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12308737 No.12308737 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of bug is this? For reference I live in New England in America

>> No.12308749
File: 1.26 MB, 497x194, 1601764564952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the great new england idunow beetle.

it brings luck and stinky yellow substance to you.

>> No.12308771

>>oh shit I live in Europe and I've been seeing this bug since this summer. we don't want your stinky bugs in here sir, keep them in New England please

>> No.12309002

this is better suited to >>>/an/
ask there if you haven't already

>> No.12310434

tf u wearing nigga lmao

>> No.12310491

What country in America? Mexico?

>> No.12310499

Its Meloe proscarabaeus, an oil beatle.
Fun fact: The oily substance they secrete is poisonous and will lead to long lasting and potentially painful erections in males, and dead in higher doses.
Wash your hands.

>> No.12310502

The country where the region of New England exists

>> No.12310512

oh scratch that just saw the location.
Then its propably a different Meloe, maybe meloue americanus. It will still give boners though.

>> No.12310683

Its a black widow

>> No.12310697

>England in america
Yeah sure buddy

>> No.12310987

>all that angry anal juice

>> No.12311041

looks like you stuffed the legless body of a roach into the backside of an ant.

>> No.12311164

That's a blister beetle