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12354679 No.12354679 [Reply] [Original]

Bye bye 300M Euros: An Italian rocket, launched by a French team with a Spanish satellite.

Sounds like a joke:


>> No.12354725

Diversity is our strength.

>> No.12354738

ffs just let the Germans do it

>> No.12354758

Why would Spain want a satellite to rain down over London?

>> No.12354759

Europe lacks the experience for this type of things... plus we're not united in the right way.

>> No.12354766

maybe you guys should outsource your space stuff to India or China and let the pros handle it

>> No.12354769

Tracing Spain's desertification. Industrial agriculture purposes. Also high quality images from space are very valuable.

>> No.12354772

they surely have a better mechanical / aerospace infrastructure than Italy and Spain at the moment... maybe we will catch on in the future but there's no political will so it will hardly happen. Plus most of smart people from Italy normally escape to Germany or Canada / Britain

>> No.12354776

Germans got cucked beyond all recognition. All the great (but slightly evil) men were killed, the rest were snatched by USA or Russia. The people who remain is just pathetic leftovers

>> No.12354781
File: 61 KB, 720x702, brainmfghrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah retard, they always show how pro they are, like in Bhopal or vid related:

>> No.12354794 [DELETED] 

still me >>12354781
this video illustrates it best though:

>> No.12354799

still me >>12354781
this video illustrates it best though:

>> No.12354808

Yikes, imagine if NASA caused something like that in America.

>> No.12354810

I'm retarded but not retarded enough to think they'd do better just bants

>> No.12354816

ah ok kek

>> No.12354937

>Stephan Israel

>> No.12355541

>"Analysis of the telemetry from the mission, along with data from the production of the vehicle, led them to conclude that cables to two thrust vector control actuators were inverted. Commands intended to go to one actuator went instead to the other, triggering the loss of control."
How the hell do you fail basic 'cable 1 goes to actuator 1, cable 2 goes to actuator 2' instructions?

>> No.12355551
File: 11 KB, 454x444, Screenshot from 2020-11-17 20-07-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof going from a perfect 13/13 launch record to a 15/17 one in the space of two years will hurt.

>> No.12355594

Bhopal tragedy was due to a western company..

>> No.12355610


They need to bounce back rather than be discouraged.

>> No.12356332

>Tracing Spain's desertification. Industrial agriculture purposes.
>high quality images
If the knowledge they obtain from the images indicates that what they are doing is unsustainable, they will be ignored.
Consumers gonna consume, consume, consume.
Ergo the satellite was a pointless waste of resources even if it hadn't failed miserably.

>> No.12356361

Unironically yes, the European Space Agency has achieved a thousand times more than individual European countries could have done on their own.

>> No.12356405

Cable 21-238 goes to actuator 221ex-51
Cable 22-283 goes to actuator 221dx-51

>> No.12356410
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>> No.12356479

They'd get all of that from a bunch of satellite debris scattered around London?
How much of that is diversity versus combining resources, which isn't the same thing.

>> No.12356486


if we had communism it would be free...

>> No.12356510

the germans, who never launched a rocket into space?

>> No.12357121

ESA has done some pretty impressive stuff, but their annual budget is like 1/3 of NASA. They're ahead of the Russians, last interplanetary probe they successfully launched was the 1980s.

>> No.12357216

As if the vast majority of the workers running the place weren’t poos? But I suppose it was the west’s fault as they didn’t design their equipment to be so simple that even a retarded child could use it.

>> No.12357226

>what is NASA?

>> No.12357228

At least not for German anyway.

>> No.12357230


>> No.12358449

midwit, everyone on site was a poo and the error triggering the tragedy was made by an indian. Plant redundancy in the 70's - 80's was not as good as today.

>> No.12358461

"Israel has already ordered the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the details of the accident. " What does Israel have to do with european space agencies?

>> No.12358591

Made me check, have a (You) friend.

>> No.12358727

moon base is self-sufficient

>> No.12358763

They consider themselves to be European AND Asian AND African, and try to obtain membership in the relevant institutions such as ESA, African Union, etc.

