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12290823 No.12290823 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12290836


>> No.12290860

For now it appears to be capitalism. But take note that we are talking in terms of "efficiency" as defined by the system (profits, technological progress, etc). If you want "happiness" or "equality" then a small tribe is probably the best.

>> No.12290862

Brave New World.

>> No.12290863

But how are small tribes supposed to make video games and anime?

>> No.12290867

define effective

>> No.12290870

by effective, I mean the best

>> No.12290879

Efficiency is entirely dependent to the populace not being a bunch of retards and getting workd done where encessary.

Not, like in India where everyone is busy meditation wanking instead of telling themselves "oh, we lack infrastructure, let's build it", or Africa where most of them are selfish assholes too busy fucking and pumping babies who starve and suffer horribly because their parents only think with their genitalia.

>> No.12290913

Videogames and anime emulate basic human interactions for a lot of people. Games often are based on skill and pursuing goals (things that you lack in the modern world where most goals are too abstract to make the brain feel good). Most animes emulate basic human interaction, just look at people who keep idealizing anime girls. Shonen animes have a cast of "friends" who you see going on adventures and fighting (I think a big difference that anime has from other media is this focus on the characters themselves rather than the story). As you can see, in a small tribe you have shit to do and friends to play and fuck so theres no need (or time) for anime and games.

>> No.12291212

best for what?

>> No.12291234

Monocultural ethnonationalism ruled by a small monarchy.
Source: Ants.

>> No.12291277
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There isnt a single on it is directly related to how retarded your populace is. IN a perfect world a liberal Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately everyone is so stupid and clueless now they themselves are the direct threat to the Republic couple with the fact that we are under direct attack, eco-fascism is the only cure.

>> No.12291300


>> No.12291322

Educated technocracy...

It's about people to not be stupid. People's stupidness can't be blamed on goverment.

>> No.12291330
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Limited government. Low Taxation. Free people.

>> No.12291332

That's what we have now and it's a disaster for everyone but the technocrats themselves.

>> No.12291336

Oligarchy with some citizen enfranchisement, and a regulated free market economy.

>> No.12291341
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For humans: Keynesian capitalism or social democracy

For cyborgs: fully automated luxury communism

>> No.12291344

Benevolent dictator.
Capitalism isn't government, it's an economical system.

>> No.12291345

>Keynesian capitalism or social democracy
evidence that this has worked?

>> No.12291346

Well great news anon, Somalia might be just for you.

>> No.12291356

Unironically socialism.

Cybernetic economic planning is fucking based.

>> No.12291357

do you really believe if people were free they would behave like 68 IQ Africans?

>> No.12291358

Technocratic city-state communism.

>> No.12291380

Small tribes that inhabit an decently large habitable area with minimal contact with more settled people you mean

>> No.12291394

Enlightened dictatorship. The trouble is getting the 'enlightened' part but no government can possibly be better than a single person telling people what to do and having them do it.

>> No.12291417

Political "science" isn't /sci/ence. You didn't even specify what efficiency means.

>> No.12291436

Benevolent dictatorships are the best in the short term, but are incredibly unstable. Democracy is extremely stable, but also much harder to fix when there is a problem.

>> No.12291454

A militarized society that views everyone as part of the tribe. Also has a chain of command where everyone has ranks like the military. If makes society highly organized and everyone is accountable to somebody. So either like sparta without the two kings or the Mongol government of the medieval ages.

>> No.12291461

You're living in it if you're in the west i.e. America, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc. America leans less towards social democracy, though.

It is the best system so far... until AI gets so good that it can usher us into an era of techno socialism/communism without bureaucratic inefficacy.

>> No.12291498

>the UK
Orwellian Hellscape.

>> No.12291508
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Nature and consciousness are not static things
Why would a system of governance be

I can talk about what is rising, but a problem with male thinkers is perceiving in absolutes and 100's. This is the real delusion, but it serves its purpose for confidence in enacting out its measures.
Nature is not a totalitarian thing, but totalitarian thinking is what acts as the spear to carry out change and new structure.
Nature is truly a heterarchy of oscillating hierarchies. What has gone too far and become stagnant or too pervasive puts stress on some aspects of consciousness. So long as it is generative and fruitful, it will remain. But once this ceases, it's inevitable that the axe comes out and it will be usurped. Dormant aspects of consciousness will then begin to arise.
Humans want it all, they just can't have it all at once. Thus, the stage rotates.
This is why the swastika is such a brilliant symbol. It was a pretty big fallacy to attribute it to a totalitarian movement, if the Nazi's were in fact just so.

