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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 938x561, 1576959875685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12325046 No.12325046 [Reply] [Original]

is there any scientific basis to this, or is it just cope?

>> No.12325051

is lolita actually a good book or just written pedo porn

>> No.12325052

It's sort of obviously true, isn't it?

>> No.12325101

>separate categories by country
It's an american materialism thing, yes.

>> No.12325225

>is there any scientific basis to this

>> No.12325408

was this sampled in floeida

>> No.12325449

Moreso where the incidence of morbid obesity increases with age: Being fat as all that is hardly a human shape, so is universally unattractive irrespective of age.

>> No.12325912

anon... I

>> No.12325929

It's a good book, almost none of it is loli sex

>> No.12326003

Given the advent of deageing therapies I foresee that becoming less relevant quite rapidly (on the order of decades).

>> No.12326023

>11 year olds are on average as attractive as 29 year olds

>> No.12326036

A pig with lipstick is still a pig.

>> No.12326447

Where the fuck is this even from. Did you make this? Did you make this fucking Google sheets graph just to bait on sci? What the fuck dude get a hobby

>> No.12326454

>What the fuck dude get a hobby
His hobby is promoting pedophilia

>> No.12326461

>he hasn't seen this thing on 4chan

>> No.12326471

The chart is flipped left to right.
Women are most attractive in their 40's and 50's when they've learned about themselves and built stable careers and experience.

>> No.12326502

>Women are most attractive in their 40's and 50's
hahahahahah fucking COPE

>> No.12327365
File: 59 KB, 936x560, 1550275510063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your welcome newfag

>> No.12327398

Teens are already well into puberty and thus obviously sexually attractive. The fact that this is somehow controversial only shows the sheer irrationality of anti-pedo taboo. Pedophilia = little kids, not teens

>> No.12327425

Interesting that there is a quite sudden drop after 15-16 years. I wonder what happens then, i.e. why is there suddenly less of sexually attractive women

>> No.12327441

They start getting fat.

>> No.12327464

>The researchers also presented visual and audio sexual stimuli to the subjects, and measured their response using the penile plethysmograph. Visual stimuli consisted of slides of nude prepubescent girls, nude adult women, and clothed prepubescent girls. Audio stimuli consisted of audio-taped descriptions of consenting sexual intercourse with a woman, consenting sexual intercourse with a prepubescent girl, the rape of an unwilling girl, and nonsexual physical violence against an unwilling girl.
Researchers have a bunch of kiddie porn they use for these studies? What ethics committee approved of this?

>> No.12327479

>the rape of an unwilling girl, and nonsexual physical violence against an unwilling girl.
Imagine getting a raging boner for hurtcore audio/audio of an lg getting beaten. Would be a pretty awkward situation lol

>> No.12327489

The article is on Sci-Hub. I don't see the graph anywhere in the article though it might be possible it is derived from information in the article. From skimming it, it does appear that the article only breaks down females into adults and children rather than individual ages, so it is doubtful this graph is correct or comes from data from this study.

>> No.12327490

>greentext without source

>> No.12327496

Probably indicates childhood sexual abuse of the man who is getting aroused.

>> No.12327500

Don't be so lazy.

>> No.12327501

15-16 is when girls get well and truly introduced to the lifestyle of hedonism and partying, alternating with lazing about all day checking social media, that will wreak utter havoc on their bodies

>> No.12327512

>Whaaa spoon feed me daddy
Get a grip

>> No.12327521
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x959, 1601667004066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, nice joke anon

>> No.12327531

I just want to fill a cunny to the brim

>> No.12327566

The average age a girl gets her first period is 12-13, so it aligns perfectly with this graph. Biologically, this makes perfect sense.

>> No.12327570

Source? Wouldn't be an odd thing to claim a significant amount of men get off to adult women getting raped, so how's it different with a girl?

>> No.12327576
File: 15 KB, 395x412, tumblr_orkcb42tBu1vtmovyo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit again
it would be comedy gold, but nowhere in the original paper [1] is any of this.
[1] https://doi.org/10.1016/S0005-7894(05)80039-5

>> No.12327577

But that age isn't the optimal age for giving birth to a child


>> No.12327591

>But that age isn't the optimal age for giving birth to a child
Optimal in what way? It is optimal in the sense of maximizing the number of offspring a female can produce in her lifetime.