>> No.12358820

They could have done much more if they had that level of resources without that level of diversity, so no, diversity is their liability.

>> No.12358831

Why didn't they developed manned vessels ?

>> No.12358833

Incorrect; V2's crossed the Karman line.
Perhaps you meant "into orbit".

>> No.12358848

Miswiring is a problem NASA encountered once. Their solution was to shorten the wires such that they were only long enough to reach the correct installation position, but weren't long enough to be wired incorrectly.

>> No.12358849

Management were Indians.

>> No.12358891

>no insurance
>didn't want to use falcon 9 and called SpaceX "tata of rockets"

>> No.12358892
File: 198 KB, 842x595, EnC56adWMAE3-1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two satellites lost:

France's TARANIS

Spain's SEOSat-Ingenio

on Italy's Vega rocket

launch was from France's launch facility in French Guiana

>> No.12358900

>didn't want to use falcon 9 and called SpaceX "tata of rockets"
Source? I searched for "tata of rockets" and found nothing. What does that even mean? Tata seems to be an indian company, did the ESA really insult SpaceX by calling them pajeets?

>> No.12358905

This is why you hire Germans to do the real engineering and let Italians handle the cosmetics.

>> No.12358911


>> No.12358918


>Put another way, the Ariane 5 rocket was designed for performance, akin to a luxury car, rather than economy. Among its features, the booster had a unique payload carrier that can distribute two larger satellites into orbit, allowing customers to share the cost. For this reason, Arianespace felt comfortable for a while that the commercial market would help underwrite the rocket’s price of about $175 million per launch.

And for a time, that is precisely what happened. Since its debut in 1996, the Ariane 5 rocket has flown 98 missions, with just two significant failures. The Europeans are justifiably proud of their rocket and its capabilities. Asked about how the Ariane 5 compares to lower-cost alternatives on the market today, such as SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, Stefano Bianchi, Head of ESA Launchers Development Department, responded with a question of his own. “Are you buying a Mercedes because it is cheap?”

>Ranzo, sitting nearby, chimed in and referenced the India-based maker of the world’s least expensive car. As he put it, “We don’t sell a Tata.”

>> No.12358924

Italian engineer working in Belgium checking in

>> No.12358926
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>A rocket which was previously succeeding starts to fail
Normalization of deviance. Classic.

>> No.12358936

to be fair, Ariane 5 is not Vega, and is not built by the Italians.

>> No.12358940
File: 36 KB, 1009x474, 1596699261374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ariane 5 launch history.

>> No.12358956
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falcon 9, for the sake of completion.

>> No.12358959

If you look at it, Falcon 9 has a much better start and history. I don't know the finances but I suspect SpaceX has 1/10th the financial/knowledge resource or less than Arianespace at the time too.

To call SpaceX Falcon9 a "tata" is trash talking with no backing, not even when F9 was new.

>> No.12358962

Eurpeans cannot afford insurance? Or are their launches to unrealiable to get insured at all?

>> No.12358977

>Or are their launches to unrealiable to get insured at all?
Prior to this failure, one of the past two launches also failed. Doubtlessly insurance would have been very expensive.

>> No.12358979

>SpaceX has 1/10th the financial/knowledge resource or less than Arianespace at the time too.
SpaceX is a US company, what do you think the NSA and CIA do in Europe? Of course SpaceX had access to everything.

>> No.12358981

>spacex stole from europeans
holy cope

>> No.12358987

NSA/CIA work with local govs to spy on suspected terrorists/spies in their respective countries. CIA/NSA don't spy on Europeans to watch their porn history, its because the gov facilitated the spying in exchange for some gains.

>> No.12358988

>when half century old soviet rockets are still the best option

>> No.12358992

Not only that, but the information is fed to spacex by US intelligence. It's a grand conspiracy against Arianespace.

>> No.12358993

>another thread of burgers trying to laugh at ESA while they would actually be of worse with SLS if elon musk didnt start spaceX.
Imagine a timeline where spaceX did not exist and you amerifats would still be waiting for SLS&starliner, it was closer then you think.

