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File: 113 KB, 300x260, fibromyalgia-2-300x260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12308511 No.12308511 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12308570

I always grew up thinking it was fake because I had an addict aunt who always claimed to have it.

Not sure what to believe, all of those issues sound like a lack of exercise and overstimulation, which leads to poor sleep and bad circulation, which of course leads to a depression cocktail than can manifest all sorts of ways like chest pain, nausea, fatigue, weight gain etc

>> No.12308590

>no objective tests, just claim you feel bad
>covered by insurance
>qualifies for disability
what could go wrong?

>> No.12308615

But how do you explain their widespread pain?

>> No.12308630

Psychosomatic. Just like when a guy announces he's a girl. The problem is in his head not his balls

>> No.12308633

So you're saying you could just think yourself out of the pain?

>> No.12308635

Yeah. But more likely just Munchausen's than actually happening

>> No.12308652


>> No.12308663

Do you have any sources that says it's impossible to just think yourself out of it?


>> No.12308678
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oof ya blew it

>> No.12308708

You don't trust science, why?

>> No.12308757

Had an ex with it
Both parents very healthy, upper middle class, same race, had her at an average age. She was healthy, only had 1 partner. Good person, pretty trad.

Used to bother her a lot, would flare up and cause a lot of issues for her. She said drinking helped, but obv more of just a numbing.
Didn't spend long enough dating her to really understand it, but it was 100% legit

>> No.12308783

Was she able to work? Did her condition affect the dating?

>> No.12308793

if fibromyalgia is real, what is its underlying physical mechanism? Why is there no objective diagnostic criteria?
Why is it so much more prevalent in women than in men? Is this because of physiological differences in the body? I doubt it.
The fact that there is no cause, no treatment, and no objective criteria of disease that can be measured by medical tests indicates clearly that fibromyalgia isn't a real disease. It's blatantly obvious, and the fact that the medical community accepts this as legitimate should be embarrassing for any doctor. It's just as real as any popular supernatural claim like ghosts or alien abductions.
This is an issue for two main reasons. One, because it enables liars to cheat the system and pretend to have a disease that enables them to take disability funds. What's actually far worse, is that for many people the pain is real, and has a real cause and potential treatment. But spread of the idea of fibromyalgia in society, and its acceptance by doctors results in many people being diagnosed with this supposedly untreatable disease when a medical treatment is actually possible and overlooked. For some people the pain is psychosomatic, and they should be referred to a psychologist. These people also often do not get the treatment they need, unless their doctor refers them properly. The single greatest thing we could do to help sufferers of fibromyalgia would be for it to be delegitimized as a disease.

>> No.12308820

But why do they feel pain in the whole body?
Why do they feel stiffness in the body?
Why are they not able to move the body like everyone else?
Why do they have insomnia and fatique?

>> No.12308828

Because science doesn't need trust

>> No.12308877

Is dying on an heavy cranial trauma psychosomatic? I guess people like you think yes.
But matter of fact is that the only really psychosomatic shit going on here is the lag of empathy, and your tendency of being an psychopath.

>> No.12308880

Sounds like an alcoholic's excuse, but I have trust issues in general.

>> No.12308887

because either they have a real disease, with a real cause, real mechanism, and potentially real cure, or it's psychosomatic. Fibromyalgia is woo woo shit

>> No.12308891

Good statement hindi. Remember the black death, people back then coudn't find a cause, was it back then psychosomatic?

>> No.12308893

is pain real?

>> No.12308914

>people back then coudn't find a cause
people back then, even without microscopes and germ theory, already figured out it's an infectious disease and the word 'quarantine' comes from those very days as the requirement for arriving merchant ships to be isolated for 40 days before being cleared to unload

>> No.12308916

>real disease, with a real cause, real mechanism, and potentially real cure
Like what?

>> No.12308923

the black death has objective criteria, and measurable effects. It is obviously a real disease even if the cause was unknown, because people were dying from it. That's evidence enough. There are no measurable effects of fibromyalgia. While many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia do experience pain, the disease called fibromyalgia is not real.
If we discover that many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia actually have a very subtle CNS disease that causes their symptoms, this would only account for a small fraction of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The rest would be people suffering from other unknown diseases, other known diseases, a psychosomatic disorder, or are faking it. This is because there is no objective criteria, no test, no measurement for fibromyalgia. Anyone could get the diagnosis simply by mimicking the symptoms. It is a catch-all term for "we don't know", not a real disease.
pick and choose any pain disorder or chronic illness you like

>> No.12308929

>pick and choose any pain disorder or chronic illness you like
Well, it certainly isn't RA or Spondylosis, what other can it be, neuropathy?

