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12343556 No.12343556 [Reply] [Original]

What is causing the gradual decrease in IQ scores in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries that started in the 1990s?

>> No.12343575

High testing rate.

>> No.12343576

Fluoride in water

>> No.12343580


>> No.12343585

How hard does it correlate with 3rd world immigration?

>> No.12343590


>> No.12343591

Idiots are outbreeding the intelligent.

>> No.12343592
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>> No.12343596
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>> No.12343636

Intelligent people have trouble with pussy.
This is why statistics are such bullshit with low n.

>> No.12344159


>> No.12344163

pollution and disgenics for the long term trend
immigration for the acute drop

>> No.12344165

this is not /pol/. Please leave

>> No.12344168

In Norway, Denmark and Finland, the testing rate has not changed as the IQ scores are derived from the psychometric tests of conscripts. If anything, fewer people are being tested as the conscription standards are far more lenient than in the past.

>> No.12344172

/pol/ is irrelevant here although the thread is likely bait how is this wrong >>12344163 ?

>> No.12344175



Plasticizer in plastic makes stupid
In PVC, room sprays, packaging or cosmetics - plasticizers are everywhere. For the first time, US researchers have proven that these chemical substances damage the brain.

According to a US study, frequent contact with plasticizers during pregnancy affects the intelligence of children.

Schoolchildren in the USA whose mothers had high levels of phthalates in their bodies had an intelligence quotient (IQ) that was on average six points lower than that of children whose mothers were only slightly exposed to the plasticizers used mainly in plastic products and cosmetics, as the scientists from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in New York wrote in their study published on Wednesday (local time).

Researchers call for plasticizer ban
The researchers around the epidemiologist Pam Factor-Litvak strongly advised pregnant women to ban softeners from their lives if possible.

"Pregnant women throughout the USA are exposed to phthalates almost daily," the scientists warned. While there were restrictions on plasticizers in children's toys, there were no legal regulations on maximum levels during pregnancy. This is one of the most important phases of development for the human brain. Plasticizers are also frequently found in PVC, air fresheners, packaging for microwave meals and many recycled plastic products.

The study is the first to demonstrate a link between prenatal phthalate exposure and IQ levels in school children aged seven years. According to the study, the children of more severely exposed mothers, who had the highest concentrations of DnBP (di-n-butyl phthalate) and DiBP (diisobutyl phthalate) in their bodies, had IQ values 6.6 and 7.6 points lower, respectively, than children in the comparison group with the lowest previous exposure. ...

>> No.12344187

using immigrants to explain every bad thing in society is counterproductive and people do it in bad faith. Just don't

>> No.12344192

it's industrialisation, look up the effects of industrialisation and it lowering the g factor

smart people have less kids than dumb people whereas before industrialisation it was the opposite

so instead of eugenics we have dysgenics

the dude that worked withy flynn on this has published studies and has written a book about this

>> No.12344194

Wolves are more intelligent than dogs.

Dog has better life than wolf, but the trade off for being cute enough to get free food is that you lose the intelligence and strength that the wolf has.

>> No.12344196

if I start replacing golden retrievers with pitbulls what would you blame for the increase in dog bite injuries?
I listed pollution and disgenic selection as two major long term factors while accurately pointing out the effects of immigration
we can go further and consider the effects of computers shortening attention spans and other consequences of modern technology

>> No.12344200

see >>12344192
this is how you do it. Use reason and well established theories instead of that low IQ "it's muh immigrants" thing.

>> No.12344201
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>he unironically thinks its a good idea to live in society

Domesticated humans are the worst

>> No.12344208

yeah that's a major factor
kids are expensive in the city while in an agricultural condition they're free labour

Why are you denying the contribution from the influx of 80-90 IQ people into 100+ IQ populations, obvious troll farm tactic.

>> No.12344212

the kid on the right ate too much soft food that prevented proper jaw growth, that's a lot of it

>> No.12344214

>he didnt play enough basketball so his arms are short


>> No.12344218

I'm just saying bone growth responds to stimulation, go read nutrition and physical degeneration or at least look at all the pictures

>> No.12344219

Cities do not make people smarter. City life has no benefits besides what they try to convince you is a benefit. They won't mention the part about you becoming pathetic over time, though.

>> No.12344223

Absolutely worthless without cephalograms.

>> No.12344224

Not nearly to the degree you believe it does, not even 1% of what your imagination is telling you.

>> No.12344242

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.12344243

We have had fluoride in water for over 50 years. And the amount is so minute you cannot taste it. That cannot be the reason.


>> No.12344244

"Error: Cannot Refute!"

>> No.12344249

Bro just hit yourself in the face with a hammer every day if you want a bigger jaw

Dumb fuck

>> No.12344252

I thought /sci/fags were supposed to be smart?

