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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12351959 No.12351959 [Reply] [Original]

Is a Math Ph.D. worth it? It is possible to get rich with it?

>> No.12351967
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300k starting bro

>> No.12351972
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No and no.

But I want one anyways lmfao.

I’m not materialistic, and idc. I’m ted kazynski. I respect him, and follow his lifestyle. I don’t like food or games or anything, hence why I study math. Math is just for me because I’m autistic and good at it. So I’ll do that. Plus it’s a science and when I was a kid I thought sciences ar Erne best to contribute to society long term. Not really, AI will take over. But whatever. If you’re not good at math and are a materialistic kike. Dont. Go somewhere else.

Idk why anyone would want to go for math unless they’re already good at it, or like it. For me it’s a hobby and the thing I am the best at. I also like political science and psychology, but I already put more work into math and I’m better at math. Hence why I’m going for a PhD.

>> No.12351974

Possible? Yes? Likely? No. You aren't doing a PhD for the money.

>> No.12351994

Going into math for the money is completely missing the point

>> No.12352018

Did you even read about what uncle ted said about math?
>You aren't doing a PhD for the money.
>Is a Math Ph.D. worth it?
>It is possible to get rich with it?
a piece of paper doesn't make you rich anon. A bunch of numbers in a bank do.
You were good at math or even understood what the word optimization meant sententially, you would know that is a shit route.
You can learn everything in math for free very fast on your own time. It's a hobby anon.
Math is a hobby.
Philosophy is a hobby.
Physhits is a hobby.
History is a hobby.
Jerking off b/c tfw no gf is a hobby.
Counting beans and making a salary is a job.
Running a business is a job.
Being a landlord and btfo'ing commies is a job
Unless there's no other way to do what you want without a PhD there is NO reason to get one.
Fuck if there is no other way to do what you want without a BS or MS there is NO reason to get one.
Let me tell you my plan OP, do applied math with a specialization in computation for BS. Get an industry job.
Make good salary.
Whole time I was studying shit I enjoyed like pure maffs.
Once I make enough capital I'm going to be investing it to increase my munniez. Also I've began reading books on how to make munniez because I used to not even know what a stock was.
Listen here OPeee. You said you wanted two things and implied another.
You want to have value in your life so you do a back flip off a bridge. And you want money.
Find the easiest and quickest method.
Also you implied a love of math. Go ahead and learn all about it.
What's your current degree you hold?

>> No.12352025

I don’t see how it would contradict. In a latest interview with the famous black and white image. He said he did it for a hobby and had nothing to do with life.

I made it clear math for me has no use, and I’m just doing it because I enjoy it the most and as autistic.

>> No.12352054

>I made it clear math for me has no use, and I’m just doing it because I enjoy it the most and as autistic.
then why do you need a PhD?

>> No.12352070

To get more (you)s in my threads.

>> No.12352078
File: 1.22 MB, 1626x912, FourHorsemenSchizophrenicdelusionsSpawnfromdepression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should post this instead then.

>> No.12352097

Because I’m the best at math. I have nothing else like I said. My post was very self contained I feel.

This seems to be repeating itself.

Anyways if you go for pure math it’s PhD or bust. I’m not going to be some HS teacher. I would like to be a professor atleast or work for the NSA.

I would also like to do research after and not be a crank. PhD implies credibility and if I don’t have one I’d be a moron and fall flat on my face if I failed.

So PhD has it’s use. I over exeggarated and retract the statement. But PhD is specialized, and for fields.

Unless you are dedicated to a field to an extreme degree. Getting a PhD in that field has no use.
I am dedicated in math and don’t see myself being in any other subject and would like to pursue academics. I also said it’s a hobby, but in a way that it was a hobby and luckily it’s an academic hobby. I have few other hobbies. So this is the best for me.
Also parents. I think a majority of it is ego. I don’t want to just get a BA, and have parents disappointed. So I’d like to do my PhD and die alone, the person I loved rejected me and so thus I don’t have to make money for family, and would like to be alone.

My path makes no sense. No one should follow, it’s on emotions and contradiction. I made it to BA and have nowhere else to go.