>> No.12327593

Yeah, but from there we get this gem:
>Over ¼ of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli.
and now we have the 1/4 meme. It'd be nice to see evidence for the graph though, I don't want to believe it's just nonsense

>> No.12327597

Isn't it more dangerous to give birth at such an early age? I don't know, someone once claimed so on the internet

>> No.12327624

In modern society? Probably. But in caveman times, the risk of not leaving any offspring might have been higher if you just waited an extra year or two for the girls to mature.

>> No.12327648

epic cope, most girls are ugly as sin, just like most guys. Most 14 yro's look like growing rats
Peak condition is 19-23

>> No.12327661

Cunny. Nuff said

>> No.12327689

what is the source?

>> No.12327703

Hm makes sense yea

>> No.12327719
File: 133 KB, 672x718, attractiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women peak at 18. Men peak at 50.
source: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/4/8/eaap9815

>> No.12327778
File: 26 KB, 598x574, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12328197
File: 116 KB, 693x1024, 12 is the peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12328202

>consenting sexual intercourse with a prepubescent girl
Did they just admit that children can consent?
Based af

>> No.12328261


>> No.12328298

>makeup and style differences
retard, also this is faces.
why are milfs so hot then?
prepubescent girls can't even fucking ovulate and don't have a feminine appearance you literal homo.
feminine structures are hot.

>> No.12328339

>20 is the max
We need to go higher.

>> No.12328347

Damn what a seductive gaze

>> No.12328391

>prepubescent girls
>peaks around 14
if you think 14 yos lack feminine features, leave your basement. Or ask anyone who lived in a more rural area how much age of consent really matters.

>> No.12328398

I dont know when I was a kid, like 13 or 14 I was jerking off heavily but sure as hell not to my classmates. This has a heavy pedo lean, that age range was always asexual to me.

>> No.12328462

>No axis labels
>No source

The fuck is wrong with you?
>You have to go back

>> No.12328467

Reminds me of that clip from Brass Eye
>In 1950 something men were asked if they were and x% replied YES

>> No.12328475

Men do not peak at 50
You have to balance physical with mental.

>> No.12328488

>doesn't know how to greentext
>hasn't seen an image that's been circulated around here for years
Seriously get off this website you retarded fucking newfag.

>> No.12328498

Were you jerking off to older women?

>> No.12328501
File: 14 KB, 500x750, to-catch-a-predator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 80% of 14-year olds are attractive

>> No.12328505

>kiddie porn
In many countries including my own, nude photographs that don't show sexual activity aren't considered pornography.

>> No.12328510

It's almost entirely lighting because otherwise it doesn't make sense that the exact same person would go from cute to gross to attractive and back to gross looking again.

>> No.12328517

That's what puberty does to people

>> No.12328538

The second half or so gets into some weird unreliable narrator stuff which made it hard to follow for me.

>> No.12328541
File: 35 KB, 968x681, v2-ellen-page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting one just thinking about it!

>> No.12328567
File: 122 KB, 758x974, 1604371553194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penile plethysmograph

>> No.12328571

The study was conducted at Kent State University which is in Ohio in the United States. Things tend to be very restrictive on this issue.

>> No.12328575

Take it up with the authors of the study.

>> No.12328731

nah, they're more.

>> No.12328735

>Men start finding women attractive with puberty

This is directly contradictory to the proposition that pedophilia is common or natural.

>> No.12328765

checked and based.

>> No.12328770

>is a single epidemological survey not even performed by a legitimate research organization science or cope?
doin the big think

>> No.12328795

It is considered by many to be in the top 100 novels of the 20th century. We read it for my literature class.

>> No.12328810

Old man young woman is the purest form of love.

>> No.12329379

if you really want to know, then replace votes for a particular politician with something else. A blind test, if you will. then let it be analyzed without bias.

>> No.12329464

its a well written book but nabakov was clearly a twisted pervert

>> No.12329868

Yes, however its supports proposition that ephebophilia is common and natural

>> No.12330065
File: 68 KB, 595x777, PPG1970-Freund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chart is probably fake but the results are supported by other data like phallometric tests.and anthropological records like binford's dataset

Pic related adolescent group 12-16 got pretty much the same results as adult group in a sample of normal men. Also men like prepubescents more than other men if they are heteros.

