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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 167 KB, 556x416, 83-12free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12356443 No.12356443 [Reply] [Original]

Is IQ really that important? This guy is supposedly 200 IQ but makes /pol/tard posts

>> No.12356466

Have you considered the possibility that he is correct and you are incorrect?

>> No.12356468

> but makes /pol/tard posts
not living in a delusion is being a poltard now?

>> No.12356471

Yes, it is. It's a prerequisite for success. This guy just wastes his potential.

>> No.12356474

I have degrees in physics and chemistry and I just shitpost and jerk off all day. IQ doesn't mean shit. If anything high intelligence fucks you up.

>> No.12356482

from where? because they are pretty cheap from Russia, I can get 10-20 diplomas on almost any subject for about 2-3k

>> No.12356493
File: 42 KB, 368x327, marilyn-vos-savant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the folks with hyper IQs have figured out that they don't owe the rest of humanity their effort. Marilyn vos Savant (IQ between 186 and 228) was asked why she isn't a top researcher, looking for ways to combat climate change or solve world hunger. Her response was "I simply do not care."

>> No.12356500

Have a look at the works of Isaak Newton and his love of alchemy

>> No.12356523


Are both these people childless?

>> No.12356534

Marilyn vos Savant is married to Robert Jarvik, the creator of the artificial heart. They have no children. Wouldn't be surprised if Chris Langan knocked up some random barfly at some point but officially he also is childless.

>> No.12356546


What a shame.

>> No.12356552

Neither seems to like the general public very much. Doubt they want to subject any offspring they could have had to this world.

>> No.12356689

Imagine Langan applying his smarts on how to chat up as many women as possible...honestly kind of curious how he'd approach it?

>> No.12356693

Because IQ just measures potential. It has no correlation to how its actually used. Many geniuses still work at a McDonald's counter.

>> No.12356797

2-3k each?

>> No.12356826

some people practice,and are very good at, passing IQ tests, nothing else

>> No.12356828

Correct me if I am wrong. If IQ was the sole indicator of superiority, and this man has a IQ yet doesn't use it, he would either not have a high IQ or IQ wouldn't be the sole indicator of superiority.

>> No.12356872


The belief that a high IQ alone is enough to be successful at everything, correct about everything, knowledge about everything, or whatever superpowers attributed to it is pretty much the Law of Attraction for antisocial losers who feel unappreciated by society.

>> No.12356897

I didn't say it was the sole indicator of intelligence. I'm saying a certain level of IQ is required for success in certain fields like advanced mathematics and physics, but hard work is also necessary to varying degrees based on intelligence for any kind of success.

>> No.12356909

>this man has a IQ yet doesn't use it, he would either not have a high IQ
There is no logical connection between the two parts of your statement. He is under no obligation to use his high IQ in the manner you believe he should. He might be using it to figure out how to best make igloos out of matchsticks, fruit punch, and a compressor. You're not the gatekeeper of what can be considered high IQ activities. His IQ isn't invalidated because he won't join academia and spend his life pontificating on theory.

>> No.12356932
File: 78 KB, 635x655, 1560205534309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being delusional and self-righteous is being *exactly* a /pol/ drone.

>Is high IQ...
The answer should be an immediate no. IQ is essentially a cope badge for the unachieved but entitled e.g. guy in your pic.

>> No.12357035

>This guy is supposedly 200 IQ but makes /pol/tard posts

big think

>> No.12357037

have you considered the possibility that he's just bullshitting?
I've considered it and I have 300 IQ.

>> No.12357080

How do you quantify intelligence?

>> No.12357098

>high iq
>b-but /pol/
You poor thing. Stay awhile and listen.

