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File: 6 KB, 298x169, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12322537 No.12322537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is 5g harmful in any way or it is just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.12322542

Fake bullshit

>> No.12322568

Yes it is harmful do not go near them stay in your fields making corn

>> No.12322571

Not harmful

>> No.12322572

Humans can survive up to 9G so we still have a few generations of telecom left before we're extinct.

>> No.12322653
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We need to do more research, but I certainly don't think we should halt the use of 5G or anything like that. From what I understand, it's a great technology that is useful to literally hundred of millions of people in the US alone. However, I also think that it's important to remain open to the possibility that it could be dangerous. I don't think we need to be super concered about the issue, but science must always remain open to new evidence and data, and there must always be room for debate. After all, if we were wrong about something as robust and powerful as Newtonian mechanics, then we could certainly turn out to be wrong about 5G.

>> No.12322737

5g is nonionizing. It has less energy than visible light. The light hitting you right now is more energetic and damaging than 5G wavelengths.

>> No.12322878

Probably no harmful than asbestos was years ago.

>> No.12322897

>After all, if we were wrong about something as robust and powerful as Newtonian mechanics,
says you

>> No.12323002


>> No.12323259

It has undocumented hardware, amplifiers and all sorts of questionable problems while being unnecessary if you consider the additional useful functionality.

This reply is repeated all over the internet for some reason and it's bullshit. It doesn't need to be ionizing to cause harm.

>> No.12323263

Or have high energy.

>> No.12323269

when you see dead birds and bees near 5g networks, just imagine the damage it does to people

>> No.12323312

there is documented harm caused by millimeter waves, so probably

>> No.12323337

>5g masts everywhere
>covid infections everywhere
You have to be an idiot to not see what's happening here

>> No.12323406

With 5g the government can accurately find your location within a few cm.

>> No.12324119

it's more than that, phones will be constantly generating a 3D model of the world in real time

5G is about sending data from users to big tech, not the other way around

>> No.12324395

Mske up your own mind,
Top text document.

For the hell of it. go toa typical parking lot and just watch them all. Look at how zombified people have become already. This can be correlated with NIR exposure.

>> No.12324468

These waves alone shouldn't be harming, the problem is the density that are expected to be in service in cities and such. Microwaves are also more penetrating than light, light is stopped in the skin, but MW can penetrate further. There are some studies that reveal that MW can affect the nervous system too.

>> No.12324477

>light is stopped in the skin
I was always told this as well, "light scatters off the skin surface", however it's demonstrably false. Just take a flashlight and put it up to your finger tip, the whole thing lights up.

>> No.12324478

Yeah people who hang out in parking lots don't belong to the upper echelons of society like they used to

>> No.12324484


>> No.12324493

>hang out
Yeah, you've never people watched. Reply discarded.

>> No.12324542

5g +4g + sun + albedo + radio + any other

>> No.12324595

If you're the type who thinks dihydrogen monoxide is bad for you, then sure: 5G is harmful.

>> No.12324614
File: 256 KB, 1168x1520, Jacques-Arsène_d'Arsonval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to refer to him as "Karen".

>> No.12325205

>It has undocumented hardware

>> No.12325232

wtf dihydrogen monoxide is extremely dangerous. It's the third leading cause of death in the world. Be very fucking wary anon.

>> No.12325305

ehh idk but i definitely wouldnt put my balls on top of that tower

>> No.12325318

Obviously it is a correct theory, but it was an incomplete theory of motion, force, and matter.

>> No.12325899

Newton is wrong you dumb cunt, that's why we have special and general relativity.

>> No.12325911

How exactly would 5G spread one specific disease?

Is the idea that ILI pneumonia is clustering around 5G towers?

Isn't it too much of a convenience that two novel phenomena are being related.

>> No.12325927

Well gee, those are a lot of good questions. If only there was scientific literature you could just read in order to answer them yourself.

>> No.12325940

Pager towers are a lot more powerful and they exist since the 1990's. Nobody complained.

>> No.12325946

Maybe they should have. Shit logic apologist, get rekt.

