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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12391031 No.12391031 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight:
>Vaccines, even the ones for animals, typically take 10 or 20 years for proper testing. COVID-19 ones will be tested in less than 1 year total.
>Instead of going for tried and true methods (like inactivated virus vaccines, like china is using for their citizens), all western companies decide to use super modern techniques (mrna, chimpanzee adenovirus), that have never been applied to humans before.
>People are ok with this.

I understand the average scientifically illiterate public being alright with this, but why isn't academia freaking out? People are literally paying to be test subjects. Anyone using an mrna or chimp adenovirus vaccine when an inactivated virus one is available is willingly being a test subject for the biggest immunology experiment ever ran in the history of this planet.

Please tell me I'm wrong and explain how. I'm freaking out over this.

>> No.12391056

The great feature of mrna vaccines is exactly that they can be developed much faster than inactivated or attenuated virus vaccines. We are using that technology here because we're in a hurry, and that technology is what allows us to pull it off much faster than has historically been the case.

Are there risks to this? Of course there are. But waiting ten years also carries risks, very predictable risks of mass death and collapse of society. It's less risky than the alternative.

>> No.12391061

There is an inactivated virus vaccine currently in use in China.
You do understand mrna vaccines have never been used in humans before, yes?

>> No.12391063

>mass death and collapse of society
go away shill

>> No.12391068

your suspicion is warranted. I have an issue with their justification for using an mRNA delivery system. If the goal is to have our cells produce the spike proteins in order to develop the antibodies. Why can't they use another organism like E. coli to synthesize the spike proteins and then purify them like we do with countless other proteins and just use that as the base for the vaccine?

>> No.12391070

More than a million people have died.

>> No.12391076

>There is an inactivated virus vaccine currently in use in China.
I was under the impression that that vaccine is (1) still waiting on phase 3 trials like all the others, and (2) expected to hit serious problems in this stage exactly because it's an inactivated virus vaccine, which tend to take lots of rounds of trial and error before they work reliably.

>You do understand mrna vaccines have never been used in humans before, yes?
Yes. Your point?

>> No.12391077

Has influenza made society collapse?

>> No.12391080

>There is an inactivated virus vaccine currently in use in China.
They can trigger antibody-dependent enhancement in the previously infected. Not necessarily a great idea for a country with a population that has already been hammered by the virus. China may be able to get around that if their infection numbers are legit.

>> No.12391084

Influenza doesn't kill more than a million people a year.

>> No.12391086

remember when tuberculosis broke out and killed 1.5 million people in 2018 and we had a mass media fear porn frenzy, destroyed our economy, trashed small businesses and transferred more wealth into the hands of the wealthy, increased bankruptcy and homelessness, increased and exacerbated addiction, increased suicide, increased divorce rates.

If you guys can't put 2+2 together at this point idk what to tell you.
Media just happens to create mass worldwide protests the minute a virus breaks out?
What a joke.

>> No.12391088

no, it kills about half that many, when mitigated with vaccines
and nobody gives a fuck about it

>> No.12391090

>remember when tuberculosis broke out and killed 1.5 million people in 2018
In what countries?

>> No.12391100

do you want this pandemic shit to be over with as soon as possible, or do you want to take 10 or 20 years of wearing masks, millions dying every year, economies ruined, everything closed all the time, and so on?
I'll take the goddamned vaccine as soon as it's available and not give a fuck.

>> No.12391102

>tuberculosis broke out
Tuberculosis isn't new nor did it break out, it is a constant threat which is being fought globally.

>> No.12391104 [DELETED] 

I was just about to post about this. So guys whos anti vaxxing now? I am not gonna take this new one, even doctors are skeptical, then again they are retards too.
unironically took a single nigger to die for people to riot and shit, they have a point, but >>12391070 boohoo nobody care, millions more lives have been ruined by the unemployment, and all the weak ones died and transfer of wealth is going to transfer from dead oldfags to us! let it ravenge the weak, fat and sickly, nature is coming.

>> No.12391105

It was global
Literally matches the amount of people who have died from covid

The response to this is a media hoax, and I'm really sick of you guys enabling the erosion of our freedoms by falling for it.