>> No.12357099

He probably took IQ tests over and over again for years until he managed to become good at it. IQ tests have (some) value insofar as you take it blind, without any earlier preparation, without knowing what to expect on the test. In that case your ability to quickly adapt to the kind of questions asked in the test will be measured. With practice nearly anyone can improve, however slowly. probably nobody is a chess master since birth; but as you play chess, you become better at it. Same with solving math problems. IQ tests are probably no different. The main underlying theme of IQ tests seems to be pattern recognition, but you could say that pattern recognition is also the underlying theme of chess and much of math, but it's not like your ability to play chess and do math is set in stone since you're likely to get better the more you train at solving chess problems and math problems. Thus I presume it's not too difficult to get a IQ score if you are patient and willing to spend years practicing how to solve IQ tests. As /pol/tards are obsessed with IQ as the be-all end-all measure of intelligence, it wouldn't surprise me if this guy spent his nights practicing how to get a high score on IQ tests.

>> No.12357109

lmfao what a stupid fucking thread holy shit

sage goes in the Options field

>> No.12357132

i went from 107 to 125 on my second attempt at raven's progressive matrices, and i didn't even bothered with every question

>> No.12357200

>crush match sticks to pulp
>mix with fruit punch
>use compressor to freeze
>live in new pykrete igloo

>> No.12357205

have you considered that an exception is just an exception?

>> No.12357206


>> No.12357257

m8 im 121 yet im a fucking fuck up in every sense of the term, didnt even complete my GED

>> No.12357279

it's not your fault, 121 isn't really that high

>> No.12357297

No one considering the "idiot savant" potential, I see.

>> No.12357348

>IQ wouldn't be the sole indicator of superiority.
It's only relative to an objective that anything can be defined as superior
You have to first define context
IQ accounts for a broad understanding of many things or many potential patterns
I imagine there is "intelligence" among those whom see life more fluidly than in these things we've established as patterns.

>> No.12357354

Langan's test was administered by his wife.
Also, /pol/ is high iq.

>> No.12357381

I don't think those meme tests are calibrated or accurate so take them with a grain of salt. However I think he did score the ceiling in a WAIS test or similar

>> No.12357383

I wish to talk to her, is there some way I can correspond?

>> No.12357395

Dunno man, lot of high IQ people struggle with depression and alcohol problems. Also, they tend to don't give a fuck about anything in particular. Some of them find goals to explore their brains, some of them find happines in a calm and regular life.

My IQ is pretty much average 110. I wonder if I could score more as an adult without depression and without fucked up from sleep. (It was ordered by the school because I told a teacher to fuck off, and they needed a reason to fuck me up, well, they played themselves. The people at the office didn't really knew why I was there, since it was for retarted gypsies, and not for petty revenge shit like this.)

>> No.12357438

/pol/ is the lowest IQ cult online. even creationists are smarter

>> No.12357514

Maybe the dude is just fucking around.

>> No.12357542
File: 107 KB, 946x1024, 1605276299472m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh wasted potential
This is midwit accomplishmentfag shit. Intelligent people aren't motivated by vanities and spooks.

>> No.12357544

There are multiple forms of intelligence.

>> No.12357823

if you have a low iq you are retarded, but having a high iq doesn't make you not retarded. If that makes sense

>> No.12357829

yes being good at pattern recognition and problem solving matters and correlates with intelligence and i wish i was good at them

>> No.12357838

this lmao

>> No.12357841

how is tuition prices related to the difficulty of a program? In some countries the best schools pay you to study

>> No.12357852


It's by definition that the "educated" masses of leftist NPCs be completely retarded and oblivious to their own brutally severe retardation, especially when Rachel Maddow and John Oliver tell them otherwise.

>> No.12357871

>blame it on le slavs and medis and never take responsibility
Sounds pretty lowtest and retarded

>> No.12357879
File: 22 KB, 739x415, CC117F3F-4955-4044-B5B1-055EE0653076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread
Sure is full of engineers here

>> No.12357893

quit your ideological bubble, OP

>> No.12357934

I scored over 135 IQ in the middle school despite bipolar disorder and Asperger's.
Then they re-tested me when I was in a clinic under heavy tranquilizers. Discrepancies between test scores showed up.

Now I own a small business and develop tech.

IQ doesn't mean that much. Wisdom and creativity are by far more important.

And if you have a Jewish admixture or culture like myself, knowing how to travel between the outcomes comes as a result. That's why we're still here, and others fell behind us.
The siege of Masada taught us a lot.

