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File: 31 KB, 529x258, D93C8604140B453EB9B007472F9EFFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12267869 No.12267869 [Reply] [Original]

He's right you know

>> No.12267902

He does have a point, The space race was mostly about flexing military capabilities anyway. JFK just realized the potential weapons which could've been created by a country which had the capablities to place a man on the moon. That's pretty much it.

>> No.12267979

Put robots there, why do we obsess over people

>> No.12267984

this is such PC bullshit

imagine each "tribe" had their own "world"
you know how much easier that would make shit (until star wars started)

>> No.12268083

Who gives a fuck about fishes putting a foot upon the ground? Who gives a fuck about humans leaving Africa? Who gives a fuck about humans putting a foot on America? Who gives a fuck about humans travelling the ocean to put a feet on new islands?

>> No.12268090

It was also a method to concentrate technical ability.

>> No.12268094


>> No.12268104

Is this the thread I can rage about him not liking Trump or something?

>> No.12268114

like idk why theyre so mad too
the only people who are gonna do the space thing for the long time are the "colonial" types, and everyones got such a hate boner for them.
they're going to squabble over earthen territory less, and space territory more

>> No.12268133
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Twitter idiots are not important people

>> No.12268135

Why the fuck we spending hard-earned dubloons on finding better trade routes to India?

>> No.12268141

what did he mean by coyotes anyway

politics is nu sports

>> No.12268214

I never had much opinion on Seth Rogen but now with him taking an active stance against space travel i loathe him. It's not like making plans to go to mars somehow negates all other US goals.

>> No.12268240

people who you pay and they take you to another country (USA in this case) by illegal means such as hidding in a van or something.

At least that would be my guess because I only have the screenshot above as context

>> No.12268263

Who is Seth rogan?

>> No.12268266

Jew that made Superbad

>> No.12268272

>I never had much opinion on Seth Rogen but now with him taking an active stance against space travel i loathe him.
Doesn't sound like he's against space travel in general, just placing people who fuck mothers on the moon and mars.

>> No.12268279
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>checkmarks don't understand that coyote is the slang term for human traffickers

>> No.12268280

Will that faggot never die, he's just annoying, not even remotely funny, ugly and has a voice that just makes me want to strangle him

>> No.12268536

The Tweet

>> No.12268546
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The mudskipper isn't very recognized. And the only ones that care about humans leaving africa or going into the US are racists.

>> No.12268553

>Human traffickers
It's a respectable trade you piece of shit, they're the only ones who offer the service to get inside the US without bitching from bureaucrats. This is what capitalism and america is about.

>> No.12268571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12268582

I hope that if people like this dude shut down our space program, the EU/China/Russia/India ones keep on going.

>> No.12268605 [DELETED] 

call him a nigger

>> No.12268612

Are you implying that going to mars will lead to humans who can survive on mars without needing tech? This is a stupid analogy

>> No.12268620

Arent you jewish people supposed to be intelligent?

>> No.12268623

Any truers in chat?

>> No.12268633

Humans need tech in general, what the fuck are you talking about retard. Buildings are tech, cars are tech, agriculture is tech. How stupid can you be?

>> No.12268637

Progress follows the pioneers that dare to travel the sea, it follows the migrant seeking new land.
Humans will adapt themselves to space and built habitats to thrive in the void and new worlds, technology is our greatest tool for this endavour and exploration.

>> No.12268641
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We already had this thread on another board. The conclusion was that while he is essentially correct, the reason for which he said it is predictable and is coming from the same crowd behind #DecolonizeStem and 2 + 2 = 5. It's the equivalent to a piss seller telling you that drinking too much water is not good for you. It's not good but that doesn't mean that I should substitute it with his piss instead.

>> No.12268654

We should support scientific endavour far more than we do now. What those guys should protest more should be against tax evasions, growing disparity of rich and poor, luxury, shallow entertainment, goverment waste and crime. These things produce nothing while the moon landing accelerated computer technology, material technology, energy technology and hope. The Mars mission will too produce new groundbreaks.

>> No.12268655

this isn't twitch chat or any other stream chat, you pea-brained underage maggot

>> No.12268659

that was not very xqcL of you anon

>> No.12268669

Why did he capitalize the word the

>> No.12268715

okay listen here, you pepega. you're not pepelaffing, and you're certainly not poggers. Why don't you just peeporunning back to your little hugbox and pokiW with your other dipshit buddies. seriously weirdchamp

>> No.12268720

Why spend millions of dollars on space technology when you can spend millions of dollars on an unnecessary, shitty Lion King remake.

It's unreal how much money Hollywood swallows.

>> No.12268722

Call him a Jew, which he is, and isn't a slur, but for some reason offends Jews anyways.

>> No.12268728

>isn't a slur
Cracker is. I'm just playing in his ballpark here.

