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File: 32 KB, 512x512, lex4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12376927 No.12376927 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people always talk about terraforming other planets, but not terraforming earth?

Surely it is a much more feasible first step we could actually see results from in our lifetime?

>> No.12376935

Because only retards talk about terraforming seriously. Maybe in a thousand years we'll have the technology, if we don't cook ourselves first.

>> No.12376956

Terraforming is easier if the planet is not populated yet.
It might make the planet uninhabitable for a long time.

>> No.12376985

its not possible

>> No.12377131

Why do people always talk about terraforming and colonising planets when you can build rotating cylinders in space with earthlike habitats?

>> No.12377140

Terraforming is something people talk about on podcasts for pop sci rubes.
In the real world it's called geotechnical engineering

>> No.12377563

Earth is filled with humans, most of which are garbage idiots who pull the rest of their species down. The dream of terraforming another planet is a dream of starting over somewhere else, leaving all of the marketing consultants and phone sanitizers behind.

>> No.12377570

The incremental steps of setting up a colony on another planet are easier to understand than the development of an O'Neill Cylinder large enough to sustain life. O'Neill swarms might be a better long term solution but in the short term, setting up a glorified mobile home park on another celestial body is easier.

>> No.12377574

Geoengineering is inevitable at this point, countries simply can't get their shit together to deal with climate change and will take the easy way out.
Hopefully they don't fuck it up too badly

>> No.12377584

Lots of people have talked about terraforming earth. The fact that you haven't looked for them doesn't mean they don't exist. It was a popular conception (50-60 years ago) in 'sci-fi' communities (which were much smaller than they are today) that australia, africa etc would see some rudimentary attempt at terraforming, even if it was just irrigation.

It is certainly more feasible and I advocate small scale 'terraforming' in 'empty' countries. Canada, Australia, Antarctica etc.

>> No.12377591

Why would you want the masses of small brains of earth to have the advantages of a revolutionary colonizing technology?


>> No.12377675

>Because only retards talk about terraforming seriously
I think you are the retard here fren... and know nothing about automation and catalysis.

>> No.12378093

both are delusion and wont happen anytime soon

>> No.12378101
File: 971 KB, 1200x800, SpaceRacism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism. Terraforming earth would benefit Black and Brown people. STEMlords are opposed to this so they focus on terraforming Mars. Their fantasy is escaping Earth and only letting selected high IQ high skill high work ethic people migrate to their colonies.

>> No.12378105

lex is boring.

There you go, a real, down the line truth for your PR campaign.

>> No.12378537
File: 27 KB, 318x500, white mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be a repeat of the early post colonialism period. The problem with high skill high IQ members of low IQ ethnic groups is their offspring regress to the mean, leaving the society with a bunch of low IQ outsiders who have a grudge from living in a culture in which they don't fit.

>> No.12378631

I just want the sahara to be a giant solar panel :(

>> No.12378641

Global warming -> extreme weather -> capture energy from mega wind and mega waves and mega heat and mega sun -> never have energy bill ever again

Humans will just consolidate in the non-chaotic parts of Earth we'll be fine it would be better this way

>> No.12378651

We are terraforming earth (for the better). Crop yields are better than ever before.

>> No.12380692

Because Earth is terraformed by default.

>> No.12380821


Is the Sahara a joke to you? Freezing temperatures for much of the year in highly populated places?

Heat and fresh water are not as productively distributed as they could be. It should be lush and room termperature all over the world all the time,

>> No.12381307

>Is the Sahara a joke to you?
No, but, last time I checked, Sahara was a place on Earth. To terraform a planet means to transform it so as to resemble the earth, especially so that it can support human life. So, it's terraformed by default.
>Heat and fresh water are not as productively distributed as they could be.
That has nothing to do with terraformation.
>Freezing temperatures for much of the year in highly populated places?
Do you want to live on a planet with constant temperature?
>It should be lush and room termperature all over the world all the time
Oh, okay...

>> No.12381404

Literally the opposite is true.

>> No.12381408

Sahara is not terraformed you arrogant cunt.

>> No.12381507

Remember, we're talking about a full scale O'Neill cylinder capable of producing full artificial gravity without making you puke because your head and your feet are at significantly different speeds. Something like ISS on steroids and spun up is not an O'Neill cylinder.
On the other hand, a shack on the Moon or Mars can have supply lines coming in from Earth. All it really needs is to be a viable shelter for one or two people and then build up from there. A Moon base can start very small and expand. An O'Neill cylinder can't be a spinning yurt in space whose diameter is increased over time. The minimum for it to be viable is much greater than that of a Moon or Mars shelter.

>> No.12381854

Sahara is terra (earth) plus there is life there.

>> No.12381895

I'm so fucking proud of you.

>> No.12381949

Look, mars is possibly nice alternatives, we don't have to cook ourselves, we can nuke, or virus or whatever...

Actually there's hydrogen and oxygen and everything necessary on mars, we'll have tech if it progresses like in 30 years MAX, if we want to build domes with plants there.

Maybe if there was oil, everything will be easier.

>> No.12381955

I think we are overpopulated in a social sense. We need to spread out more.

>> No.12382098

>Terraforming is a meme
>anthropological climate change is real
so which one is it then