>> No.12357937


>> No.12357946

Mah IQ.
If you took a sample of retards, made them do An IQ test, and then you took it, you would score > 200iq.
You should be taking tests amongst your peers and comparing your results, as you would all be 95-105.
Using IQ as a general statistic should not be used.

>> No.12357949

yeah but what even is a peer nowadays?
are we not all peers globally? fellow human beings?

>> No.12357950

It's easy to debunk IQ shitposting.
Show them the differences in IQ between the ethnic groups, and then show them how much the IQ increases after these people are properly nourished and taken care of. A double cross.

>> No.12357958

Yes. My IQ is somewhere around 110, I can barely grasp calculus concepts after dedicated study while others just "get it" there's a hard limit to what you can do.

>> No.12357960

This is true as well. Hard to do well on a paper test if you don't know how to read, have worms, haven't eaten in a week, and are constantly worried about getting shot.

>> No.12357963
File: 6 KB, 626x460, MelbourneHist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On January 22, 2012, Savant admitted a mistake in her column. In the original column, published on December 25, 2011, a reader asked:

I manage a drug-testing program for an organization with 400 employees. Every three months, a random-number generator selects 100 names for testing. Afterward, these names go back into the selection pool. Obviously, the probability of an employee being chosen in one quarter is 25 percent. But what is the likelihood of being chosen over the course of a year?

Her response was:

The probability remains 25 percent, despite the repeated testing. One might think that as the number of tests grows, the likelihood of being chosen increases, but as long as the size of the pool remains the same, so does the probability. Goes against your intuition, doesn't it?

Almost anyone claiming a high IQ is a sham.

>> No.12357974
File: 429 KB, 500x281, 1540874178813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

78 IQ almost borderline retard here. Even I knew this was wrong.

>> No.12357975

It's hard for me to find a mathematical subject I don't understand.
And from this point of view, it seems like there's no hard limit. I have Asperger's.
Some pharmaceuticals can do a lot. They can increase the number of synapses and even make you grow new brain cells.
Ever heard of Joshua? We, the Jewish and Israelites, messed up by crucifying him (yes, the remains of Caiaphas have been found) because it was written that he was just a carpenter. And now you're making the same mistake again.

>> No.12357980

A peer would be someone in your occupation or someone with comparable experience.
Obviously a woodworker is going to score differently to a mathematian.

>> No.12357983

I'm 110-115 and calculus is easy

>> No.12357985

As a side note: I read Talmud by the way, and have a Yad.

>> No.12357988

How did she misunderstand conditional probability?

>> No.12357996

Damn well you're smarter than me. Honestly happy for you.

>> No.12357998

What "conditional" probability? This is as basic as probability gets. 1-(3/4)^4 = 81/256

>> No.12358003

Exactly. You can condensate your potential and hide it, too.
Body capacitance ISREAL.

>> No.12358024

Nah. You're probably not thinking about it the right way.
Always try to relate it to something real.

>> No.12358030

Body capacitance

>> No.12358050

From watching a documentary about him (on youtube), he seems to be missing two things that you would normally associate with being intelligent.
His lack of self awareness and following from this a lower level of quality of thinking.

To exemplify it, in the documentary he talked about how he was bullied in school because the other kids were jealous of him, that he was so much smarter than they were.
An alternative explanation could be that he was bullied because he had a superiority complex (whether misplaced or not is irrelevant) and constantly felt the need to let the other kids know of his superiority. In this case it would not just be petty jealousy that would cause him to be bullied, but more his behavior toward the other kids that was the cause of the bullying. Most kids are bullied for a reason, you don't have really attractive girls getting bullied in high school because of an inherent jealousy, you get bullied because of your behavior.

The point is, that this is one of many examples throughout the documentary where his reasoning is somewhat child like. He doesn't seem that thoughtful or reflective.

>> No.12358056
File: 70 KB, 1246x836, nazi iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high iq
>also right wing
hmm, there seems to be a correlation.....