>> No.12327839
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it's funny that they never mention stuff like this in the "debunkings" of 5g safety

>> No.12327854
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or pic related, re: causal mechanism. instead all we hear about is ionization. granted this is speculative but that's what science is supposed to begin with: a hypothesis. you validate 0% of the hypotheses you don't test. and the precautionary principle would say that if your existing science is insufficient to test a hypothesis, and if the hypothesis is plausible given an evolutionary argument, and if the risks of that hypothesis being true are catastrophic, then you cannot say that the thing (not) being tested is safe.

>> No.12327858

Or kike. Because you are smug retards who are always full of shit.

>> No.12327864

Search engine.

>> No.12327896

Take your meds, anon. I'm worried about your mental health.

>> No.12327931

everyone on the fence about 5g safety needs to read this doc

>> No.12327932

using the internet it provides is way more harmful than standing near it

>> No.12327941
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>> No.12328509


>> No.12328525

Just ignore all of the research that shows non-ionizing radiation can still have various negative effects.

>> No.12328546

It leads to more internet for everybody, so its extremely harmful

>> No.12328616

5G emits less radiation then sunlight, dosn't mean you should stay in your mother's basement all the time.

>> No.12328702


I heard that the US’s atomic bomb second mechanism is WiFi. It’s always existed just watched for real close. Like the bomb explodes a small sharp atom into trillion of pieces into the population. You can even hear the peculiar sound as it hits acoustic producing material. Then the WiFi engram module goes on. Distorting reality through visual receptors.

My worry as it was the worry of many electro physicist I met is that it may be used to form fermi paradoxes. If within reason we run biological programs on society according to any criteria. Then it will cause groups to separate. Making it easier for a Fermi paradox to be implemented. For example you have a friend whom is supposedly in Guam. However his region has militia sponsoring its usage. The closer you approach the stronger the signal becomes. A schrodingers cat scenario where your friend has you believe he is in Guam but really in Southern California where you are at but you two will never see eachother even if you move there because the progrom is implemented.

>> No.12328767
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why do these disingenuous arguments keep coming up when legitimate 5G fears are raised?

>> No.12328771


>> No.12328779

5G caused voter fraud and stole the election from based orange man. It's a Democrat mind control device. It also causes coronavirus, which isn't real.

>> No.12328819

Sunlight is unpolarized, not pulsed, and doesn't have the same spectral density as 5G transmissions.

>> No.12329596


>> No.12329598

Ironically, automatic farming is one of the bigger potential tasks for 5G.

>> No.12329600

>The new consoles are coming out
>The Germans announced a breakthrough regarding Corona vaccines.

>> No.12329603

Spot the actual kike. Lul. Can one of you faggots be a second without self-victimyzing?

>> No.12329610

>stay inside playing video games all day
>don't catch Covid
Hmmm, it's almost like those two things are related.

>> No.12329613

Oh wow, not only did you provide some text in images, it's also written in a monospace front. It certainly must be true, then! Don't bother providing sources.

>> No.12329615

Source pls?

>> No.12329618

>checkmate honky, I don't like your format!

>> No.12329645
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>> No.12329664
File: 178 KB, 900x900, paranoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether 5G is a threat to health or not is not the real issue. The real issue is that's an inherently totalitarian technology whose sole and only purpose is mass surveillance of everyone and everything, and the implementation of ultra-totalitarian concepts like "the internet of things" that no one ever wanted or asked for (except governments and big corporations of course), and would make North Korea look like a libertarian utopia by comparison.
No matter if safe or harmful, 5G must be destroyed NOW. I applaud the schizos who are burning down the towers: they might do it for the wrong reasons, but for now they are literally saving our asses from the worst tyranny the world has ever seen, and they have all my support.

>> No.12329665

Okay who will profit if the entire world is basically a cancer causing hell?

>> No.12329685

sunlight from vertically above you is linearly polarized.

>> No.12329689

it is a good argument. Your capped picture of some random text is not.

>> No.12329697

take your meds

>> No.12329879

5G is harmful, sure, if you go up in a cherrypicker and get up close to the transmitter then yeah, you might get burned by any microwave transmitters that are also up there. Beyond that, no, it's not harmful to human health.

The whole '5G is harmful to health/causes cancer/covid/what the fuck ever' is a giant psyop made by intelligence agencies to distract from the fact that it has some incredibly worrying surveillance possibilities that supplement the already worrying arsenal of tools available to the Five Eyes.

