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12378112 No.12378112 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12378119

Its genetic. Keto, phets, become olympic tier athletic. These will help you considerably.

>> No.12378129
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Why isn't someone the first one to put his brother to death when his brother makes enticements for abandoning the Lord?

>> No.12378164


Because it doesn't exist.

>> No.12378230
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1595608376918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call it when you have 400+ open tabs, several partly read books and hundreds of unread books, a bunch of half-finished youtube playlists and are stoodying 15 subjects simultaneously because they all appear to be connected while checking half a dozen catalogs on a chinese manga board every other minute, and find your workload increasing rather than decreasing over time?

>> No.12378241
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Just because you are retard and are "quirky" doesn't mean you have a fictional disease you fucking nigger.
I'm a pajeet and a doctor and i just told you what is what. Now accept it and stop believing you are a special snowflake. Do something productive with your time loser.

And if you post in this thread again, i'm slapping you.

>> No.12378245


>> No.12378249

Modern life.

People like you and me would sky rocket before all this technology.

>> No.12378278

What's wrong with me then? Am I retarded? I might try to get tested for sleep apnea soon cuz I can sleep through 20 mg of Adderall. I don't snore, however so idk what's really wrong with me.

>> No.12378296


Nothings wrong with you you moron. Chances are, if you are alive everything is fine with your physiology. Just because you are lazy and underperforming doesnt mean you have a magic disease holding you back.
Mental illnesses don't really exist.
Stop looking for excuses to not actually solve the problems that you have.

>> No.12378329

Sleep apnea is a physical, not mental illness. However, it can cause decreased white matter in the brain which may lead to things like depression.

>> No.12378373

what is fets

>> No.12378395

I have no idea
Are there not physiological differences in people with ADHD? Do they not have smaller frontal lobes?

>> No.12378399


>> No.12378434

>fictional disease you fucking nigger.
>I'm a pajeet and a doctor and i just told you what is what.
How can Indians be so haughty? You'd think looking and smelling like poop would humble them, but I guess not.

>> No.12378449


> haha you look like shit!!!

That doesn't mean I'm wrong. You aren't special. And you don't have a mental illness because they don't exist.

Now , if you want to keep looking for excuses to take drugs and not do what you should be doing. Go ahead. But don't ask for actual honest and scientific advice because there isn't any.

>> No.12378462

Lack of focus on their research.

>> No.12378465


> researching a made up fantasy to cope with your shortcomings and avoid working on your problems

>> No.12378493

The doctors are the disease

>> No.12378743
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Ancient Aryans cured it.

>> No.12379210


>> No.12379320


>> No.12379341

Is it a fake disease or not?

>> No.12379452

Supposedly there are visible brain differences so maybe not

>> No.12379500

Read some research papers poo poo man.
> Studies have found that ADHD is associated with weaker function and structure of prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuits, especially in the right hemisphere. The prefrontal association cortex plays a crucial role in regulating attention, behavior, and emotion, with the right hemisphere specialized for behavioral inhibition.

>> No.12379550



This means nothing. Neuroscience is , just like psychiatry, largely a scam and pseudoscience.
ADHS doesn't exist and neither do any of the other so called "mental illnesses". You can have an actual illness that will cause a physiological imbalance. This can cause your behaviour to change. But then you are actually ill. And this can be actually measured. Not with some meme studies where they take images of what amounts to blood flow through parts of the brain.
So if your best idea is , that you are depressed or mentally ill, here's some free advice: man the fuck up and improve everything else before coping out with a fantasy.

I may have just saved you 10000s in psychiatry, medical and psychologist fees. Thank me later.

>> No.12379602

I apologize for my rude post.
I don't think ADHD is a mental illness, but it's a clearly identifiable difference in neuro function.
I enjoy my amps prescription though, they are fun to take.

>> No.12379654


You're not doctor, but you're definitely a retard

>> No.12379679

> apologizing for rudeness on 4chan

what the fuck? is your brain scrambled from all the ADHD drugs you are taking?


No it's not. You are basically a junkie with a prescription nothing else.
For some reason white people always WANT to believe they are special. Usually it's white women who buy into this shit but it seems younger men also seem to start geting into it.

> That 1 in a trillion condition? Yeah, i've got it bro, i'm just such a snowflake!!!

If you are young, stop taking drugs and improve your life. It's not hard. If you are alive and healthy, you are most likely not mentally ill. Actual illnesses manifest itself in your body and can be measured with very simple measurements.



Ok winner , believe in your made up fantasy and use that as an excuse to do nothing with your life for the rest of your life.

>> No.12379770

Nah bro, apologizing is a formality, nothing more.

I'm 24 and have been taking ADHD meds since I was 6. The drugs are a foundation of my lifestyle and a post on 4chan isn't going to change that. I don't see it as a crutch to take them, but they make life more enjoyable.

