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12289411 No.12289411 [Reply] [Original]

Upon activation, DHT binds to androgen receptors that enter into the nucleus of prostatic cells causing an increase in gene transcription

>> No.12289708


>> No.12289759

I want those shoes. Give them here fat boy or I'll beat you up.

>> No.12289865

the "increase in gene transcription" is limited to a subset of genes and is not indefinite. most mechanisms that cause an increase in transcription involve transcription of something that eventually inhibits or suppresses this transcription. The general term is negative feedback or feedback inhibition, and it's very common. Something typical is a transcription factor that activates transcription of its own inhibitor/suppressor (among other things). Cancer is really a disease of de-regulation - when these regulatory mechanisms are disrupted, that's when you have a problem. Even then, there are mechanisms to avoid these problems. This is one of the reasons cancer is typically a disease of aging. Children with cancer almost always have a genetic factor that facilitated oncogenesis. I could go on. Nice dubs.

>> No.12289922

which meds could cause cancer? I have red for example that levadopa causes melanoma.
Which class of medications can cause cancer?

>> No.12290513

It does.

>> No.12290519

Everything gives the possibility to cause cancer. If it has free radicals it causes cancer, if it messes up with transcription such as hormones it causes cancer. I dunno what med out of everything out there are you worried about.