This incredibly successful psyop now means that if you try and talk about government/corporate spying on the average person, you get lumped in with the tinfoil hat boomers and unmedicated schizos on Zogbook who rant and rave about it being responsible for the bunion on their toe. Dumb normies will happily go with what seems socially acceptable and laugh at you for being one of "those people" despite the fact that things such as PRISM and other weird spying operations are known to definitely exist.

This guy gets it.

>> No.12329933

>Whether 5G is a threat to health or not is not the real issue.

>AHHHHH only my concerns matter
>Both can't be an issue at once
I hear people say this stupid shit all the time,
Fuck off.

>> No.12329943

It's randomly polarized.

>> No.12329944


Top text document.

>> No.12329993

Have you been sleeping throughout the parts of school and uni where you're taught how to give proper citations?

>> No.12329998

Anon, maybe they didn't teach you this in school, but you're supposed to open the book first.

>reaches over
>opens the book to page 1

There you go. See there's more to it than its cover.

>> No.12330000

Look, mate. You're the one who's familiar with the sources you're supposed to provide. Don't expect everyone else to have the same level of familiarity. Provide information that lets readers unambiguously identify the section and work you're quoting because otherwise you may as well just not provide citations at all. Your attitude seems to be "bro just look for documents that agree with me if you don't believe me."

>> No.12330004

Top text document. It's just a raw txt file, open with any text editor, ctrl+f some unique part of the quoted text, you'll be right at the correct section.

>> No.12330008

all the Gs are its that you don't make the correlation

>> No.12330014

I saw a dead deer on my way to work, please interpret this for me oh wise one. Am I going to die?

>> No.12330022
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>make up your own mind by reading this list I selected to only support one conclusion.

>> No.12330025

Deer symbolizes gentle luring to new adventure, or potentially, it's an earthly feminine force (as in the deer woman), which would serve to lure and punish you. Either way, a dead deer implies a need for caution and potential misadventure ahead.

>> No.12330026

0+x = x

>> No.12330036

>>make up your own mind by reading this list I selected to only support one conclusion.
Irrelevant, the core focus is on hazards and risk assessment. I do include studies that don't find an effect when it's relevant, but whether I did or not, you're still left explaining and reconciling the mere existence of the body of positive effect literature which is something I've continuously done. I also have sections on medical use.

You're not a step ahead of me, you're several steps behind. Piss off and stop making excuses to not have to read.

>> No.12330039

>uv light is non ionising
>perfectly safe

>> No.12330041

Gary, the only thing you've continuously done is ragespam hundreds of links when people bother to interact with you. There's no point reading further when you're going to say anyone's criticisms are invalid because they didn't read every single thing you posted. This is all assuming you don't fall back into spamming "clamped durr hurr" and dumping your pictures folder when the questions and criticisms make you uncomfortable.

>> No.12330052

5g is microwaves you mong. Or are you trying to say that uv light is non ionising?

>> No.12330058


>> No.12330061

Funny you say that given that blue light is neurotoxic and the sun would basically rape us all to death if it wasn't for the red light that quenches the excitatory effects (see: photobiomodulation, dr michael hamblin)

>> No.12330066

Even if regular 5g wasn't harmful they could hypothetically build beamforming superpowered 5g death rays that invisibly induce heart attacks and also thanks to the data available with cellphones can target you with millimetre (no pun intended) precision

>> No.12330068

>blue light is neurotoxic
Prove it

>> No.12330071

Sure, in a few hours

>> No.12330073
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>5g death rays that invisibly induce heart attacks

>> No.12330078

This is true, bluetooth got its name because it uses invisible 5g blue light to remotely assassinate people with smart home devices

>> No.12330099
File: 681 KB, 1350x847, Replica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A facet of Brave New World USSR-esque central planning economy technocratic circumclampifluoraccimirradicimination, so to speak.

>> No.12330137

>Irrelevant, the core focus is on hazards and risk assessment.
This doesn't respond to my point. No one can draw a conclusion from your morass. If people could "make up their own mind" from selective eviscerated we wouldn't need scientists and doctors. Oh right, that's who you don't want people to listen to.

>> No.12330138


>> No.12330144

Statements from the California Medical Association, many doctors and researchers, American Academy of Pediatrics, IARC, and so on are included within the first few lines. Exposed yourself again, it seems. It's not the 1950's anymore, you can't just say "99% of scientists agree that [x]" and have people believe you, which is the underlying tactic you're trying to draw on. It doesn't even make sense.