>> No.12344260

The great filter

>> No.12344261

You're a butthurt faggot that is deeply too afraid to post bone growth stats because you know damn well how little an impact the range of the human diet has on it, square jaws all around the world, all different diets. You need a reason for why you're weak and unfortunately you have less satisfactory reasons. A hammer to the face would indeed produce more bone growth. Retard.

>> No.12344262

/pol/ is always right

>> No.12344263

it isn't that simple...is it?

>> No.12344264


>> No.12344265

they are right that immigrants have low iq's but this is not the reason
again industrialisation is, there have been tests on the ethnically europeans (danish men iq tests (military)) and you see their iq go down
it's nothing to do with immigrants

>> No.12344271

it truely is
before surplus food (industrialisation) the lower iq classes would have lots of kids but a lot of their kids would die (no food, no medicine etc)
whereas the aristocrate elites would have plenty of kids but theirs would survive
this woud go on in all classes of the people, ie the upper middle classmen would have more kids surviving than lower middle classmen etc

>> No.12344272

...maybe you should actually do some reading on the subject, developing jaws respond to the toughness of the diet.

>> No.12344276

Hunter gatherer society requires people to be more similar. Everyone has to be at close to the same level. Even the women.

In Agricultural society classes begin to form, divergence begins and women become less man-like, a meek slave underclass develops as well as a merchant class.

>> No.12344279

Lol go back to r3ddit if you wont back up your argument, you can't save face. Loser. Wrong loser.

>> No.12344280

Gregory Clarke

Michael woodley

>> No.12344283

Vaccines, microwave radiation, plastics, fluoride, pesticides and bad food, etc.

>> No.12344291

are you okay anon? you can just use a search engine? you feeling OK?

>> No.12344293

He's acting pretty clamped tbqh

>> No.12344301

You can drink from sun baked water bottles and eat from microwaves plastic plates and chug flouride water every day of your life so long as you produce physical activity equal to pre-industrial eras. If you do this your body is going to reach it's final form. All you need is physical activity. 100% of modernity can be undone by increasing physical activity, just keep increasing the activity eventually it is all fixed. If you think I'm wrong you're a weak person seriously underestimating how much exercise I'm prescribing the entire world.

>> No.12344307

>Edward Dutton
this is the dude i was thinking of but it seems youve shown me others think like him

>> No.12344308


Obviously the conclusion that since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X is a logical fallacy. But pointing out the reasons of the cause of something and listing x along with other factors is not one. Is it possible that it scares you that there is a possibility, albeit not a strong one, but one nonetheless one, that the increase in inmigration over the last few years in scandinavian countries has had an impact on the decreasing iq scores in the last few years?

Is it possible that you choose subjectivity over objectivity in matters that go against your own personal belief?

This is not to undermine you since this is a perfectly normal human behaviour but putting up a front of objectivity and reason when its not always entirely the case is misleading.

>> No.12344309


>> No.12344315

or i actually see edward as an author in the book, thanks lad for the sources
the thread is done, you have your reading material
it will be on the test next tuesday so please prepare(this is a joke haha laugh you autists)

>> No.12344317

You talk like a woman and faggots should be thrown from buildings. Hunter gatherer diets still exist today, but the physical output is not anywhere close. Your study is pants on head garbage and I dont even need to read it. Hormone regulation derived from physical effort is SIGNIFICANTLY more important than a meal. You also clench your jaw harder while exercising than you do while eating. You have no clue, but diet is less than 1% of the reason your jaw is shaped the way it is. I know you have a low IQ and can't wrap your head around the levels of impact things have. You probably just see 4 options and think they are evenly distributed.

>> No.12344318

It's a growing field of concern
search the /sci/ archives with https://www.warosu.org/sci or https://boards.fireden.net/sci for old threads and other resources

>> No.12344320

>the increase in inmigration over the last few years in scandinavian countries has had an impact on the decreasing iq scores in the last few years?
obviously for the general population but i dont think this is what the op meant
if you look at ethnic swedes, their iq is going down too
all of us in europe in fact

>> No.12344330

thanks man, its jean francois gariepy that made me discover him on his youtube channel
fascinating ideas but very doomer tier
is it truely over for us lad?

>> No.12344344

I'm sorry that you're a faggot anon, but you should perhaps a take a moment to describe what you actually mean first instead of rattling on like that.
and anyway clenching doesn't actually do that much since the mandible growth plates are designed to respond to asymmetric pressure from chewing

>> No.12344347

it's not just europe, asia is in the same boat
smart people need to have more kids and dumb people less

>> No.12344350

Okay, what politically correct answer would you like?

