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File: 14 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12328381 No.12328381 [Reply] [Original]

name says it all.
I'll start:
It's almost funny how every doctor that has willingly don't a genital mutilation on a child who cannot consent hasn't been strung up yet. I mean it's pretty obvious those medical practitioners need their licenses removed and to receive the death penalty. How can the US be so fucking jew'd they cut off the end of their kid's dicks off like they're a bunch of barbarous muslims.
I was watching the Good Doctor and there was an episode about female circumcision, and it was crazy how this progressive agenda was so blatant, but male circumcision happened every second and no one bats an eye. But a girl getting her pussy trimmed a bit is butchered and been wronged ethically.
med fags should just join the statistic and stop being sub human slimes.

>> No.12328468

Well there is the clamp
You may have heard of it

>> No.12328500

Wow do tell more.

>> No.12328524

Shock therapy.

>> No.12328580

Medical definition of brain death.
There is no real consensus on this and it's always handwaved away out of convenience.

>> No.12328585
File: 75 KB, 625x605, Circumcise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed, it is amazing to look at the hypocrisy of people opposing female circumcision but perfect OK with male circumcision.

If an adult WANTS to be circumcised then that is OK, but doing it to a baby is WRONG!

>> No.12328588

I know sometimes the standards for brain death might be sloppy but is there any instance of actual brain death (no brain activity at all) someone came back from?

>> No.12328605

most prescribed mental illness medication
munchausens by proxy increasingly being enabled (also ties into srs)

>> No.12328625

I'll let the clamp guy do the honours, when he finds the thread sooner or later

>> No.12328635

gender transition

>> No.12328699

But the cognitive dissonance it too strong. Americans keep doing it because they need to cope, they need it to be right.
total psychological retards.
same thing with suicide.
doctors refuse to assist suicide because it causes cognitive dissonance to the tax payers and the Tax Jew become angry.
just cut off your dick bro.

>> No.12328780


>> No.12328816

gender transition is definitely the worse, they prey on depressed people and offer them the solution which is a lifetime of meds (either estrogen or test) and cut off your dick or insert a fake dick which needs to checked on every month if not week

the procedure is very grotesque and its sad to see so many people fall for it because they think its a cure for their depression, the amount of people having a gender transition surgery will only increase in the future

>> No.12328865
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Killing BILLIONS of healthy fetuses so sluts can ride the cock carousel more, is disgusting!

>> No.12328954

Why the increase in schizo, depressive, anxious, schizoid, etc., among the populous?
I have autism and social anxiety.
in HS everyone had something.
and in college they can't process my paper for over a month because so many people have already filed ahead of me.
Is something wrong? should the country be worried?
The only grace is that I'm intelligent and confide myself in mathematics and technology. Most people aren't like that, and even most people in STEM only got meme'd into it mostly for the money, and when they get filtered by brainlet courses my Multi-var calc in their first year they switch majors.
But even if they make it working for some (((company))) isn't helping the world, it's helloing yourself and rich assholes.
As these services get inflated it might start affecting people that actually need critical concern, and I'm not even talking about myself. I mean people with blindness, severe autism, schizophrenia, etc.
I mean libshits got mad when Obima blew up paki kids and when Troomp starved mexican ones. Yet they want to kill their own kin with glee.
I cannot wait for artificial wombs.

>> No.12328987

>Why the increase in schizo, depressive, anxious, schizoid, etc., among the populous?
Many theories, the most accurate is probably a combination of mutational load, social overdiagnosis and lifestyle conditions.
1) Nowadays genetic dead-ends get to reproduce. This and tech like IVF means the average parental age increases which means shittier babies. This has already happened with eyesight. Dysgenics basically.
2) Doctors will diagnose your kid with anything because it provides certainty to retarded parents. Oh, he doesn't want to sit still for 8hrs a day? Must be ADHD, give him the happy pills. He likes to prace around in a dress? HRT time for you little Billy.
3) Though these effects aren't individually all that important for any given chemical, we do live in a society thats industrialized to the point where its hard to avoid intaking harmful chemicals. There are confirmed hormones in the tap water and such. In the aggregate this probably causes some of the rise in disorders.

>> No.12328991

>Americans keep doing it
it is of course horrifically prevalent in america, but I bet it's legal in your country too

>> No.12328997
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>> No.12329006

>Americans keep doing it
Rates in the US have, thankfully, dropped off pretty significantly over the last twenty years. Once it drops below the 50% mark in most states it'll phase out even faster. Within another generation or two it will be the exception rather than the norm.

>> No.12329016

i'm pro abortion legalization and it still sickens me how leftard women are so gleeful about having it. like bitch there is a difference between being allowed to get an abortion and having it. i can't imagine it feels good to get, probably at the very least it's a hassle. leftard's just wanna show daddy i guess. their entire philosophy is some kind of daddy issues elaboration.

>> No.12329031

Based mexicans realize that it's cringe as fuck to cut part of your babies penis off.

>> No.12329051

So these two blind women got married.

They went out and found a blind sperm donor.

They took their blind eggs & blind sperm to a lab to produce a blind test tube baby.

They did it twice, and the scientist try and justify it.

>> No.12329073

In an unexpected twist to the pursuit of "designer" offspring, the couple, who are both deaf, said they had wanted a child that would be like themselves. The four-month old boy is profoundly deaf in his left ear and has only residual hearing in his right.