>> No.12379909

>doesn't exist and neither do any of the other so called "mental illnesses"
Nigger what is schizophrenia? That shit clearly exists. What fucking shit-tier poo school did you get your degree from? Fuck off back to your 3rd world country with your dark-age understanding of medicine

>> No.12379984


Shizophrenia also doesn't exist. You can have imbalances that cause symptoms of "shizophrenia", and that is also what a anti psychotic drug targets but it is not it's own illness. That's a big difference.
Stop making up dumb shit and retarded fantasies just because your life is boring and you want to believe in muh evil spirit and that you are a snowflake. You aren't. Your life is boring and you are most likely completely normal and not special.

There is a single thing in psychiatry that exists and whcih is true, and that is that humans have different tempers. Nowadays this has been redesigned to be classified as a mental disorder also known as "Bi polar disorder" and "Shizophrenia".

Both of these aren't illnesses. They are character traits and used to be viewed as such 50-60 years ago. There is no need to treat somebody with drugs because they are an asshole or because they refuse to partake in a social interaction.

>> No.12380024

>Shizophrenia also doesn't exist
Do you know where you are?

>> No.12380043
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>> No.12381281

Yes, he's correct. Drugging them up is just way for pharmacist to make money, which he should be arrested for.

>> No.12381284

So true. But you must cook it into meth, to be more effective.

>> No.12381845

>but they make life more enjoyable.
That's how drugs work, you know?
Schizophrenia is a difference of quantity and not quality. Most people are actually delusional but there are delusions and then there are delusions that go against the group-narrative.
Yes and no insofar that some tempers may actually handicap people. Obviously, modern healthcare industry has inflated the boundaries in order to sell as many drugs as possible. After all, the patient is a customer and your doctor is a salesman and why not increase sales by gently pressuring parents into giving their kids hardly tested drugs or other services that cost a lot of money but are ineffective.

>> No.12381863
File: 71 KB, 1878x509, How real is ADHD. How overblown is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already had similar discussions and simply screenshot my contribution. There you go.

>> No.12382703

Doesn't change the fact that my PFC is smaller on average. And it's not like I have much of a choice anyway - it's either I take the medication, do well in my classes, and secure a job, or I fail out of college and become homeless. You psueds just love to critique pharmaceutical models without providing any other realistic solutions for those who do suffer from legitimate attention problems. I am very interested in my course work, and i'd like to do a lot of things in my field, but my lack of attention just doesn't allow me to.

>> No.12382866

>Both of these aren't illnesses. They are character traits and used to be viewed as such 50-60 years ago. There is no need to treat somebody with drugs because they are an asshole or because they refuse to partake in a social interaction.
Ah I'll go tell the psych ward that the kid that ate his own fingers and throws shit that he just has a different temper.

>> No.12382877

It is a natural state, capitalistic industrial society is what is unnatural. Giving people meth so they will focus on their Singular Goal as part of the elite Overall Plan is the best society can do short of slavery.

>> No.12383200

Good criticisms, and accurate in some sense. They don’t however address the full scope of ADHD, which doesn’t only impair “productive” activities but also things one would consider recreational. ADHD causes issues with risk taking behavior, socializing, sustained attention even outside professional/academic settings.
Now these are more qualitative manifestations of the disorder sure, but even disregarding these how do you address the measurable difference in the prefrontal cortex or the lower dopamine levels? Not to mention the genetic coding tied to this disorder? How is medicating ADHD any different from giving insulin for diabetes, birth control for PCOS, or testosterone for low T?

>> No.12383409

Are you overweight? If you are, its probably because youre fat. Not joking. Get in shape.

>> No.12383482

Not overweight or old
20 yo male without snoring
I guess my chances of having sleep apnea are low, but I've ruled out pretty much everything else except for brain tumor

>> No.12384620

Yeah sounds just like me... Its kind of a curse desu, I was very saddened when I first took Adderall and was suddenly able to concentrate and focus on something to completion, I was sad that this is the normal mode that normies are in.
And it also made me feel very calm. But I never got a prescription and I'm not gonna fucking take stimulants every day for the rest of my life.

Do you guys with adhd have a sort of autistic lazor focus on a specific subject which youre interested in? I always have a ohade with something where I am super intrigued and learn everything there is about it and make plans and projects for it but then something else catches my attention and I drop the previous subject and start learning / obsessing over the new one.

Ive had this with computers hardware, networking, coding, guns, watches, survival, I even bought some stuff for jewelry making because I wanted to get into making silver and gold jewelry from scratch. I just can't hold my attention to anything

>> No.12384680

I'm a doctor as well. New York. I just gotta say you're such a larp if they really didn't teach you the difference in dopamanergic receptors with those that had AHDH/ADD at your indian medical school then i donnt even know what to say.