>> No.12358060

IQ's intelligence is translated to pattern recognition. The fact that patterns can be found doesn't mean the conclusions you can draw are immediately correct or that they can't be overriten by social cues.

>> No.12358949

Wrong. High IQ means you breeze through school without trying and through uni with 5 days prior studying.

>> No.12358955

came here to post this
>muh everyone i dont like is /pol/tard

>> No.12358967

Do you have the repetitive shit that comes with autism?

>> No.12358972

>Some pharmaceuticals can do a lot. They can increase the number of synapses and even make you grow new brain cells.
Care to name some? very interesting if true.

>> No.12359070 [DELETED] 
File: 765 KB, 600x805, image(13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone,
I am your typical incel cuck /his/ and /sci/ poster. I used to be a libtard and believed all the Jewish medias brainwashing just like you. I used to rage at my monitor screaming "POL!!!!!" just like you do whenever someone would post facts that I didn't want to face. They caused a painful reaction I later learned is called cognitive dissonance.

When a poster here called someone /pol/ I wouldn't even read the memes and infographs they posted let alone click any links. I didn't want to be associated with an out group and shunned by my peers here and ostracized.

One day I realized "what the fuck am I thinking? This is an anonymous board, no one will know if I read them" so I started to click on them to peek at them through my hands covering my face. At first I only did it with one eye, then after awhile I would even use both eyes! After a time I removed my hands altogether and even actually clicked links! I was so proud of myself for the first month!

I slowly started to realize there is only a small number of people who scream "pol" "x" and "schizo" at people here and that most of them are actually paid to come here and do it which is why they are in every thread every hour of the day. Sounds cray right? I thought so at first too but if you actually pay attention you can easily see it is true.

They are trying to use ridicule and the illusion of being a majority here in order to try and keep sheeple who are easily influenced by social engineering from listening to what these people had to say. It only works on dumb/lazy people mostly but for these kind of people it doesn't take much anyway to get them to continue being dumb and lazy, it is their natural state.

>> No.12359080 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 875x873, image(18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyhow after I overcame my initial fear of being called racist and ostracized here I even ventured out to redit, twatter and faceberg and started reading memes and clicking links there too! It seems these people have called everyone alt right, nazi, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, antisemite etc etc so much no one really gives a shit about being called these names anymore, not even normies!

This was such a relief to me because I didn't have any irl friends but now that I started reading and interacting with the "racist Nazis" and their posts I have met so many great people who have really treated me like family. I even met a gf and got to touch her boobas once!

I don't want to ramble on too much I just wanted to share my story of how much I have grown as a person over these last 4 years of Donald Trump's presidency and how it opened my eyes to how much power the Jews have through the media and how much all these ungrateful sub humans in white nations hate the people that have provided them with every modern comfort and convenience in order for them to shit out babies like rabbits and be absolutely worthless in every other respect as they destroy white nations and white living spaces voting in communism to be slaves to the Jew while white people subsidize it.

I found a new home and a new family who love me for being white and know my genetic potential absolutely dwarfs every other sub human on this planet in comparison. They appreciate me for being me and for being white. If you anons wake up to the threat of n*ggers and k*kes you can have all of this too! All the boobas you could ever dream of to touch on beautiful fashy white women! You can have purpose, drive and pride just like me. It really changed my life and I wish all my anons here to have what I now have to escape their hopeless existence. Heil Hitler!

>> No.12359089

For you op:

>> No.12359097
File: 73 KB, 491x630, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds of the 1990s when Nootropics were all the rage. Magazines like Wired and Mondo 2000 were constantly pushing them. Don't think any of them actually panned out.

>> No.12359106

IQ was created to test for mental retardation in children. It’s original form is still in place today. IQ was not created to measure intelligence. Having a 200+ IQ means people can be very, very confident that you’re not a mentally retarded child.

>> No.12359117

>It’s original form is still in place today.
Proof or GTFO.

>> No.12359185

>but makes /pol/tard posts
Presupposing conservativism is retarded.

