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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12349906 No.12349906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i wish i were a girl
when will the science improve so i could actually be one

>> No.12349917

Right after you turn 18 and grow out of it.

>> No.12349918

Stop wishing you were a girl and just be masculine and get a girlfriend. I'm convinced that all negative feeling towards one's gender are just caused by loneliness. I have absolutely no evidence for this it is completely a hypothesis but think about it, that would explain why the trans suicide rate is so high, if they're already lonely, and also I think that the longing to be another gender is similar to the longing to have a partner of that gender, think of all the mtf who are attracted to women, think of autogynephilia. Honestly ask yourself, would "becoming a girl" fix even a single problem in your life?

>> No.12349932

Pretty much loneliness and hormones.
Used to have the same thoughts, then I got into a class with other people with similar interests that I could banter with.
Went away pretty quickly thereafter.

>> No.12349936

First of all. You are bad at baiting.
Secondly. Just let a woman eat your body parts/fluids so that your molecules will indeed become a girl.
Getting sucked off by cis women is the most trans thing you can do.

>> No.12349955

didn't work, i'm in my 20s and i still feel like this

>Honestly ask yourself, would "becoming a girl" fix even a single problem in your life?
the desire to be a girl is a problem in of itself

>> No.12349979

I have a gf but my agp never went away

>> No.12350165

That doesn't mean that it doesn't have a cause
Perhaps there is too much distance in the relationship?

>> No.12350170

You watched too many of those faggot cartoons when you were a kid, like Totally Spies and Kim Possible, and you got brainwashed into thinking that being a queer is acceptable when in fact you are going to burn in hell for eternity if you do not banish those impure thoughts from your head.

>> No.12350174

Plastic surgery and hormones. You are 20 so it shouldn’t be that hard to look feminine with a combination of the 2.
>cost too much
Sorry science is expensive get a boyfriend that will pay for your shit already.

>> No.12350180
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just crossdress and don't ever cut your dick off

>> No.12350183

This don’t get your dick cutoff cringe as fuck. Lowers your main sexual appeal.

>> No.12350545

i hate trannies but a good looking tranny with their pp is always 10x more preferable than one who's mutilated themselves

>> No.12350548

this is your brain on modern media

>> No.12350573

I like trannies with 8 inch dicks

>> No.12350646

Trannies with 8 inch dicks are queens I want to worship. Trannies with 2 inch dicks are cuties I want to pamper. Trannies with surgically inverted dicks are kind of weird and gross.

>> No.12350650

You people truly disgust me

>> No.12350652

based intellectuals. there is nothing wrong with cute and femme boys wearing girls clothes, only doing leg work, and taking care of their skin and hair so that everything is soft and smooth

>> No.12350695

Based femboy lover

>> No.12350702

realize you don't actually want to 'be a girl' you just want to be treated like one.

>> No.12350704
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>> No.12350725

You don't just wish to be a girl, but a cute girl, right? Otherwise you would transition, but the thing stopping you is the fear that you "won't pass" and you'd be ugly. If that's the case you need to get a girlfriend and stop jacking off to porn, how do you think the millions of ugly women cope every day? They just live their lives. You don't really want to be a girl, you just have a fetish

>> No.12350736

>if you want to look cute you should just give up
>wanting to look cute is just a fetish

>> No.12350743

This exactly. Porn skews your perception of reality while masturbation lowers your disgust sensitivity. Even if you never get a girlfriend, you should still stop these habits, cause you're sure making things harder for yourself by keeping them. It will get easier after about 100 days I think.

>> No.12350745

Wanting to look like a cute *girl* when you're a *boy*

>> No.12350753

uh yeah, boys fashion isn't cute

>> No.12350761

Then explain why I had 500 high school girls oogling me every day at school when I was in elementary. Don't get me wrong, I still have 500 girls ogle me now that I'm in the work force. They have to seat me in a lonesome office so that the secretaries don't soil their panties.

>> No.12350767

>asked about how to become accurately become a cute girl
>poltards start giving cookie cutter "dude just get gf and stop watching porn" shit instead of potential technologies

>> No.12350770

traps > girls

>> No.12350774

yeah its not science or math idiot
>Not watching porn is /pol/

>> No.12350811

futa > both

>> No.12350820

i'm asking what fields of research need to be developed for this to happen

>> No.12350822

What is it with anime that makes users so mentally ill?

>> No.12350989

Not anytime soon, you're better off trying to grapple with these feelings now before they control your life

>> No.12351023

You = fags

>> No.12351027

futa isn't gay
t. trapfag

>> No.12351032

virtual reality / brainhacking. You'll never be able to convince everybody in reality but you'll be able to alter your own thoughts and perceptions

>> No.12351359
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Well dude, yeah, but here's the thing. See, you're not a girl. So there. That's it, you're not a girl, therefore, you're not a girl. Pretty straightforward when you think about it.

Glad I could help!

>> No.12351362

ok but maybe i could just look like a girl while being a boy? how about that?

>> No.12351371

>Futa isn't gay
Yes it is
t. Bi-fag who wants to get fucked by a futa

>> No.12351375

That's definitely possible, but you still won't be a girl. You'll be an imitation of a female, a caricature, a facade, a mimicry, but you won't actually be a girl. You can play and pretend, but at the end of the day it isn't real, and it really doesn't have anything to dow ith the degree to which you have balls and a penis.

>> No.12351378

That would be hot

>> No.12351379

You are bi, not gay.

>> No.12351396

i would not be imitating a biological female though, i would just be dressing different

>> No.12351408
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With the intent to appear like a girl. That's your metric for changing your appearance, how closely you approximate your perception of femininity. You specifically asked how you could be a girl, therefore that emans you're looking first at "what is girl", then moving to align with it.

I'm sorry anon but you're not getting out of this. You said you wanted to be a girl, not that you wanted to wear hoes and stockings.