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12352764 No.12352764 [Reply] [Original]

a thread to discuss the causes and cures for mental slowness

i'll start
why am i retarded? i supposedly have an iq of 128, but i am still practically retarded. i cannot think straight and i am usually tired. i thought i had adhd so i started taking 20 mg of adderall a day, but i still sometimes feel fatigued enough to sleep while on it. i thought, then, that i might have obstructive sleep apnea because i also have hypertension. however, i have just found out that i don't snore at all. what could be the cause of my retardation?
are any of you guys also retarded despite and above-average iq?
what gives?

>> No.12352801

you sound depressed or otherwise unmotivated.

>> No.12352812

do magic mushrooms

>> No.12352819

change your habits, take caffeine, shoot yourself in the head because of bad genetics

>> No.12352826

well i'm also on antidepressants so idk
depression and confusion and hypertension and fatigue are all symptoms of sleep apnea, and the treatment for sleep apnea is very simple, so things would be easier if i just had that, but since i don't snore it wouldn't make sense if i did have it
i'm pretty much lost at this point
i did that a while ago and it made my depression worse, for some reason
i forget how much i did but it was probably a bit less than 3 grams
i didn't have a bad trip but afterwards i felt confused and suicidal for a month or two
did shrooms cure your brain fog, if you had it at all, that is?
>hoot yourself in the head because of bad genetics
i think this would be a good idea, but i supposedly have an iq slightly above midwit range
wouldn't that imply good genetics?
idk what to do anymore

>> No.12352846

Still an experiment in progress, but I've had similar feelings to you (feeling mentally slow, unmotivated, yet still intelligent) and I decided to fully quit all supplements a couple weeks ago (multivitamin, omega 3, vitamin D, B12). I seem to have had some improvements, like I have gotten through a workout twice without feeling lightheaded and yawning halfway through (I usually feel exhausted after literally one set) and have found myself laughing naturally while watching 21 Jump Street on TV which is relatively rare for me.

Take it with a big grain of salt, given that this has only been two days after two weeks of abstaining from supplements and that I often get on to various conspiracies trying to cut stuff out with varying degrees of temporary success in my mood.

>> No.12352848
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Forewarning, redditors will try to downvote me as /sci/ is swarming with them. Anyone who disagrees with me has no argument and is pic related.

Sexual activity, especially to an excess is the cause of brain fog. The more you ejaculate, the worse it gets.

>> No.12352860

>abstaining from supplements
how odd
i was told supplements and nootropics were the cure for brain fog and so on

>> No.12352933

>i thought, then, that i might have obstructive sleep apnea because i also have hypertension. however, i have just found out that i don't snore at all. what could be the cause of my retardation?
Go to a doctor. Tell him you wake yourself up from snoring, have trouble focusing when you study, and have brain fog and fatigue. He'll prescribe you Modafanil or Armodafinil. It's like Adderall except non addictive and with less side effects like for example increased blood pressure and the slew of other problems that Adderall has. Modafanil has negative side effects as well just not nearly as many as Adderall. Adderall is really destructive you should get off it especially considering it's not even helping you.

Check your diet. Check your sleep, Adderrall is likely preventing you from entering a deep REM sleep state. Adderall is potentially the cause of all the problems you're having.

>> No.12352958

A man takes an IQ test scores 99th percentile. Another man takes an IQ test and score in the 50th percentile. The man who scored in the 99th develops schizophrenia and commits suicide. The man who scored in the 50th reproduces and dies at an old age. Who here has better genetics relative to the condition of survival? Point being that you can score highly on some test and still have shit genetics relative to some other measurement.

>> No.12352969

My motivation for doing it is:
>when I travelled for a few weeks (necessitating not taking supplements) I had a strangely good coom when I came back, like giggling somewhat uncontrollably for some reason, and I've been chasing that unsuccessfully
>my motivation is generally sinusoidal with months or years where I fall of the wagon (stop working out, stop taking supplements, etc.) and then become motivated again and start doing those "healthy" things again which would result in the cycle
>I don't recall having any of these issues prior to high school/start of university which is when I began working out and taking supplements
>since this seems to be a relatively common societal problem, the fact that something like 70% of people take supplements helps corroborate the conspiracy
>places super into supplementation like /r/nootropics also seem to be the ones with brain fog and such
>it often seems to be reasonably well off people who have these issues, poor people seem to not have energy issues. Homeless people and blacks aren't having issues with soiboys in their ranks.
At least those are my justifications, I currently don't claim much about the efficacy of this beyond my very brief anecdotal evidence which urges me to continue.