>> No.12308930

And before 2500 years we had a theory of atoms.
But i doubt anyone ever saw one. Just because you have a theory of sth. doesn't mean you know it.
We know about 2 legendary towns Atlantis and troy, we found one.

No idiot people back then had no idea, some some made an educated guess and hit the nail.

>> No.12308936

Yeah because if people are lesser active you totally cant measure that. Like for example the difference in behavior between a squirrel and an turtle. You totally cant (if you are an npc)

I wounder if hindiism is genetically or psychosomatic.

>> No.12308955

confirmed by lab tests, imaging
a)not a disease
b)confirmed by imaging
a)not a disease
b)confirmed by NCS

>> No.12308959

take your meds schizo

>> No.12308974

Yes, but is it caused by fibrogivemefreemoney?

>> No.12309024
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except for fringe websites and new age gurus who claim scientific institutions who peer review and test and conduct experiments are fradulent, and then some idiot in basket weaving forum along side thousands of boomers on facebook try to pretend clickbait article titles as in your pic somehow mirror how sience work, therefore if your not sheep, distrust science and scientific conduct, only to scepticaly believe random lunatics on the internet

>> No.12309035

Real to the people who have it.

>> No.12309091

She was able to work. We were around 19 when we dated, I'm not sure if it advances with age.
It would flare up. It seemed like a daily experience where it was much more subtle at times, and others it would really override her daily experience. The flares were temporary, or at least she would attune to the experience of the "pain" and carry forward with it.
She was and is able to work, I think she just manages it.

>> No.12309099

Also the dating, not so much, really.
Though she would comment that drinking made her able to be more...performative? active? playful? During sex. Not because of drinking, but because fibro would hinder her in some ways. I don't know specifically how, because it was more like her daily experience, so it was always sort of just there, affecting her daily life.
The degree of which would vary.

>> No.12309106

She was 19, which was the legal drinking age. She never drank before that year.
We rarely if ever drank. I don't even think we had sex drunk, she just commented that drinking allowed her to be more limber with respect to fibro.
She definitely wasn't an alcoholic. Super trad with a super trad family who were all very health-forward. She never did drugs or anything.

>> No.12309108

What's"real"? There's so much we do not know about the human brain/body yet that it would be dishonest to write off the possibility entirely. Only a few decades ago MS, rheumatoid Arthritis, AIDS, etc. also were considered psychosomatic. Remember that women have more autoimmune diseases in general. I don't know how much money goes into Fibromyalgia research, but I'd guess it isn't much, so we'll probably never fucking know for sure.

>> No.12309123

Would be great if someone actually did more research in this area, but no one gives a shit anymore due to the association with BPD women.

>> No.12309173

BPD women have a particularly type of genius that objective and law oriented men are never going to understand. I muse.

>> No.12309177

Also wtf does BPD have to do with fibro lol
Not even the same ballpark

>> No.12309191

Nothing that's just what people mentally associate it with, which is why it gets frowned upon. Imo with recent advances in systems biology, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc. all those poorly understood conditions warrant reexamination, but it's not like I decide where the money goes.

>> No.12309236

Yeah that's weird
The girl I dated with fibro was about as distant a character I've known in comparison to girls I've dated with more severe BPD

>> No.12309440

i have all these symptoms, sounds like a fake condition to me

>> No.12309467

For anyone wondering about the actual experience, my ex would say that her nerves would just start spazzing out. I imagine its a very similar sensation to when you hit that specific part of your elbow and it jolts your whole arm, or similar to an electric shock.
The way she described it sounded a lot like that, and it would flare up randomly through the day, causing her to focus a lot of her attention in discomfort and pain.

>> No.12309515


I though this was a science board. But no, just a bunch of retards doubting any illness they can't diagnose with their own eyes. Depression probably isn't real either because some people fake it, right?

