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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12314154 No.12314154 [Reply] [Original]

how was your relationship with a comp sci major?

>> No.12314788

A tier list like that I saw on this site 8 years ago is unironically the reason I have a degree in maths.

>> No.12314808

>Not Low Tier
>Not Top Tier
>Not Mid Tier
>No mention of hydrology or geography
>No mention of petroleum and nuclear fields
>No mention of linguistics

>> No.12314816

They were basically the most brilliant minds I knew in college. Truly they are cut from different, better, cloth.

>> No.12314817

>dropped out 2nd year after getting job offer for 150k to dev for small company
>currently make 400k as IT directory in large tech company

>> No.12314820

I'll agree with most of your list, except Theology.
Non meme Theological study has alot of its basis in philosophy which seems fair to put in the mid tier.

>> No.12314940

I'm going to do a math degree because of this too.

>> No.12314990

You're either lying or the CEO of the start up is a genuine tard. You don't know shit as a 2nd year except rudimentary programming knowledge.

>> No.12315106

>I started a major because a board for undergrads told me that I'd be the smartest if I did
get out of my field, brainlets

>> No.12315115

Math is fucking cucked, it's useless by itself it's 100 times better to go Physics or Chemistry subjects which WILL land you with a job.

>> No.12315126

>Physics or Chemistry subjects which WILL land you with a job.
This is bait

>> No.12315161

Yeah, that's why applied mathematics isn't a popular field, amirite?

>> No.12315257

math / cs is the best degree available.

>> No.12315381

3. Nepotism. Knew a hew in high school that bragged his uncle would pay him $100k out of school to work for his company.

>> No.12315440 [DELETED] 
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>chooses his stoodies based on what he thinks mr shekelstein wants to see
>calls others cucks

>> No.12315485

The CS major in my math class was a closeted trap and you better believe I smashed that bussy.

>> No.12315566

This makes really fucking seethee but I must accept that Biology is the gender studies of stem.
Fuck chemfags why are they so much better than me goddamn

>> No.12315642

rudimentary programming knowledge is unironically all you need if you can use google

>> No.12315645

computer science is essentially just a subfield of mathematics (and a bit of philosophy)
unless you're talking about the computer science major, in which case i agree

>> No.12315726

Some people are self learner, I don't have CS degree but I know what complexity is, and I can program in anything that has documentation.

>> No.12317102

I think the majority of computer science majors I knew were obnoxious, but there were definitely some interesting, brilliant people that I met who were in the field. From personal experience, I feel like the computer science students usually try to appear as smart as possible - and while they were intelligent- it came off as insecure. The math majors I knew were usually quiet geniuses.

>> No.12317114

I think it depends - then again, the best CS students I knew were the double majors in math.

>> No.12317115

Also it's hard to not be insecure when your field is so new and full of great problems, but it's got low hanging fruit and thus a lot of less than excellent people going for their slice of the pie

>> No.12317233

I had helped comp sci majors as a
mathematics tutor in college, mostly in calculus
where they need to pass the class the most. One of them needed me the most. He
passed differential calculus with my help and
is working on integral calculus with my help.
At one point, he was interested in some
problems in number theory that he wanted to
go over with me. At times, I would mention
seeing the other tutor for extra help, but he
rather learn it from me.
Do you all had this sort of experience?

I guess...one would never let go the lightning
that struck them in the darkest of nights.

>> No.12317246

Did CS, kinda hated almost everyone in the field including myself.
It's full of normies I was too autistic for this shit

I'd be a closet trap but I'm too masculine god I hate myself

>> No.12317250

I got a math degree and my friend got an easier cs degree and got a job making twice as much as I do

>> No.12317270

The majority of CS majors are the absolute fucking worst. I took a CS class that was (almost) a math class (graph theory) and we spent almost 3 classes covering induction. It was truly embarrassing and painful. However, the best CS majors were also math majors and they were quite brilliant.

>> No.12318948

* tips fedora

>> No.12320438
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Physics associate, electrical engineering bachelor, mechanical engineering first job, and I learned to code for my current job where I now work remotely. You aren't locked in, so do the thing you WANT to learn.

>> No.12320456

I can attest to this. I don't know of any other major that will have a portion of their population lugging around gaming laptops with loud-ass fans and playing video games in class.

>> No.12320459

This is definitely feeding my ego a little as a math/cs double major

>> No.12321236

non existent
good day to you lads!

>> No.12321237

I wasn’t on the short bus so I don’t know.

>> No.12321248

Where is my neuroscience family at? LET'S POST

>> No.12321262