But what I will say, what I’ve learned, for a normal person. Is that a math PhD is pretty stupid unless you actually care for math.

>> No.12353218

Just do it. You'll be dead soon enough and who cares. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you can support yourself and your family (if you have one).

>> No.12353244

Yes. No. You probably won't get a job with it. The whole world has fallen for the STEM meme, but that just means you need some dumb piece of paper before you can focus on what is important to you.

>> No.12353726

A pure math PhD is a horrible idea if you want to make money.

Here is a guy with a PhD from UCLA, he is so overqualified for any job that he ended up taking up a meme job at Wizards of the Coast (where he doesn't do anything remotely mathematical)

Ari Nieh , check out his mathematical genealogy

He's now working for people who have no degree at all sperging out about magic cards. Imagine having wasted so much time of your life for a Math PHD to end up like him.

>> No.12353766

>It is possible to get rich with it?
No, it has very little use in industry.
Do it in something more applied if you want money, like machine learning or something.

>> No.12353770

>getting rich from a job

>> No.12354473

any place to download his phd?

>> No.12354479

If you haven't noticed the complete guilded circle jerk academia is by this point I don't think theres any hope for you to 'get rich'.

To 'get rich' you need some awareness of how reality works. You clearly lack this ability

>> No.12354943

Embarrassing post.

>> No.12355013

Getting money is just a big hassle desu

>> No.12357031

Yes, but you can't get rich.

>> No.12357153
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1605671554622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12357154

Sincerely, "I must accrue currency". Embarassing

>> No.12357858

>>>12351959 (OP)
> If you haven't noticed the complete guilded circle jerk academia is by this point I don't think theres any hope for you to 'get rich'.
> To 'get rich' you need some awareness of how reality works. You clearly lack this ability
>Anonymous 11/17/20(Tue)17:09:05 No.12354943▶>>12357154
> >>12352018
> Embarrassing post.
>Anonymous 11/17/20(Tue)17:23:53 No.12355013▶
> Getting money is just a big hassle desu
>Anonymous 11/18/20(Wed)03:11:10 No.12357031▶
> >>12351959 (OP)
> Yes, but you can't get rich.
>Anonymous 11/18/20(Wed)04:26:08 No.12357153▶
>File: 1605671554622.jpg (79 KB, 500x500)
>79 KB
> >>12351959 (OP)
>Anonymous 11/18/20(Wed)04:26:27 No.12357154▶
> >>12354943



Maths is, without any doubt, the hardest subject in the world. As long as you are studying true maths, you will develop your cognitive abilities far beyond what regular humans do. By true maths, I mean everything except "numerical analysis", "mathematical finance" or deep shit like that. Do a PhD in analysis, in probabilities, in geometry. It is a hobby but you will be far more intelligent that 99.99% people in the world.

To get a job in finance, just read the Red Book, Heard on the Street and gather as many brainteasers as possible, your PhD will allow you to pass the screenings.

>> No.12357872

>Do a PhD in analysis, in probabilities, in geometry. It is a hobby but you will be far more intelligent that 99.99% people in the world.
>To get a job in finance, just read the Red Book, Heard on the Street and gather as many brainteasers as possible, your PhD will allow you to pass the screenings.
I hope this is true

>> No.12357875

>Reddit spacing
Didn’t read

>> No.12357979

It's called reddit spacing because that's the only way you can get the redditors to read it.

>> No.12358058

what is the meaning of this image?

>> No.12358071

It's a meme. I have a math degree from a decent uni and can't code so I can't find a decent job. I would have a job had I spent all my time learning to code, ironically.

>> No.12358080

Is it a PhD degree? Are you just not smart enough for interviews or just don't get any based on your (I assume pure) math bent? I heard some firms just look for smart people and train them and it usually doesn't take long to get good...

>> No.12358082

this one hits hard

>> No.12358115

Why did you make this

>> No.12358331


Finance major leads you to consulting
Maths and CS major leads you to finance or algorithmic finance

Reason is simple : finance is easy, building softwares is not.
Consulting firms do not need smart people, they are selling the brandname of a top university, and because no maths major or physics major find consulting attractive they have to recruit among liberal arts or finance.

>> No.12358347

Shut the fuck up low IQ loser