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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12277746 No.12277746 [Reply] [Original]

Since it’s the toughest non stem subject it sometimes gets brought up as the toughest field of endeavor. That and it’s hisotry.

>> No.12277768

I think they're wrong. Your grade largely depends on how well your professor agrees with you and your ideas. True rhetoric is rarely taught or rewarded. And even if the professor does reward this, I don't think it difficult to lie, juke statistics, and persuade someone who unironically thinks communism is a good idea.
This is contrast to the simple fact of physics and mathematics having stone-hard "do you understand this concept or not, prove it in an exercise" exams.
Plus all the philsophy majors I met in undergrad would just go on and on about Hume because it was their most recent focus. It was almost identical to the scene out of Good Will Hunting where Will thrashes the retarded history student in the bar over economic policy during the reconstruction.

>> No.12277795

the fuck lol
philosophy is just ideas about how to live your life
people thinking this is right or wrong or better or worse all comes down to their preestablished conditioning
they are only just ways. whatever is more potent and can understand the times will be successful, but the individual can use whichever one helps them grow.

can you elaborate on what is tough about philosophy? im not trying to be arrogant just understand

>> No.12277814

Some of the subjects are hard to fully grasp. Im taking a class in legal philosophy is law school and sometimes it takes me a while to really get what the author is going on about.

>> No.12277818

Maybe the authors stupid.

>> No.12277825

im not saying neither of these things have zero merit, utility, or meaning in reality
but both law and philosophy are completely made up
laws come down to a lot of culture values and preferences. equal laws rub up on each other and arbitrarily one will get chosen based on, again, personal values.
all the autistic hypnosis you read about people justifying this or that philosophy is literally just that, autistic hypnosis to mechanically program certain ideologies and functions in relative to their perspective and bias

again im not saying these things dont have merit or anything
the philosophy is always going to come down to the values and background conditioning of the people espousing it.
everything comes at a trade. westerners havent the slightest idea how far away from bliss they are with a lot of their miserable jobs.

>> No.12277834
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It can be fairly rigorous with definitions and rules like maths, though that'd make it easier.
Probably the poorly defined more abstracted stuff is hard to get but that's because it's poorly defined, not because it's genuinely hard.

>> No.12277835

Depends on who's saying it and who they're talking to. If it's someone in math or physics talking to people not in math or physics, then they're likely being courteous.

>> No.12277839
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It depends on the level of the philosophy text as well. Studying Kant and then subsequently applying his philosophy to the "real world" in a novel and interesting way is going to be an extremely difficult task. Likewise, writing new philosophy that is worth reading will be every bit as difficult as researching/ writing upper level physics and mathematics. That being said, philosophy in general is an easier subject to learn and study than highly technical subjects like math or physics which require immense amounts of background material just to even understand what some of the questions are.
So, as an undergrad major philosophy is far easier than math or physics when it comes to grades and exams and shit. But, as a creative branch of study it is every bit as difficult to make worthwhile philosophy as writing good mathematics. Probably even more so.
I say all this as a math undergrad getting raped into the shadow realm by complex analysis.

>> No.12277847

It's all bullshit so who cares

>> No.12277848

>raped into the shadow realm by complex analysis.
just use the power of your imagination

>> No.12277849

that's the thing about law and words, you can always weave around them
words are social contracts, and every individual has a different existential relationship with them
you can define them for me, but my experience with that definition is also relative to my individuality
this is how lawyers get away with a lot of slimy shit

maybe one day humanity will collectively achieve enlightenment and no longer have a use for words

>> No.12277851
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My smooth brain can only imagine so much in one night.

>> No.12277858

i lol'd
>Maybe the author's stupid.
you illiterate cunt

>> No.12277859

only analytical philosophy can stand tall with math

>> No.12278153

as a physics major i can partly agree with that statement

because in philosophy you have to memorize a lot, learn how to read between the lines, and grasp complex ideas. its a bit like exact science but the difficulty is while science is pretty solid, philosophy is liquid and other than that, your grades depend how well you sit with your professors ideas, whereas in science theres really only one agreed model per subject

>> No.12278186

You say you think they're wrong, but from everything you wrote thereafter, one can just as easily interpret it the other way.

>> No.12279037

Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!

>> No.12279107

It is the harder due to the fact that philosophy is needed to even have mathematics or physics. Its the same argument for why mathematics is harder than physics. Mathematics is required to do physics, therefore, it is harder.

>> No.12279166

Philosophy is the only subject that makes you challenge the way you think, for some this is easy and for others its hard.
You can be a card carrying commie or a fascist demagogue and still be good at STEM but you will have a hard time being good at philosophy.

>> No.12279229

>Counting integers is required to do advanced combinatorics, therefore it is harder.

>> No.12279240

this is so fucking true. So many alt right people Ive encountered online think that they are philosophical geniuses but when pressed are simple minded fools who think that because they have watched a few youtube videos by far right cringe autists that they understand philosophy. Its pathetic and applies to almost all of /pol/

>> No.12279247

yes, what is the problem here?

>> No.12279433

I agree. In my experience philosophers and philosophy teachers tend to overcomplicate things, i.e. they explain relatively simple concepts in complicated ill-defined terms.

>> No.12279513

This is wrong and you're wrong. Stay to math kid.

>> No.12280169
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Yes, philosophy is very hard frens.

>> No.12280485
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I'd say the most autistic versions of analytic philosophy are the only areas where there is some semblance of correct/incorrect work, because you're writing proofs.
What could possibly be a reasonable way to evaluate the schizophrenic ramblings of someone like Hegel or Schopehauer. Interpreting how a student's work corresponds to a particular interpretation? How would you evaluate original continental work, except how much it /feels/ like it accurately represents reality?

>> No.12280521

Ever wonder why a Ph.D. is called that way? The short answer is that STEM used to be part of philosophy, but there was a gradual formalization of the former which ended up creating a split.The net result is that all the sane stuff moved to STEM and that philosophy as a subject is a massive circlejerk where only the most bizarre stuff thrives.

>> No.12280571

Hmm. This sounds plausible

>> No.12280581

It's true, philosophy is effectively math in abstract thought. All philosophy if true can be mathematically proven as such. All falsehoods, revealed and destroyed.

>> No.12280585

Not everyone is going to blast through Phenomenology of Spirit and The Topos of Music at the same speed. All areas feature a certain super difficult aspect, but still they "click" faster for some, slower for others.

>> No.12280597

The best philosophers are mathematicians and physicists.
All the rest are just con men spergling out and abusing language.

>> No.12280685

This is true. It’s good to have a maths or physics background before becoming a philosopher. Like Alexander Pruss who got a PhD in math prior to getting his PhD in philosophy

>> No.12280712

Philosophy is much more difficult than math or any science under the sun, but that's much different than saying philosophy courses are more difficult to get good grades in, or that a PhD in philosophy is harder to get. The latter statements are simply not true, but that's a reflection of academic standards, not philosophy itself.

>> No.12281262

Academic philosophy is as hard as any academic study of a subject. Ranking the subjects themselves is retarded. As it happens with academics, they spout retarded shit of other fields and magnify their own, and oh boy philosophers are pretty good at doing this.