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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12277966 No.12277966 [Reply] [Original]

Troll Physics thread
I had some retard try to tell me this would actually work the other day, lmao

>> No.12277967


>> No.12277983

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.12277988
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>> No.12277990

A friend told me physics can't explain roflcopters, is that true?

>> No.12278002

kek, the whole thing would spin because of conservation of angular momentum.

>> No.12278091
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>> No.12278092
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>> No.12278095
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I miss the old internet, mostly these memes

>> No.12278097
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>> No.12278116

Cope harder Math PHd zoomer you should be studying

>> No.12278124
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>> No.12278436

why wouldn't these work?

>> No.12278487

torque and tension

>> No.12280238

I remember someone showed these memes to a college professor back in 2011-12 and he was disappointed.

>> No.12280251
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>> No.12281625

why wouldn't this work?

>> No.12281628
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debunk this

>> No.12281641

We have to go back

>> No.12281650
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>> No.12281657
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>> No.12281661
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Garbage printer go brrrr

>> No.12281663
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>> No.12281679
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>> No.12281927


>> No.12282133
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>old internet
The only real difference now is that it's centered around people's identities instead of their ideas. It comes across as shallow now because it doesn't reflect anyone as a person. It's not doomer, brainlet, chad, or any other preceived real-world archetype. It's something that only an anon could make, but now, when someone makes something notable online, it's important who they are, not for any good reasons, but purely because that's the culture now.

>> No.12282141

>centered around people's identities instead of their ideas

>> No.12282143


>> No.12282149

the reason some people cultivate identities is to rise above the noise of the modern internet. It's signal amplification, and people can listen and see "Oh this is a good signal, keep this one." There's a lot more noise I think, a lot more spam, a lot more nefarious entities.

>> No.12282153

do you know how fucking heavy that thing would be? and you think you can make it fly by by blowing air? fucking retard.

>> No.12282722

Because there's no such thing as "light pressure".

>> No.12282869

Maybe it's just very light so they haven't observed it yet?

>> No.12282872
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>> No.12282975

Is it really that difficult to see the limit of that construction is just a rotation?

>> No.12282983

repeating to infinity does not create a circle it creates a diamond

the proof is left as a reader to the exercise

>> No.12283233
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>> No.12283241
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>> No.12283286

No - wrong. It is far more profound, divine, and spiritual, than that superficial understanding

>> No.12283289

solar sails are now troll physics

>> No.12283301

BASED thread

>> No.12283452

conservation of momentum/energy whatever. magnet and metal attract each other equally, pushing arm up pushes body down. No idea why his legs and dick fall off though.

>> No.12283462

ok, there is only one light speed

>> No.12283559
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>> No.12283606

It doesn't work, you would eventually run out of fuel

>> No.12283630

The air being pushed down would just displace, providing insufficient lift. If you go above, like, 10 feet, the air waves would disperse instead of bouncing off the solid ground, you'd get no lift.

>> No.12283646
File: 10 KB, 266x190, 1589317589364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black holes break physics? no problem
>shoot light into the black hole
>cut it in half, one piece goes the other way because of atomic pressures
>equal energy going in and out means black holes evaporate now
>physics is saved!

>> No.12283651

That jet is capable of inflight refueling.
So your "It doesn't work" don't work.

>> No.12283686

how can one tell the satirical from the serious with only text

>> No.12283754

Still my favourite.

>> No.12283765

you are the one retarded. the picture is what actually happens and i am not sure maybe thats "the joke"?

>> No.12283773
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This version is superior.

>> No.12283775

why not

>> No.12283779

You're a genius, bro.

>> No.12283785

it is funny. But the general idea has worked before.

>> No.12283800
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>> No.12283841

Honestly, what exactly is stopping us from making a t-rex?
DNA faults in the fossils?

>> No.12283848

The original one is the dark energy one, I believe.

>> No.12283856

We cannot yet create totipotent cells from random dna samples, I think.

>> No.12284270
File: 44 KB, 800x195, Scutellosaurus_lawleri[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we didn't even discover dinosaur DNA until this year


>> No.12284277

I don't know the original but it is the better of the two as it describes the cosmological constant comically.
I don't know all of the difficulties as I don't work in the field but I imagine they would first try it with a living animal and I have yet to hear of that.

>> No.12284511

its virtual particles that separate at black hole horizons not light

>> No.12285984

the jet is not burning fuel if it is not moving through time

>> No.12286003

Light has no volume bro

>> No.12286043 [DELETED] 

Hey us bros, whatever comes out of next week's events, i hope your new government continues to lead in space.
I don't want no chinese luna bases.

>> No.12288203

what is radiation pressure

>> No.12288756

now try taking a derivative of this curve

>> No.12288757

context, specific words or phrases or emotes

>> No.12288788

How is that edgy? Lol

>> No.12288790

Lost so fucking hard.
t. mathfag

>> No.12288824

DNA is shit for long-term storage: it only lasts 6.8 million years at most when preserved at -5°C, and it's only readable for 1.5 million years.

>> No.12288880


>> No.12288910

Ok, so I'm about to sound like a complete retard, but this has always genuinely confused me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not damaged, I know time won't stop or anything stupid like that, but how do timezones compensate for this? Is there a timeline somewhere with a 24 hour difference? I don't get how timezones work otherwise, because theoretically you could just keep going back.

>> No.12288997

>Is there a timeline somewhere with a 24 hour difference?
Yes there is, it just goes through fucknowhere in the ocean so only those traveling across would care until internet and instant global communications gave the general populace the opportunity to be confused the fuck out of their wits by timezone shenanigans as well.

>> No.12289009

>nooooo you can't just adjust your model to match reality!

>> No.12289428

iirc that's how we found uranus basically
or was it neptune
maybe both

>> No.12289535


Because none of those that lift, are grounded.

>> No.12290036

Hypothetically this would work, apart from the tweezers, right?

>> No.12290042

yes but how many atoms make up a traditional gold bar

>> No.12290045

I see what you did there

>> No.12290046

It's called the international date line

>> No.12290243
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>> No.12290317

If you travel continuously you'll cross time zones.

>> No.12290324
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>> No.12290359

Based tweezer alchemist

>> No.12290500

not sure
fucking hard!

What gives? Just an extra proton, what's it doing?