?

>> No.12392480

What is this?

>> No.12392490

Something that your mediocre brain is seemingly unable to fathom. Most comments in this thread are utterly retarded. If one has to explain ZF by mentioning bananas, they should rather put them up their ass instead of shitposting about something that is clearly out of their reach.

>> No.12392493

Why did you reply to me with that link if you think my brain is unable to fathom it?

>> No.12392498

>explain ZF with bananas
ZF doesnt contain ur-elements ya retard

>> No.12392511
File: 63 KB, 295x415, beth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give you an opportunity to show the world you were retarded.

You are proving my point. What the hell do bananas have to do with ur-elements? Also, stop being a German shill, they are properly called atoms.

>> No.12392517

>How do I write them down and compute with them?
Just use those bro: ()

>> No.12392518

What quality does a "string" of strokes have that a "set" of strokes doesn't?

>> No.12392521

>An urelement or ur-element (from the German prefix ur-, 'primordial') is an object that is not a set, but that may be an element of a set.

How about you tell me why bananas having nothing to do with ur-elements kiddo

>> No.12392562

What do you mean by a set of strokes?

>> No.12392568
File: 29 KB, 666x893, beth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about you tell me why bananas having nothing to do with ur-elements kiddo

Ur-elements (and sets for that matter) are a formal concept defined in whatever logical system of your liking.

Bananas are real objects that you can put up your ass.

Can you put a ur-element up your ass? No, because they do not pertain to the same universe of discourse. Ergo, they are unrelated.

>> No.12392569 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12392576

what do you mean by string of strokes?

>> No.12392579
File: 8 KB, 425x76, BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong KIDDO, see pic related, then take an urelement and go hang yourself

>> No.12392586

Claiming to be a Platonist does not excuse your retardation.

>> No.12392589

Holmes, Randall, 1998. Elementary Set Theory with a Universal Set

>> No.12392593

>shifting the goalposts
it's okay to admit youre wrong, sonny-boyo, adults do it all the time :)

>> No.12392610

Do you know what a stroke is? It's |. Put several of these together and this gives you a string of strokes.

>> No.12392627

Please compute for me the union of the sets A_n = {rational x: x < sum_i=1^n of n^4 / n! }. I'll wait for an answer.

>> No.12392634

Please compute for me the 10^(10^100)th prime number

>> No.12392731

Put several of them together and you get a set of strokes

>> No.12392757

It doesn't exist (too large).

>> No.12392785

>It doesn't exist (too large).
Ahh the finitist delusion
There exists CZF if you are interested, constructivist zermelo fraenkel. That might satiate your autism

>> No.12392787

>An electron in my fridge is not equal to an electron in my car. Since they are not the same object

>> No.12392789

ahhh i always enjoy when a worthless human being tries to insult me, it's always funny :)

>> No.12392882

>inb4 anon starts spouting nonsense about the one-electron universe

>> No.12392885

Why delusion?

>> No.12393144

How does the concept of a "string" of strokes differ from the concept of a "set" of strokes?

>> No.12393169

Because I understand what is a string of strokes, can see it, but I genuinely have no idea what is meant by a "set" of strokes.

>> No.12393189

If number theory is such a chad field, let me ask you a question. What is a number?
>inb4 autistic screetching

>> No.12393193

How is it different, though? Like when you "see" a "string" how come you don't "see" a "set"?

>> No.12393197

you should learn to construct a sentence correctly before claiming you understand much of anything, desu. Try reading more actual books and less set theory.

>> No.12393203

It isn't different the anon just doesn't like the idea of infinite sets so he's retroactively attempting to figure out an argument to explain why set theory isn't valid.

>> No.12393210

Depends on the kind of number. A natural number? That's a string of strokes. Or you can view it equivalently as a string of digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
If you just mean a collection of written strokes, sure that's the same thing. That is, if you're using the word "set" in a colloquial sense. However, most mathematicians don't use it in the colloquial sense, for them set is some mysterious magical object. In the latter case, I have no idea what is meant by a "set" of strokes because I have no idea what mathematicians mean by the word "set": they never explain it!

