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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 137 KB, 1897x1067, monolith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12380861 No.12380861 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is this thing?

>> No.12380864

Background story? I assume someone found this in the middle of the desert?

>> No.12380865

Art piece

>> No.12380866

art project

>> No.12380870

A four-sided shape
Two sets of parallel lines
With 4 right angles

>> No.12380872

Looks like a metallic piece of metal. I don't know how much more I can say.

>> No.12380873

the monolith

>> No.12380876

Alien spacecraft

>> No.12380896

A scientist counting sheep from a helicopter spotted it.

>> No.12380901

there was a movie made about it, the director mysteriously died afterwards

>> No.12380905

Le mysterious object, with only one photograph from on,y one angle

>> No.12380907

Well it certainly is not a sphere

>> No.12380908

In the movie, the monolith represented intelligence. But that thing looks like the opposite: stupidity, like you.

>> No.12380942

oh something from a movie shows up in the same circumstance as in the movie in a place where noone is around to watch. yeah no coincidence there at all.

>> No.12381027

>what is this thing?
Moon rock big vape.

>> No.12381055

Bump for monolith

>> No.12381068

It's an inspiration piece from Richard Strauss

>> No.12381071

reminder 38°20'35.1N 109°39'58.3W

>> No.12381077

It is a sun clock you useless fucking retards
Go outside for once

>> No.12381084

>go outside
>get corona'd
No, thanks.

>> No.12381091
File: 101 KB, 675x900, 06952BAF-7EDC-43F9-99DD-401CDBB29819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason picrel makes me kek

>> No.12381199

Rod from God

>> No.12381211

So it's some kind of homo sex device

>> No.12381615

Used to date a woman who did something similar. She'd make organic looking sculptures are leave them in random places in the forest, usually near streams. I tried to get her to set up a trail camera to see if anyone would come across them and how they react but she'd get mad and say that would ruin everything and went against the spirit of her art.

>> No.12381620

>living in fear of a meme flu

Not gonna make it.

>> No.12381666


[wakes up]
[sees tall skinny rock]
[screams primately]
[wakes the rest of the monkey troop]
[worships the monolith]
[the monolith speaks to me]
[learn how to use bone as club]
[use club to murder rivals]

>> No.12382727

This seems it must be super heavy. How would you even get it there?

>> No.12382780

Dude, how monolithed are you?

>> No.12383016

an art installation with the intention of generating talk through being mysterious

>> No.12383060
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll be right back with the sigil stone guys.

>> No.12383066

a kerfuffle

>> No.12383069

Swamp gas

>> No.12383083

Swamp mustard gas?!

>> No.12383096

Makes me kek too, don't know why

>> No.12383103

looks like the iphone 4

>> No.12383104

Reminds me of my finger box.
Too bad my wife threw it away accidentally, had the thing for 10 years.

>> No.12383131

Pretty much, some rich artfag is having a massive boner right now over all the attention this is getting

>> No.12383138

Hvac duct?

>> No.12383296

Reminds me of my mom, she throws away everything she finds and doesnt know what it it is
She almost threw away my ps1

>> No.12383434

No bedding planes. That weathering with the holes near the top. Looks like Navajo Sandstone. I would guess San Rafael Swell, Canyonlands or Grand Escalante. There's only about 10,000 square miles to check but I can guarantee hikers are now planning trips out to search. Only a matter of time before someone else finds it.

>> No.12383443

Maybe it's some kind of kek inducing device
Fine then
>go out
>get stabbed by "protesters"

>> No.12383470
File: 310 KB, 800x887, 20201124_205053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12383476

>monkeys enter the stone age for the nth time.

>> No.12383496

>finger box
Fuck I forgot to grease mine

>> No.12383529

>Scientists are formal: they do be using stones

>> No.12383550
File: 21 KB, 497x389, 1294451374937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got one sitting in a closet somewhere but I'm not sure where.
I wonder if the battery is still good.

>> No.12383558

an illegal art installation

>> No.12383602

>four-sided shape
The cross section is actually triangular. You can see that in one of the videos as the camera moves around it.

>> No.12383608


>> No.12383615

An iron nickel composite

t. metallurgist

>> No.12383854

An illegally placed metal beam in Utah.

>> No.12383863

I've never seen a fingerbox with a display like that before

>> No.12383872

it literally hav rivets in it
literally this.
it's probably that bansky guy that sent all those immigrants to die on a boat.

>> No.12384246
File: 539 KB, 1994x1383, braveheart addition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12384275

I'm a lazy fuck. Someone link me to an article or video on this shit.

