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12275607 No.12275607 [Reply] [Original]

please debunk

>> No.12275628

Context? Why are they?

>> No.12275630

In other news, mathematical aptitude is on the decline.

>> No.12275654


>> No.12275664

what do you mean?

>> No.12275666

>david samadi
No thank you.

>> No.12275672

Left to the reader. [math]\qedsymbol[/math]

>> No.12275679



>> No.12275681

>everyone is wearing masks
>this causes all viruses to go down, not just corona
>somehow this is surprising

>> No.12275685

why did it cause flu to go down so much more than corona?

>> No.12275687

With flu cases down so far, who would bother to get vaccinated?

>> No.12275689

>5g masst are placed everywhere replacing 4g masts
>corona goes up
>influenza goes down
really makes me think

>> No.12275692

We have no idea how contagious corona would be if we didn't take any precautions. Also apparently corona is still more contagious. It's just how it is I guess.

>> No.12275696

Literally everyone.

>> No.12275701

Ok, now I'm mad.

>> No.12275703

The flu is now called corona.

Please put on a mask and do what the government tells you to.

>> No.12275707

This should be a reason why people should stop making assumptions about this or any other diseases. We underestimate how little we know, and yet suddenly everyone's a fucking expert who can point out the exact cause and effect of everything.

>> No.12275719

Alternative hypothesis: many "coronavirus" cases were actually the flu
Which do you find more likely and why?

>> No.12275734

?? That's fucking stupid

>> No.12275737

My country is already empty of flu vaccines.

>> No.12275742

Because we have to take actions despite not knowing shit?

>> No.12275751

> he doesnt know about testing

>> No.12275774

Because corona virus is the biggest hoax in human history.

>> No.12275781

>people trying to combat a deadly disease
>other transmissible diseases also fall as a result
Why would this be a surprise?

>> No.12275789
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I wonder why....

>> No.12275795

>measures taken against the covid work against a regular flu too

>> No.12275798

what about it?

>> No.12275805

one way to back up your assertions is to show that flu cases went down more in places that had stronger anti-corona measures, is this the case?

>> No.12275812

you welcome to throw some numbers and show no correlation

>> No.12275815

By the CDC's own admission, the tests can give false positives for related coronaviruses, including common colds.

You might hope that they would give more info on what proportion of false positives you might expect from these tests, but there's nothing else other than that one caveat, which imo is a pretty damning statement on the nature of some of COVID's data.

>> No.12275831

anon I think you just completely exposed the coronaHOAX

>> No.12275834

I'm not making any claims, I'm just pointing out a way one could test with

>> No.12275841


>> No.12275882

get to work then

>> No.12275904


gonna need a more believable explanation than masks bro

>> No.12275905
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>> No.12275909
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>> No.12275911


>> No.12275926
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>Stephen @tbgstephen
>I Think Christianily by Judean roots of faith. Non PC Prof, Teacher, Pastor, Friend who enjoys stout, scripture, history, polemics & shooting- Parler-tbgstephen

>> No.12275931

>wash hands
>socially distance
>work from home
>every fucking step taking to contain and reduce covid
Maybe it's because there's a lot less chemtrails

>> No.12275945

No way! You mean distancing, wearing masks and washing hands (like every health organization ever always recommend you to do in flu seasons) could bring down flu cases?

>> No.12275951


>> No.12275959

A flu and the common cold are different things, Anon. Read a book at times, you might learn a thing or two.

>> No.12275964

Wtf are their computers so bad they can't handle the extra data?

>> No.12275994

the flu is not a cornavirus

Some tests look specifically for a cornavirus, some look for an immune response. Tests that just look for a general immune response may go off if you have a flu. These are routinely followed up with a covid specific test. This information is all available.

To think that the covid numbers are all flu is pants on head ratarded. Read a book

>> No.12276084
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>> No.12276088

Wasnt this the comorbidities thing?

>> No.12276092

protip: we even tests for influenza

>> No.12276163

You can take actions without feigning supreme authority and belittling or silencing disenting opinions. You can adapt as things develop, but most people already made up their minds months ago, and so are incapable of detaching and actually analyzing and solving as is needed.

>> No.12276191


Get out.

>> No.12276224

lol you typed that out instead of copying.

>> No.12276226

It is a comparable amount of keystrokes.

>> No.12276227


>> No.12276236


>> No.12276239


>> No.12276252

[math] \blacksquare [/math]

>> No.12276814
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>> No.12276849


>> No.12276864

This seems very likely

>> No.12276901

Amer*cans btfo?

