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12345760 No.12345760 [Reply] [Original]

Porn causes autism! Holy shit!

We're all completely fucked!

>> No.12345775

Watching porn is for degenerates anyways.

>> No.12346060


>> No.12346068

Oh no, the porn has already gotten to this one.

>> No.12346076

It makes me ask the question: what would autistic porn look like?

>> No.12347297
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You think those are birds your feeding?

>> No.12347565

No. But porn is bad.

Exploitative to employees, distracts time from relationships if you have one, and can become addicting for anyone who doesn’t even have an addictive personality.

>> No.12347612

As opposed to reading fiction or watching movies or dancing?

>> No.12347763

Yes. Yes it is. It has more of a stronger effect. It isn’t just some auditorial or visual experience.

It’s all three in addition to ejaculation.

When you watch a movie best you could do is force a feeling but it’s all in your mind.

When you watch porn, jerk off I should’ve said. Watching porn alone sure. But jerking off, as I’d assume, it’s not just audio visual but a large release.

Anyways that’s just the heuristics of the argument. I’m going to send studies now.

>> No.12347772

Oh yeah also drugs. One wouldn’t argue drugs are the same with movies as a heuristic. It obviously is worse. But I’m going to send studies now.

>> No.12347805





Anyways I could be a total retard, but what I’ve also just noticed is that it tends to be anything but a life improvement to people. It is either neutral benefit, or jsut negative. I also am part of the negative camp, there’s a reason for nofap.

I haven’t done drugs or any substance, but I started porn at 12 and it’s been a way for me to force happiness if I’m depressed because it’s a chemical release, and it’s hard to get over. Especially with the promotion in communities. It’s fine, but I often see images that are explicit and they don’t help when I would like to stop.

>> No.12347817

Please argue carefully and rigorously of you wish to continue I would like to continue and find a conclusion. I’m not a expert and would like to be right than defend my beleifs to the end.

>> No.12348302
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Found the sapiosexual!

I would say nofap makes all women hungrier fo your nut because it is like percolating your coffee instead of providing instant powder shit.

Happily. What argumentation approach do you prefer and what standard of rigor shall we adhere to like barnacles bitching about their mother?

>> No.12348351

Thank you for adding to the conversation.

I disclaimed that because I’ve argued over the internet and argued with people a lot and it’s annoying. I don’t want to just have a fight that goes nowhere and moves the goalpost several times so that the original point is skewed to oblivion.

I have obligations to respond to others and it gets annoying. It got annoying months ago and I decided to stop going in circles because debates turn into arguments which turn into fights and they usually get nowhere so I add that disclaimer now because people always fall to that trap.

>> No.12348428

Well, I am the instantiator of the initial topic so I would obviously self-identify as the more interested party and hope someone does present clear guidelines of engagement and what key checkpoints would provide optimal integration/differentiation pathways.

>> No.12348438


Stop bullying me online.

>> No.12348447

Erotic fanfiction requires imagination and reading comprehension, both of which activate the prefrontal cortex. Reading smut is the superior choice over those who watch porn AND those who abstain entirely.

>> No.12348456
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Please provide me the grammar and approach I am using that is bullying you. I was simply pointing out how I behave when I start a topic on 4chan, or anywhere, and my willingness to actually see it expand instead of it turning into ad hominem.

Meme relevant.

>> No.12349040

goddamn anon you're right. literotica has had much more depth, feeling, and effort put into it. it filters out the fetishes, forces you to think, gives you a good story and a good nut. younger me was much better off reading smut rather than looking at it.
fetishes are for those with no control, normal wasn't good enough for them and so they were forced to go deeper into the porn abyss. I tire of hearing people call things that, by definition aren't fetishes, fetishes.