>> No.12359603
File: 153 KB, 1100x739, Integra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as important as you might think since most jobs are not problem solving orientated and computers can do most of the heavy lifting, but it's good to have at least smart tier IQ so you can understand geniuses on a fundamental level rather than just superficially.
IQ tests were designed to detect retardation rather than genius, which needs some schizo-autism tossed to spice up visionary and obsessive aspects. For example, Oppenheimer, the inventor of the atomic bomb, was a Terry Davis tier schizophrenic.

120 is the top 10% of demographics, that's nothing to sneeze at and probably the average nerd's IQ. A person with that IQ could do whatever they set their mind to outside of inventing something totally new-- which is what the difference is between talent and genius. A talented person can hit the mark that's known; but a genius can hit the mark of a target unknown.

BA 105 (average 115)
MA 108 (average 118)
PhD 115 (average 125)
MD 125 (average 130)
Nobel Prize 150 (average 160)

>> No.12360326

>Anyhow after I overcame my initial fear of being called racist and ostracized here I even ventured out to redit, twatter and faceberg and started reading memes and clicking links there too! It seems these people have called everyone alt right, nazi, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, antisemite etc etc so much no one really gives a shit about being called these names anymore, not even normies!

This is something that really bothers me. The 'left' are cannibalizing themselves by canning anything that offers a slightly different view, and hence pissing reasonable people off who are simply interested in looking at different viewpoints. This is a fairly recent development and it wouldn't surprise me of certain media interests were pushing this harsh devision deliberately, to make sure most leftist groups consist of sheep who are incapable of thinking through things except to conform to their peer group, hence deflating serious opposition to the actual problems of modern capitalism and pushing 'smart' people further to the right, where they are comfortable begin able to think and discuss things more freely.

The flip-side of this is that many people who now consider themselves 'right-wing' are now largely ignorant of serious leftist though, especially the libertarian branches of it, as the left have been overtaken by those who openly wish to repress speak and deride people who stand against this (naturally, this is an calculated strategy to get masses of people to stand against a value that is so clearly reasonable).

>> No.12360410

didn't she cause a problem with the three door prize thing

>> No.12360466

No, she herself didn't, she understood it perfectly fine. But she missed a problem with the wording that rightly threw people off, and most people ignore this, leading to further confusion caused by people who think they understand it but actually don't (which I suspect is the vast majority of people).

>> No.12360493

so she did cause a big uproar, you fucking idiot

>> No.12360924


>> No.12360927

Look it up. The guy studied for his iq test. Most people in Mensa who brag about their iq studied for it. It’s why Mensa is full of useful people who have never done anything. And is why iq tests are stupid psychology bs.

>> No.12360939

Lol. Feynman had an iq score of 125. That kinda negates your tldr post

>> No.12360954

Misstating the problem is very common with the Monty Hall Problem. She should have written it correctly, not just because she is highly intelligent, but also because writing is her main career. That said, even highly intelligent people make mistakes and this was a common one for the Monty Hall Problem.

>> No.12360987

>This guy is supposedly 200 IQ but makes /pol/tard posts
and in addition to that he also wrote an awful paper in the second person, "you," and never accomplished anything which would suggest abnormal IQ.

>> No.12361002

urethra zapper

>> No.12361005

No matter what scores he got on the IQ tests that he practiced for, he’s an oafish faggot who never did anything cool or smart in his life.

>> No.12362188 [DELETED] 

>nurture fag

lol ok retard

>> No.12362190

>practice IQ tests like an autist
>get high score
I think it’s completely useless. Only retards and engineers like to suck their own dick about this topic

>> No.12362215

She likely just misread the question or was tired when answering it, it was just another dumb question after all

>> No.12362216

He's enjoyed his life while you're miserable because he won't create new toys for you to play with.

>> No.12362220

Nooobody giiives a shit~~~~
All leftists will get the bullet
The day of your genocide is coming

>> No.12362362

They probably recognize the futility of being alive and also how immoral it is to bring someone into the world so that they may face all the hardships and potential horrors for no other reason than some dumb fuck wanted kids one day

>> No.12362394

Even if you have high intelligence your focus is still as narrow as anyone else's, if he isn't a reflective person he probably never will be until something causes him to self reflect. IQ doesn't make you hyper aware of everything, it makes it so whatever you do focus on, you will probably put the information together quicker and better than other people, but you still have to have a reason to focus on that particular thing and I guess for Langan that reason never came up.

