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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 304 KB, 1923x1080, cnn-romney-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12274052 No.12274052 [Reply] [Original]

we're all gonna get to dress up like astronauts

>> No.12274068

people are dead set on destroying their immune system and suffering from increased CO2 intake problems
then there's going to be all these medical studies that show that we are all suffering from acute CO2 poisoning, or show signs of having suffered from it, and they're gonna use that to further the climate change shit

>> No.12274069

>Be government
>Have a golden opportunity to shutdown air travel in January
>Literally a 1 month warning
>Do nothing
>Panic because the plebs are about to fucking lynch you for your incompetence
>Wear masks lol that's all you have to do :)
Security blanket, masks will never stop the virus.

>> No.12274273

>increased CO2 intake
>destroying their immune system
What new quackery is this?

>> No.12274388

American anti maskers seem to think that you will suffocate if you can not freely exhale from a surgical masks or anything else

>> No.12274390

That looks extremely heavy.

>> No.12274392

They need some people with an eye for design on this, this thing looks idiotic.

>> No.12274461

Oh I see. Like all those surgeons who drop dead after spending 26 hours in surgery. And all the dead microbiologists and clean room workers.
All professions well known for their job-related negative health.

>> No.12274469


Pffrrrrt lol, bullshit.

>> No.12274493

>5g virus shield and collar mandatory to wear in 2021

>> No.12274502

Can you faggots literally not see the sloppy edit job, or are you meme-ing?

>> No.12274541

>actually seeing anything
>actually dong anything properly
>even thinking with their own brains
If I had to trust my life with /sci/ researching and implementing something properly or /pol/ doing the same I'd put my trust in /pol/ every single time

>> No.12274601

Anti-maskers are absolutely beyond retarded but it has been shown that if you spend 24 hours with a mask on and never take it off, you do actually breathe a not great amount of CO2. I could find a study somewhere. It's probably not very unhealthy unless you're doing it every day for weeks, and it'll depend on the mask.

Probably just taking the mask off for a few seconds to get fresh air every few hours largely mitigates it, though. That's my guess anyway. Unless you work in a service industry job, you should have plenty of opportunities to do that. And if you do have such a job, just take a break occasionally. It's unlikely you'd need to keep a mask on absolutely 24/7 with not a single second with it off.

>> No.12274610
File: 31 KB, 325x479, x_f11dc5fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream about clothes like that for decades now!

>> No.12274616

Here's what I was thinking of: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7132714/

Nurses working 24-hour shifts with respirators on 100% of the time had evidence of moderately elevated CO2 and symptoms of it.

But to be clear, this is 24-hours without ever taking the mask off. This is very unlike what almost everyone would face. Just keep the mask on when you may be near other people, and slip it off when you're not. The CO2 increase is negligible unless you're not taking it off for a single second for huge amounts of hours, and only if it's a very powerful mask like an N95 respirator.

>> No.12274744

Those are also respirators as you mentioned so not even a factor for your average person on the street.
I used to have to wear n95s while in the chem lab because we were handling a lot of silica powders which can cause silicosis. Never had any issues with them except in summer when the aircon couldn't keep up.

>> No.12274807

I'm wearing N95 masks while doing sports (cardio plus intermittent calisthenics). No issues. If at all I feel my lungs have gained more power. Might just be the training though.

>> No.12274957

>I'm wearing N95 masks while doing sports (cardio plus intermittent calisthenics)
wtf why?

>> No.12275057

Crowded park and people suck.

>> No.12275109

imagine being scared of this

what kind of faggot losers does cardio in a park anyway. i bet youre a fat fuck. mic muted

>> No.12275116

The CO2 intake thing is bullshit, but it's definitely true that kids growing up in this age of sterilization hysteria will grow up to have shit immune systems. It's already been happening, with more and more kids developing things like peanut allergies because their parents are afraid to expose them to peanuts or other potential allergens which causes their immune system not to properly develop to adapt to those things. It's only going to get worse as people just cower inside and wear fucking filtration helmets everywhere they go. Give us 100 years of this and the common cold will start killing people.

>> No.12275125

Just give it a hole for straw to your sippy cup full of onions and bug mush and it's perfect!

>> No.12275128

> i bet youre a fat fuck.

You should know Americans inhabit this board.

>> No.12275413
File: 48 KB, 1024x709, 1593312019227m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.12275487

>what kind of faggot losers does cardio in a park
I can't afford a house with a garden where I can build a calisthenics park, so it's my only option.
>i bet youre a fat fuck
How are you going to transfer the money to my bank account?

>> No.12275497

>more and more kids developing things like peanut allergies
That's unironically because early vaccines were based on peanuts.
>because their parents are afraid to expose them to peanuts or other potential allergens which causes their immune system not to properly develop to adapt to those things
That's not how it works at all.

>> No.12276766

Lol. Just wow

>> No.12277090

Among Us is pretty gay I dont get the hype
like this is just too far

>> No.12277461
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>> No.12277480
File: 74 KB, 1024x709, meme template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I should probably give you guys the template)

>> No.12277508

>ability to see the face
No! Reject normies and their idiotic customs! I was just starting to feel comfortable being in social situations.