>> No.12391107

Same amount of deaths per year
Also a respiratory infection, potentially even more aggressive
Do we have the same response? No. Why? Because life needs to continue.

>> No.12391113

>It was global
No, not really. You're missing the point. Look at the USA's TB numbers for example, to see why much of the world didn't give a shit. It's a non-issue in first world countries.

>U.S. TB incidence in 2018 (2.8 cases per 100,000 persons) was the lowest ever reported. Non–U.S.-born persons accounted for approximately two thirds of cases.
>In 2018, a total of 9,029 new tuberculosis (TB) cases were reported in the United States
>Among the 9,029 TB cases reported in the United States in 2018, approximately two thirds (6,276 [69.5%]) occurred in non–U.S.-born persons, whereas 2,662 (29.5%) occurred in U.S.-born persons

>> No.12391114

>Do we have the same response? No. Why?
Because it mostly affects Asia and Africa.

>> No.12391118

there is an even bigger risk if it takes that long:
dangerous mutations while its spread all around the globe.

>> No.12391127
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>The Gardasil vaccine, manufactured by Merck & Co., was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 for use in preventing infection from only a few of the hundreds of types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Since hitting the market, however, thousands of adolescents and adults have reported serious and disabling Gardasil side effects after receiving the HPV vaccine, including death.
>Gardasil was fast-tracked to the market, achieving FDA approval in six months, which usually takes three years. Even one of the principal investigators of the Gardasil clinical trials (the human testing that precedes FDA approval) said the process “went too fast.”
You should be very concerned. Everyone seems to think that vaccines are 100% safe which is not true.

>> No.12391134

Imagine a small town of 7,800 people

In almost a year, one more person died than normal

This is the proportional scale of mass death and collapse you are talking about

>> No.12391172

You are not thinking of all the people having to live with permanent issues after having the virus also, and it would be many more dead and disabled if we did not take any precautions.

>> No.12391203


>it would be many more dead and disabled if we did not take any precautions

This. Do you want permanent lockdowns? Otherwise the death count would jump massively.


TB only affects shithole countries.

>> No.12391212

im telling you guys right now
no one in the south is really giving much of a fuck about this stuff
it's not going to "go away" in north america no matter how much you mandate

live your lives

>> No.12391282

>with vaccines
There you go

>> No.12391298

Correct me if I'm wrong but this vaccine is helped by the fact we already have one for a SARS corona virus so it already has a foundation. That being said the new tech hasn't been tested enough by regular standards so your fears aren't unfounded

>> No.12391328

Why? Because for one it takes way longer to produce vaccines of that kind. For two, literally every cell in your body has the capability to convert mRNA into protein. For three, it is substantially easier to modify a vaccine of this kind in the event that a new variant of the virus pops up.

You guys make it seem like mRNA is something dangerous because we don't yet have mRNA vaccines. But research on these types of techniques has been going on for literally decades, and is very promising when it comes to producing vaccines for e.g. certain types of cancer with a specific molecular signature. All the pandemic did was free up an enormous amount of resources to put this kind of research into overdrive. But even if that hadn't happened, mRNA vaccines were always going to be the next big thing in preventative medicine.

>> No.12391477


>> No.12391501

Found the /sci/tard from the third world country

>> No.12391505

mrna vaccines have been around, but usually not used due to problems regarding injection. We have since solved the issue.

>> No.12391727

Only 500 loss of life in US, no idea where he the other 1.5 million supposedly were

>> No.12391751

>Everyone seems to think that vaccines are 100% safe which is not true
retards do, vaccines always have a risk but sometimes it's worth it to take it

>> No.12391799

>Covid has less than 1 % mortality rate
> Covid19 vaccine is 95% effective
There is literally no way of testing its efficiency.
It rapidly mutates so a vaccine that makes the case numbers go down significantly is highly unlikely

>> No.12391819

Why does this board have so many fucking brainlets?

>> No.12391920

Jesus christ this is probably the dumbest post I've ever seen

>> No.12392085
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The absolute state of /sci/ u mongoloid

>> No.12392110

They're not.

