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12302732 No.12302732 [Reply] [Original]

I know a lot of crazy shit is going on this year but we really should be doing more politically against climate change. It's really about time that it becomes a core issue in pretty much all elections

>> No.12302751
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If you recognize the dangers of climate change and you're a burger then there's literally no excuse not to vote biden today. His climate policy isn't perfect, but it is vastly superior to Trump's outright denial of it's existence.

>> No.12302831

All of the carbon within petroleum and coal, has been sequestered out of the carbon cycle for millions of years right?
Which means that the total amount of carbon circulating in the carbon cycle is increasing due to burning fossil fuels right?
Petroleum and coal are organic in origin right?
Then that means at a previous time in earths history, WHILE there were loads of living things, that carbon that is now sequestered in petroleum reserves was not sequestered away, and was circulating within the carbon cycle.
How is it, then, that returning this seauestered carbon will result in the annihilation of all life on earth?

Even if it did melt much of the ice caps permanently, and led to sea level change, that is completely survivable for humanity, and would result in a net population decrease, and subsequent reduction in emissions.

Ergo, you are a retard.

>> No.12302836
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don't care will be dead before anything happens
i'm doing my part to make it as terrible for future generations as possible.

>> No.12304450

climate denialism = flat-earther /thread
this. Why is he stupid enough to claim that global warning doesn't exist

>> No.12304452

>If you recognize the dangers of climate change and you're a burger then there's literally no excuse not to vote biden today. His climate policy isn't perfect, but it is vastly superior to Trump's outright denial of it's existence.
reddit really trains you guys well huh

>> No.12304469

Why did you post an off-topic political thread with off-topic political posts in it? I thought that this board should be cleansed of /pol/ so how come?

>> No.12304485

I would be somewhat on board with you climate change retards, if you weren't completely moronic when it comes to green energy. We have the solution to greenhouse gases, we've had it for years. Well there's really two solutions: limit world population, thus limiting emissions and deforestation, and nuclear energy. But stupid fucking pinkos refused to consider either of these options.

>> No.12304486

>we really should be doing more politically against climate change

Climate change is a boogeyman to the left. The right wing equivalent is something like the moral corruption of the youth by rock music.

Should we restructure society and spend trillions of dollars to reinstil Christian values and ban rock music(electronic gospel can take its place)? No? Then why should we do the same for your climate change worries?

Both are completely fictional and retarded and have no place in a secular society where evidence based rational thinking are a core concept.

>> No.12304653

>How is it, then, that returning this seauestered carbon will result in the annihilation of all life on earth?
No one said it will. Also, the problem is not simply the amount of CO2 but how rapidly it's being increased. CO2 that took millions of years to sequester is being released in a few hundred. Such rapid change has caused mass extinctions in the past because it's too fast for many species to adapt.

>> No.12304656

The consequences are too far into the future for most people to realize how serious this is

>> No.12304659
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>scientific facts are the same as Christian hysteria
You seem to be lost, this is the science board.

>> No.12304661

Bang on the nail. The situation was quite solvable, but these retards are so far up their own arses they cant listen to reason. And heavens forbid they tell the world to stop breeding up large.
When I see the world populated by so many morons I just dont give a shit anymore. The horse bolted a long time ago anyway. Let the descendants of these these fuckwipes die in wet bulb temperatures for all I care.

>> No.12304670
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I think its already to late.

a chain of events will further accelerate the development.
in about 5 years, problems with the jet stream will increase and the weather conditions will become even more unpredictable.
with just a little bit of bad luck there will be way more hot weather conditions in the area of the permafrost.

>> No.12304684


>> No.12304703

>in about 5 years
No. Tomorrow.

The increasing temperature will accelerate the meltwater gradient, the gulf stream will enter a positive feedback look and accelerate towards the speed of light over the course of microseconds, the dissociated water molecules will fuse into heavier elements and the atlantic ocean will explode like a thermonuclear warhead with a hundred million exaton TNT equivalent yield.
If not tomorrow then on saturday.

It's already too late!

>> No.12304715

The faster we destroy earth the better. We need to be forced to leave this planet as soon as physically possible. If we can manage to make it into a hell where nothing can naturally survive then it will prepare us for meeting any challenges that comes from true space exploration.

>> No.12304720

the problem is the perspective you want to take.

is it about the question what happens in our lifetimes or is it about the question if humans are technically able to slow down the process?

I think we wont be able to prevent the latter, because the processes are just making themselves independent.

and i can well imagine that even now, interrelationships will cause us difficulties sooner than science can recognize.

if we speak of any tipping point, then only because it is a tipping point known to science.
how much shit out there we dont even know atm? Im afraid quite a lot.

>> No.12304930

fuckwit, the post.

>> No.12305405

I kinda. are about it but I like cheetos and pussy more, so sorry OP you are gonna have to care about it by yourself whiny faggot

>> No.12305408

if you don't vote for trump niggers are gonna rape your whole family

>> No.12305413

>It's really about time that it becomes a core issue in pretty much all elections
the 80's called, they want their line back