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12334157 No.12334157 [Reply] [Original]

>Women mature earlier than men

Was anyone else always taught this in school? Is there any truth to it? From my observations it was the opposite, the majority of women senior year of high school still acted like children.

>> No.12334164

>scientifically speaking why don't women like me

>> No.12334165

They do. It's just that they are eternal children.

>> No.12334205

they physically mature earlier than males. mentally though they never mature

>> No.12334255

Because they mature faster they are basically stunted forever.
it's pretty rare to see a mature woman.
and they actually cannot understand this concept.
just like tired or drunk people can't really tell how retarded they are being but worse.
One of the most childish results of this is stunted women wanting to be like men and to compete on the same level. And because no one really cares and it'll filter out retards and give more intelligent people better chances with women, we let them. But usually they don't even bother, and when they do they will stop.
I guess it's a form of penis envy. because the male brain is slow growing it is younger much longer, and thus grows intellectual maturity.
I mean most women don't even make good mothers. It's funny how women are even bad at the one reason they exist. And it's unfortunate really that they mature faster because it's wasted. Instead of breeding women at their peak they are left to find themselves, pretend to be men, attempt to act like an adult. However, this results in the aging of the female and her not having children. Then the likelihood of mental illness in their offspring increases. So in the modern age rapid female maturation is honestly an absolute negative.
and usually the few women that can almost compete with men are wise enough to have children early, are usually accepting that they cannot compete with top ranked men, or have autism or a masculinized brain.

>> No.12334268

Women put conformity above else, science is not about conformity otherwise the cadavers wouldn't been stolen from graves.

>> No.12334290

> mentally though they never mature
oh the irony

>> No.12334356
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Why it gotta be like that though?

>> No.12334466
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man what a take.
I'd love to learn more about a person that unironically believes all of this stuff.

>> No.12334485

Tell me then, was anything that anon said factually incorrect?

>> No.12334498

anon was referencing freudian concepts, nothing they say should be taken seriously

>> No.12334520
File: 412 KB, 1080x1024, you do not spark joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> freudian concepts
> nothing they say should be taken seriously
> Unironically invoking the genetic fallacy
> Didn't even give specific examples of points that were incorrect
It seems you're the one who shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.12334998

I wish.

>> No.12335286

I believe so, you can both find research about it but I also just trust my own experience.
Often seems like women develop quickly up until 20, men slowly to 25, as my own weak generalization.

>> No.12335301


>> No.12335304

you're not special, woman

>> No.12335306

Look at puberty rate. Girls enter puberty 2-3 years earlier than boys. You have the old stereotypes about how girls want "mature older man." That's because they've matured faster than teen boys.

>> No.12335340
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>> No.12335344

>Brain weight

>> No.12336012

Dial 8

>> No.12336137
File: 39 KB, 699x485, 1553295401871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women mature earlier than men
>sex with underage teens taken more seriously when it's M/g then W/b

>> No.12336142

*than, you know what I mean

>> No.12336181

Because that's when they reach peak mental maturity.

>> No.12336188

nice gaslighting retard lefty

>> No.12336197

It's true. Their brain stops growing much younger than in men.
Why? No need. They're supposed to be taken care of like children, so they don't need more maturity.

>> No.12336267
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>> No.12336295
File: 219 KB, 600x348, AAB49C93-9C86-43E2-A0EF-4C911FFC88DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love out of all the science facts they make sure every fucking 8 year old hears this without being able to under the concept,
Purely an attempt to gaslight men. It’s no wonder men grow up to hate women when they are put upon from age 8
> What are little boys made of?
>Snips and snails
>And puppy-dogs' tails
>That's what little boys are made of
>What are little girls made of?
>What are little girls made of?
>Sugar and spice
>And everything nice

>> No.12336648

>Is there any truth to it?
Yes but it's a physical thing more than anything else.
In grade 4 I was part of a mixed swimming team and about the same size/strength as the girls.
By the end of grade 5 they were all bigger and stronger than me, but by the time I reached highschool I could have snapped any one of them in half with ease

>> No.12336808

There social skills are better which means they bullshit better. In reality women are always less competent and more childish than men. You can say all the propaganda you want, but I work at a museum that got a new female leader three years ago. Ever since she arrived the seemingly well functioning bureaucracy she’s heading as cratered into free fall. She spent eleven million on a museum playground like some kind of fucking McDonald’s. Except the material it’s made from turns scalding in the heat so kids can’t play on it unless it’s cold outside. She dropped eleven million on this pointless “museum playground” just before Covid showed up Kek. Would have been nice to still have several million dollars saved up as a cushion just in case of “unforeseen disasters” but noooo she wants to run the museum like a roastie in an apartment going paycheck to paycheck with no savings. So she spent all the museum savings on a playground and a giant teepee that guests keeping secretly urinating in, Covid hits, no one comes to the museum out of fear, closed for months. Now the museum is literally begging for donations and firing people every week.
TL;DR: Don’t let a roastie have access to your checking account. She doesn’t understand why you should save money instead of spending it all like a retard.

>> No.12336813


>> No.12336856

I don't know, should we give you a bunch of undeveloped kids so you can monitor their pubes?

>> No.12336948

No in that case there is not really a need to attack specific incorrect point the oh poster should begin by providing evidence for what he says. Even anecdotal evidence, though close to useless, is better than nothing. And he proposes nothing.

A bit like feminists really.

>> No.12336956

>Is there any truth to it?
Yeah, the standards are lower for women so they meet them earlier.

>> No.12337077

When you study women you see that a woman wants to keep men competing for her, but as usual she uses the euphemism of courting, ie being a princess with lots of princes seducing her & when in bed, she wants to talk dirty, for once to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, joyfully exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison. For years she wished it was HER TURN damn it, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners, conveniently avoiding thinking a sex-based existence for her. She's not ready to accept that.

At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line and sinker.

Willy-nilly, the woman ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.

She fancies playing the card of the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms, watching it move, be happy; exactly what men dream of doing to women.

Women love their kids, they are faithful to them. Women do not love men, they are not faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker at JPMorgan performing a cost-benefit analysis.

>> No.12337078


Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she begins to long for the golden years of her twenties when she was kind of a looker.
She starts spreading wider & goes back to casual rough sex, perhaps in secret from her hubby, or openly, even dropping her sexploits in conversation, this time cutting the ''princess act'' because after all those experiences, ''she knows what she wants'' & with little effort on her side, she still pulls it off, attracting lots of chads eating her pussy & ass.

Soon, the menopause really kicks in & all her orbiters become older, at best having a semi hard-on from her when she's in the nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox here & there, but she feels bittersweet for she perfectly knows the end is near.
She's open about the swinger sex now. Her official provider is happy to be a cuckold & happy to make her happy, to be here for her day after day.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma jealous of her daughter becoming what she was, relentlessly perpetuating the female life, a slut, a mom, a slut.

Grandma finally dies & everybody now says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen granddaughter bleeds and is active, it's her turn to get knocked up & settling for a man happy to be every day at her side.

Such is the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.12338099

by your logic, you would be inferior to an ape.

>> No.12339347