>> No.12291509

In life there is only a wheel, and it must keep rotating and agitating energy.
What arises is whatever can ignite the most energy and continue such ignition.

>> No.12291516

are democracies actually stable though? In the Arab spring. all the democracies fell while the monarchies stood. Napoleon took power right after France got rid of monarchy and adopted democracy, and Hitler took power not long after Germany become a republic.

>> No.12291520

Governance systems come and go, but the general tendency is sort of a balance. Democracy represents some, and rulers or monarchies represent some.
We're sold full democracy, but it's more balanced than that for obvious reasons.
Not everyones energy is worth the same relative to the current economy of values.

>> No.12291537

one based on voluntarism
technocracy is for psychopaths who's whims will always be inefficient

>> No.12291544
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>> No.12291586
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So one man to lead a nation (almost/or sometimes) like a god for the people?

We've seen this in the Dark Ages, Medieval period, Bronze Age, and even now Communist China making the same economic mistakes as 1990's Japan, with trying to manipulate its GDP on an international stage.

>> No.12291595

Economist and social reserve isn't technocrats... Goverment is way low on technology and doesn't support it production almost nowhere, or it's not publicaly available.

It's hard to sum goverment model in less than 1200 pages.

>> No.12291629

Benevolent monarchy

>> No.12291684

jesus fuck just shut up

>> No.12291732
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> jesus fuck just shut up

That's not a scientific method. Also OP's question is fucking retarded and Anon should've gone to >>>/pol/ or >>>/b/ with this shit

>> No.12291734

The form of government most acclimated to your definition of effective.

>> No.12291737

>Capitalism isn't government
It is in the US where all politics and legislation is accomplished through systematic bribery for campaign financing.

>> No.12291748
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>> No.12291760

Op here. I literally made this thread becuase I wanted to think of something stupid to post that would get people to post. So I thought of this and just said, “scientifically speaking” so that way it wouldn’t get trashed.

>> No.12291764
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>> No.12291768

It just shows that this board is filled with a bunch of midwits and not a bastion of intelligence like they may want to believe.

>> No.12291783

Actually I was hoping for a discussion about future physical methods, technologies and theories that would implement a more perfect society. And after that... what political view/party would work best with the tools and methods that would've been theorized.

>> No.12291785

If people knew the answer to that, they wouldn't be endlessly bickering about it.

>> No.12291789

>>Keynesian capitalism
>evidence that this has worked?
You've been living under it since the great depression

>> No.12291790

desu I think that Kaczynski was right about society. This idea that we can find some way to function well in this world and keep all our fancy tech is a false hope. It will either lead to our destruction or enslavement

>> No.12291796

Depends how one defines enslavement. It's a feeling and that which enslave changes, as well as its relative to the individual.

Ted wants to do away with tech completely, I don't think it's realistic. We go to space and we colonize the cosmos.
We need balance though, and it's time we awaken our connection with nature once more. That's the wave that needs to arise now.
We can utilize tech for us, as opposed to us being utilized for it. As a means to deepen our connection with nature and reality.

>> No.12291801

>We go to space and we colonize the cosmos
this is far more unrealistic than society collapsing and living in a low tech world. With the stagnation weve been having in tech and science, its simply a pipe dream at this point to think that we will live like people do in sci fi novels.

>> No.12291802

Other than the whole killing jews thing (assuming it actually happened and wasn't just allied propaganda), what exactly was wrong with National Socialism?

>> No.12291803

>Depends how one defines enslavement.
The amount of freedom you have to live your life without any person or system getting in the way

>> No.12291821
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Unfortunately, I feel the same way. With the codependency on tech caused by the COVID lock-downs. As well as the popularization of crypto currency, biogenetic chips and A.I. tech becoming stronger day by day. I feel that this future utopia is possible... but it won't be nice to look at.