>> No.12392291

>I understand the average scientifically illiterate public being alright with this, but why isn't academia freaking out?
Honestly most scientist or educated citizen are not better than the average joe in terms of critical thinking. They can't see the lies they don't want to disbelieve the politician promising them wealth and security and easily believe the ((media)). And worst of all they will vote the exact same people into power once the election comes.
For example a lot of people I have spoken to are in favor of anti hate speech laws and they all fail to see how these laws can(and will!) be misused to censor free speech. Same applies to lockdowns and corona...
t. german

>> No.12392297


>> No.12392310

>You are not thinking of all the people having to live with permanent issues after having the virus also, and it would be many more dead and disabled if we did not take any precautions.
they same applies for a vaccine.The chances are even higher since not everyone will be infected/have symptoms with corona but they want to vaccinated everyone or at the very least a big part of the population.

>> No.12392324

>The chances are even higher
Where are you getting this from?

>> No.12392343

There's a vaccine for TB isn't it? If some countries are too poor to afford it that's a different matter. TB isn't killing millions in civilized countries.

>> No.12392894

>takes way longer.
that seems wrong. it takes like a day to synthesize a protein. and they can just place the spike proteins into an administrable solution. I doubt adding a day to the production at this point will have that much of an effect. but if you are correct and it is indeed faster.
faster =/= better.
> literally every cell in your body has the capability to convert mRNA into protein
I agree, but why do we need to use our bodies when there are other viable options?
>it is substantially easier to modify a vaccine of this kind in the event that a new variant of the virus pops up.
valid, but then again another organism could be used to produce the proteins.

>You guys make it seem like mRNA is something dangerous
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't ask questions about a new method of vaccinations? There is nothing wrong with raising questions mate.

>> No.12393141

I know jack shit about vaccines, but I remember how the swine flu vaccine did fuck all and made people sick, and on that basis I'm not taking this vaccine. Covid isn't all that deadly anyway, people are freaking out for no reason.

>> No.12393156

There's 7 billion people

>> No.12393185

What specifically do you people think will happen? Tens of thousands of people have had these vaccines for like 8 months now. There's zero signs of them developing complications from them. . It's not doing anything that cold viruses don't do constantly to you in provoking an immune response.

I don't think it's unreasonable for employers to require their employees to get this to keep their jobs. I think insurance rates for employers that choose not to mandate vaccine usage will spike dramatically. I think nation-states around the world will require that people going into their countries get the vaccine before being admitted. I think it's 100% logical to ban kids who don't get it from public schools. I think we need to make your life shitty if you're retarded enough not to get this vaccine, but stop short of forcing it into your arm. 99% of people are weak and give in to even a little bit of inconvenience.

>> No.12393195

Aids have killed between 30-50 million people lmao

>> No.12393202

You'd constantly need to re-up to keep your serum content high enough to fight off the virus. If you explain how to make it to the body it gets maintained for a long time.

If you really don't want to get it then I guess you'll have to contend with never leaving your home country ever again for travel and possibly losing your job. It's your life.

>> No.12393208

This is the enemy in view.

>> No.12393213

not even remotely comparable

>> No.12393217

oh fuck off

>> No.12393220

>they same applies for a vaccine.
This is why brainlets shouldn't be allowed on /sci. They think vaccines cause autism.

>> No.12393227

They do. In conjunction with wireless devices, ultrasound, pitocin, early clamping, etc.

>> No.12393228

>Hey Jenkins the insurance company says my rates go up 500% if everyone isn't vaccinated against covid within 6 weeks, schedule a shot and bring proof of it
>okay you're fired

by all means don't get the shot if you're self employed or whatever, but most people aren't.

>> No.12393259
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>mfw all the libertarians suddenly are aghast at the thought of pragmatic employers requiring vaccination for their employees to avoid lawsuits and insurance hikes and at the thought of nations making rational restrictions on people who aren't vaccinated visiting their nations to protect their people
lol you're the people pushing for right to work laws and national sovereignty then acting dumbfounded when they get applied somewhat reasonably.

>> No.12393278

B-But libertarianism is about my freedom not other people being free.

>> No.12393284

I will be anyway tested by usa and africa first so who cares?