>> No.12309703
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>Depression probably isn't real either

>> No.12309863

what they found here was not one biomarker, but a difference in proteins and sugars than in people with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or lupus. That's nice, but they themselves admit that they don't know if it's necessarily pertaining to fibromyalgia, or if it's caused by a comorbidity like chronic stress, obesity, or medication. They even admit that they don't know whether or not fibromyalgia is caused by a neuropathy, or a metabolic syndrome.
In the posts you linked written by me, I never claimed that there is no underlying medical condition causing the symptoms, in fact I was very specific in saying that the problem with fibromyalgia is that the diagnosis results in an assumption that the true disease is untreatable. I never claimed that everyone with fibromyalgia is faking it, the point is that you can't have a disease if there's no cause, no mechanism, and no cure. If they discover than many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia have a nerve disorder, and that many others have a metabolic disorder, or a neurotransmitter disorder, that doesn't mean fibromyalgia is real. It means they discovered the true disorder hiding behind fibromyalgia. The nature of how wide and subjective the criteria for fibromyalgia are means that it is incredibly unlikely that most of the people diagnosed actually have the same disorder, which is why it is not a real disease, but a "we don't know".

>> No.12309888
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a fibromyalgia diagnosis means that you have pain and other symptoms and the doctors have no idea why. It's an "other box" for symptoms not easily diagnosed. researching it is pointless, they are not going to find a common cause or cure. who really thinks that every pain not easily diagnosed by modern medicine is caused by the same or similar things? It's cruel to tell these people they have a lifelong condition when WE DONT KNOW.

there are no studies with more than 200 people that show any physical difference between people with fibromyalgia and the general population. It's basically the new low back pain.

>> No.12309906

As someone who gets migraines and depression if any of the following are off (posture, sleep, light exposure, sound exposure, diet, fluid intake, stress levels, blood sugar), something like this being a neurological or metabolic disorder wouldn't surprise me in the least

>> No.12310249

>But no, just a bunch of retards doubting any illness they can't diagnose with their own eyes. Depression probably isn't real either because some people fake it, right?
Are you saying fibromyalgia is a psychiatric disorder just like depression? Because that's what I'm saying too

>> No.12310782

Actually there are plenty of neurological disorders which aren’t understood at all.

I think a small portion of fibromyalgia patients might be hypochondriacs, but I’m pretty sure it’s real.

It’s completely feasible for an autoimmune neurological disease to be invisible on MRI scans and have no evidence of how the pathology works.

There is so much which isn’t known about multiple sclerosis.

Doctors have been studying multiple sclerosis for more than 100 years and still don’t understand how it works or the genes which predisposed the disease.

Aspergers is also a disease with scant mri and genetic evidence but nobody doubts it’s ex it is not diagnosed by mri.

>> No.12310789
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It's very possible it is real and there are people in legitimate pain who have some condition and that's what it is called.

However, it's perfect for people to just say they have because there is no physical diagnoses and all kinds of varying self reported things are said to be caused by it but it does not make you 100% bedridden debilitated. It is known for a fact some people fake having cancer or other diseases to get attention because they are crazy. If you were going to say you had a painful disease with no visible cause or symptoms that does not go away on its own (so you can say you have it for a long time) your list of shit you can say you have gets pretty small.

So certainly a lot of the people who say they have it are full of shit and just saying that for sympathy or to justify why they lie around doing pain pills for years on end.

-"stop doing oxycontin and xanax all day long and watching tv, get a job"

"I have fibromyalaga i cant"

>> No.12310807

People have been studying neurological disorders like autism, multiple sclerosis and behcet, for 100 years and have barely made any progress in understanding them.

Fibromyalgia is just another neurological disease of 100s of others which isn’t understood because we don’t know anything about the brain.

>> No.12310829
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that's fine but again the fact is some people always claim to be sick and are looking for shit to say they have and this is the most perfect disease for them

Also the demographics are often telling, very very few hard working professional people get it, but it is heavy on lower middle class housewives who have a history of being overdramatic and being lazy or making other false claims.

Go look at fibro communities on facebook, if you have looked at other communities such as those for people with MS or cancer you may get the feeling a lot of the fibro people are full of shit due to the way they act

>> No.12310855

Obviously a large portion of people diagnosed are just hypochondriacs because the diagnostic criteria is really broad and there aren’t any tests to confirm it’s existence.

The idea that fibromyalgia doesn’t exist borders on some delusional wishful thinking where people deny scientists inability to understand the brain.

We don’t know jack shit about neurological diseases, it’s completely expected that many diseases will resemble hypochondriasis.

Autism cannot be diagnosed by mri or blood test perhaps many children are misdiagnosed by hypochondriac mothers.

>> No.12311055

Seems similar to Lupus and celiac disease so plausible.