They also said they were part of a generation that viewed deafness not as a disability but as a cultural identity.
"I think all of us recognise that deaf children can have perfectly wonderful lives," Alta Charo, a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin said. "The question is whether the parents have violated the sacred duty of parenthood, which is to maximise to some reasonable degree the advantages available to their children. I'm loath to say it, but I think it's a shame to set limits on a child's potential."

>> No.12329089


Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough, both in their 30s, turned to a friend with five generations of deafness in his family after being turned away by a sperm bank which told them that donors with disabilities were screened out. \

Ms Duchesneau is no stranger to the debate on designer babies. She is a med ical ethics graduate from the University of Virginia and worked as an intern in the bioethics department at the National Institutes of Health.


They also said they were part of a generation that viewed deafness not as a disability but as a cultural identity.

"I think all of us recognise that deaf children can have perfectly wonderful lives," Alta Charo, a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin said. "The question is whether the parents have violated the sacred duty of parenthood, which is to maximise to some reasonable degree the advantages available to their children. I'm loath to say it, but I think it's a shame to set limits on a child's potential."


>> No.12329106
File: 19 KB, 247x372, Better_Never_to_Have_Been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forcing the babies to endure the cruelty of life is a lot worse than aborting them.

>> No.12329111
File: 761 KB, 1280x2096, leftists don't breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so sluts can ride the cock carousel more
Natural selection

>> No.12329129
File: 217 KB, 1317x1600, Aiden_Ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conservatives just want a pedestal to stand on like Liberals & dead school children after a school shooting.

1. They want a retard they can drag around public when it's convenient to do so, and when it's not convenient they dump the child into a government care center. They know that the government will end up giving it 24/7 care when they get too old.

Their argument is that the government can afford to do so because we give lazy people welfare.

2.They think that if they old a dead fetus at the white gates of heaven they'll be let in after they told god that they ended abortion.

Look at the old fucks who use to care about things like term limits, balanced budgets, national debt, and nepotism 20-30 years but now only care about abortion..

>> No.12329134

Sex change

>> No.12329144

Jesus christ what a bunch of absolute scum

>> No.12329151

Yeah, what's worse is that you have these bio ethics experts who would condemn what China is doing in order to eliminate disabilities celebrate the actions of these two women.

The insane control the asylum.

>> No.12329239

>mexican's fixing American culture
Why are they so based? and their food is good too.
Too bad they are poor and smell bad and brown. ew.
I am accepting of abortion so long as there is no ability to artificially house the fetus.
That is why I am very interested in artificial wombs.
Then there will be no reason.

>> No.12329729

So murdering born humans is OK too?

>> No.12329731

Yeah, and people who are against genocide but eat meat are total hypocrites as well. As if you really care about exterminating humans when you eat steak.

>> No.12329738


>> No.12329861

go shill veganism somewhere else.
Hypocrisy is literally in every living thing. To eat or not to eat, and no one wants to be eaten.
Yes, death is a better option than suffering, which is why capital punishment should be illegal and the 8th amendment should be abolished.

>> No.12330089

Circumcision is definitely near the top - but I think the top of the list has got to be HRT/SRS. Targeting impressionable kids who are too young to even grasp concepts like sexual identity or preference, putting them on hormone regimens that stunt their natural development, Frankensteinian surgical procedures to craft crude facsimiles of genitalia out of random bits of flesh.

50 years from now we'll look back on these practices the same way we look back on lobotomies or trepanning

>> No.12330096

It’s just a piece of skin that and unlike the eyelid, it does not hinder you when removed but actually improves hygiene and overall health.

You’re the real monster if you want adult male circumcision. Do you know how much that shit hurts

>> No.12330105

This isn't the 12th century anon. We have regular access to shit like soap and running water.

>> No.12330111

He's not an anon, he's an (((anon)))

>> No.12330125
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Sigmund-Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's just like circumcision.

Circumfetishist detected. Tell me all about your mommy fantasies, Anon. How you desire mommy, how mommy hurt you, how you want to punish mommy, but how you love mommy and want mommy to like you, but desire to dominate and punish mommy... [ad infinitum]. At the end of the day mommy still let them take you and cut on your peepee. Your God. She shielded you and facilitated your growth, she created you. Yet she abandoned you. Yet she chose to harm you.

It's all so simple. Basically anons like this don't deserve any rights to do anything. The sane among us have to take hold of them and stop their bullshit by force. Otherwise, it will never end. Ancient Rome, Greece, many nations tried and failed to free the Jews from their covenant, as they recognized it really was the core of that which would sustain their activities. Now it's far beyond the Jews. It needs to be stopped. It doesn't stop on its own, even with the internet and modern notions. Guys like this will have some weirdo cutting on his sons penises as well.

>> No.12330183


>> No.12330196

>You’re the real monster if you want adult male circumcision. Do you know how much that shit hurts
>supports circumcizing newborn infants
dickchopper psychopathy on display lads

>> No.12330226

>You’re the real monster if you want adult male circumcision. Do you know how much that shit hurts

This is supposed to be an argument for kid's circumcision? WTF

>> No.12330248

We could lower his risk of testicular cancer by removing a testicle as well.