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12297535 No.12297535 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, when you're thinking, do you have an internal dialogue? Or do you just have a flash of ideas, pattern recognition etc. I think part of the reason I suck academically is because my thought process is really messy (the things I say and do have no rationale) and I can't structure information properly.

>> No.12298384


>> No.12298393
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Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes when I try to consciously think about whether I'm having a dialogue or not while thinking, the dialogue is present. But when I try to look back at a previous point in time when I had to make a decision, I can't remember always having an internal dialogue. It's probably more efficient to not have an internal verbal dialogue because words are slower than thoughts. Sometimes I know what my thought is and then the words to describe what I'm feeling or thinking about something can follow after to define them. But my thoughts themselves don't come in dialogue or word form.
I honestly don't know. Now that I try to think more about it, sometimes thoughts come to me visually as well.
Or sometimes not even visuals or words, just "concepts" or "ideas" which don't necessarily have any form.

>> No.12298983

How do i use my IQ to the max ? i feel limited and scared to jump into something and become monomaniac
EMDR ? Neurofeedback ? ?

>> No.12299263

My every thought is vocalised. I can not NOT think in words. I say my every thought internally, and often it feels like talking to myself without talking out loud. To me thinking without words is a foreign concept.

>> No.12299793

I actively try to not have an internal monologue as I realized it was partly connected to making my mental health worse. I often talk to myself out loud instead (when alone) if I need to think that way.
Otherwise I try to keep my dominant thinking through calm abstract visuals

>> No.12299797

The simp has become self-aware.

>> No.12299811

Sometimes? I think the best way to describe it is that the monologue is there, but it's like background noise. I think I'm on autopilot a lot of the time.

>> No.12299840

if you're working out, the significant fundamental models
that drive a system, you are thinking correctly.
Lot's of free spirits and schizos talk to themselves, while not understanding how to think.
It is the insight+internal dialogue,
not internal dialogue, alone

>> No.12300018

how can one have insight if his thoughts aren't structured i.e he doesn't know how to think

>> No.12300064

A big part of it for me is communication, if I can form the question in my head, after a series of thinking through patterns and scaffolding the topic at hand and integrating it with what I already know, then I know what it is I need to answer, or I know what it is I'm trying to figure out

Similar to conversations, I need to be clear about what I'm saying and how it relates and communicate that so there's a firm foundation to build upon