>> No.12352978

>beyond my very brief anecdotal evidence
why is the study of brain fog or midwitology or whatever more developed?
why does no one care about this?

>> No.12353016

It does seem very odd, "mental health" seems to be the hot topic in universities and increasingly other institutions, but only in a symptom handling/treating manner, as if poor mental health is some given and not something for which the cause must be found. The apparent prevalence of "brain fog" (at least in online circles), declining sperm counts, declining testosterone, declining birth rates (and no, leftists, this isn't caused by "capitalism" - the poorest people, Africans living in damn mud huts, have the highest birth rates) etc. I think something is very fishy, it's hard to find the source though.

>> No.12353029

Plastics in the water supply. Drink only from glass.

>> No.12353033

>prevalence of "brain fog" (at least in online circles), declining sperm counts, declining testosterone, declining birth rates
>this all happens in the west
very fishy indeed
let's ask the jews if they know what's going on

>> No.12353058

It's probably just genetic and epigenetic.
You know what's been happening in the past hundred years which is universal to all developed nations?
People not dying. Allergies should have been a death sentence. Mental illness should have been an end to the bloodline.

>> No.12353066

I've been doing that plus a metal water bottle and no plastic containers and such. Granted I could only use a brita filter (which I later quit because it is itself in a plastic housing), not an RO filter, but it didn't seem to have a noticeable effect on the brain fog at least from my perspective. Maybe related to general femininity, although I haven't really had a big problem with that.

>> No.12353105

you mean i'm a genetically-inferior brainlet who would have died if it weren't for modern medicine hauling my dead weight?

>> No.12353141

We're probably not going to know the answer in your lifetime.

>> No.12353508

Brain fog fucking sucks
I have hypothyroidism and I've been struggling with it since high school

>> No.12353590

Do you have passion for what you're studying? Doesn't seem like it.

>> No.12353597

I experienced the worst mental fog I have ever experienced pretty sure I had undiagnosed depression. I was living alone girlfriend broke up with me. I literally never talked to anyone. Really fucked me hard. Luckily didn’t fail any classes because my professors were kind. Over Christmas break I woke up one day and felt refreshed hard to explain I felt just pure joy. I stopped smoking talked to people got plenty of sleep stopped drinking energy drinks. I think that’s what did it for me.

>> No.12353682

>Over Christmas break I woke up one day and felt refreshed hard to explain I felt just pure joy
how did that happen?
did you ask santa to cure your brain fog?
is that what i need to do?

>> No.12353686

Talked to people stoped smoking and drinking. Depression sometimes just goes away one day. Your brain starts creating serotonin. Get enough sleep don’t drink smoke and isolate yourself.

>> No.12353911

>I don't eat a healthy diet
>I don't do cardio for at least an hour a day
>I don't have any social hobbies aside from the internet

>> No.12353982
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Same OP.
>be me
>on 300mg Wellbutrin/day
>take creatine, used to take other supplements but stopped because after all I have a healthy diet so I don't need multivitamins etc.
>exercise (cardio and strength) everyday
>always sleep 8+ hours at night
>extremely tired and with brain fog all day long

I'd like to try some stimulant like mph/amph but it's impossible to get them where I live. Sometimes I notice that if I take xanax it kinda helps by clearing out all the anxiety generated thoughts. Sadly I can't do it everyday.

>> No.12354196

go to a doctor. get a range of tests done. something is clearly wrong and it's out of the realm of your ability to solve with reddit or this

>> No.12354688

What's your urinary pH? You might have poor acid-base regulation or early stage kidney dysfunction, or even something as simple as bad breathing techniques affecting CO2 acid-base regulation.