>> No.12330167

>Statements from the California Medical Association, many doctors and researchers, American Academy of Pediatrics, IARC, and so on are included within the first few lines.
OK, and your point is?

>> No.12330174


If you have a functioning brain and the capacity for
you should already know what the point is.

>> No.12330184

>It's not the 1950's anymore, you can't just say "99% of scientists agree that [x]" and have people believe you, which is the underlying tactic you're trying to draw on. It doesn't even make sense.
Greater than 99% of the experts on this agree 5G is harmless. There will always be a handful of fringe and contrarian figures in any field. And they will always be ignored until they have solid evidence. Deal with it schizo.

>> No.12330185

Gee sure seems suspicious you can't even explain your own point and instead vaguely refer to a bunch of links. Almost like you're mentally ill.

>> No.12330201

[citation needed]
[definitions needed]
Hint, ICNIRP, FCC, SCENIHR, etc do not constitute 100% of the "experts".

This is known as framing. The gist of ther tactic is you refuse to engage with the substance of a topic and instead gradually shift it into a meta-discussion, about the character of the psoters and the nature of the discussion itself. At this point you can try to insert certain notions as though they're factual, then repeatedly loop abck to them until it becomes an embedded "fact" of the discussion, eg here you've seen it as expedient to claim I'm "mentally ill", and thus you'll then double down on it at loop back until, hopefully if all goes well and your opponent isn't wise to it, I'm on the defensive and the entire discussion is centered around your target having to prove he is not mentally ill. Or put more classically, he is trying to prove his own sanity, an impossible endeavor.

It's very transparent. This is the essence of "bad faith". The only use for bad faith posters is using them as a medium to deliver your own greater message to the hypothetic unseen audience, but even then the use of time and energy is questionable and I don't actually know if it's a net positive.

>> No.12330228

Most experts tell me to eat corn oil and avoid saturated fat. KYS.

>> No.12330294

There, was that so hard? I don't even completely disagree with you, regarding the 5G debate, I just hate when people make claims that I can't verify. Would have been even nicer if you'd just provided a direct link, or gone to the effort of providing the sources, but this will do. I've started to read one of the sources, found some interesting points. I'd like to point two additional things out:
1. Regardless of the wavelengths we're talking about, any health effects are ALWAYS a function of the intensity. A single quantum of millimeter band radiation won't kill you faster than a single x ray, a single visible photon (wavelength < 1 µm, if you've forgotten) or a single electron.
2. I doubt the correctness of the claim that millimeter waves don't exist in nature, or are much rarer than the adjacent types (microwave radiation and the single-digit GHz RF spectrum).

That said, I am worried about the intensity of ambient millimeter wave radiation increasing. We're getting into the territory where the wavelength is starting to be on the same order of magnitude as cellular structures, which is worrying when you've been paying attention in your RF / microwave lectures -- EM absorption starts peaking when you've got more-or-less conductive structures on the same order of magnitude as the wavelength, so the intensity of the radiation can be lower to achieve the same effect as with longer or shorter wavelengths.
On the other hand, this also makes it easier to block, in a way, you just need to wear shielding that absorbs it to a sufficient degree. 1mm thick plate armor should do the trick. But jokes aside, Faraday clothing could become a thing.

>> No.12330295

>[citation needed]
>[definitions needed]
>Search engine.

>ICNIRP, FCC, SCENIHR, etc do not constitute 100% of the "experts".
They constitute and speak for the vast vast majority of experts.

>> No.12330305

>This is known as framing. The gist of ther tactic is you refuse to engage with the substance of a topic and instead gradually shift it into a meta-discussion, about the character of the psoters and the nature of the discussion itself.
This is called projection. The schizo posted a nonsubstantive response in which he failed to explain his (nonexistent) point and now blames others for the discussion being nonsubstantive.

>> No.12330327

>Most experts tell me to eat corn oil and avoid saturated fat. KYS.
I doubt any expert has explicitly told you to eat a particular oil, but why do you think they're wrong?

>> No.12330341
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How will 5g interact with the microchips Soros and Bill Gates has put in the covid vaccines? Will it turn me gay?

