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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12343099 No.12343099 [Reply] [Original]

I know the dose makes the poison and all that but is sodium fluoride actually helpful? It's already in all the toothpaste and ostensibly works on contact with your teeth. Why do we have to ingest it? Does it go against consent to be medicated?

>> No.12343124

I've heard people say that its an industrial by product that was expensive to eliminate so companies convinced the government to buy it and put it in the water supply. I've never independently verified that though.

>> No.12343339

harmless in small amounts and the hysteria by some people isnt really based on anything at all.

but even knowing that, i dont believe it should be put in water supplies. i dont agree with compulsory medication of healthy individuals.

>> No.12343362

you can find studies on its effectiveness. if you cared to spend 3 seconds on google. people dont brush their teeth its for those people.

>> No.12343367

It reduces IQ by a few points and prevents cavities
The head yamakas decided that's a good tradeoff

>> No.12343402

people still get cavities even with fluoride.
I don't deny that it has benefits for your teeth as a whole. But when you start to realise the whole reason we have cavities in the first place, is because of the shit people are making their food with, which is then fixed by putting a potentially harmful chemical into everyone's water.
How much research was done into fluoride before they decided it was a good idea?

>> No.12344077

Well do you agree with this articlr about putting small amounts of lithium in the water? Some people with mental illness wont take medication so we could put it in the water supply. We're not talking about cavities here but actual life and death.


>> No.12344081

I don't care if it works or it doesnt work. It goes against consent to be medicated. This will be an important issue coming up with mandatory vaccines. Do you give up your rights so the government can force everyone to do something for the greater good? Or does my body my choice factor in here.

>> No.12344126

>Sad that /pol/ and facebook moms are more woke than reddit infected /sci/

Theres a reason Fluoride is the most electronegative of all elements

>> No.12344189

sodium flouride is an industriai byproduct of fertiliser manufacture, they lobbied to have it added to drinking water despite sodium flouride being the least effective and iodine is superior

>> No.12344394

Fluoride is systemic circumcision. It is the circumclamp. Very simple stuff, why do you think they're having you drink it, rather than use it topically. Though even topically, it;'s not so good as purported.

>> No.12344476
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While we're having this thread; why is /sci/ filled with boot lickers, and anytime they hear anything going against convention, they start crying like cucks?

I've noticed this behaviour exclusively in this board, almost no other has it.

>> No.12344482

They're clamp cucks. Perhaps the demographic is younger and they got stuck in the "skeptic" crowd as well. After being softened up by vaccines, early clamping, a lifetime halide bombardment, and microwave radiation.

>> No.12344529

>comparing Sodium Fluoride to Fluoride
I know right, I have seen recipies calling for Sodium Chloride to be added to water but we all know Sodium explodes on contact with water. They are trying to get people killed.

>> No.12344534

Grasping at straws.

>> No.12347551

you can verify that in about 5 minutes lmao

>> No.12347577

every study for the last 10 years has recommended against flouridation in industrialised countries

>> No.12347592

the types of people attracted to science these days are weak and they enjoy being ruled over

>> No.12347600

scientists were almost all bullied at school and now they cling to whatever control they can have over everyone else
it's extremely dangerous to allow them too much power but most normies think "well i guess scientists are trustworthy"

>> No.12347654

because Humans need a bit of Fluorides and Iodides to live healthy. Hence it is added to Table Salt. It isn't contained in salt for your dishwasher, that's 100% NaCl, so the argument about costs is futile.

>> No.12347668

fluoride binds extremely strongly to calcium, this creates a precipitate that is damaging the same way other small non-breakdownable stuff is benzene, microplastics, asbestos, etc. in other words a carcinogen.
also damages the brain and nervous system since nerve use calcium
also slowly makes bones brittle, body tries to patch it with more calcium (hence the misleading term "calcification") but it can't get rid of the fluoride
dose is low enough people think the slow poisoning is "aging"

>> No.12349370
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The problem i have with flourinated water is that you cant avoid it.
here in Germany we have NaF toothpaste and table salt but now you have the choice if you buy the table salt, the salt with iodine or the salt with iodine and sodium fluoride.

now lets say you're a kid and you're parents use fluoridated salt you use a less fluoridated children toothpaste once a year the dentist applies a strong topical fluoride paint to you're teeth and you have fluoridated water and you use that fluoridated water to make green tea which contains fluoride and you drink soda made in a town that has a fluoridated water supply. then you have a high chance of actually fucking up you're teeth.