If your urine is pH 5 then take Sodium Bicarbinate and/or Sodium Citrate until it stays up around pH 7. Don't take too much and overshoot because alkalosis causes the same brainfog as acidosis.

>> No.12354693

You are distracted and filled with faulty codeing known as programing or eductation.
Your brain seeing this bloated and crashing code is trying to process its way around it, but is failing as there is no path to recovery.
You can't just re-boot or close the program so your mind is droping frames as its slows.
To cure this you need to either ignore all learned data or correct all learned and programed data.
The choice is yours, as education is corruption and false understandings, ruining your mind.

>> No.12354718

Could be anemia, iron or folic/b12 deficient caused. Could be some other vitamin deficiency, particularly b-1 or b-12, I'd take a good inexpensive multi with mega b-vitamins therapy and some b-12 shots to be sure. Could be metabolic-syndrome or pre-diabetes, lose intra-abdominal organ fat to reverse it. Could be thyroid dysfunction, maybe some iodine if your multi doesn't cover it, switch to iodised salt at home and add some seaweed to your diet occasionally.

Make sure you do to a doctor and do tests to rule in or out the above. Iron studies, HBA1C, thyroid, liver function, test, kindey function, Folate, B-12, Vitamin D levels etc.

>> No.12354721

Are you fat? Sounds like insulin resistance.

>> No.12354740

Proof that moods are driven by your endocrine system.

>> No.12354747

Don't do a meme low sugar diet.

>> No.12354775

Why ?

>> No.12354806

It is possible that it it just untreated ADHD-PI or SCT? I've heard many people who suffered from the same symptoms basically got a miracle cure from amphetamines and to some extent modafinil.

>> No.12354824

And then six months later they develop sleeping disorders, get prescribed benzos or z-pills, and get stuck in an uppers and downers loop.

All stimulates will turn you into a high functioning super solider, but they'll also disrupt sleep and break you in the medium to long term.

>> No.12355681

>break you in the medium to long term
How ?

>> No.12355712

>fostering psychological dependence on the orange jew
seems a high price to pray for maintaining a course of study you can't stand

>> No.12355736

curious what have you been eating/drinking this week?

>> No.12355765

Depression causes a reduction in the functionality of the hypocampus, your main processing unit of the brain. Keep in mind depression can be exemplified by things like a lack of sleep, spending all your time on high dopamine activities like porn and social media, lack of exercise, all of which decrease the functionality of the hypocampus. The high dopamine also makes you less likely to want to work on any high effort activities, a sign of depression, adhd, and something that'll lower your hypocampus's abilities further. That's why ADHD often becomes a late term diagnosis for those with depression, every aspect of the causes and symptoms compounds on giving you ADHD like symptoms.

Then factor in brain altering anti-depressants. We don't know what physically causes depression in the brain or why anti-depressants work. All theories of depression, such as low serotonin or less serotonin receptors, comes from the fact that anti-depressants work (and in the serotonin example, raise serotonin levels.) "If anti-depressants raise serotonin levels and decrease depression, low serotonin must be the cause of depression.) This is the opposite of how medicine has worked for centuries. Fun fact: medicinal anti-depressants work on about 1/3 of the population temporarily, and work on 0/5 of the population permanently. There is no pill that cures depression, and eventually you will have to stop taking them because of side effects (refer to hypocampus problems) and/or because they stop working. Furthermore those that take anti-depressants are much more likely to relapse into depression and have depression last for longer than those that take nothing.

So what can you do? You need to treat all your symptoms of depression, but depression makes you less able to do so. You're not gonna wake up suddenly able to do a your work and get better sleep because anon told you your hupocampus is fried. But here's what you can do to cure yourself (1/2)

>> No.12355766

Bad food, microwave radiation, your brain is full of aluminum etc from vaccination and chemtrails, and so forth.