>> No.12277513

holy clamps Batman

>> No.12277515
File: 96 KB, 1334x833, 5398844bea2a3b6854cc8a76621b8930[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the darkened "sun glasses" version

>> No.12277604
File: 75 KB, 590x590, A2C745A8-6ADE-4DE3-9F1D-A2E322A502EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12277641
File: 338 KB, 750x678, ifls vs sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine that's currently the most likely to become "the vaccine" does not create sterilizing immunity. It will prevent you from getting sick from the virus but it won't prevent you from catching it in the first place nor keep you from infecting others. This means you'll still be required to wear a mask until everyone gets the vaccine. If there are hold outs who refuse to get the injection, masks will be required indefinitely.

>> No.12277643
File: 30 KB, 1200x630, BB13Uif1.img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the VYZR.

>> No.12277651

damn these Cyberpunk 2077 ads are intense

>> No.12277794

That's not how the hygiene hypothesis works.

>> No.12278307

I would love to larp as an astronaut and not be called a faggot. This can only be good news for me.

>> No.12278602

>astronaut helmets become mandatory for everyone
>oxygen is privatized
>helmets will supply oxygen to its user only if you have paid your monthly subscription to Oxygene Ltd.

>> No.12278623

We dont need to go to outer space,
It will come to us.

Colonize Earth

>> No.12278639

Chad already conditioning while virgins still wondering if its real.

Call of Duty: Genetic Warfare

>> No.12279698
File: 144 KB, 1365x2048, best-space-kitten.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all behind the curve in terms of Coronacore wear. Pic. related.

>> No.12279823

i coom

>> No.12279873
File: 101 KB, 1200x1200, 4JG19_AS05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related, a half face model and a shit ton of P100 filters on Amazon earlier this year when everyone was freaking out about trying to find disposable N95s. Shit's so cash, it's very comfortable, you don't have to deal with the whole CO2 thing and it offers greater protection. I might look crazy going into a store with one of these but IDGAF, I don't want to risk my brain getting JUST'd by the Wu-flu.

I think Amazon restricted the sale of them to medical workers only for a bit, but you might be able to find one. Just do some research first so you don't get fake shit.

>> No.12280385
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1779, perspective1_by_dragonat_ddnok3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine with >>12279698 and get pic. related.

>> No.12280616

why does everybody on this website just use ridiculous strawman arguments? I swear /sci/ is just 16 year old boys

>> No.12280756

t. never got past high school

>> No.12280788

Yes it is.

>> No.12280838
File: 101 KB, 561x978, isolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah

>> No.12281023
File: 164 KB, 1277x921, helmet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281846
File: 1.53 MB, 3748x4873, red_detail_2_by_daveyabbo_dd0a3yp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the future has arrived!

>> No.12281866

For you.

>> No.12282040

>wearing masks of any kind
why, they don't do anything

>> No.12282044

Put a plastic bag over your head. Why not do it? It won't do anything.

>> No.12282049

>Why not do it? It won't do anything.
It would make it difficult to breath, speak, hear and see. Why would I do that?

>> No.12282187

So you're saying masks do in fact do something?

>> No.12282192

autism alert

>> No.12282236

Are you saying plastic bags are masks?

>> No.12282263

No, I'm saying masks
>make it difficult to breath, speak
(the other ones only if worn improper) and that means that they, in fact, do something.

>> No.12282389

great point but anon obviously meant they don't do anything to slow infection rates

>> No.12282391

Masks impede oxygenation. Its proven. It's only slight but it is true nonetheless.

>> No.12282535

Well, make the connection. Why is it difficult to breathe through them? What effect does that have? Then you'll see how they help slowing down infection rates.

>> No.12282540

Then how come they don't?

>> No.12282727

>masks are plastic bags

>> No.12282735

They do tho.

No. Try a bit harder. Maybe you'll get it.

>> No.12282737

>They do tho.
Prove it

>> No.12283718
File: 42 KB, 400x599, SH062_800px_400x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does altitude.
Over on /fit/ the pre-pandemic mask thing was ones that would simulate higher altitudes for training. I've had my fat-ass out running in a mask, no problem.

If you have that much trouble breathing in one, you should NOT be out of the house. COVID will kill you.

>> No.12285258

I just did. Can you read?

>> No.12285264

How the fuck do you breathe in that thing

>> No.12285328

Probably by the fan pumping fresh air through the filters.

>> No.12285334


>> No.12285366

You know I read your comment and I imagine myself reading it five years later and I realize ur equally a quack as the maskers. Why don’t you ever think before you talk? Do you care about making timeless statements ? I do.

>> No.12285920
File: 161 KB, 1280x1920, coronacore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit people, less mask-hate blather and more about how we will dress IN THIS FUTURE-NOW!

I, for one, welcome the covering of pitiful ugly human cake-intakes.

>> No.12285950

Perfect solution. Everybody does this cosplay, nobody gets infected. Nice plus: abundant fetish parties. Ugly people getting laid. What's to lose?

>> No.12285971

Nice fake screenshot

>> No.12287305
File: 697 KB, 1030x974, ET1dkx1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12288043
File: 1.39 MB, 1584x1072, Cyberpunk-Mask-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can dig this

>> No.12288074

Bionicle masks or Daft Punk: Pick one