>> No.12362459

the situation with the trannies flooding /sci/ has become unbearable. how tf do we get rid of them without getting banned?

>> No.12363005

Nah /pol/ is 99% 80iq and a few 200s in the mix

>> No.12363012
File: 2.36 MB, 2003x2156, race43t4343435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much the IQ increases after these people are properly nourished and taken care of. A double cross
o rly?

>> No.12363023

been there done that, National Socialism unirocally works
have sex

>> No.12363102

all lies. nobody with a 200 iq would post here.

>> No.12363110

Questions to explore: what is the mean IQ of the parents in black families that earn over $100k/year? What is the mean IQ of their offspring? Is there a greater tendency to regress to the mean for black people than for people of other races?

>> No.12363382

Yeah I have an IQ of 158 but I'd nearly say it fucks with your confidence and Emotional Quotient to the extent it just about balances out

>> No.12363429

The result are old and has no official verification. The sat never had a chart that mix race and income. It seem that the first occasion of the result was made by some guy blog post.

I would like to see the official graph but it does not exist. according to my knowledge.

>> No.12363611

who the fuck is making under 10k? is this like single parent households or just welfare queens? Or both?

>> No.12363627

Who cares? its such a shallow indication of anything. people, and everything else in general, are more complex than just some number output by a subjective test.

>> No.12363982

>78 IQ

checks out

>> No.12364043

Cope and seethe, dilater.

>> No.12364316

I didn't say anything about academia, I don't care about academia or being a professional. Having a high IQ is such a worshiped thing here yet the man with the highest IQ hasn't really produced anything of instrumental value, he hasn't made a noticeable impact on anything despite fitting into the measurement of 'genius' . What I'm saying is that if scoring high IQ = objectively more intelligent, then objectively speaking, he would have contributed to the world in some way, because he was more intelligent. If that isn't the case, like you say, then IQ isn't really worth anything at all except for being able to gloat about having a high IQ and masturbate with your friends.

>> No.12364353
File: 43 KB, 376x468, marilyn-vos-savant-62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love her and the way she writes.

I'm also subscribed to a couple magazines for societies with a very high IQ (above 160) and befriended a couple. The very smart people I've met have been very normal. Forget about geniality, really high IQ is about being less retarded.

>> No.12364453
File: 27 KB, 376x468, marilyn-vos-savant-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't imagine how lonely very smart people feel. Like the average /sci/ user living surrounded by the deepest Appalachian rednecks.

There's nobody to impress, and the ones that might be needn't be impressed.

Clarity of thought.
She's like Dagny Taggart.
I wish I could have been there for her in her teenage years.
Her John Galt...

>> No.12364584

Reminder that in one of her Parade Magazine columns, she was asked by a reader what is the greatest threat to the future of our country. She answered hyphenated Americans. If you call yourself an African-American, Asian-American, Israeli-American, etc., in her opinion you are what will destroy the United States. That was back in the 1990s. Can't imagine she could write that today and not get cancelled.

>> No.12364602

>What I'm saying is that if scoring high IQ = objectively more intelligent, then objectively speaking, he would have contributed to the world in some way, because he was more intelligent.
You've yet to show that this would be the case. His existence seems to indicate otherwise. Once again you're mad that he won't make cool toys for you that you can't make for yourself. Stop imposing your value system on others. If people with ultra high IQs don't give a damn about providing you with jetpacks and warp drives, that's up to them. They don't owe you anything and they're not less intelligent simply because they choose not to be your errand boy.

>> No.12364653


What is this womens spiritual beliefs? What are her views on life? I would like to know the smartest person in the worlds take on these

>> No.12364656

Having intelligence helps but isn't a substitute for work ethic.
Anyone who brags about their IQ is an idiot and invalidates it as a measure of intelligence.