My advice, and let's be real youa ren't going to do it, but let's just pretend. Try any of the following:
-Ginger root with every meal
-ALCAR (this one makes me sick)
-Sodium ascorbate. Take ascorbic acid, mix it with baking soda and water, you'll have sodium ascorbate. Drink 5 to 10 grams per day for a few days, see what happens. Any longer and you should add minerals (potassium, magnesium) in chloride or citrate form.
-Cacao. As either roasted mass (powder) or chocolate liquor, see what happens.
-The usual suggestions. Lion's mane, cordyceps, turkey tail and so on.
-Bacopa monierri, gotu kola, ashwagandha.
-Water fasting. 3 - 7 days.

Really though, in the modern world you're going to be fighting off accumulation of environmental toxins indefinitely. And it's a losing battle, you will never win unless the bombardment is halted.

Really though, the takeaway. Aluminum in your brain, and brain damage from wireless devices, is the primary issue. We will probably never be as clear minded as we were as children.

>> No.12355804

You need exercise. Daily. You need the intensive movement. Not only that, it needs to be a habit you do every day no matter what. Exercise primes your brain for learning, making it easier to work on your work. Exercise makes you feel great, which helps your depression and helps you do what you need to do on your day-to-day. Exercise helps your sleep, which is likely your biggest problem. Think about it this way: if you fix your exercise, and only your exercise, you're also fixing your sleep completely inadvertently. If you're fixing your sleep, you're fixing your daily mood and ability to work on high effort tasks. If you fix your ability to work on high effort tasks, you're fixing your overabundance of dopamine.

How to make a daily habit of exercise? You have to do it daily for about 4-6 weeks before it becomes a habit. But you don't need to force yourself to run 3 miles when you get too depressed to do so. You just need to do some form of activity daily. If you're too depressed to work out, run from your house, to the end of your neighbor's house, then back. That's like 80 feet total. There's your exercise, you did it for the day, and you're building the habit.

Furthermore, make movement more present in your daily life. If you need a break from work, don't scroll your phone. That'll make you less likely to want to work, less focused on your work, and you'll have to find your place again. Go on a walk instead. You'll figure out some more ideas and you just primed yourself to learn more by going on that walk. Furthermore, you're reducing the huge amounts of dopamine that would've come from checking your phone.

If you do exercise daily, and convince yourself to do it everyday, no matter how little exercise you do, as long as you do it everyday, you fix your hypocampus problems and very likely you fix your depression. Who knows, maybe your depression was caused by the symptoms of depression and not the other way around. Either way, exercise cures

>> No.12355842

Because you when you wake up you need to take the upper to counteract the downer you took the night before, then at night you need to take the downer to counteract the upper you took that morning.

Stimulants are a way of conning the bodies sleep-wake cycle to squeeze more out of the wake, but the con can't last, your just fucking your wake-sleep signalling system and making it dysfunctional.

Neither upper or downer is complete, so you lose the full psychological and physiological benefits and performance of both wake and sleep, and both have adverse acidental effects that accumlate. The upper and downer cycle is a rollercoaster zombie twilight.

>> No.12355884

I'm not OP btw. Right now i dont need downers cause my meds just exhaust me (mentally and physically). But i feel like i need to take them to do the slightest thing when before i had to pull my ass to do it, but did it while being clean. Now i need meds to start working even if it's small.
Probably because it pump up my mood a bit and don't feel the depression. Idk

>> No.12356072

we should develop our own brain fog scale
what should the first question be?

>> No.12356089

If you can preserve natural sleep and don't need downers it's not that bad. The upper-downer cycle (and stimulant psychosis at drug abuse levels) is the big danger IMO.

>> No.12356091

learn about mental hygiene

>> No.12356115

Check your eyesight dude. I was growing dumb and then I got new glasses, got rid of fatigue/hypertension

>> No.12356123

how is that possible?
my left eye and left eye alone recently got blurry, which makes no sense as i am 20 and myopia usually sets in at an earlier age
but how does not wearing glasses give you fatigue?

>> No.12356325

like meditating?

>> No.12356336
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You need a dopamine detox OP.

>> No.12356385

Check posture.

I spent years growing up at computers and sitting for hours on end in shitty chairs ended up giving me mild scoliosis.

Used to have terrible headaches/brain fog/lethargy/digestive issues and all sought of problems and tried all sought of crazy fixes with nothing working.