>> No.12358998

>they would actually be of worse with SLS if elon musk didnt start spaceX.
Unlike in Europe, diversity REALLY IS our strength!

>> No.12358999

At least a charming school teacher didn't explode this time

>> No.12359001

>has to imagine alternative realities to beat americans

>> No.12359009
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, von Braun explains to the furher his plan to end the war (1943, colorized).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only happened once, so we can exclude it as an outlier.

>> No.12359013


>> No.12359019

They were taking notes on what not to do.

>> No.12359110

Five Eyes need to keep an eye on other countries to make sure they're not working with our enemies. Everyone knows the French desire to return to Napoleon days. Their rhetorics of allying with Russia has everyone in the 5Eyes spooked.

>> No.12359127

maybe they had a Russian with a hammer on the payroll

>> No.12359130

sorry, Iron Sky is not a documentary

>> No.12359136

All of this could have been avoided with a €100,000 boat ride to Cape Canaveral

>> No.12359140

Why not make it public, instead of doing it the hacker way? We're working outside of the stratosphere together, why not do this inside for once as well?

>> No.12359207

>Americans fake all their launches
>Europoors, chinks and brown people keep trying to emulate them with real launches

>> No.12359245

They could just put seats inside ATV if they wanted

>> No.12359247

I love the smell of hydrazine in the morning

>> No.12359252

No dx, disregarded

>> No.12360490

ESA is a fucking joke

>plus we're not united in the right way.
fuck off federalist scum

>> No.12360508

>Brown people
Yeah the Indian space program is pretty successful. So is JAXA lol

>> No.12360515

Outsider here. Why would federalism be bad?

>> No.12360748

Federalism dilutes representation.

>> No.12360937

France allying with Russia, you're funny.

>> No.12360947

It's more likely than you seem to think. They've quasi-removed themselves from NATO before.

>> No.12361106

How much have the African and Middle Eastern migrants contributed?

>> No.12361108

Difference is this is probably the 50th girl he's seen suck at it

>> No.12361113
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What the actual fuck.

>> No.12361119

Yeah but both the Soviet and US space programs were notoriously in debt to German and Nazi German innovation.

>> No.12361134
File: 165 KB, 800x820, women are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because biology dictates that women are stupid

>> No.12361158

Spacex is more like Ford back in 1920's
Europe needs their Volkswagen, not more Mercedes and Rolls-royces
And they are on the right track with Themis, i think.

>> No.12361169

Unironically this, americas space program has benefited hugely from including whites from all over the world.

>> No.12361174

>no insurance
I don't understand how this works. It's Arianespace's fuck up so will they cover the cost?

>> No.12361181

I thought you can't work for SpaceX and NASA if you don't have US citizenship

>> No.12361200

This happened because a single French guy plugged in a single set of wires backwards.

>> No.12361246

>implying these orgs don't actually share info regularly for deals

>> No.12361251

>plugged in a single set of wires backwards
as in the plugs didn't actually fit?
That's retarded as fuck.

>> No.12361257

Not quite, think the way a USB has a top and a bottom that forces you to plug it in a certain way- he basically plugged in a USB upside down because unlike a USB, the cables on the rocket didn't have any built-in structure to ensure they get plugged in with the right orientation.

>> No.12361258

Reminder that skylab literally crashed into Australian towns near the nullabor.

>> No.12361262

The insurance companies would shut down NASA within days.
But China has no legal system capable of doing that.

>> No.12361268

And there were absolutely no agents involved in this. :^)

>> No.12361276
File: 86 KB, 359x216, Falcon Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rocket config
>no "Falcon Punch"
Wasted opportunity 2bh.

>> No.12361278

USBs can't be plugged in upside down though... and why isn't this risk considered when producing these wires?
I mean this was basically an accident waiting to happen.