>> No.12291824

Even this is subjective and relative to the feelings and values of the individual you ask

>> No.12291831

the stagnation is in part because of our objective-centric cultures and our utter lack of rigorously questioning fundamentals, or coming up with any new language with any reasonable breadth of development behind it.
It's just in us to go to the cosmos and spread the mothers seed.
For now, and for the foreseeable future, we're going to be a lot more in>out rather than out>in. Meaning we will start moving towards the needs of the individuals and groups rather than the objectivity of people pulling the strings.
If science is genuine discovery, then we've stagnated because the sciences have lost this important factor in its race for techno-supremacy. The bios still have a long way to go.
I'm also willing to bet that the convolution of the languages in science are going to lead people away from much of the structure in order to just freely experiment with their own ideas.

Life happens in balances, not absolutes. Where's the pendulum at. We think in absolutes because it affords us the confidence to go in that direction and envision an absolute system. This confidence is sort of necessary in imposing itself

>> No.12291851

Weighted democracy.
People are not equal with respect to decision making. Some are better educated, intelligent, skilled, experienced, and carry greater responsibilities than others. This should be recognized in the weight of their vote.

For example only: The vote of an unemployed school leaver with no family, no tertiary qualifications, no trade qualifications should get the basic minimum of 1 vote. The vote of a professional with 20 years work experience, who employs other people, who has children, would be worth a lot more. Anywhere from 100 to 1000 votes depending the exact attributes.

Secondly, the right to vote should not be automatic upon reaching a certain age. Everyone must earn the right to vote by passing tests measuring basic literacy and numeracy criteria in the language of the nation. The tests are exactly the same for everyone. No pass = no vote.

Thirdly. The weight of votes are further modified by the issue being voted upon. Teacher's votes would be assigned greater weight in matters of education. Likewise for health processionals in matters concerning health.

Fourthly. There are no partisan party politics. Candidates stand for portfolio positions. Voters do not cast a vote for a party, but rather vote for the candidates in each portfolio. Most issues arising after an election are decided by plebiscite.

Highly complex and expensive? Yes. But the long term benefits by far outweigh the cost. Suspectable to hackers? Yes. High levels of security and fail-safe mechanisms will need to be borne. This is another expense. Highly efficient and like an autocratic technocracy? Yes. Far less squandering of public resources and an incentive to move the population towards constructive political participation and towards being highly skilled and educated. Also national leaders unbound by the need to follow party lines, and the ability to create focus on achieving national aims, such as science and technology advancement.

>> No.12291862

so close and yet so far.

>> No.12291873

Starting a war with the entire planet wasn't a great idea, socialist messaging that got them into power was completely ignored afterwards, they talked big about how industrialists and wartime profiteers were evil and would be done away with, but in practice as long as you weren't Jewish you could do whatever the fuck you wanted. To summarize nazi germany was just another example of fascism failing horribly because it turns out once the fascists are in power, and prove incompetent the only way lose power is by destroying the entire country.

>> No.12291899

Hitler made up whatever narrative advanced his position.
Totalitarians will never succeed. Nature demands diversity.

>> No.12291906

Capitalism but with no interest on transactions and loans.

>> No.12291922

Rule by secrecy.

>> No.12291946

So how does your tribe compete with ethnostates on the global arena? Well, we are the most diverse cocksuckers on the market.

>> No.12291965

Diversity doesn't mean that you have to have diverse people in the same place.
Expecting them all to cooperate would also mean they would need similar states of mind which isn't diversity.

Having multiple areas with each with its own unique state of mind and values is diversity.
Mussolini had the right idea what he said some shit about "not race, but state". While he was just talking narrative BS for his own goals, and while the perspective was towards getting everyone to subjugate towards the state, he wasn't wrong.
Any group of individuals can share similar values and perspectives regardless of background.
Imagine a white ethnostate of lesbian man-haters, neo nazis, American rednecks, wall street chicken hawks, and hippy farmers. Obviously this wouldn't work.