>> No.12330081
File: 25 KB, 667x649, pubescence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are adults around age 14 as long as they are well fed, most reach tanner 5 at that point. Giving birth is completely fine as long as good nutrition and prenatal care is taken into account, actually better than in their 20s https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19485565.2011.614915

>> No.12330084

You're still going to prison.

>> No.12330094

>He thinks the whole world is as puritanical as Anglo countries.

>> No.12330095

What was the age of the women shown

>> No.12330100

child 4-10 adol 12-16 adult 17+ i think.

>> No.12330108

>thinking 3rd world laws means he can fuck 12 year olds
You're still going to prison in Europe.

>> No.12330117

Not in Europe, 10 is legal with marriage here. And I'm just posting the info schizo stop projecting.
Also 12 was legal in Spain and Netherlands a few decades ago, before feminism.

>> No.12330120
File: 19 KB, 627x720, Nightcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit can't understand why anyone would want to fuck children. Not because it's morally repugnant but rather because children lack any sex appeal. No tits, no ass, the bodies of little girls essentially look like little boys.

>> No.12330124

You're still going to prison.

>> No.12330131

Shut the fuck up and post 14yo butts.

>> No.12330166

Attractiveness peaks around 30 assuming the woman takes care of her body.

The reason people think that attractiveness peaks earlier is that most women destroy their bodies in their late teens, early twenties.

>> No.12330175


This is not the case, attraction peaks at earliest age of sexual maturity (14-16) and slowly declines after the mid 20s. 30 is still a very attractive woman but her skin will have suffered natural ageing and her breasts will sag to some extent.

>> No.12330202

The brain does not stop developing until mid twenties. Most women before that age are insufferable and worthless. I would rather put my seed in a competent woman, strong woman. That is why even if the skin is "aging", it is attractive to me. Rigidity is sexy. If you don't find it sexy, your genetics are weak.

Again, I think things are skewed because of ubiquitous unhealthy lifestyles. Most people do not get proper sleep. Most people do not have well rounded diets. Most people are both physically and mentally sedentary.

>> No.12330214

That her brain doesn't stop developing until her mid twenties is a good thing for teen marriage. It means if she gets married at 16, her entire way of thinking can be molded around being a good wife and mother for the family unit her husband is creating with her. After 25, instead of her mind being custom crafted to one specific family unit, it becomes a generic placeholder, ready to drop in any IKEA male, who can just as easily be removed and replaced with another IKEA male.

>> No.12330242

>12 is higher than 25

>> No.12330260

This. The stimuli presented is never age-specific, and is merely a category (e.g. prepubescent, adult). The graph has nothing to do with the paper, and /sci/ proves yet again they're as retarded as /pol/
>link irrelevant paper on infograph

>> No.12330275

Women generally have a natural tendency towards child rearing. There is little additional molding necessary. The molding force you speak of appears to be an over correction for other molding forces.

This allows for women and men who are not genetically predisposed towards family units to also thrive and contribute to society without pressure to be molded one way or another. Just as you need some members of a tribe to be genetically predisposed to being night owls or some to be more introverted, it would make sense that having some who do not rear children would be also advantageous.

This culture war shit is insufferable.

>> No.12330282

The power is what's most attractive, I imagine. Everything in life is about sex except sex, ya feel?

>> No.12330314

Society is set up to mold that child rearing tendency right out of her. It's been very successful.

>> No.12330383
File: 3.94 MB, 2311x3000, 9 year old loli waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again, Islam is right about women among other things

>> No.12330523

14 is prime

>> No.12330578


>> No.12331121


>> No.12331126
File: 55 KB, 1050x700, 1603615030241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which study?

>> No.12331392

The graph peaks at 14

>> No.12331575

The one cited right next to the image.

>> No.12331852

That's from a study of online dating, i.e., not a blind trial under the variable of age. Women often also lie about their age, so the data isn't reliable.

OP's by contrast is at least singly blind. Now look closely at his pic. It actually shows two bell curves combined into one, from which we can surmise two types of male preference. A deep dive of the data would show whether it exists as two preferences in every male or as a single preference in two types of male.

>> No.12331898

Not OP but why would you assume womans attractivnes follows bell curve? I am not saying it starts as low as OP suggest, but the shape is very likely similar. It peaks fast and than slowly drops off

>> No.12331918

I'm a 25 year old virgin so I will never experience the peak now

>> No.12331956

Which pedo made this graph?