>> No.12384848

>Mental illnesses don't really exist.
Holy cope

>> No.12384852

>Do you guys with adhd have a sort of autistic lazor focus on a specific subject which youre interested in? I always have a ohade with something where I am super intrigued and learn everything there is about it and make plans and projects for it but then something else catches my attention and I drop the previous subject and start learning / obsessing over the new one.
Wew, time to get tested.

>> No.12386206

Its pointless, like I said I'm not willing to become a meth addict for life in order to focus.
The stimulants feel nice but I just know that's a horrible path to go down, I don't want to fry my dopamine system more then it already is, and be dependant on baby amphetamines.

I have read something like iodine could help

>> No.12386845

Doctors are npc hacks without a single original thought. They are incapable of solving any problems that they haven't already brute force memorized. I cannot fucking wait to them to be completely replaced by computers.

>> No.12386965

It means you're just weird

>> No.12387013

Doctors are literally walking encyclopedias of knowledge, its not a hard job lol

>> No.12387094

>Do you guys with adhd have a sort of autistic lazor focus on a specific subject which youre interested in? I always have a ohade with something where I am super intrigued and learn everything there is about it and make plans and projects for it but then something else catches my attention and I drop the previous subject and start learning / obsessing over the new one.
Yeah just wait until it happens with a girl lmao
Also you don't have to take them everyday. Most people don't take them on the weekends and quit them once they get older.

>> No.12387201

Because intelligence masquerades as adhd?

>> No.12387442

I agree with the turdboy. Clean your room bucko.

>> No.12387464

>Do you guys with adhd have a sort of autistic lazor focus on a specific subject which youre interested in? I always have a ohade with something where I am super intrigued and learn everything there is about it and make plans and projects for it but then something else catches my attention and I drop the previous subject and start learning / obsessing over the new one.

yes, I have like 5 books on the design of cold war submarines that I no longer have any interest in.

> I'm not gonna fucking take stimulants every day for the rest of my life.

why not? they're safe and effective

>> No.12387482

You mean stupidity masquerades as ADHD, right?

>> No.12387483


>meth addict for life in order to focus.
>The stimulants feel nice but I just know that's a horrible path to go down, I don't want to fry my dopamine system more then it already is, and be dependant on baby amphetamines.

Oh I see, you got taken in by dumbass normie memes.

desu i cannot be fucked linking you the research on this but, taking standard prescription amphetamine (i.e not methamphetamine, which as an amphetamine does the same thing, though with subtle and important differences regarding addiction potential and neurotoxicity) is completely safe and does not lead to addiction or escalating doses or 'frying your dopamine system' (temporary physical dependency is not even remotely the same as addiction)

>> No.12387964


Amphetamine can give you cardiovascular damage over time.
And it rewires your dopamine reward system, any drug which releases dopamine has a long term effect on the brain pathways, if you become dependant and then stop you will become and unmotivated train wreck without it. Leaving you even worse off then before.
Sorry but I won't buy big pharma "research" saying how great and safe it is, there is big pharma paid "research" which shows how oxycodone is not addictive and other Bullshit they pay sponsors for.
All you need to do is look into people's experience with it, I would know because I used to binge abuse it once per week, my friend would give me his script. Its not as powerful or neurotoxic as meth, sure. But its still a very powerful stimulant.. I would spend the whole day tweaking out and doing work stuff while feeling great, then I would keep redosimg because stims make you very compulsive and obsessive.. Then I would never be able to sleep unless I took benzos. Even a small dose would have strong effects..
It no doubt has benefits and works for adhd symptoms but it does have life changing side effects.
I'm seriously surprised they let doctors five this to kids and I'm thankful my parents didn't put me on it.

Modafinil is a safer alternative but its not as strong and doesnt have the dopamine motivation, one of the reasons amphetamine works so well is because it releases a ton of dopamine which is the motivation neurochemical, so no shit you will be happy and totally satisfied doing and focusing on anything because youre feeling great while doing it, I could have a blast doing math homework etc.

>> No.12387985


So you abused it so badly that you couldn't sleep without benzos and fucked yourself up, therefore you can dismiss the research and think of yourself as an expert

yeah nah cunt, this is schizo nonsense.

In actual fact, long term amphetamine therapy has been shown to NORMALIZE brain structure and decrease lifetime risk of addiction.

>so no shit you will be happy and totally satisfied doing and focusing on anything because youre feeling great while doing it

fucking idiot. The therapeutic effect of amphetamine is measured by cognitive performance change, not 'feeling real motivated bro'. When you take it properly, you get the euphoric effect that you described for your first several weeks, then you just feel normal (if you remain at the same dose). The therapeutic effect remains after the euphoric effect diminishes.

>> No.12388163

Just use modafinil and live in tune with your chronotype