>> No.12361282

>USBs can't be plugged in upside down though...
Yes, I know, that was just for comparison's sake to get across what he effectively did.
>and why isn't this risk considered when producing these wires?
"No one who's skilled, talented, and intelligent enough to work hands on with a rocket that cost several hundreds of millions of dollars to make could ever make such a simple mistake!"

>> No.12361284

But one day they might produce more of these on mass, so why not just take that little tiny step to guarantee less risk for a mission.
Also no one's perfect.

>> No.12361294

Elon Musk has a US citizenship, and he's from South Africa. In the US, unlike some other countries, foreigners can get citizenships.

>> No.12361315

>But one day they might produce more of these on mass,
No they won't. This single satellite took 12 years to make. The James Webb Space Telescope has been in development for twice that time. The "tried and true" space companies try to maximize payload at any cost, which means anything that gets sent into space has to also be hyper optimized beyond the point of reasonability. They're stuck in the autistic engineer's mindset instead of advancing into industrial development methods. If they made rockets to be cheap and quick it wouldn't matter if their payloads were only half that of current rockets because you could send up 100 times as many. Alternatively, and much better now, is going for reusable rockets like SpaceX is, which the established space companies are spooked by because the Shuttle was supposed to be reusable and it only marginally reduced its cost per launch to the point that it wouldn't have been much worse to just launch a brand new one every single time, so they've come to think reusable is just refurbishable like the Shuttle. There's also the problem that for a long time companies were encouraged to be slow as fuck and not get shit done because the longer they could drag out the development the more they could get paid.
Also if mass production of anything was even remotely close to being on the radar of any space companies then rockets like Sea Dragon would have been built.

>> No.12361335

This is why people are actually surprised by SpaceX, it's proven these government orgs were wasting time and money because there was no competition or capitalist approach.
It should have happened 50 years ago.

>> No.12361383

Shit wasn't good enough 50 years ago to do what they're doing today. But it certainly has been since the 90s at least.

>> No.12361447

>'engineers' from Spain, Italy and france try into space programs
>they completely shit the bed as they are incompetent retards
When will competent professionals be allowed to work on this instead?
None of these countries are capable of producing actual non meme engineers.

>> No.12361491

france is meme engineer tier ?

>> No.12361694

Each European nation has paid a price heavy in blood to gain independence, now some wackjob politicians want us to submit to the Germans and French sp we can pay even higher taxes, salaries of more Brussel bureaucrats and dismantle our nuclear power and armed forces. No thanks.

>> No.12362143

there is only one country on this blessed earth that produces actual competent non meme bullshit engineers
its not spain, france or italy

>> No.12362234

ariene5 only ever had two failed launches out of 110 launches though
u cant beat french engineers

>> No.12362237

see here >>12358940

>> No.12362719

>Bye bye 300M Euros
technically, the money was already gone at the moment of launch, so it doesn't really matter.
in fact, now they have a legitimate reason to ask for another 300M for the same project

>> No.12362730

As an American I love when other countries fail in their space endeavors. Space belongs to America so I want anyone who isn't American to fail at space.

>> No.12362867

They could have given that 300M to me

>> No.12362879

There goes the rare exotic minerals. The Earth is now that little bit less exotic.

>> No.12363175

>submitting to the french and germans
Strange way to spell globalists.

>> No.12363201

Based and (Japanese Spider) Crab-pilled.

>> No.12364608

The did manage to lob a few into downtown London, once upon a time.

>> No.12364702
File: 1.85 MB, 1731x1154, eu president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine laying down your life and those of your sons so this creature could tell your surviving descendants how to live their lives.

>> No.12364706

You can't make a rocket out of human feces

>> No.12364805

You can however make rocket fuel out of poo gas.

>> No.12365743

>failure of a Vega rocket
Thanks, AMD!

>> No.12365788

*Rain down 50 miles north of London

>> No.12366154

>>there is only one country on this blessed earth that produces actual competent non meme bullshit engineers
>its not spain, france or italy
yeah it's japan

>> No.12366179

>statistically very likely failure occurs
>"it was the work of foreign agents"
Latin American despot logic.