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12348133 No.12348133 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping bacteria from eating you from the inside?
(Your intestines, tounge, throat)

>> No.12348139

immune system.

>> No.12348158
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I have an std sti but I don’t have health insurance. My symptoms are gynocomastia, swollen testicles and watery semen. What do you think I have, pls help and ty.

>> No.12348164

Do our bodies excrete immune system matter? How does the immune system protect the very first layer of tissue?

>> No.12348172

The immune system eat the bacteria basically.
possibly super aids.

>> No.12348175

they get eaten by you first

>> No.12348210

To be fair, there are situations of imbalance, where bacteria may create some problems, but usually there's a complex relation between your microbiota, your gut and some immune cells, for example, there are cells in your gut, called M cells that are going to capture some antigens and present them to dendritic cells, also there are Paneth cells that may release Anti-microbial granules, and I'm not talking about the chemical talk that's going on, some of these bacteria may release some substances that help your body deal with infections and digestion.

>> No.12348241

Well, if we're talking about the gut, our immune system has M cells and Paneth cells, the M cells have the ability to capture some antigens and present them to dendritic cells that are going to start an immune response and Paneth cells can secrete lysozimes that break the bacteria's cell wall.
Also, there is an humoral response, lined in the plasmatic membrane of the epithelhium of the gut are IgA antibodies, they can opsonize(cover) microbes, block the microbes receptos, and activate, although weakly, the complement system, a system of proteins specialized in a myriad of immune functions. Furthermore, in the gut's lumen our microbiota can protect us by covering receptors and by a process of competition of nutrients.

There is more, but I think this is sufficient for now.

>> No.12348247

Basically the same thing that stops them eating you from outside. Skin, mucus, immune system. And most of them are herbivores anyway.

>> No.12348251

>have aids
>eat self
>give your aids aids
Where are my billions of dollaryoos?

>> No.12349249


>> No.12349283

that's not an sti, you have something seriously wrong with your testicles

>> No.12349299

Fart bombs.