Attractive or not a female will easily find a male to impregnate

>> No.12332516

Are we discussing seahorses?

>> No.12332972

A graph such as OP's with two peaks usually implies the combination of two samples, for example test results from cheaters and non-cheaters. Occam's razor suggests we entertain this idea first, rather than your idea.
>shape is very likely similar
to what?
>It peaks fast and then slowly
No, there are two peaks, one at 14, and another at around 23.

>> No.12332977


>> No.12333001


>> No.12333003

it's not wrong, you know? I rarely find a woman past 30-35 attractive, while above 14 very often.

>> No.12333006


>> No.12333009

It's a fake graph you retard.

>> No.12333513

Teenager's obnoxiousness alone makes them completely unattractive.

>> No.12333586


>> No.12333603

>graph starts at hag age

>> No.12333616

I think it's normal to be sexually attracted to other people in your own age range, regardless of your age.

>> No.12333620

Complete opposite in my case

>> No.12333659

At that age I was attracted to girls my age and up into their early to mid 20s. Any woman older than that looked like a fossil to me. Given a chance with a cougar, I probably would have taken it but only because it would have been easy sex rather than finding her anywhere near as attractive as I found girls my age at the time.

>> No.12333691

Thank you anon.

>> No.12333769

It's bullshit, everyone knows the peak is at 10

>> No.12335026

>cope; the post
Enjoy your grandmas and down syndrom children

>> No.12335630
File: 14 KB, 332x499, 2482883768_e5e9e7b222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks ike pedophilia to me.
You're not a kid-toucher, are you, OP?
Kid touchers get the rope.

>> No.12335678

They mean the sounds aren't like rape sounds

>> No.12335906

Sure it is, retard.

>> No.12336495

Yes, that's what I said.
Why did you post this random paper that isn't the source of the graph?

>> No.12336650

>10 yo
>Almost 10% attractive
Spot the kike

>> No.12336723


>> No.12336729

he's literally lying lol
17 and 19 are best but the lighting and facial wear aren't consistent so this is utterly useless. If you say anything before 16 you should kill yourself ASAP

>> No.12336830

>[Abstract:] Self-reported and physiological sexual arousal to adult and pedophilic stimuli were examined among 80 men drawn from a community sample of volunteers. Over ¼ of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. The hypothesis that arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported in that pedophilic and adult heterosexual arousal were positively correlated, particularly in the physiological data. Subjects who were highly arousable, insofar as they were unable to voluntarily and completely inhibit their sexual arousal, were more sexually aroused by all stimuli than were subjects who were able to inhibit their sexual arousal. Thus, arousal to pedophilic stimuli does not necessarily correspond with pedophilic behavior.

>[Table from this study:]
Page shows the same table as OP.

Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.12337054

ah Dr Loli Lover

>> No.12337070

That's a site dedicated to advocating for the elimination of the age of consent. It's not the original source of the paper. That graph is not included in the paper but it's something they made up and added in themselves to justify their lust for children.
The actual paper is posted at https://sci-hub.tf/https://doi.org/10.1016/S0005-7894(05)80039-5
I defy you to find the source of that graph in the actual paper. Pro-tip: it's not there, you pervert.

>> No.12337081

it is not in that paper you absolute brainlet, it is a fake meme graph, but has some truth in it as another anon said.

>> No.12337106

"Some" truth? The question is not whether or not men find pubescent children attractive the only question is whether or not it's ok to act on those natural urges. I would say yes as there is no inherent negative effects from a consensual relation. Most trauma comes after the fact and is dealt by society.

>> No.12337353

This chart is all made up. The study that is usually cited alongside it reports no such thing. It was probably made by some pedo in excel and gullible idiots on 4chan are buying it because they are too incompetent to check a single paper.

>> No.12337367

that study reports no such thing. Someone just slapped it over the graph to make it more credible and it apparently worked too well.
You imbeciles are so easily fooled it embarrasses me.

>> No.12337377

>feminists are the reason why I can't fuck kids waaaaaahhh
Hope you get castrated

>> No.12337381

That graph is made up you mongoloid

>> No.12337386

Are you absolutely retarded? How does this prove that graph is real? Because it was reposted on a site similar to Wikipedia?
Neck yourself you brainlet

>> No.12337388

wtf was even going on in your head while you were typing this post? I'm legit curious.