>> No.12393292


Mass death? no lol

But I could see society collapsing under a 10-year lockdown.

That being said, we should be isolating the vulnerable instead of locking down society regardless.

>> No.12393325

>That being said, we should be isolating the vulnerable instead of locking down society regardless.
Pretty much impossible.

>> No.12393332


How is it impossible? Take fat people, old people and sickly people and board them up in their homes and give them a stimulus check. What is so hard about that?

>> No.12393338

dude the usa is broken politically. these cocksuckers take PRIDE in not getting shit done

>> No.12393371

No it doesn't. The numbers are inflated by coupling them with pneumonia. In the US the flu typically kills 500-2000 people a year.

>> No.12393378


>> No.12393611

Show me any evidence which backs up your claim that an insufficiently tested vaccine made up in a couple months and with possible (severe) long term side effect would be safer than contracting COVID. Do note that less than 5% of the infected show severe symptoms and even less die because of it rather they die with it.
If you claim that COVID causes long term side effects in patients even if you don't have any symptoms then you also have to accept the fact that _any_ vaccine developed under said circumstances is highly suspicious. Especially when the government is willing to pay for damages caused by a vaccine and the manufacturers carry no risk.

>> No.12393632

>Show me any evidence which backs up your claim
He didn't make any claims, you did.

>> No.12393879

pneumonia kills 4 million a year fuckhead

>> No.12394560

You don't read very well, do you?

>> No.12394567

Also doesn't know what pneumonia is.

>> No.12394573

>But I could see society collapsing under a 10-year lockdown.
Sure, but the collapse would be due to lockdown, not due to coof.

>> No.12394584

The only ones who freak out are scientfically illiterate. I understand disliking adenovirus one, but what could possibly be your problem with mrna vaccine?

>> No.12394597

wtf? I thought tuberculosis meant your bones were brittle and you became crippled

>> No.12394615

Thats ostheoporosis dummy

>> No.12394622
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>> No.12394801

because their are no regulatory agencies or academic ethics committees slowing down scientific progress in this one instance, imagine if these groups of people never existed in the first place

>> No.12394833

you can do it faster without compromising safety - if you're willing to burn money

>> No.12394843

>mass death and collapse of society.

>> No.12394850

I dont think you need much testing if the vaccine is saline.

>> No.12394852

ok, and the vaccine injury compensation program has existed for decades in the US.
let them present their claims and be compensated.

>> No.12394857

Well, FDA decided to relax regulations, and what better opportunity to break fear by implementing newer technologies now!

>> No.12394860

>I think we need to make your life shitty if you're retarded enough not to get this vaccine, but stop short of forcing it into your arm
Why? Just be honest and force it into his arm at that point. You're already using coercion. You want to pretend you still have some sort of moral high ground?

>> No.12395243

>that seems wrong
It isn't, though. Synthesizing a protein is easy, but vaccines don't just contain a simple protein. You need it to be carried by a vector, otherwise it'll never reach the cellular spaces where it evokes an immune response. The process of combining the protein and vector is lengthy, and accumulates when it needs to be applied on the scales that we're talking about here.
>faster =/= better.
Agreed, but also a bit of a moot point since mRNA vaccine efficacy is simply turning out to out perform conventional vaccine efficacy. Aside from that, half the world is screaming for a vaccine, so there is some benefit to being quicker. It means things can go back to normal more quickly.
>Are you suggesting that we shouldn't ask questions about a new method of vaccinations
Asking questions is fine, and I'm not trying to dismiss legitimate concerns here. It's perfectly valid to ask that a new treatment is appropriately validated. But the argument that any treatment that is new is intrinsically inferior to an old treatment is not valid. If that were the standard then there would be no progress at all. I further wanted to argue that these techniques are not as new as people make it out to be, because work on them started decades ago.

>> No.12395249

The answer is simple and it's always the same: Money.

Covid 19 kills your retarded capitalist world then they need to kill Covid 19.

>> No.12395257

how can you people moralize about "muh millions dying from corona, lockdown is worth it to save a single life, etc." then suddenly become callous to anyone debilitated by an experimental vaccine?