>> No.12393216

For example, I have no idea what you mean if you said an "uncountable set of strokes". If you're talking about sets of something, assuming we're talking maths, you are usually allowed to take them to be uncountable. I have no idea what that means, that's why I'm wary of using the word "set" when describing a string of strokes.

>> No.12393225

Is there also a math sense for "string"? Are you using string colloquially in the same way?

>> No.12393236

What about an "uncountable string of strokes"?
Are you saying a "string" couldn't be "uncountable" because you "see" it as one dimensional, in a sense?
But a "set" could have more than one dimension so that's why you can't "see" it in the same way?

>> No.12393285

the anon doesn't have an argument other than grasping at any straws that lets him hold onto his precious finitism

>> No.12393357

>Is there also a math sense for "string"?
No, it's not a math term. It's an actual real life term which means an actual string of actual strokes.
>What about an "uncountable string of strokes"?
That doesn't make any sense to me. If you show me a string of strokes, I can count it.
>Are you saying a "string" couldn't be "uncountable" because you "see" it as one dimensional, in a sense?
That's a string of strokes. You can count it: one, two, three, four. I have genuinely no idea what you mean by an "uncountable" string of strokes. Maybe if you explained what you meant I would understand.
>But a "set" could have more than one dimension so that's why you can't "see" it in the same way?
If you write down a description of a set then I can see the description. However sets are not defined as any descriptions, or any writings of any kind, or anything really. They are left completely undefined. It is just assumed that in our descriptions and mathematical manipulations, the objects we are actually manipulating are these "sets". It's a fairy tale concept with no connection to reality. You cannot computationally implement sets or operations with them.

Cope. If people scrutinizing my description of a natural number as a string of strokes payed 0.0001% as much scrutiny to the notion of a "set" they would quickly realize that it's complete nonsense.
You are implying that I have faith in some notions that modern mathematicians would never accept or view as too extraordinary, that I need to hold onto. In reality, I am merely skeptical of the current mathematical dogma of these "infinite sets" that nobody can see, nor write down, nor compute with. Everything I believe about what exist and what you can do with maths a typical mathematician agrees with. I am merely much more modest with what I assert to exist.

>> No.12393430

So you're using the word "string" colloquially, but not the word "set"? I really don't understand what you think the difference is.
And you've just said that "uncountable set of strokes" and "uncountable string of strokes" both don't make sense. You don't seem to have the slightest idea why you don't like the word set but do like the word string.
What you're saying doesn't make any sense at all. You're just a word hater? Lol what?

>> No.12393435

Based and probability based geometry pilled.

>> No.12393448

Mathematicians don't use the word "set" in the colloquial sense. Some collections are not "sets" to them, contradicting the colloquial use. For example, there is no set of all topological space, but there is a set of all real function f:R->R. There is no set of all groups but there is a set of all real numbers. Sets need to satisfy the axioms of ZF(C).
A set of strokes in the colloquial sense is too vague. Does the set need to be written? Or can the set of strokes be completely abstract, existing only in our imagination? Can the set have infinite elements? The answers to all these questions are nonobvious, unless you specify that we're talking about concrete sets of strokes that are written down somewhere. The latter definition is acceptable to me, although I still prefer a string of strokes because it indicates that they're written in a string and not just scattered around somewhere.

>> No.12393464

>I still prefer a string of strokes because it indicates that they're written in a string and not just scattered around somewhere
So exactly what I had imagined, and asked, about "seeing" a "string" as "one dimensional"?

>> No.12393481

If that's what you meant, then sure.

>> No.12393495

>If that's what you meant
Lol. What possible difference do you see? I think you're just being silly and obstinate to make some point in a roundabout way that you don't quite know how to make directly.

>> No.12393504

When I think of one dimensional things I think of lines and curves as 1d manifolds, not strings of strokes which live in 2d space. That's probably why the confusion arose.

>> No.12393518

Oh okay, no, I imagined that maybe you see the strokes all lining up in one direction in a "string" but maybe having no such neat line in a "set." Was I imagining correctly?