Learnt about "gameboy back syndrome" and started doing all sought of posture exercises/stretching/yoga/breathing and realised my body was a tight mess that could barely move blood or spinal fluid due which leads to most of the problems I was having.

Noticed big health improvements around the 1-2 year mark when my practice started showing results, 5 years later I'm headache free and have tons of energy.

>> No.12356532


>> No.12356567

Do you mind sharing some of your favorite or most effective techniques?

>> No.12356572

>do magic mushrooms
I can't risk doing illegal drugs. Cops would ruin my life.

>> No.12356602

Have you ever considered that only people taking supplements, are people that felt the need to do so (i.e. only people with some sort of problem take them).

>> No.12356997

Yeah I did, there's a clear selection bias in which the only people looking at /r/nootropics are people who have problems with their brains in the first place.

>> No.12357510

does not wearing glasses when you have myopia cause brain fog?

>> No.12357522

post sleep, diet and exercise habits or GTFO

>> No.12357616

>post sleep
8 hours a night but that wouldn't matter if i had sleep apnea
not nourishing but certainly not malnourishing
>exercise habits
uhhh maybe going for a walk once a week?

>> No.12358275

Personal experience for fog. Become really self aware about when you're tired and not, and don't use anything like Adderall or weed that could throw you off track. In the end a restrictive diet with nothing starchy, or containing sugar worked, although there are a few other triggers. Reintroducing that shit doesn't hurt right away, but it undoubtedly will, almost as if it's feeding a bad bacteria back to original levels. Effects won't necessarily be realized until a couple weeks.

>> No.12358365

you probably just need to add exercise in your mixture desu

>> No.12358459

>In the end a restrictive diet with nothing starchy, or containing sugar
Care to give more detail on your diet ?
I limited carbs and grains except whole rice for a while to reset my gut flora and lost weight and felt clearer. Had some big cheat meals and now feel like shit

>> No.12358576

don't leave us hanging bro, what exercises did you do to fix this?

>> No.12358584

Mostly meat, onion and bitter vegetables like broccoli and brussel sprouts A few weeks of that and I'm free. Don't smoke weed. Immune system modulating things like Niacin and Turmeric might help at first. I assume brain fog is just inflammation of the brain, everyone's coming down with immune issues in modernity. I'll throw in a warning though, I had a bad experience with a pure keto diet, maybe it was lactose. Further complicating things, I once did fish and green beans for 2 weeks and it gave me flu-like symptoms until stopping. Eating normally afterwards killed my symptoms for like a month, which never happens, so there's weird shit going on. I hate to think of it as a candida dieoff herxheimer effect because a bunch of weird pseudosciencers push that. Additionally every time I fast I feel better than I have for what feels like years. I've suspected food as the culprit since mid-grade school, but experimentation the past 2 years proves it. I just can't afford experimenting much so I haven't narrowed things down entirely. Rice is a big offender for me, it hits hard within an hour or two, although I haven't tried ancient rice because I didn't have a good experience with rye. If I must, potato is the best starchy vegetable for me, although I cut them out which helped the remainder of my problem.

I feel you about the cheat meals, last time I felt awful for a week was after a lemon pie, and it tail-ended for two. If you're sick, it's not worth doing anything that might obscure your cycles.

>> No.12358621

>A few weeks of that and I'm free.
It's not a permanent diet ?
how long in total ?

Should i eliminate decaff ? i love coffee taste but the real one makes me jittery and anxious

>> No.12358669

Honestly the answer is surprising but it's the media that you consume daily. Stop watching youtube, stop going to 4chan, reddit and other brainless forums, stop giving a fuck about the news, stop watching movies, tv shows, playing games, watching porn and so on. If you do literally any of these in excess, which 99.9% of everyone does nowadays, then your mind will slowly degrade until it turns to mush. Once you master living without brainless entertainment, only then can you indulge in it here and there, and even then you only do it rarely. In the meanwhile do the hard stuff, study, exercise, learn new skills. This is the answer you wanted OP, every other answer doesn't account for the meta so it will never solve the problem.