>> No.12395289

You need to be shot in the head

>> No.12395303

They're going this route so that western countries will be wiped out from the already manufactured Coronavirus/Ebola mutation.

>> No.12395391

Yeah, and those are rushed. What's your point?

>> No.12395412

>There is an inactivated virus vaccine currently in use in China.
Not true, they're running stage 3 clinical trials. That's not the same thing as a fully deployed vaccine. Otherwise you would also have to claim that there are two mRNA vaccines "already in use".

>> No.12395428

>Covid 19 kills your retarded capitalist world
It's the lockdowns causing literally all the damage.
In a world with no lockdowns and no testing the only people who would notice there's a pandemic going around would be the people who compiles statistics

>> No.12395432

>what better opportunity to break fear by implementing newer technologies now!
What better way to torpedo the already sinking public confidence in vaccines than rushing out a new one that have debilitating side effects in up to 10%-20% of the population.

>> No.12395438
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>mass death and collapse of society
from a nothing burger virus? I don't think so!

>> No.12395440

>China, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand
>massive and strict lock downs
>fully back in business, surging economies
but sure, it's the lockdowns causing the problem


>> No.12395444

>debilitating side effects in up to 10%-20%

>> No.12395455

>very predictable risks of mass death and collapse of society
not gonna happen from some cheap chinkflu that has a 99.99 survival rate, take your meds coronacuck

>> No.12395457
File: 129 KB, 900x729, 1512436073177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lockdown causes massive closures of small businesses
>amazon and big retail firms stay afloat and take their place
>tech giants doing better than ever
>this somehow kills the capitalist

>> No.12395458


>The majority of adverse events were mild or moderate in severity. Grade 3 (severe) events greater than or equal to 2% in frequency after the first dose included injection site pain (2.7%), and after the second dose included fatigue (9.7%), myalgia (8.9%), arthralgia (5.2%), headache (4.5%), pain (4.1%) and erythema/redness at the injection site (2.0%).

Grade 3 is a debilitating event(inhibits daily life). The given data so far doesn't state how much of the given percentages overlap so we have a range of 9.7% of people with debilitating fatigue as a side effect with a high change of another additional debilitating side effect. Or a single debilitating side effect in up to 37% of the vaccine receivers.

This says absolutely nothing about mild to moderate side effects which can be assumed to be more common.

>> No.12395470

come the fuck on, people even report this shit after placebo

>> No.12395478

>Can't get out of bed because of vaccine fatigue! You're fired!
If you really don't see the problem here you have grade 3 retardation as a side effect without even being vaccinated.

>> No.12395493

There's also non-debilitating fatigue reported. We don't know the numbers of that yet but it might be as high as 100%.

>> No.12395598

Bullshit, if people aren't able to get out of bed that's cause to abort a clinical trial. This shit is just people saying they're tired. Compare the numbers to placebo.

>> No.12395619

>inhibits daily life
Wrong. Anything that inhibits ability to function is above grade 3. Grade 3 is minor.

>Clarification should be made between a serious AE (SAE) and an AE that is considered severe in intensity (Grade 3 or 4), because the terms serious and severe are NOT synonymous. The general term severe is often used to describe the intensity (severity) of a specific event; the event itself, however, may be of relatively minor medical significance (such as a Grade 3 headache). This is NOT the same as serious, which is based on patient/event outcome or action criteria described above, and is usually associated with events that pose a threat to a patient’s life or ability to function.

>> No.12395945



Inactivated vaccines do not cause the sickness.

Doctor stated. People reported "sorness" which is a flu symptom but may just be their mind playing a trick. Some people report a fever. But he says it's a low grade fever. And only lasts a couple of days.
But no one gets sick from a flu vaccine.
A low grade fever is not a fever... so you are not sick.

That makes zero sense. Try telling that to the hospitals or jobs that are temperature checking. You have a fever of 100-101. It's a low grade fever I am fine to walk in.
People are idiots to think an inactive vaccine can get them sick apparantly.

I know of very few people who have the flu for longer then 4days. Even when I have been sick I was usually better after a few days. Usually I am better the day after I puke.

Besides that point.