>> No.12393523
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Here was approximately what I was imagining. "Set" doesn't imply any order.

>> No.12393540

>Everything I believe about what exist and what you can do with maths a typical mathematician agrees with
Yup I agree with you on that point about finitism

But to say YOU can't imagine something, and therefore it doesn't exist, is pretty grandiose
As if you are the arbiter of what can or cannot exist, some kind of god.

I don't know any intelligent person who is interested in mathematics and thinks the axioms are god given. Some people like to do math in finitist frameworks, others like to do it in infinitist frameworks. Atleast one of them is wrong.

>> No.12393545

There is a way to order elements using set theory.
If you've ever seen the coordinate system (x,y,z) they are ordered by nested sets (x,y,z) = { {x}, {x,y}, {x,y,z} }
Whatever those x y and z are, if they are urelements or other sets

>> No.12393550

Okay, that makes sense. I understand the difference you're seeing now.

>> No.12393552

If the finitist framework is wrong, then there's no hope for the infinitists.
>But to say YOU can't imagine something, and therefore it doesn't exist, is pretty grandiose
That's never been my argument.
I meant if you're talking about an actual set of strokes written on the board, that doesn't imply the strokes need to be neatly ordered in a string. That's why I use the word string. The sets I and the other anon were talking about here are completely unrelated to set theory.

>> No.12393557


>> No.12393558

Almost nobody does set theory in math departments anymore.

>> No.12393587
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>> No.12393609

>If the finitist framework is wrong, then there's no hope for the infinitists.

You may not know this, there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC. So it may be that the axiom that allows infinite sets corrects some defect that finitist set theory has.
So its not necessarily the case that if finitism is wrong then infinitism is wrong.

>I meant if you're talking about an actual set of strokes written on the board, that doesn't imply the strokes need to be neatly ordered in a string.
In this case, a string is a set of strokes.
You could represent that string as an ordered n-tuple if you wanted.

Take ||||||||||. Assume each stroke is unique, then we assign it a number in its place, so we can uniquely identify it, which becomes 123456789. Which is the same as counting the place of each stroke. Then a string is equal to the ordered n-tuple (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
If I had:

Three strings of strokes. I could have the set of all those strokes, or i could one set per string, and the set of those 3 strings.

A set is actually pretty well defined as an abstraction from the real-world version, but they dont teach much about bolzano or cantor.

Generally they teach children about venn diagrams, which is pretty much what a set is.
The set of all men. The set of all Greeks. The set of all Greek men is the intersection in a venn diagram. Pretty simple stuff

>> No.12393621
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>You may not know this, there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC

>> No.12393624

>A natural number? That's a string of strokes.
Show me a number.

>> No.12393625


>> No.12393639

Show me a complex number.

>> No.12393647

To do that, I would need to be able to show you a real number. But nobody has ever explained how to do that.

>> No.12393655

Is that a picture of yourself when you realized you were a brainlet?
Avatarfagging is a bannable offense my newfriend :)

>> No.12393661

Every theorem that's provable in ZF is also provable in ZFC, retard.

>> No.12393665

you're absolutely wrong, you faggot

>> No.12393672

Give one example of a theorem provable in ZF but not in ZFC.

>> No.12393682

Absolute moron. Any proof in ZF is also a proof in ZFC since all the axioms of ZF are also axioms of ZFC.

>> No.12393740
File: 109 KB, 562x372, ZF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a non-existence result in ZF, but in ZFC you cannot prove the non-existence

>> No.12393758

The theorem here is that there is a model of ZF in which there are no non-continuous solutions. The theorem is true both in ZF and ZFC.
Just like in ZF, in ZFC you can also construct models of ZF which do not satisfy choice and in which there are no non-continuous solutions.
tl:dr you're wrong. ZF doesn't imply nonexistence. ZF, just as ZFC, implies existence of models of ZF without any noncontinuous solution.

