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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, 012-Dilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12359385 No.12359385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why hasnt science invented a better method of dilation. whenever i dilate it hurts a lot. i feel like there should be a better method at doing this.

>> No.12359444

You are doing too few sessions of each size before moving up to the next size.

>> No.12359446

Dilate with a shotgun and pull the trigger

>> No.12359452

why are you so mean anon
thanks ill try this tip out!

>> No.12359490

It took urologists 100 years to develop a surgical technique for treating severe urethral strictures with a complication-free rate greater than 50%... and that's surgery designed to restore and preserve normal function and appearance of that part of the body.

>Why are surgeons having such a hard time getting my crude facsimile of sexual organs cobbled together from an inverted penis and loose bits of scrotal tissue to not heal over or go necrotic and rot from the inside out?
That's nature telling you you're doing something too fucked up for your body to handle.

>> No.12359493

That is because the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its radius. The circumference obscures this because it is only proportional to the radius. You are a man, you know these things.

>> No.12359557

What's dilation?

>> No.12359559

Why would you do that?

>> No.12359576

Its when trannies stick dildos in their rotting, mutilated croch-wounds that used be their penis.

>> No.12359615

Use the SNEED technique

>> No.12359666

What happens after the seethe and cope

>> No.12359700

Is it a wound if the epithelium has healed over? It's more like the unpleasant version of ear piercing, and nobody calls those holes wounds.

>> No.12359721
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Why would you implant yourself a pussy if you don't have a cock to stick into it? Of course hard objects are painful. Also it's not an actual cunt, it's a wound trying to heal and you don't fucking let it.

>> No.12359741
File: 27 KB, 612x409, istockphoto-933222516-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if regular piercings were not fuckedup enough

>> No.12359761

Based, piercings are degenerate

>> No.12360095 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 413x550, 1601933170770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting cute monke to dispel demonic, ugly energy.

>> No.12360100

This comment is what Obama is talking about when he says the internet is the biggest threat to democracy. Hate has no place in modern society.

>> No.12360109

It's not like ear piercing where you're just poking through a thin bit of skin and cartilage - you're compromising the pelvic cavity, removing the testicles, hollowing out and inverting the penile tissue to construct a facsimile of the vaginal canal, and excising, reconstructing, and repositioning the lower urinary tract. At a certain point you're compromising and modifying the body so much that it can't properly recover from it - the tissue keeps trying and failing to repair itself and reconnect parts that are in different places or gone altogether, and if any blood vessels get cut off or punched off during that process you can end up with entire sections of tissue necrotizing and rotting away.

>> No.12360114

Fuck you, fascist.

>> No.12360189
File: 39 KB, 720x405, 1599734725042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're the one hating, I'm just fucking with you. Don't be mad. Take internet as a training platform not some safespace of refuge. It's not like people here are going to stab you or beat you to death, you're doing it yourself well enough.

>> No.12360215
File: 290 KB, 640x815, z736gfhuv6r51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hate has no place in modern society

>> No.12360415

>why hasnt science invented a better method of dilation.

How about not being a mutant freak and NEEDING to dilate??

>> No.12360448

the fuck are you gonna do about it fag

>> No.12360467
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201112-125752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.12360472

You'll see.

>> No.12360474

Try popper

>> No.12360481

>guaranteed replies

>> No.12360483

The gender reassignment surgery via the inversion method is actually pretty amazing. Just from a physiology point of view and perhaps even a practical one it’s incredible what they’ve been able to do. FYI, before one of you retards posts that pol infographic, the individual in that one used a highly controversial and quite frankly uncommon technique where a piece of the intestine is used.

>> No.12360495

How do they add a penis to a FTM person?

>> No.12360511

lmao why not just do anal

>> No.12360549
File: 28 KB, 413x550, 1601933170770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature, Beauty, Truth, God. They will always win.

>> No.12360556

Why not just be a cross-dressing homo?
Then when you get older, and can not possibly pass as a woman, you just return to being just a regular faggot?

>> No.12360872
File: 370 KB, 547x388, 1603558085021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we got ourselves a classic MEXICAN STANDOFF boys!