>> No.12344356

Clenching achieves a higher load than chewing and throughout a work day significantly more time under that load as well. Hiking 12 miles with an elk on your back through the mountains is many multiple times more significantly to your bone growth than the hardest edible thing in the world.

>> No.12344363

Significant* lol

>> No.12344370


>> No.12344371

if I remember the short answer correctly child mortality used to be about 40% now it's 1% and historically the upper 50% by wealth had 40% more offspring surviving to adulthood also there was no contraception so overtime the more successful had more kids pass on to the next generation
western europe was literally the smartest place on earth in the 1800s but there has been massive decline since then, and thw wars really fucked things up

>> No.12344372

At no point did you elaborate on this before, instead you resorted to screaming like a child.

>> No.12344376

thank you

>> No.12344378

Words shouldnt effect you I happen to be loose with them, faggot. Has no relation to the subject matter, nigger. You were wildly over representing the effect that diet has. In terms of lifestyle and how much time is in a day among other physical restraints diet is a very small contributor and you're here acting like it's the keystone of why society sucks.

>> No.12344381

>All countries with mass importation of so called refugees
I do wonder what is causing the gradual decrease in IQ.

>> No.12344388

You greatly underestimate the tactile role of diet.

>> No.12344392

I layed out here >>12344276 that diet is a big deal. You'll become different over time because of social changes.

>> No.12344397
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, tranny dilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself tranny, stop with this
"muh this is not /pol/" idiocy
you're on 4chan faggot, and you will never be a real woman.

>> No.12344404

plasticizers were there long before the 1990's

>> No.12344409

>using immigrants to explain every bad thing in society
this, friends is called strawman, nobody is saying that EVERY bad thing in society is caused by immigrants. MANY bad things in society are caused by immigrants tho.

>> No.12344411 [DELETED] 

Sexual revolution + welfare state + women's education means that intelligence that usually manifests in a modern society as wealth isn't being selected for anymore in favour of attractiveness. Why marry at a young age to a rich man and remain exclusive to him when you can choose to fuck the most attractive men instead and still have your basic needs met? And if you are a smart woman with education, a child is only a hurdle for success in the other areas of your life. Pic related shows the effect on IQ on fertility in the US, which negatively correlated for white women and even more so for black women, I'd imagine other minorities share a similar profile to black women.

If you aren't a trogolyte, you'll know IQ is primarily inhereted and genetic and that this correlation means society is doomed in the long run. This is what happened in Rome and what will happen to us. Ted Kaczynski was right.

>> No.12344412

to be relevant you should show the pictures of mother and grandmother(s) too

>> No.12344415

>pic relaed

>> No.12344417
File: 73 KB, 728x546, 1-s2.0-S016028961000005X-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual revolution + welfare state + women's education means that intelligence that usually manifests in a modern society as wealth isn't being selected for anymore in favour of attractiveness. Why marry at a young age to a rich man and remain exclusive to him when you can choose to fuck the most attractive men instead and still have your basic needs met? And if you are a smart woman with education, a child is only a hurdle for success in the other areas of your life. Pic related shows the effect on IQ on fertility in the US, which negatively correlated for white women and even more so for black women, I'd imagine other minorities share a similar profile to black women.

If you aren't a trogolyte, you'll know IQ is primarily inhereted and genetic and that this correlation means society is doomed in the long run. This is what happened in Rome and what will happen to us. Ted Kaczynski was right.

>> No.12344418

>people that dont eat and drink from plastic plates and cups or cover themselves in cheap make-up are in a different social class and are a bit smarter

Stop the presses

>> No.12344433

the amount of plastic we are in contact with is constantly increasing.
plasticizers are increasingly used because everything should feel great.
new plasticizers are used because they are better/cheaper/etc.
in the meantime we take in plastic with our food.


>> No.12344441

>black males scale ends at >120

Yo wait a sec

>> No.12344450

you know the answer

>> No.12344452

Phtalates are widespread since 1930-1940 at least

>> No.12344454

there aren't any of them, considering the very few black women with an IQ corresponding to what someone with a master's degree typically would have have ridiculuously few children. A typical example of a black woman at this IQ is Oprah, extremely successful yet childless.

>> No.12344455

rapefugees and "gastarbeiters"

>> No.12344456 [DELETED] 

>120 includes 130... dunno why they changed the class tho... maybe they were too few with an outlier higher than 130

>> No.12344477

120 includes 130... dunno why they changed the class tho... maybe they were too few with an outlier higher than 130

>> No.12344479

It's funny how you notice that, but don't notice how black women don't include above 130 on the chart.

>> No.12344483

You can't produce the same level of pre industrialized physical activity when you work a job that requires you to stay at a desk 9 hrs a day 5 days a week. Pre industrial physical activity requires movement from dawn till dusk every day. They are some jobs, like loggers that get close to that level, but even then the pre industrial man is using an ax to cut down trees and not a chainsaw.