>> No.12384307


>> No.12384329

Thanks anon

>> No.12384413
File: 149 KB, 1240x620, 04_Desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cybertruck plant

>> No.12384517

Some art fag spent his parent's money on a spare metallic beam from a construction site then erected in a remote desert, but in a spot he knew was under a path commonly used by helicopters so it would get noticed.

Someone will track him down and he will say it was a statement against white cis oppression of the local native population. CNN will air his statement and he will make millions on his future art projects.

>> No.12384658

2020's version of crop circles.

>> No.12384734

Most of them looked like shiny white worms, thick as a leg and four or five feet long. They weren't huge but still weighed about fifty or so lbs. From more than ten or so feet away, they really did look like some kind of weird worm creature drinking from the water. She never would go back to see if they decayed, fell in the water, got taken, or anything else. To her that was against the spirit of her art. Once she "released it into the wild", that was the end of her involvement with the sculpture.

>> No.12384744

There's a post going around message boards that appears to have originate on Hacker News, so it might be Silicon Valley wanking. According to the post, the monument was erected on that spot as a memorial to a guy who died there. The guy's sister is asking that everyone leave it alone and stop telling the world where it is located. It was meant to be a private monument for his family and friends to visit.
Because it is on public land, it will be removed so she's SOL on it remaining a private memorial.

>> No.12384753

A way for them to keep your feeble and easily led-astray mind off more important current issues for a week or two while they take more control of us.

People are so fucking dumb falling for this counting 4 days now, that I'm beginning to think most of you deserve what's coming.

>> No.12384803

>The guy's sister is asking that everyone leave it alone and stop telling the world where it is located.
She should've thought of that when she and her family decided to erect such cryptic and weird monument.

>> No.12384937

How could you tell? It looks considerably less shiny than coins.

>> No.12384949

>Looks like a metallic piece of metal.

>> No.12384963

Why can’t aliens use rivets. Serious question. Why are you guys assuming you know what alien construction looks like. They presumably have to follow the same laws of psysics, gravity, use same or similar materials etc. I’m not saying this was made by aliens mind you. But why can’t they use rivets, how is that evidence of anything. Maybe aliens are just like us. Maybe they shitpost too. Maybe they shitpost HERE. You don’t know

>> No.12384966

>A four-sided shape
it's 5-sided

>> No.12384967

Because it's not going to be fucking simple ape brain designs that boost aliens in ships that move faster than light you retard.
Stop giving humans too much credit, we're basically retards.

>> No.12384969

>aliens can’t make clean pieces of metal

sad. I wonder what the distance between each rivet is. If I had to guess perfect amount of inches or perfect amount of centimeters.

>> No.12384974

Panama has stones, now?!

>> No.12384975
File: 321 KB, 1024x958, Andy Goldsworthy Moss and Fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12384981

Oh and I guess you know what alien construction looks like then. Why don’t you draw us up a sketch of a monument an alien would leave, so we can keep an eye out for it, mr alien construction expert.
I’d also like to see you prove, with evidence, an alien didn’t build that

>> No.12384986
File: 133 KB, 512x472, Andy Goldsworthy Stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12384988

I can go right now, this minute, and make an arrowhead with rocks and sheet that’s identical to ones made 10s of thousands of years ago by cave men. So explain why an alien couldn’t make a shitty metal monolith if he wanted to and drop it in the desert. Maybe he was bored. You don’t know

>> No.12384991
File: 552 KB, 1200x798, Andy Goldsworthy cairn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12384993
File: 297 KB, 867x1256, Andy Goldsworthy sticks and water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12384995
File: 282 KB, 1200x1642, Michael Borremans What Else Could They Do?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, back at the office...

>> No.12385006
File: 639 KB, 1200x1600, 152407A6-B285-4A15-A332-DD5D551F37C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I found a monolith.

>> No.12385010


>> No.12385016

But we know how that was done, everyone knows how to mix and pour concrete. We don’t know how the monolith was made or how it was put in the ground. And since we know from sources aliens like to build and leave stuff like that, it’s obvious the alien theory is the most likely, we all agree on that much it seems.

>> No.12385018

>everyone instantly assumes it's an art piece
>it's actually an alien artifact
Would've been a nice twist.

>> No.12385020

is that real?

>> No.12385030
File: 102 KB, 1068x750, Pedro Campos painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist here.
Brother sees this story, texts, "This is like something you'd do. LOL.
Did you?"

MFW I'm in Canada and I wouldn't go to America to catch Covid and die "for my art".

>> No.12385034

>the alien theory is the most likely
Actually it was most likely a person

>> No.12385035

Literally no one has proven it wasnt aliens though...

>> No.12385040

I’ve shown evidence It’s probably aliens and no one has shown any evidence it wasn’t aliens. Lrn to logic you retarded ape

>> No.12385066

Probably aluminium

>> No.12385067

What happens if you put your dick in it?

