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12356800 No.12356800 [Reply] [Original]

Why is IQ in Australia significantly lower than the global average despite it allegedly being a 1st world country?

>> No.12356809


>> No.12356876

Yeah, averaging 60 and 105 isn't good.

>> No.12357009

perhaps because of the challenging environment.
high temperatures have been proven to reduce the ability to concentrate a lot, see e.g. traffic accidents.

so seen the abos could have got the maximum out of it and at the same time kept nevessary things like
fast reflexes, resilience, strength,..

>> No.12357017
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>UK sends convicts to Australia between 1788 - 1868
>Australia has a low average IQ
Just a theory

>> No.12357021

abo's don't take iq tests and even if they did there are not enough of them to have any effect on the average IQ

>> No.12357029
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Now that i think about it, all the top high iq professors and such from aus that i know come from immigrant families and don't have ancestry that goes back a long way. Even my ancestry only goes back a generation or two before it was in england.

>> No.12357030

how many are left?

>> No.12357034

abos are only 3% of aussies

truth is criminals have lower iq
it's in their genetic code

>> No.12357044

>truth is criminals have lower iq
>it's in their genetic code

The results showed that measured intelligence predicts intellectual competence, but not crime. However, a connection was found between school competence and the fact of living in a socially disadvantaged neighborhood on the one hand and subsequent crime on the other. As a result, it is the social factors that determine possible later criminality and not intelligence.

0947, McCartan, Lisa M.: Gunnison, Elaine. „The IQ/crime relationship: An extension and replication of previous research.“ Journal of Crime & Justice, 27(1):61-86, 2004.

Another study, in which 1,725 young people aged 10 years or older were examined, deals with the same topic. This is a longitudinal study that was started in 1979. Here, too, it was shown that the effect of intelligence on criminal behavior is only very indirectly present. Intelligence acts as an important criminogenic factor where it contributes to low school achievement, which in turn is the reason for the probability of starting a criminal career.

McGloin, J. M., Pratt, T. C., & Maahs, J. (2004), Rethinking the IQ-delinquency relationship: A longitudinal analysis of multiple theoretical models. Justice Quarterly, 21(3), 603-635.

>> No.12357292

alcoholism and petrol-huffing abos

>> No.12357293

America is a 1st world country.
Sadly, that status has very little to do with average intelligence, as we like to prove daily here.

>> No.12357300

Why is IQ in Australia significantly lower than the global average

>> No.12357301

fuck i meant to greentext the first line. it is bullshit though.

>> No.12357304

>Austrian average IQ:98
>Global average IQ:~87

>> No.12357305

do you even know what the numbere represent?

>> No.12357309

>Global average IQ:~87
you have to go back

>> No.12357328


>> No.12357331

it's 100 by definition, you tard. 15 is the standard deviation by definition as well. It's always scaled relative to the population.

>> No.12357337

100 has always been set as the average IQ for a random group of whites, not the general population as a whole.

>> No.12357342

The heritability of criminality is very high, as is school achievement.

>> No.12357346

No dumb dumb, 100 is the average for American whites. The average of all countries in Africa, South America and Asia (excluding North-East Asian populations) is less than 100. There's no way the global average could be greater than 100. Seriously, how could this be remotely possible? You think there's a bunch of countries with an average IQ of 120?

>> No.12357524

Criminals and Abbos. An island filled with abbocriminals.

>> No.12357670

Shouldn't expect him to figure it out if he's Australian lmao.

>> No.12357685


>> No.12357714

Why would any intelligent person want to move to Australia, it's extremely dry and hot, lifestyle of most of the country is suited for manual laborers and farmers. Move to the US get more money.

>> No.12357863


you are too stupid to be talking about IQ

>> No.12357867

Based and redpilled

>> No.12357883

but maybe those were high iq criminals like donald trump

>> No.12357891

abos + bogans

>> No.12357930


>> No.12358081

Its all the fluoride in the water

>> No.12358088

Retard, he is right. 100 is the average white IQ

>> No.12358090

Because Terrence Tao moved to America

>> No.12358095

All of the smart, qualified Australians work In the US or Europe.
Australia has a brain drain problem.

The average income of an Australian expat in the US is at Asian levels.

Australians are smart, but just lazy.

>> No.12358137

but if 87 is the global average shouldn't that mean we ought to relabel countries based on their deviation from that
whites would now be around 113 average?

>> No.12358147
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>> No.12358161

>what is regression to the mean
The criminals might've been sent to Australia, but it was often for petty crimes that today would be punished by fines. Now the criminality has been outbred and Australia has the same IQ as britain, perhaps more considering the numerous east asian immigrants.

>> No.12358181

Nah white Australians are better than Brit's in everyway.
Stronger, more athletic, more intelligent.
Maybe worse acsents, but any Australian would DESTROY any Brit

>> No.12358190

>$48,088 USD average income (5th highest)
>$1,574 per capita education spending (15th highest)
>average IQ 78 (85th highest)

So what is Qatar like to live in? Seems like I could make bank while being 2 standard deviations above average as a midwit.

Source: https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php

>> No.12358213

Are you Muslim?

>> No.12358221

No but I can go with drinking.