>> No.12276909

no shit, because people are social distancing, working from home, not commuting in packed public transport, wearing masks etc.

>> No.12277105

Attention all nerds in this thread, I’ll answer this question for you
The flu is jew bullshit and the Chinese plague is jew(Chinese) bullshit. No one knows the numbers and we never will.

>> No.12277124


>> No.12277162

>Alternative hypothesis: many "coronavirus" cases were actually the flu
Australia was still testing for the flu when the southern hemisphere was in flu season, people simply weren't getting it.

>> No.12277212

>In the Southern Hemisphere countries of Australia, Chile, and South Africa, only 33 influenza positive test results were detected among 60,031 specimens tested in Australia, 12 among 21,178 specimens tested in Chile, and six among 2,098 specimens tested in South Africa, for a total of 51 influenza positive specimens (0.06%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.04%–0.08%) among 83,307 tested in these three countries during April–July 2020 (weeks 14–31). In contrast, during April–July in 2017–2019, 24,512 specimens tested positive for influenza (13.7%, 95% CI = 13.6%–13.9%) among 178,690 tested in these three countries (Figure 2).

Positivity rate for flu tests fell from an average of 13.7% in previous seasons to .06% this flu season.

>> No.12277219

Because they're all being documented as COVID-19.

>> No.12277225

More people are rushing to get flu vaccines now than have ever in previous years. All the hysteria over COVID-19 is transferring to anxiety over all forms of illness/viruses. Plus there are probably at least some portion of the population who believe that a flu vaccine will protect them from COVID-19, just like there are people who think anti-bacterial sanitizer will kill viruses.

>> No.12277227
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>AIDS doesn't kill people, they all die of other diseases caused by compromised immune systems. Therefore AIDS is harmless.

>> No.12277230

>make claim
>someone asks you to back it up with data
>"I dunno, you figure it out for me!"

>> No.12277231

>just like there are people who think anti-bacterial sanitizer will kill viruses.
Any sanitizer with a high percentage of alcohol will work fine at deactivating viruses.

>> No.12277235

Data requires manpower to input and collate you fucking brainlet. Do you think magical computers are just whizzing around collecting data on their own about what illnesses people have?

>> No.12277250


>> No.12277359


>> No.12277409

People are taking protective measures and the R0 value of the Coronavirus is 2-2.5ish whereas for the seasonal flu it is 1.3. Also, maybe because there is more testing for the Coronavirus.

>> No.12277414

Is that the guy who said masks lower your blood oxygen and your spit reacts with the plastic on your mask?

>> No.12277442

Both of those things he said is true though

>> No.12277449

Non of those things are true anon. Spit doesn’t react with the plastic of the mask that’s completely retarded. Polypropylene Which is used in masks is one of the more chemical resistance materials things that exists. So chemical resistant it’s what they use to hold highly reactive chemicals. I’m not sure what you are smoking to think that spit can react with it. It can degrade at high heats but I don’t think you are getting it to those heats while it’s on your face.

>> No.12277458

I should say wildly available cheap chemical resistant materials

>> No.12278161

>Data requires manpower to input and collate you fucking brainlet
Hurrr durrr no it doesn't, boomer.
>Do you think magical computers are just whizzing around collecting data on their own about what illnesses people have?
Yes, pretty much. At least in first world countries. Welcome to the future, grandpa. Fuck you.

>> No.12278170

illiterate zoomer bugman. Hospital data is first collected by the hospital personnel before it goes brrrr.

>> No.12278185

In the first world, when you go to a doctor he has to tell the insurance what was going on, so it can keep a full record of your medical history and pay him and your treatment. The assistant types it in and the rest is completely automated. Sorry, US Anon, you're just half a century or so behind.

>> No.12278226

Flu cases are probably down simply because international travel has essentially halted, the reason there is a flu epidemic every year is because the disease circulates around the globe and mutates on the way sufficiently to be caught by you again the next winter. Coronavirus is about as deadly as flu and it can still spread very effectively even with lockdowns since people don't have a base immunity against it from last year like they do against flu

>> No.12278765

>I am legit retarded I am competing to make the stupidest post in this thread
you win friend no other post can even get close to how stupid this is

>> No.12278777
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*blocks your path*

The greatest lie ever told

>> No.12279183

What's stupid about it? Obviously the measures used to slow SARS-CoV-2 have been very effective at slowing the flu.