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12366032 No.12366032 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, it’s that question again; would your mind uploaded to a machine still be you, consciousness and sentience still in tact, or would it just be a copy of you?

>> No.12366035

It doesn’t matter. The person you were last hour likely, last day very likely, last month for sure is dead.
Uploading your mind (successfully) doesn’t make any difference

>> No.12366059

my uncle hooked 50 amps to my grandmothers computer and grabbed the motherboard in his bid for immortality.

>> No.12366063
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The right choice
>become immortal machines in the physical world
>colonize the galaxy and beyond
The easy choice
>become digital entities
>waste away in VR paradise

>> No.12366067

A computer copy of your brain is as much you as a clone would be, which is to say it's not you

>> No.12366094
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>Fundamentally, there needs to be "bidirectional" thought for any transfer in order to preserve ego continuity. If we imagine a mind as like water or some fluid, and the brain as a vessel for it, then just "pouring" the mind into a new vessel doesn't preserve continuity; the new mind in the new vessel can't communicate back to old mind in the old vessel.
However, if we consider simply connecting the two vessels and siphoning the mind from one to the other (at whatever speed) while the new mind can talk to the old mind as the latter is transferred to the former, then continuity is maintained and death does not occur.
>Thus the Moravec Transfer/Gradual neuron replacement or the Mind Shift are viable methods for a mind upload, but those two methods are far harder to achieve than simply creating a copy of one's mind. The Moravec Transfer only changes the substrate and the Mind Shift requires a full understanding of your own internal processes (autosentience).

>> No.12366237

We don't know nothing about conciousness as individuals except that we have it. And we infer that other individuals must have it because of similarities but have no way to know this.

Anything beyond this is speculation and philosophy. What I stated above is 100% of all the objective scientific knowledge humanity ever had about conciousness.

>> No.12366254


>> No.12366257

Morvec Transfer. Gradual Neuron Replacement or Mind Shift.

>> No.12366268

Slow copies are still copies. Next.

>> No.12366277

Then you too are a copy. Neurogenesis continously replaces your brain cells with clones of themselves.

>> No.12366321

if i kill you but immediately bring about a perfect clone of you, what part of you has failed to survive?

>> No.12366348

yeah, but its me in the end, my body changed cells everytime but it doesn mean that im a different person, not for my familiy nor for my friends. This is conscience or i am retarded?

>> No.12366354

Those are not mutually exclusive. But only doing the second me one would lead to destruction of self sooner.

>> No.12366405

You are the byproduct of continous process occuring in your brain. The gradual mind upload does not stop this process but hijacks it to another substrate.

>> No.12366423

The Moravec Transfer does not slowly copy your mind but gradually replaces the substrates it operates on without harming the processes. Brain cells die and get replaced, we could use nanomachines to take over their functions. And in the case of the mind shift no copying occurs at all but an addition of digital brain mass and we hijack the remodling ability of the brain to force it to grow its fundamental mind processes outside its analog aspects. The mind shift is vastly more complicated than the gradual neuron replacement but if the 1000 brain model of the mind holds true it will be a viable method to become digital.

>> No.12366578

we don't understand the nature of the mind, and we don't know how to make a machine that could house the mind. So it's kind of an unanswerable question.

>> No.12367287

It makes difference, it's never truly you.

>> No.12367322

Have you ever lost consciousness?

>> No.12368156
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>> No.12369578 [DELETED] 