>> No.12393784

>You can construct models of ZF in ZFC
The axiom of choice itself guarantees the existence of those solutions within models of ZFC

I said
>it may be that the axiom that allows infinite sets corrects some defect that finitist set theory has.
Which means I'm talking about the effects of adding a new axiom.
I'm not talking about modelling ZF in ZF and modelling ZF in ZFC.
I'm talking about the difference between ZF and ZFC

>> No.12393792

I think the subtlety here that's confusing you is that the the theorem here is not that in ZF implies there cannot be such functions. That's false, since ZFC implies ZF, and if ZF implied the nonexistence, then so would ZFC, but we know ZFC implies the existence of such functions, so we get a contradiction.
The theorem here is that ZF doesn't allow you to CONSTRUCT such a functions. The axioms of ZF are simply insufficient to construct them. That doesn't mean that there aren't any though. Also the theorem is not "you cannot construct such a function" in ZF. It's rather that "with ZF alone you cannot construct such a function", which is completely different, and as a theorem it's true both with ZF and ZFC.

>> No.12393805

All theorems that are true in finitistic mathematics remain true in ZFC.
>Which means I'm talking about the effects of adding a new axiom.
They cannot change any status of the theorem. If a theorem is proven true, it will remain proven true with the added axioms. If it was proven false, it will remain false with the new axioms.
Your assertion that
>there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC
Is plainly wrong. Any theorem that is provable in some axiomatic system is also provable in any consistent extension.

>> No.12393810

You said
>there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC
In the pic that you posted, what do you think is the statement of the theorem that you think is provable in ZF but not in ZFC?

>> No.12393837

>proof of infinite primes
>take a set of finite primes and prove there is a new prime that exists not in the set
If i do this in your finitism you will tell me that a certain large number does not exist
which is what you did here >>12392757
>It doesn't exist (too large).
If I say, take a set of all the primes which exist, it will be a finite set. If I say, take the product of the multiple of all these primes + 1, you will tell me, that number doesn't exist because it is too large
In which case you can prove that there are a finite amount of primes.

Whereas in an infinitist framework I can prove there are not finite primes.

>> No.12393875 [DELETED] 

I’m not that poster but obviously their statement is something like
“the existence of non continuous solutions is decidable”

>> No.12393887

And you take this to be the example of a statement that's provable in ZF but not ZFC? You're retarded.

>> No.12393888

I’m not that poster but obviously their statement is something like
“the existence of non continuous solutions is undecidable”

>> No.12393892


>> No.12393896

Saying that such and such number doesn't exist is not a theorem of my framework but rather a metamathematical statement about the domain of discourse.

>> No.12393897

it’s obvious what i was writing you ducking imbecile

>> No.12393906

yes, idiot

>> No.12393907

If >>12393888 is your correction then you're still wrong, retard.

>> No.12393916

How fucking retarded must you be to not understand that ANY PROOF that's valid in ZF is ALSO VALID in ZFC!?

>> No.12393920

If your framework is finitist and it can't decide whether there are finite primes or not, it sounds like your framework has a defect :^)

>> No.12393929

Are non continuous solutions decidable in ZF?
LMFAO retards

>> No.12393950
File: 75 KB, 600x600, 1513892387795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC
>example of the theorem: "the existence of non continuous solutions is undecidable"

>> No.12393973

Idgaf about ZF or ZFC, moron.
If you can prove that X is true under axioms ABC and that X is false under axioms ABD, you’ve proven that X is undecidable under axioms AB.
Fucking absolute moron.

>> No.12394089

Anon stated there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC. Your example theorem is "the existence of non continuous solutions is undecidable". You're clearly retarded.
>If you can prove that X is true under axioms ABC and that X is false under axioms ABD, you’ve proven that X is undecidable under axioms AB.
Nobody contested that. This is however irrelevant to our discussion.

>> No.12394118

Lmfao, I just owned your sorry retard ass with preK level logic, and all you can do is keep repeating my simple statement that proves you’re an idiot who didn’t think this through, and call me a retard for proving that you’re an idiot.
Keep howling at the moon, moron.

>> No.12394790 [DELETED] 


>An electron in my fridge is not equal to an electron in my car. Since they are not the same object
there is no proof of this btw, not even theory says they are different entities but with the same characteristic. that's s because in theory, there is only one wave function for the electron for the whole universe.

or rather, it's what happens when subhumans like atheists take scientific models for reality.