>> No.12311301
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bourgeois sluts prefer to made up stories how life is hard for them, instead of seeing as what they realy are, especially if their current orbiters enable them

>> No.12311315

19 year old traditional croatian girl who only had a single partner get pain flare ups across her body that docs say is fibro

>high class slut faking stories for sympathy from simps
this was about 7 years ago before the simp epidemic. she had no social media. she would hardly comment on it despite dealing with it most the day, and it would really only be brought to attention when she was shaking her arm from pain

projecting a bunch of personal bias onto a health topic does nothing to understand the issue

>> No.12311322

and just to add, she took no meds, received no govt or medical assistance
she just went to the doctors to understand why she was getting these sensations to try and understand what she could do about it

>> No.12311394

Those people ruin everything for people who actually suffer from some neurological pain windup phenoma no one can do shit about. Antidepressants (no, the fact that antidepressants work does not mean it's the same as depression) help a little with that, but they are far from curative. There's a lot of work to be done, but barely anyone is doing it.

>> No.12311825

There are so many people who have it, you can't say it's fake

>> No.12311929

Nigga just dont feel sad like just smile lol

>> No.12313826

Sound like just having mildly shitty health. Is there really a need for a separate diagnosis?.

>> No.12313858

That's what i had until they found out what was really wrong.

>> No.12314607

>That's what i had until they found out what was really wrong.
What was your disease?

>> No.12315624


Its literally just vitamin D deficiency stacked on top of opiate dependency.

>> No.12315682

Are you saying they should just eat more vitamin d? You must be kidding

>> No.12315700

No idea but I have all those symptoms and in my case it's just because i'm an out of shape lard ass that never took care of my health.

>> No.12315762

>Why is it so much more prevalent in women than in men? Is this because of physiological differences in the body?
Probably estrogen, the devil hormone

>> No.12315842

I think it's a modern manifestation of hysteria. Like some imaginary cases of chronic Lyme disease and electrosensibility.
I work is psychiatry I know and it's incredible how similar many women with that disease are in personality and background.

That said there are obviously many cases where a real somatic origin would be found but when the term is used it's often too late.

>> No.12316022

This but unironically
How will women ever recover?

>> No.12316045

taking testosterone doesn't decrease estrogen though, it usually increases it

>> No.12316056

I guess the absence of testosterone hurts more than the presence of estrogen in this case. 80% of autoimmune disease cases are wombyn. Maybe they all just need a good squeeze of that man juice?

>> No.12317261

It doesn't need to decrease estrogen, just inhibit some of the effects

>> No.12317624

I don't think calling a disease psychosomatic indicates a lack of empathy. Nobody is saying you aren't suffering, but that doesn't mean there is some organic cause for that suffering.
Indeed if we are ever to find a functional treatment we need to understand the cause of the disease, so he's really trying to help you.

>> No.12317767

What is "organic"? Is central sensitization organic? Psychiatric treatments barely even lead to remission in depression; why are doctors so convinced they're the end-all for all medically unexplained symptoms?

>> No.12317774

I can confirm that it's real. My dick is fibromalgic.

>> No.12317811

It's not an actual entity, meaning is probably a bunch of different strange forms of other diseases that we put under that umbrella. That's why it's basically an exclusion diagnosis.

>> No.12317833


Why do they feel dizzy and have constant pain do you think?

>> No.12317858 [DELETED] 

Sometimes you just have pain my dude.

Prior to about a year and a half ago I had never had a headache in my life. Then I started having headaches once a day that lasted about 30 minutes at a time... They slowly became more numerous until they were happening once every couple of hours. And they were pretty intense headaches, like I would have to stop what I was doing and just put my head down at my desk because I literally couldn't concentrate/work while having them.

No doctor's could tell me why... We had imagine done and saw nothing, they tried migraine meds, muscle relaxants, etc., everything but pain meds (because I didn't want pain meds).

Eventually we just gave up trying to treat it. And then like a year later one day the headaches just randomly went away and haven't returned since (knock on wood). No one could explain that either.

>> No.12318016

Issues from vaccines and auto immune reactions to bad food and sugars. All made worse by depression and media sources, increasing symptoms. I think the HPV vaccine is the largest culprit.

>> No.12318044

You can actually determine if someone has generalized nerve death of they do not respond to small pins that they're not looking at

>> No.12318520

Early days, but I suspect I have it, (Im 2 weeks in)
I feel pain in my legs and I have fatique

is it fibromylgia?