I agree they are fast tracking it. Which is worrisome. Since there is no ideal what the side effects will be 10-20 years from now.

Even medicines that have been tested for 10-20years. Seem good and when they hit the public. Things are great. Until 10-20 years down the line. When side effects are being noticed. What all the commerical lawsuits. About medicines that hit the market 10-20 years prior.
Even now. Did/do you have cancer? Did you use talcum powder?

The issue is that the human body is great at achieving homeostasis. So honestly just about anything will seem to work for the average healthy adult. But let's forget that. In most cases they use a sample size of less then 100,000. To predict the effects on millions/billions. And to me that is problematic. Since everyone has a different genetic make up. And also different diets/chemicals that make them up.

But most humans are lactose intolerant. Humans only recently started to evolve to handle milk. But not most people.

So given enough time to a substance generation after generation.. etc. People will evolve to handling these substances

But none quick enough.

>> No.12396398

>Grade 3 is minor.
>May require hospitalization
Your brain have less surface area than a perfect sphere of the same volume

>> No.12396583

Are you just making shit up at this point or what? Grade 3 does not require hospitalization.

>> No.12396591

So long as it has the designation "serious" as is the case for all listed effects in the other anon's post*

>> No.12396626
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>mass death and collapse of society
Is this what mass media does to your brain?

>> No.12397150

Flu is actually less common, and more severe than most people think. Typically when you think you have the flu, its just a severe cold or potentially even food poisoning. The flu is a respiratory illness, and while vomiting is not an unheard of symptom of the flu, it is rare. Meaning, if you puke, it’s probably not actually the flu. Most people self report the flu as “feeling like death”.

>> No.12397190
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>Yes. Your point?
this is just an admission of bad faith argument. you may not know anything but you still don't believe what you're saying

>> No.12397216

Hol Up.
If what you say is true than why not just use spike proteins and some of the endless supply of cultured immortal cell lines to do it instead?
Inventing the first mRNA vaccine certainly wouldn't be faster than just culturing cells

>> No.12397223

Fags and niggers aren't people lmao

>> No.12397252

I think we've figured out why. People out there actually believe shit like >>12391056

>> No.12397271
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>all western companies
Russia is using adenovirus as well in their Cпyтник V, which was rushed after only two months of trials.

>> No.12397279

>waiting ten years also carries risks, very predictable risks of mass death and collapse of society. It's less risky than the alternative.

fuck you. you don'''t know that. this is all modeled predictions based on extrapolation from tiny data sets of highly dubious nature

>> No.12397288

Niggers aren’t people

>> No.12397611

A relatively small portion of the population has had covid, without a vaccine literally everyone at some point wil have it and about 1% will die, in the USA that's like 3.5 million which can be mitigated by fast tracking a vaccine, there's really no argument against it

>> No.12397619

Well if you believe the CDC's latest report, 30% of Americans have already had it, though we don't know how long immunity lasts.

>> No.12397624

There's nothing wrong with asking questions but they've already been answered, mRNA has literally no long term effects on the cell it's put into and it allows you to produce the antigen of the virus the way an infection would making the application of antibodies far more accurate than a cultured protein.

>> No.12397636

Which means the total deaths will go up around 2-3x without a vaccine, which isn't really ideal considering effective vaccines are ready to be rolled out

>> No.12397779

Pretty sure they want to exclude covid vaccines from the national vaccine compensation injury act.

>> No.12397784

So are they going to include a complimentary circumcision with this, or?

>> No.12397791

People think that its going to cause mutations or sterility or insert some kind of death trigger. Those are just a few of the things that I've heard people talking about.

>> No.12398255

And, smarter than AZ, they're using two different ones.

>> No.12398258

Some people are afraid of long-term fuckups like sterility. Technically, we don't know things can halten years after the shot, but i have no idea what mechanism could cause any trouble down the line.

>> No.12398347

That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense
Why grow a whole cell instead of only the RNA? RNA duplication is way faster and can be implemented at scale more easily than cell division, of which RNA duplication is only a small part.

>> No.12398374

I don't give a fuck if the vaccine gives me cancer, I'm not going to be locked down for the rest of my life.