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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 512x379, HITLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1238311 No.1238311 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about eugenics? Good or bad? I personally feel it can better humanity.

>> No.1238317

Its bad
Because what maybe considered a desirable trait right now may not be that way in the future

>> No.1238325

It may be able to better humanity, but at a cost of greatly worsening human society.

>> No.1238356


Very bad because it's a stupid idea.

It only works if performed over multiple generations and no political system has ever lasted long enough to implement it.

Also genetic engineering allows for far more powerful changes with none of the moral costs.

>> No.1238354


Why settle for eugenics, which takes many generations to have an effect, when you can be developing transhumanism instead?

>> No.1238370

It's good.
Because intelligence as a desirable trait now, will be a desirable trait in the future.

>> No.1238412

Idea now only encouraged by angsty teens with no friends

It's a horrible, inhumane and plain stupid idea.

>> No.1238469

Considering how dumb this thread is, you would be one of the first to get sterilized. Intelligence is too complex to measure past a certain point. Someone may not be good at math, but contribute more to society than any mathematician. The variability in genes has allowed us to develop such multifaceted societies, because people each provide something unique. Besides, intelligence, in its most basic sense (problem solving) isn't that genetically varied. I've noticed that pretty much anyone that doesn't have a learning disability can be taught to do well. Certain groups of people just care about education more than others.

>> No.1238484

Doesn't have to be inhumane. A humane form of eugenics would be tax breaks for people with degrees when they have children.

>> No.1238493
File: 279 KB, 580x4118, fffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are THIS mad.

>> No.1238522

You do realize someone without a formal education can be many times as insightful and educated as someone with one? People don't necessarily get into college because they're intelligent, they usually get in because they study more. And yea, I'm in college right now, so don't tell me I'm just saying because I go to some community college (not that it should make a difference).

>> No.1238519
File: 17 KB, 250x250, dominantgene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, it has been disproven.

Dominant gene is dominant.

>> No.1238528

I'm not mad at all. It's just ironic that the people who claim to want eugenics sound fucking retarded.

>> No.1238529

what? eugenics hasn't been disproven, and just because a gene is recessive doesn't mean it goes away... calculate a few more generations and you find that there are a very similar number of dominant and recessive genes.

>> No.1238537
File: 50 KB, 443x513, rescessivegene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, this is what happens if you get pp.

>> No.1238541


reMoEV yuor_ILLGeal_cLOEN fO Http://TinyURL.cOm/3yKPHf3 iMmEidatelY. vsvutve fpyg y d fkxg tb eqh mjah bpuvc

>> No.1238545
File: 40 KB, 500x333, ustillmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you aren't mad when you need to come back and explain that you aren't mad.

>> No.1238559

If everyone was super strong and super intelligent then who would clean the toilets?

>> No.1238569

The robots.

You won't be allowed to breed, that's for sure.

>> No.1238585

There are plenty of things that could better humanity.

Doesn't make them ethical.

>> No.1238596

Then who would build the robots? And before you say more robots, bear in mind my next question will be who makes sure the robots don't become self aware?

>> No.1238616

Eugenics is based on an entirely arbitrary definition of what good and bad genes are and the importance of certain genes can vary greatly depending on the environment anyway. It's nothing more than a convenient excuse to legitimize genocide.

>> No.1238623

Great, if one does not have morality.

>> No.1238642

Regardless of any effectiveness it may have, there is no government on Earth I would entrust with the task.

>> No.1238646

I believe in mandatory eugenics for extremely serious inheritable conditions. Tay-Sachs is a good example. In Israel they encourage screenings for the recessive gene for it.

Otherwise I support voluntary eugenics. What I mean by this is find people who are likely to have little value to society, repeat or serious criminals, frequent welfare recipients. anyone who went to "special" classes in school, and the like. Offer them money to be sterilized. Offer a few grand in a lump sum to most of them and they'll go for it. Considering the likelihood of their offspring and their offspring and so on ending up on welfare rolls or in prison it is a small investment against future cost.

>> No.1238679

Robots build the robots.

>> No.1238697

says the guy who would be prevented from breeding

>> No.1240085

> Because intelligence as a desirable trait now, will be a desirable trait in the future.

You forgot the "all other factors remaining constant" part.

There's a strong correlation between high intelligence and mental illness. Even if you ignore total nutters like Tesla, intelligent people are more likely to suffer from autism or mild personality disorders.

>> No.1240096
File: 4 KB, 98x127, 1270446501585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody arguing against Eugenics is a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.1240356


>> No.1240369

The desire for eugenics is the same as the desire for tyrrany. Our highest goal as humanity should, rather, be liberty.

>> No.1240374

>better humanity
Humanity does not exist. There are only individuals.

>> No.1240407

All trolling aside, there's a reason it fell out of favor decades ago. No political or ideological movement pushed it aside, just a deeper insight into the complexity of genetics that made eugenics look utterly useless.

>> No.1240511

maybe true. but there are people who dislike eugenics simply because it kills, hurts (ethnic cleansing), and prevents births (ahem-catholics-ahem). lots of new ideas became popular in the last half of the 20th century. take "blank slate" for example. some people supported the idea that every child is equal at birth, that we are born "blank slates" on which we can all gather information fairly and no one is denied that ability. it's complete bullshit. but, people like it because it tells them that they are able to achieve anything in life.

so if people are content to accept lies because it feels good or fair, then popular opinion could falsely put eugenics in a bad light.

>> No.1240579
File: 21 KB, 320x240, khan-star-trek-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you eugenics wars are belong to us.

>> No.1240727
File: 274 KB, 900x600, eugenics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1240747
File: 282 KB, 886x555, Ghost_in_The_Shell___Lina_by_stardock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bionics will allow us to tailor bodies to whatever look, figure and gender we want. This will slowly wipe out ethic and cultural groups, before the human race becomes a correlation of data without need of a body.

Data will spread throughout the stars and we will assimilate, peacefully or forcefully, any alien races.