>> No.12330497

Comparing dihydrogen monoxide to 5g is like comparing weed to cocaine.
Seriously man, dihydrogen monoxide is extremely fatal. Dont even try to go near it.

>> No.12330499

huh, I guess insects evolved the ability to detect polarization for nothing, then.

>> No.12330508



>> No.12330513

Hydrogen is extremely flammable. Dihydrogen is twice as flammable as hydrogen alone. How is this supposed to be good for you?

>> No.12330520

have sex

>> No.12330522

Well gee, maybe they benefit from detecting polarization because they live in the understory and are covered by a vast multi-tiered canopy.

>> No.12330540


Government response to Covid-19 -> Global governance -> Transnational actors -> 5G

It's pretty straightforward.

>> No.12330559

I wonder if this ability allows them to subjugate a majority of financial institutions and media outlets to modulate public opinion in their favor while gaining ever increasing control of various populations...

ah nvm, it’s just for navigation because sunlight is polarized

>> No.12330577

5G signals are safe. What's not safe is putting your data on 5G transmitters made by Huawei.

>> No.12330681

This completely fails to show any lies. The NTP study didn't show a link to cancer.

This is simply lying about the source it's citing. It claims that it recommends not using 5G when it says this nowhere. It also says to follow ICNIRP guidelines. Your source is both lying and selectively citing sources.

Calling ICNIRP "industry loyal" is a lie. Not reading this bullshit.

>> No.12330689
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Good job discrediting 5G schizos.

>> No.12330724

It's below satellite frequently. It's below microwave frequency.
It may move some water molecules a bit faster but otherwise there's nothing that will affect your body.
Brain waves are only 10s of Hertz so there's no way 5ghz will interfere with that.

>> No.12331314

Are none of you scientists going to propose a scientific experiment. Literally just place a few plants next to your wifi router and another few plants in a control area. People have done this and document that the wifi kills plants. Another good experiment is how quickly food rots next to a wifi router compared to a control location. And if you don't trust the youtube videos and gardening forums documenting this it's an easy experiment to run yourself. And if you are skeptical maybe you should consider how much money is behind the cell phone industry.

>> No.12331337

More studies needed but effects are noticed and suspected issues have been drawn out.

Non-biased updates on 5g and studies: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/

They threw this technology out for money and bummed off health laws with old dated principles of radiation and limits.

>> No.12331595


Priming / bandwagoning, substanceless response. Disregarded.

>> No.12331797

go stare at a headlight genius

>> No.12331818

humanity is doomed
literally building the eye of sauron because this retard wants to play video games

>> No.12331832

that is literally the tactic they used to convince everyone about climate change
pretty sure it still works lmao

>> No.12331861

I like how all the "evil" engineers want to harm us and how nobody working in the field is going like "um... you do realise if they find out about this, they're going to sue the pants off us right?"
This is what happens when you breathe your own farts for too long.

>> No.12331895

That's really what you think is going on here? You have a very childish way of viewing the world.

>> No.12331900


People are zombies because of SSRIs and phones/social media.

>> No.12331902

correction: this is what they did to DENY climate change, to convince people that smoking is harmless, to allow asbestos to be used as an insulator, allow radioluminescent paint and many others.

>> No.12331906

There are a number of factors.

>> No.12331916


ssris should be banned

>> No.12331925

Don't get in the way of progress you pretentious kid

>> No.12331930

A large chunk of modern medicine is a narcissistic and psychopathic religion masquerading as evidence based and scientific, and it needs to be torn down and rebuilt.

Progress is relative. You cannot just "progress", you must have progress from somewhere, to somewhere else. You truly are a fool.

>> No.12331936

We're going to have progress from slower internet to faster internet. By any means necessary. Even if it means shorter life spans

>> No.12331945

Then you're insane, and so our only option is to put you and your fellow cultists under the boot. Natural law, natural economy, always been this way. Simple as.

>> No.12331961

You can try to stop us by voting with your wallets but I don't think we'd miss rural redneck money. You're not our customers. You don't need or want our internet.
You can also keep voting in your orange hitler as but he cannot stop the population from funding technology.

>> No.12331979

Partially correct. The big picture gist of it is accurate though.

>> No.12332056


The majority of mentally ill people i see have just been gaslighted. Especially these rainbow hair self diagnosis autistic leftist.