>> No.12358683
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>well i'm also on antidepressants so idk
which one?

but us redditors invented NOFAP

>> No.12358685

have you tried venlafaxine instead of bupropion?

>> No.12358688

It might be permanent. My future plan of action is to reintroduce things slowly, then maybe it won't need to be, because every other time I introduce things quickly, there's a brief delay, then I feel like shit. To be honest, what I'm on isn't bad at all, a lot of people on various diets re-wire their taste buds. Any sort of cravings go away before you realize it a few months out. Sweet things will also taste uber sweet if I ever try them, I've been trying out various artificial sugars.

Also, whoops, technically what I'm doing now is keto, but I suppose keeping within keto guidelines isn't my magic bullet.

I don't know about coffee, I can't handle it because it makes me crash, which might be the MAOI it contains. All I know in relation is that diet coke seems to mess me up. Just don't do immune system modulating drugs unless to prove a point, and cut out the cope. At least for my body, drug tolerances are inevitable so there's no difference being on or off them. Why put myself through needing to withdraw? There's nothing quite like quitting something and realizing it was stunting your health and mental development all along, like antidepressants. We're two completely different people and I trust you'll successfully find your own path that works as long as you continue caring.

What other symptoms do you have? Is the "fog" in your eyes too?

>> No.12359331

Scientifically speaking, what mental condition are you most likely to have if you suffer from perseveration?

>> No.12359400

Diet, sleep and execrise it can be side effects of drugs too.

Try taking a multi and omega-3s.

>> No.12359612


>> No.12359692

Take iodine, lugols iodine

>> No.12359694

my god... you kids eat so much garbage and wonder why your brains are fogged to hell

90% of health problems are food related

>> No.12359908


>hypertension and sleep apnea

Are you a fatass? sounds like your problem is related to diet and exercise

>> No.12360201

no, my bmi is 22
i think sleep apnea causes hypertension, along with brain fog
although i doubt i have sleep apnea, as i don't snore, so i really don't know what it is i have

>> No.12360296

You can get tested for that. They'll try to sell you a CPAP machine or mouth device, but let you try it first to see if you actually feel better.

>> No.12360695

>mouth device
those will fuck your jaws up if you wear them too long
they'll give you an underbite or something

>> No.12360767

Not wearing glasses can also lead to loss of equilibrium. This happened to me once, I was this dizzy idiot. It stopped when I finally got my glasses fixed.

>> No.12361573

Exercise & diet! Do your cardio and supplementary strength training. It literally makes you smarter.

Eat a balanced diet that does not exclude any of the food groups, especially fats.

>> No.12361594

What type ?
Do calisthenic do the trick or i need machines and weights ?

>> No.12361608

I'm on Olanzapine rigth now and it feels like my IQ dropped by 30 points. I can't think of stuff anymore. Like, when someone asks me a simple question, i have to get my thoughts in order before answering. I never had this problem before.
Does anyone have experience with Olanzapine? Maybe something that helps with being tired all the time.

>> No.12361631

Is butter good and safe to eat ?

>> No.12361745

Because that's what worked for me. Your brain burns glucose better than anything else and my glucose stores are apparently garbage.

>> No.12361770

antipsicotics make you dumb

>> No.12361823
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What is the difference between folks with ADD and ADHD, do they take different meds?

I have seen adderall vs vyvanse and never really understood what the difference was

>> No.12361840 [DELETED] 

What kind of tism? Schizos also have this

>> No.12361856

how do I get rid of the racing thoughts in my head anon Ritalin does nothing, it actually makes them worse? I've never experienced this concept of flow that normies love to talk about, also instead of understanding something in a linear coherent manner, understanding for me is discontinued, it happens in intervals and it's really frustrating when normal people just understand something without waiting for the fog to clear up

>> No.12361869

Yeah, exactly. I just feel really slow compared to how i was before. I can't even concentrate on playing videogames anymore and i used to play 8+ hours a day.
I'm only on 10mg and i know a guy who is on 50mg, but he also gets biperiden and says it helps with the tiredness and dumbing, but i'm not so sure about that.

>> No.12361945
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>uhhh maybe going for a walk once a week.