>> No.12385071

One time a jammed my dick in a bottle to pee in it, and I got a half chub randomly and it got stuck. Was pretty terrifying. I’d be afraid of that happening with that pipe. Pretty sure some sort of torch would be involved to get your dick out of that

>> No.12385072

Don't look so good. It sucks.

>> No.12385109
File: 3.41 MB, 1616x1350, art project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for yourself.


>> No.12385237

Was she wealthy? Sounds like an expensive and time-consuming hobby.

>> No.12385239

OMG Aliens!

>> No.12385246

Pedro Campos is ridiculously patient.

>> No.12385248

modern art

>> No.12385362

>not black
>not 1:4:9 proportions

>> No.12385413

Scientifically speaking why does everyone start threads with the term "scientifically speaking", scientifically speaking, these thread aren't very scientific. "What is this?" is fine to say.

>> No.12385418

Err op aktually asked specifically "scientifically speaking" and not "mathematically speaking" and geometry is aktually a branch of mathematics so... can you do better next time please thankyou

>> No.12385759

She sounds like a bitch

>> No.12385764
File: 34 KB, 567x456, what the shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12385993

She worked for the city government so she made an ok income but certainly wasn't wealthy. I did wonder sometimes if the outer layer of the sculptures were made out of something she stole from one of the maintenance departments. I looked like a latex rubber coating but was very hard like marble. Pure white and super shiny. If I can find a photo this weekend and the thread is still up, I'll post it.

>> No.12385998

She did have her moments but she was generally more weird than bitchy. She was fun but ultimately not the kind of woman you'd want to settle down with.

>> No.12386034

>A liberal arts grad with too much time on their hands

>> No.12386065

chocolate bar in disguise

>> No.12386081
File: 2.09 MB, 3000x1688, 190330-taillon-obelisks-tease_s3lue6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck they're everywhere!!!!!1

>> No.12386095

Scientifically speaking OP is a faggot. Prove me wrong

>> No.12386161

Maybe you can sell it for scrap.

>> No.12386190

What was the point of saying "liberal arts grad" twice?

>> No.12386191

It's a water heater

>> No.12386211


>> No.12386290


>> No.12386378

I got one of those as a birthday present and it was a cool idea but the tech doesnt work as well as it claims, you cant really see the inner workings its barely accurate. Ill always prefer a classic aYo fingerbox over that overdesigned crap

>> No.12386627

What happens if you put it in your dick?

>> No.12388598

What do you think the reasoning is for it's remote location?

>> No.12389011
File: 1.18 MB, 1100x619, soystone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12389080

>the spirit of her art
aka troll lmao

>> No.12389127

>art fag
Cannot unsee soi faces now

>> No.12389274

>Used to date a woman who did something similar.

>> No.12389303

Jesus christ

>> No.12390401

>not marble movies

>> No.12391769
File: 438 KB, 945x1352, Screenshot_2020-11-27-06-09-57(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up close of rivet

>> No.12391773
File: 510 KB, 945x1365, Screenshot_2020-11-27-06-09-08(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the rock was cut and concrete poured, with silicone filled gap between metal and concrete

>> No.12393674

The century that the stupid monkey learned to use a tool.
Only this time around its not a fucking bone to kill another human
its Technology and the latest science that physics has brought us and whats to come. the world will never be the same after this century is over

>> No.12393967

an art installation

>> No.12394190

Some pranksters who watched 2001 and tried it out, just for shits and giggles.

>> No.12395780

that's a jpg

>> No.12395815

pretty clever

>> No.12397203

Somebody destroyed it?

>> No.12397226

Or ... something destroyed it

>> No.12397240

What the hell is a finger box?

>> No.12397244
File: 169 KB, 1200x916, Custom+fingerbox_a9c7fd_7255735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its exactly like the fingerbox oldfag

>> No.12397262

jesus christ look at the schnauzer on the left one im feeling my right arm twitching

>> No.12397380

Surely an advanced alien race would not need to create rivets in their monolith.

>> No.12397773

Who the hell is Steve Jobs?

>> No.12397848
File: 1.03 MB, 2434x1912, 1606600770681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monolith no longer exists. Someone stole it in the middle of the night

>> No.12397854
File: 1.30 MB, 2673x1990, 1606601013238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12397862
File: 2.43 MB, 4000x2415, 1606601639303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12397875

Faggot who invented the iPod

>> No.12397876

Illegal, even if it is from aliens!

>> No.12397936

>llegal, even if it is from aliens!

>> No.12397962

thbat's a shitty knockoff monolith from intergalactic version of china

>> No.12398759

>Scientifically speaking, what is this thing?

>> No.12398766

Playstation 7