>> No.12364695


The CTMU is pretty instrumental and of incredible value. He's basically proving the Bible, that reality is a mind, has an algebraic structure therefore must be a language.

The Bible says "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god and the word was god". It also says "all things were created through the word".

He also says "reality is in a state of deciding what it is", this coincides with earth being a temporary place where we will wind up in either heaven or hell.

>> No.12364912

>very smart people probably share my opinions because i am also very smart

>> No.12365295
File: 49 KB, 881x242, screen53-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this board now.
Can't even talk about the science of IQ when the respective thread is posted, just resorts to a temper tantrum.
IQ is ok.
High scores are impressive I guess, they would probably do well in stem, but maybe they are disinterested or unmotivated.
There's no such thing as geniuses.

>> No.12365298

eat shit OP

>> No.12365394

Because it's full of retards gloating about their IQ. That's why these threads have become a meme on /sci/ and make the entire board look terrible.

>> No.12365410
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you are saying is bullying is good?

>> No.12365459

this kind of shit makes me furious. such quality DNA wasted forever because of childlessness.
She's literally Ernst Mach's granddaughter.

>> No.12365461

>muh everyone i dont like is tranny

>> No.12365462

Langan is based, and most assuredly, unclamped.

>> No.12365464

liberalism and concentration of wealth are the cause of this childlessness epidemic.

>> No.12365468

not everyone but there has been a systematic pro-tranny and pro-leftist propaganda operation happening on this board in the last 3-4 months.
Coincidence? I don't think so.

>> No.12365473

this nyt article mentions two grown children "according to her website". Idk.


>> No.12365487

Your logic is flawed

>> No.12365508
File: 5 KB, 861x538, 0.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, if there was a standardized G intelligence test with a lot of available data we would be discussing about that, for now we have only IQ and it is 30% related to general intelligence. Better than nothing.
Pic related is an example from a random distribution. Not perfect, but there is a relationship. You can clearly see it.

>> No.12365510

with x being for example IQ and y being general intelligence.

>> No.12365513

Good nutrition starts at gestation. Feeding an already developed adult wont fix his starved childhood.

>> No.12365514

it is behind a paywall. archive you nigger

>> No.12365527

IQ will drop until the industrial manufacture of contraceptives becomes too intellectually challeging.

>> No.12365533

yeah but at that point smart people capable of controlling their instincts will simply stop having sex

>> No.12365549
File: 19 KB, 703x911, brainlet27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passing IQ tests

>> No.12365554

Fuck off faggot

>> No.12365556

>t.(((nyt journalist)))

>> No.12365568

it is actually proven that (to a certain extent) you can become better at doing IQ tests after training.
Of course it is mostly valid for above 100 IQ people who are able to understand patterns in logical tests, in my opinion.

>> No.12365733

Wtf you can train your intelligence??? All the people who said intelligence is 100% genetic (0 people) BTFO.

>> No.12365864 [DELETED] 

Intelligence is like 70% genetic, you are a certified retard though.

>> No.12365880

Intelligence is like 70% genetic, you have a weird sense of humor dude write your statements better next time

>> No.12366240

You must be grossly unaware of the sheer number of professional IQ tests that are leaked online with plenty of data presented for you.
It's a kind of hobby of mine to collect them, but they are just out there available.
They aren't bad, WAIS IV has a g loading of .95 for its FSIQ.

There's plenty to talk about with these tests.

>> No.12366253

Fact of the matter is a 100 IQ warehouse manager could easily solve world hunger since it's entirely a supply chain issue. The reason this doesn't happen is that global commerce is decentralized and those who starve have been priced out.

>> No.12366309

You have to be an utter retard to take what is essentially noise and proclaim it as evidence for the utility of IQ tests. Fuck me, the only reason we still talk about IQ is because its the only thing Psychology has to offer that is somewhat reproducible. The rest is pretty much pseudoscience, the whole field would collapse. Intelligence is by far one of the most complex phenomena in the universe. The fact that we have delegated the study of it to brainlet psychologist that spend all day drawing regression lines on shit like this is a travesty