>> No.12394793

>>12392423 >>12392789

>An electron in my fridge is not equal to an electron in my car. Since they are not the same object
there is no proof of this btw, not even theory says they are ''different entities but with the same characteristic''. that's because in theory, there is only one wave function in the model for the electron for the whole universe.

or rather, it's what happens when subhumans like atheists take scientific models for reality.

>> No.12395306

Mate, what happened here is that you got your shit pushed in, said something irrelevant to save face and when it didn't work, you covered your ears and started shouting "I'm right" over and over.

>> No.12395443

That’s literally you describing yourself in your own post you sad stupid retard.

>> No.12395876

Set theory is on the way out. It cannot encapsulate more and more of modern mathematics.

>> No.12395895

Proving that X is undecidable under axioms AB is not the same as proving in AB that "X is undecidable". The set of provable theorems in axioms AB is a subset of theorems in ABC. You're retarded.

>> No.12395900

Give examples.

>> No.12395921

>Proving that X is undecidable under axioms AB is not the same as proving in AB that "X is undecidable"
LMFAO imbecile

>> No.12395933

Why is it so hard for retards like you to realize that ANY PROOF THAT WORKS in an axiom system AB IS ALSO A PROOF IN ABC. ADDING NEW AXIOMS ONLY ADDS THEOREMS, AND DOESNT TAKE AWAY ANY.
I swear to God you're genuinely the dumbest poster I've interacted with all week.

>> No.12395939

You literally wrote this sentence, you are the single dumbest poster in the history of this website lmao fucking idiot.
>Proving that X is undecidable under axioms AB is not the same as proving in AB that "X is undecidable"

>> No.12395948

Saying "X is undecidable" doesn't even make sense without specifying the axiomatic structure. "ZF doesn't decide AC" is a theorem both in ZF and ZFC. Any statement that is a theorem in ZF is also a theorem in ZFC. I can't believe how hard it is for you to grasp this extremely simple idea.
Think of it like this:
You have a proof some proposition on ZF. Then all the axioms of ZF you use are ALSO axioms of ZFC or ZF+A where A is any new axiom. That means the extended axiomatic framework ALSO proves the same proposition.
That means that your statement that you so wish to be true that
> there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC

>> No.12396001

>your statement that you so wish to be true that
> there are theorems which are provable in ZF which are not provable in ZFC

I don't give a flying fuck about ZF or ZFC. I replied to a question about an image someone had posted.
The simple logical fact is that I'm correct, and you're an IDIOT.

You are trying to defend this statement:
>Proving that X is undecidable under axioms AB is not the same as proving in AB that "X is undecidable"
Which literally reduces to P is not the same as "P"
You are lower than pond scum, and you should literally shove your keyboard up your ass until this thread archives.

>> No.12396086

Nonlinear dynamics

>> No.12396292

Lmao, absolute brainlet getting absolutely confused because he can't tell apart the object set theory from the background set theory.
Someone tell him about Skolem's paradox. His brain will explode.

>> No.12396767

>"ZF doesn't decide AC"
I'm glad I came back to check the thread again, sorry I missed this the first time.
You really are the dumbest motherfucker in the history of this website lmfao.

Your argument against
>If you can prove that X is true under axioms ABC and that X is false under axioms ABD, you’ve proven that X is undecidable under axioms AB.
is literally
"AB doesn't decide C"

I take it back, please feel free remove the keyboard from your ass and keep posting.
This is gold.

>> No.12396875
File: 925 KB, 2736x2008, 706de5fdfb73616684f2c866f26fac56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]\xi \in \emptyset[/math]

Troubling, isn't it?

>> No.12396931
File: 347 KB, 407x527, ezekiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs god when you have the empty set?

>> No.12396944

oh is that my main man Zarathustra?

>> No.12397165

>string of strokes on a whiteboard
You again?

>> No.12397185

Type theory. Sets need to go.

>> No.12397204

You can still do set theory in type theory, and vice-versa.