>> No.12332086

Yep, probably. Whether it be parentification etc or adaptation to unyielding narcissitic abuse. There's a fairly broad transgenerational component.

>> No.12332140

And how do you know any of those are false? You don't just believe whatever the consensus is at the moment do you? That doesn't work and makes no sense!!!!

>> No.12332147

You lose.

>Priming / bandwagoning, substanceless response.
Keep projecting, schizo >>12330305

>> No.12332151


>> No.12332160

There's nothing to say. It's self evidently false.

>You lose.
I see we have a masturbator debater here. Muh winz.

>> No.12332162

Literally every person who ingested dihydrogen monoxide in his life, died or will die; and you know this, globohomo shill

>> No.12332165

Based schizo retard

>> No.12332171

*they are the chemotherapy drug pharma companies

>> No.12332188

5G is the signal that activates vaccine nanorobots to mindcontrol you into becoming communist and welcoming brown muslim immigrants

>> No.12332194

>i am a medicated schizo, so everyone else must be taking SSRIs too

>> No.12332195

I wasn't aware that they are that powerful!

>> No.12332196
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>> No.12332199

>newest post is the author getting excoriated for making ridiculous statements and loaded questions

>> No.12332205

>There's nothing to say.
We already know you have nothing to say. You lose.

>> No.12332207

>got em!

>> No.12332598

i love how this post could be right wing exaggeration, left wing sarcasm or a troll and there is no way of knowing

>> No.12332614



>> No.12332616


Ssris are of no benefit to the general population . How's that erectile dysfunction btw?

>> No.12332911


>>12327864 probably just means that a lot of it is based on trade secrets

>> No.12332945
File: 254 KB, 486x386, i guess we&#039;ll never know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12333032



>> No.12333060


Those don't seem like realistic conditions.

>> No.12333554

See >>12330138

>> No.12333588


>> No.12333600

it has acess to high frequencies and it just so happens that 60gm frequency interacts with oxygen molecule making it harder to us to absorb it to red cells
just research it it's simple

>> No.12333621

You ever notice how it's always cancer people talk about? That was a deliberate move on telecom's part in the late 90's. Cancer epidemiology is notoriously difficult.

Hey guys, look, so, okay. Like, uh... I took this animal, strapped it down, hit it in the head with a hammer, sawed off ALL 4 limbs (we're leaving nothing to chance here), then we left it for 6 months and yep, sure enough. After taking samples from a wide variety of tissues we see NO evidence of cancer, NO DNA damage. There is NO EVIDENCE of a harmful effect. It doesn't cause cancer, therefore it's safe and effective. Clearly nothing bad can be happening to you if you don't get cancer, right?!?

Seriously how fucking stupid do you people have to be?

>> No.12333665

>60gm frequency

>> No.12333673

i'd link you pdf but i can't find it
i found it

>> No.12333690 [DELETED] 

the EMF exposure is was within the existing safety guidelines

>> No.12333694

the EMF exposure was within the existing safety guidelines

>> No.12333702


>> No.12333718


>> No.12333723

if certain frequencies of sunlight can trigger vitamin d productions, wouldnt it stand to reason that other frequencies of shit could potentially fuck your shit up?

>> No.12333727

Only if you're not retarded.

>> No.12333728

right, and 630 hz triggers NO production in mitochondria

>> No.12333730

Time to nitrosative stress its shit right up.

>> No.12333755

Literally nobody needs this bullshit. Give me a single real application of this shit that is not "MUH BACKT TO THE FUTURE CARS".

Society is working well enough. We don't need this shit.

>> No.12333766

Television nation, don't turn that station! No need for reason, when logic is treason. Complacent nation, this is your salvation... There's no need for exertion, when your God is, coercion.

Their God is "progress". Without it, they are lost and aimless. It is unfillable void. Without their God they are and have absolutely nothing.

You're not going to listen to what I'm saying, but I'm saying it anyway. Know your enemy. They have the shape of a human being, but the essence is not there. These are not sane human beings you're dealing with.

"There's no use in reasoning with them. That's reason, enough."

>> No.12333803

based schizo retard

>> No.12333807

More like based based and thoroughly and utterly based Based McBasedman.

>> No.12335146

you wouldnt get it, compute harder