>> No.12360928
File: 239 KB, 1200x800, tranny express delivery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12360991

Imagine being so brainwashed as to believe that a 0.1 mm hole in your ear is like a 5 cm rotting wound where your penis has just been cut off

>> No.12360993

Here's another good question: how can we purge from /sci/ all trannies that arrived after the election?

>> No.12361067

nice one satan

>> No.12361074

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.12361088

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12361102

It's not fucking uncommon, I knew about that shit when I was a kid. Basically a tranny has two options: A pseudotwat with a strip intestine or one without. One with it constantly lubricates itself, which is convenient but forces you to always wear pads (some consider that a benefit, they think of it as their period), one without has no natural lubrication and has to be lubed for dilation and everything.

>> No.12361156

Oh, I'm scared for him or her guys, might have cut its nose off too.

>> No.12361168
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>> No.12361191

This - that whole region is unbelievably delicate and complex.

SRS is the surgical equivalent of using a sledgehammer to "fix" a marble statue.

>> No.12361203

>It's amazing the kind of fucked up mutilation they can do to a human body.

They cobble together a fake dick using skin from your forearms.

>> No.12361228
File: 19 KB, 274x288, blazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody put your guns down or the nigger gets it.

>> No.12361313

based and reassured

>> No.12361321

See here

>> No.12361329

I fucking wish, but you only need to take a look at the western (((media))) to lose hope

>> No.12361330

It's the next best thing to homogenocide

>> No.12361334

Only in the long run. We're looking at the start of 100-1000 years of decay and misery.

>> No.12361345

I'm not even transphobic like many people in this thread
And even if OP is bait, I really believe that if you're a trans person in the year 2020, it would be a dumb decision to get botton surgery
Just invesitagte the opinions who've had it, with the current state of science, here are the things that will happen if you do:
>you'll get frustrated cause it's nothing like the real thing
>you will experience less pleasure
>you will be uncomfortable, neopussy smells and has hairs inside
>you'll waste time, dilating is very time consuming and you're gonna have to do it for the rest of your life
>it's painful af
Just be get tiddies and the other parts of your body, this is why god invented bussy

>> No.12361351

Sorry for writing this like a monkey, im very sleepy

>> No.12361413

Bruh just ask your local liberal to lick you gash, and if they refuse accuse them of transphobia.Done

>> No.12361797

you will never be a women, and other women dont like you either, although they wont say it to your face because they feel bad for you.

>> No.12363158

What even is that

>> No.12363441

An aberration posing as the supreme being.

>> No.12363482
File: 217 KB, 1588x690, trangret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much but that type of talk is forbidden, showing once again this is mostly about virtue signaling rather than actual concern for the trannies.

>> No.12363490


>> No.12363493

>being this new

>> No.12363505

Why do leftists move to conservative areas and expect everyone there to embrace leftist values, getting surprised when that doesn't happen?

>> No.12363521

You will never fuck a women.

>> No.12363545

def not clicking that

>> No.12363620

you wont be able to sleep after it and it will turn you into a transphobic
maybe its better that way

>> No.12365209


>> No.12365247

god forbid conservatives would embrace the "leftist values" of not insulting people

>> No.12365248

That image made me sad. I was molested and abused as a kid and fell down this rabbit hole for a few months, glad I got out.
I hate how society says depression is normal now, it was very obvious it was all due to my underlying trauma. I tried going to a therapist but got nothing out of it other than being a "typical teen with anxiety, here's a calendar". It wasn't until I followed an old self psychology analysis I found online that I somehow remembered these hidden traumatic memories my brain had hidden from me thst I just broke down, have been slowly getting better since.

>> No.12365261
File: 31 KB, 400x600, 1604015464156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noooo that would suuuck

>> No.12365264
File: 235 KB, 1920x2023, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why hasnt science invented a better method of dilation
I was hoping you were talking about time dilation

>> No.12365301

>66 replies to bait thread

>> No.12365317

Majority of sucessful/healed piercings close up if they go unused for X amount of months/years and you need to get them repearced

>> No.12365329

I can feel the seethe in this post. Get help anon