>> No.12291981

Basically lesbians need lezzyland
Indigenous need ooowoowooland
Gays need buttsexland
Blacks need wakanda
So on

I would say state would function suuuuper hands off, and relative to the needs of each group. Sort of like a steward to facilitate their needs.
States objectives would be relative to the needs of the groups. The more a number of groups aligned on a value, the more energy could be put into developing and dispersing it.
I would say that all state-objectives would just be like bounties for groups and capitalists to compete after, and resource being dispersed based on accomplishing that bounty. Once its been accomplished, a new one is put up to address.
The infinite singular direction we have now is silly and just aches for collapse. Objectives should always be seen as temporary and with a point, even if the point is that the groups want to expand development in a specific field non-objectively

If a group gets too large, either they are dismantled, voluntarily decide to go a new way and disperse (join other groups values and perspectives), develop in new ways, or they basically just battle it out with the other groups lol

If you keep rotating the values, you can pretty much always assure that no singular group will get out of hand, since they simply won't have the specialization necessary to beat the specs of the other groups

So state, or whoevers dishing out resource, can just change the stage on what the major cultural values are. This way, many aspects of different groups can be grown, just being brought more forward at different times

All an economy really is, is that which will agitate our energy. Humans are the resource. Money=labor=energy+skill. Anything very well developed will help agitate, expand, and illuminate us to invest ourselves into partaking in culture

With these different groups, have high mobility. But when you enter a place, you adhere to their rules, state of mind, perspective, etc
Requires the option for high mobility

>> No.12291997

>what is the most effective form of government?
Directory with national socialist characteristics

>> No.12291998

Good, then fuck off to Somalia or cartel controlled Mexico

>> No.12292000

absolutely not. this leads to an elite and subsequently to a socialist revolution by the masses

>> No.12292001



>> No.12292004

>Napoleon took power right after France got rid of monarchy and adopted democracy
Napoleon was a literal emperor brainlet

>> No.12292006

I like the idea of small 150-200 people communities all interconnected in a bigger nation with partial power over them except the military that has to be at big scale

>> No.12292008
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Ukraine agrees with you anon

>> No.12292011

>Starting a war with the entire planet
Communism was too much of a threat to leave it be though

>> No.12292012


Democracies are metastable. It relies on a careful balance of resources and power. Once a democracy becomes poor, a resource overwhelms the productivity of the tax-paying citizens, or a social class becomes overwhelmingly powerful, it is likely to fall into dictatorship.

>> No.12292016

Are you aware of the fact that we all aren't genetic siblings with each other?

>> No.12292019

>Thirdly. The weight of votes are further modified by the issue being voted upon. Teacher's votes would be assigned greater weight in matters of education. Likewise for health processionals in matters concerning health.
So they get the most say over matters regarding their own budget, hours and benefits? People are just going to vote for their own self interests rather than what's the most efficient and beneficial for society.

>> No.12292021
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On the contrary. The grain sold overseas fueled the fastest and most furious industrialization in world's history. The grain sold overseas paid for the machinery necessary for the vast expansion of the industry achieving the objectives of the plan in just 4 years ahead of the 5-years schedule.

>> No.12292025
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>a serious reply to a retarded post
this is absolutely why i love /sci/. respect.

>> No.12292032

Are Libya and Syria examples of average democratic countries?

Generally speaking, democratic systems aren't necessarily the best for governing, but the increased stability (i.e. you don't have to start a violent revolution to make changes to the system) compared to authoritarian systems makes them worthwhile.

>> No.12292035

i lol'd

>> No.12292037

>So they get the most say over matters regarding their own budget, hours and benefits? People are just going to vote for their own self interests rather than what's the most efficient and beneficial for society.
acting like this isn't how it already works

>> No.12292039

Inverse of chinese authoritarianism.

>> No.12292043


Successful and stable democracies rely on a well-educated and productive population relatively speaking. Since taxes are usually lower in democracies, that means that governments need to encourage citizen's productivity to get revenue.

By contrast, the worst and most stable of dictatorships are those that rely not on the fruits of human labor but on a few or one natural resource.

>> No.12292056

I have found you another pair of pants to wear on your head. Should match the existing pair you have got there.

>> No.12292066

>The grain sold overseas fueled the fastest and most furious industrialization in world's history
>millions of people died, it's ok
lmao day of the rope is never soon enough

>> No.12292072


Sorry, anon. You already sold the rope.

>> No.12292075
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Communism with Chinese characteristics.

>> No.12292086

The question was "what is the most effective", not "what can we do ethically". MME requires killing most of the global population, but in the end it would be the most efficient and stable structure.

>> No.12292492

The one china has right now.