You fucking faggot. Probably skinny fat or fucking overweight.

Literally a vegetable then wonder why you're depressed and have to come on 4Chan to cope.

I'll bet a pre-pubescent girl has more muscle mass than you.

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.12361960 [DELETED] 

Not everyone can build muscle you retard

>> No.12361971

>Not everyone can build muscle you retard.

What a pathetic excuse you loser. Even people with cerebal palsy have persevered, built muscle and even competed in shows. You forget there are disabled athletes.

Fucking faggots like you make excuses all the time. It's you vs you. If you can't even conquer yourself, then there's no point.

Just do us a favour record yourself when you decide to end it so we can add one to the permanent archives.

>> No.12361974

I think a person should be forbidden from even dabbling in science before they can bench 80kg for reps

>> No.12361981

just get a bike or run

>> No.12361983
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Dudes that look like pic talking about: "Yeah bro trust me X works to build muscle."

>> No.12361986

>Yeah, exactly. I just feel really slow compared to how i was before. I can't even concentrate on playing videogames anymore and i used to play 8+ hours a day.

Protip: You have a finite amount of neurotransmitters and playing 8 hours of a videogame not only uses them all up for useless activity, it makes you dumber. It's also super stimulation so it's especially exhausting.

I used to be the same, now I cap it at 1-2 hours and do exercise, reading/learning and skill based hobbies in the rest. Brain is now a supercomputer

>> No.12362006


Adderrall can help you unless your mood is regulated, ask your psychiatrist for nri's once the antidepressants take effect , you can now use adderal to its potential.

>> No.12362299
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Semax, 1 year of fasting (OMAD) and lion's mane

>> No.12362306

What about Adderrall plus risperidone?

>> No.12362859

you forgot to post the naked woman

>> No.12362980

I exercise and move around all day and still feel slow and like shit, what now?

>> No.12363004

Your post is nonsense, as a dimwit I know.

>> No.12363179
File: 75 KB, 503x1024, 1603567280481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no, you've outed yourself

>> No.12363219


>> No.12363381

I get periods of brain fog. What correlates with an onset of it is, in order of importance

>poor sleep quality
>not exercising sufficiently (high intensity heavy lifting and endurance cardio helps me the most)
>not performing maximum focus study sessions (go for the deepest state of focus possible for the longest time possible, try pomodoro or something if you can barely do 5min the work up to hours, and it takes maintenance to stay there)
>poor nutrition (junk food, excess drinking, etc)

What gets me out of it is fixing the above problems and
>build a routine and stick to it, start small and absolutely don't skip more than one day, really try to uphold your routine
>do other cognitive enhancing stuff like instrument practice, Starcraft 2, etc but don't get carried away

don't rely on motivation

>> No.12363389

Also, socializing seems to help IMO. Even just leaving the house or going camping for a few days, change of scenery and all.

>> No.12363650

Realize that IQ doesn't mean shit. in the real world all that matters is your tenacity and ability to get shit done. touting some number won't get you anywhere except into the cringe category.

>> No.12364537

I think sitting on the ground alot instead of in chairs was honestly the best practice.

Your back gets fucked up sitting in chairs because it has to conform to this position over time, so by sitting in the body's natural position will over time return it to its proper alignment.

If you can't sit on the ground comfortably you have muscular imbalances that need to be addressed.

Other than that just youtube some basic stretching/yoga stuff and start finding stretches you enjoy or feel are doing something.

Walking is also a pretty big one, honestly it's the simple stuff that works best, even if you are someone with muscular imbalance, taking a walk will temporarily alleviate most symptoms, same with swimming, or any other activity that requires full body coordination.

>> No.12364957
File: 140 KB, 1600x645, 1548371349575-sad-paintings-show-living-with-depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this brain fog shit too, and I am on Zoloft for depression.
The brain fog has been worse the last couple of weeks and I think it has something to do with me getting COVID.
I hope I didn't lose IQ points or something, I'm 18

>> No.12364958

I have been masturbating a lot more than usual too..
Maybe we have brain fog because we are all quarantined and are masturbating more?