>> No.12344488

Obviously its clamping

>> No.12344489

Ya see, the native euros have been hanging around these immigrants who are lowering their IQ by proxy

>> No.12344496

Correct. See my last sentence in that post.

>> No.12344515

can you read or are you only interested in picking out the lines to disagree?

>> No.12344583

High testing rate, immigration literally has nothing to do with it, they sure as hell are often less educated than the country residents, but they're definitely not the kind of population that gets tested for IQ, their presence in the statistics doesnt matter at all.

>> No.12344589

In that case the IQ should have reached a plateau in the 60's, not these days.

>> No.12344601

Why this uptick at IQ > 130?

>> No.12344640

Obviously not a scientific explaination but 130+ iq men are prime marriage material and frequently remarry, having children in each of their previous marriages. If they don't marry their relationships look more like harems than anything else, with multiple illegitimate children.

>> No.12344645

why do you say that?
g factor was going down
iq tests were maxed out cuz industrialisation maxed out some aspects of intelligence (think shape recognition in conveyor belt factories and sheit)

so iq was increasing but g factor was decreasing without us ever knowing it

then we finally figured it out when the iq increases got maxed out (explained above, nutrition)

>> No.12344692

Maybe some environmental factor is selecting lower IQ people to the milits th and keeping high IQ people away from it?
Deciding that average IQ is decreasing based on military is pretty stupid unless Denmark has mandatory enlistment AND IQ test upon enlistment

>> No.12344738

mandatory conscription in danmark

>> No.12344822

>why do you say that?
Because around here child mortality dropped dramatically in the early 1900's and more so after WWII when antibiotics became easily available. By 1960's child mortality was no longer a problem.
So if the hypothesis that high child mortality benefits high IQ families, the effect should have been seen earlier. Since the premise of this entire thread is that the IQ drop is a rather recent trend, the hypothesis must be disqualified.

>> No.12344827

chicken wings

>> No.12344862

>using immigrants to explain every bad thing in society is counterproductive and people do it in bad faith. Just don't

>a bunch of sand niggers immigrate to your country
>IQ goes down, beheadings go up
>point out this fact

>> No.12345172

Non ironic low iq immigrants.

>> No.12345192


>Variation in the masticatory behavior of hunter-gatherer and agricultural populations is hypothesized to be one of the major forces affecting the form of the human mandible. However, this has yet to be analyzed at a global level. Here, the relationship between global mandibular shape variation and subsistence economy is tested, while controlling for the potentially confounding effects of shared population history, geography, and climate. The results demonstrate that the mandible, in contrast to the cranium, significantly reflects subsistence strategy rather than neutral genetic patterns, with hunter-gatherers having consistently longer and narrower mandibles than agriculturalists. These results support notions that a decrease in masticatory stress among agriculturalists causes the mandible to grow and develop differently. This developmental argument also explains why there is often a mismatch between the size of the lower face and the dentition, which, in turn, leads to increased prevalence of dental crowding and malocclusions in modern postindustrial populations. Therefore, these results have important implications for our understanding of human masticatory adaptation.

>> No.12345220

nice fake green screen loser

>> No.12345396

Try having some sex dude. You only hate yourself and project that hate on others

>> No.12345402


>> No.12345403

cringe and yikes desu senpai

get a life faggot lol

>> No.12345553

iq has been going down since the nineties though
as explained, iq was going up or being stable before but the g factor was actually going down
basically the iq tests were maxed out for portions of the test that were not very g loaded (industrialisation helped in some tiny specific not g loaded ways but overall decreased our intelligence we just figured that otu recently)
does this clear things up?

>> No.12345597

Bitter virgin. Women are right when they choose not to breed with genetic trash like you lmao

>> No.12345717


>> No.12346127

More like prime incel material, just look at your average math department

>> No.12346141


>> No.12346502

immigraiton is primary

otherwise it's the target on human health like pollution, inudstrial toxicicty like EMFS, fake n garbage food etc.

>> No.12346521

>does this clear things up?
Not really but I am trying. Got some sources for this? For instance why/when the g factor was going down?

>> No.12346732

If you fools don't get it, just watch Haruhi.
Humans are taking control of their own selection.

>> No.12346742

or look for dutton and woodley on a video platform like bitchute
youtube harasses them

>> No.12346831

Monkee good. Immigrants good. Europeans bad. I'd say it correlates very strongly.

>> No.12346854

Women consistently selecting dumb brutes as mates instead of high IQ intellectuals like me. They really are ruining civilization with their selfishness.

>> No.12346922

no it's more that smart women have fewer kids and they have them much later in life