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12289642 No.12289642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If it is proven that both genders have the same kind of libido urges for sexual stimulation, why are the virgin incels overly represented by men?

>> No.12289673

Please don’t do this. Not at this hour. I’m too weak.

>> No.12289687

>If it is proven that both genders have the same kind of libido urges for sexual stimulation
citation needed. i won't believe it anyway and i will tell you it has wrong methodology and that you can't test sexual libido

>> No.12289691

Because men aren't the gate keepers of sex like girls. Most of us can't just open our legs and expect women to want to bang.
Since women are given the ability to say no to any guy's advances, ofc there's going to be a subset of males who will be rejected after every approach.

>> No.12289728

>Ackshually it has been proven genders are completely the same dude! Nevermind any prolonged exposure with women will empirically tell you otherwise dont believe your lying eyes and ears!
Every time

>> No.12289760

because it's really easy for women to find sex, why do you need help coming to that conclusion?

>> No.12289772

It's also really easy for men though

>> No.12289787

Do you think it's equally easy for both genders?

>> No.12289793

It really isn't, though. All men have to do is just get it up, women have to make sure they don't pick some noodle dick premie.

>> No.12289799


>> No.12289810

Only if your gay. Finding a decent women to love is like trying to win the lottery.

>> No.12289813
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Women love to fuck dude, many girls will want to fuck more than men

Have you ever been in a relationship?

>> No.12289814

It's just math. I'll explain it better.
Whether or not a man can have sex is a function of a single dick.
Whether or not a woman can have sex is a function of all dicks.

>> No.12289821


>> No.12289822

>Women don't want to have sex with me as much as I want to have sex with them, therefore the libs are wrong and women don't want sex from anybody

>> No.12289827

Patriarchy. Under which men have to approach women. If it was abolished women would be able to approach you too.

>> No.12289829

And why are girls rejecting incels and manlets even though men will fuck anything that has a lubricated hole?

>> No.12289834

My girlfriend initiates sex far more often than I do

>> No.12289848

in a relationship it's a different game

>> No.12289850
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Because women can do better and ACTUAL high value men don’t fuck below their standard (just like women) both desperate men and women will fuck anything

>> No.12289851

Fair enough

>> No.12289880

>Based and red pilled

>> No.12289885

Women are sexually aroused by the intrigue surrounding sex, while from their perspective the act itself is secondary.

>> No.12289947

Chad here, basically this. When you have choice as a men you will also develop high standards and not fuck every goblin that tries to flirt with you.

>> No.12289999
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>> No.12290006


>> No.12290009


Women are rejecting all types of men. They do everything they can to raise the costs of sex.

>> No.12290033

Not really bro

>> No.12290081

Spunking is easier than 9 months of pregnancy followed by death, therefore women are pickier than men and would rather share the top few men than have exclusive rights to any of the other men.

>> No.12290106
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Chad only.

>> No.12290278
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>What is birth control

>> No.12290293

>DIsturb hormones so someone can dump loads in her
>Trust condom to be worn correctly
>defy instinct

only shit tier women use the pill outside of a long term relationship where they want to plan when to have kids. This one korean girl I knew would go nuts on birth control, she just gets abortions instead.

>> No.12290304

60 years of birth control does not override million years of evolution, thus women are naturallly much more picky

>> No.12290337

Females of most species are in charge of sexual selection, not males. The dominant man who takes what he wants meme is bullshit. In reality, women simply want a dominant man who takes what he wants. He has to actually be that character though, not an incel who is pretending. Women are very good at picking up on your old stink of insecurity and will throw you in the garbage. Men ignore the glaring personality flaws in any woman who is 5/10 or above.

>> No.12290346

Perhaps libido is not the deciding factor in becoming an incel.

>> No.12290351

Except men are also choosy, so this theory of yours doesn't stick. Please provide a sufficient answer to the OP.

>> No.12290355

>Please provide a sufficient answer to the OP.
It wasn't a very well constructed OP. It should probably be deleted.

>> No.12290368

Most men are not choosy for the simple reason that they can't afford to be. They have preferences but they don't insist on them because they lack the bargaining power to do so. The top tier of men are choosy for the simple reason that they have more options than they have time to deal with, therefore they may as well pick their favorites.

>> No.12290386

Apparently you've never been to Tumblr.

A lot of female incels as of late gravitate towards transexualism.

>> No.12290455

Women are hypergamous by nature. Read the rational male.

>> No.12290943

Because sex is not fair.

Maybe you just oversee virgin woman, because they look completely normal.

>> No.12290960

>If it is proven that both genders have the same kind of libido
What idiot is claiming that? Look at faggots for an example of the male sex drive when not limited by a womens.
Women like to pretend they have the same sex drive as men but if that were true why aren't lesbians going down to the public toilets for anonymous gang bangs?

Men have a much higher sex drive because while women can only have ~1 kid a year a man could easily father hundreds a year given access to enough pussy.

>> No.12290977
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Literally everybody ITT who claims women don’t have a comparable sex drive to men has told on themself that they are either ugly are terrible in bed

>> No.12290979
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The egg is rarer than the sperm thus it is the female that does the selection.

It would make no sense for the female to have a libido as extreme as that of the male for the aforementioned reasons.

Important note, it is the female of this species that selects the genes to move into the next generation.

>> No.12290990 [DELETED] 

>What are hoes
Women enjoy sex as much, if not more than men do. Get over it incels

>> No.12291222
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>> No.12291247

Libido has nothing to do with it. Females are in a word 'pickier' than males are. They always try to date above themselves ; if you are a woman who is a 7, you will generally only sleep with a man who is at least an 8.5 unless you are desperate or fucked up in some other way.

>Who do 9 and 10s fuck then?
They fuck other 9s and 10s, but you'll find that women at that level are never satisifed with whoever they're with, causing them to behave like maximal whores.

This leaves average and below average men in a position where if they want to get laid they'll have to settle for a pig, and if they're below a 4 the odds are virtually naught.

>> No.12291249

>seething incel detected

>> No.12292291

>it is proven that both genders have the same kind of libido
Assertion challenged.

>> No.12292299

>If it is proven that both genders have the same kind of libido urges for sexual stimulation
because this is obviously false?

>> No.12292317

People who fail at the sexual/romantic race become homosexuals or trannies. Every faggot is dogshit ugly and transexuals are too socially/mentally retarded to sustain a healthy relationship. Bisexuals are just in it for the bants

>> No.12292378


My gf begs for sex after few days. I don't know if this is unique for us or is it for everyone.

>> No.12293530

Dude, fags are often objectively attractive. Most of them don't become homos, they literally never feel attraction to women. The reason for this probably has something to do with minmaxing survival. Like how gay swans steal herero nests and defend them far more effectively than hetero couples can.