>> No.12268747 [DELETED] 

If you're offended by someone saying "kike", It's a good indicator that you're a motherfucking kike.
If you're offended by someone saying "nigger", It's a good indicator that you're a motherfucking nigger.
If you're offended by someone saying "chink ", It's a good indicator that you're a motherfucking chink.
If you're offended by someone saying "spic", It's a good indicator that you're a motherfucking spic.

>> No.12268754

"cracker" as in the person that cracks the whip? Is that an insult now?

>> No.12268806

I do.

>> No.12268821

kinda weirdchamp desu

>> No.12268822


>> No.12269461

Based zoomer

>> No.12270078

how did people get past the van allen belt?

>> No.12270091

By ignoring it

>> No.12270111

The bell curve applies to them just like it applies to any other population group.

>> No.12270113

The only people who believe in space colonization are scientifically illiterate market worshipping whackjobs.

>> No.12270126

>Humans need tech
Not really. If it weren't for overpopulation (which psychotic market worshipping lunatics like yourself have been encouraging), we'd be able to live on fruits and berries.

>> No.12270261

>we'd be able to live on fruits and berries.
Tell that to the Neolithic market-worshipping lunatics who settled down and started farming.

>> No.12270272

This, we should spend those millions on box office tickets to laugh at a fat guy

>> No.12270281

what a nightmare

>> No.12270292
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>>Leaving out the context

>> No.12270313

>settle down and started farming
Tell that to your first moon/mars colonists

>> No.12270339

It's more than 30k now.

>> No.12270342

Context doesn't change his stupidity.

>> No.12270350

Ignore all race, religion, color, and sexuality- just ask every person if they support more missions to the Moon and gas the ones who say they don't

>> No.12270367

>gas the ones who say they don't
Isn't it time to sleep, kid?

>> No.12270384
File: 789 KB, 1317x951, Anti-white Jew seth rogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a study on how Jewish this man is?

>> No.12270402

I'm fully aware that you could never actually do it, but imagine how much nicer the world would be and how much more likely we'd be to avoid extinction

>> No.12270476

And what would be the first thing you would do? Thats right, build a tool. Probably a spear.

>> No.12270501

He is only famous because of nepotism.

>> No.12270619

The context here doesn't change anything.

>> No.12270628

>Seth Aaron Rogen was born on April 15, 1982 in Vancouver, British Columbia to a Jewish family of Ukrainian and Russian origin.

>> No.12270637

>taking 'anti-racist measures,' like actively hiring fewer white people
Fucking kek it's ironic, to be anti-racist you must become a racist, It's like poetry.

>> No.12270724

That makes more sense now. For all the dumblings here; he's saying that the US has more pressing problems now than caring about a space force.

>> No.12270729

Wow that's embarassing. I used to like him actually. Shame what weed does to people.

>> No.12271072

what did >>12268571 say?

>> No.12271170

It doesn't matter. NASA has already made a good argument that any dollar spent on its program produces ten dollars in economic use.

Besides, it's not as if multiple things can't be done at once. If anything, it's the entertainment industry that can use cuts.

>> No.12271311 [DELETED] 

Mods threw a fit about racial slurs because they are trannies.
In short: niggers.

>> No.12271326

this. why do we need another stupid movie that fails to break even and makes everyone dumber for wasting their time watching it when there are all these problems to deal with?

>> No.12271336

I'm not saying he's right. Just saying that's his line of reasoning. I'm all for space exploration the sooner the better. I'm trying to work myself into it currently.

I agree the entertainment industry needs a fat cut, but at the same time entertainment is important for hard-working people to relax and keep sane. I'm not sure where to cut to be honest. Imagine traveling to Mars. It's a 500 days long trip in a small vehicle with almost nothing outside to look at.

>> No.12271340

there are thousands of movies and tv shows already in circulation. you couldn't watch every single one in your life time if you tried anyway. no one needs to produce more of the same garbage.

>> No.12271356

Send manned missions as part of long term deliberate strategy to colonize the stars for non-retarded advanced human civilization? Yes. Such people would only terraform entirely sterile planets and leave all others alone.

Send manned missions for dick waving and maybe eventually get space colonies with the same sort of fucked up ideologies and belief systems as exist on Earth presently? No. Such people would be like locusts, consuming and ruining everything they touch.

>> No.12271483

It's a completely legitimate moral concern retards. There are so many people that are suffering here on earth, isn't it unethical to fund passion projects that cost billions even trillions that could be used to help people and bla, bla, bla...
Why cant you underage fags have an intelligent conversation?

>> No.12271489

And they say weed makes you smarter

>> No.12271513
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>Lexa Doig
That's Daniel Jackson's wife.

>> No.12271522
File: 149 KB, 626x818, Kipling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progress follows the pioneers that dare to travel the sea
You ever read The Explorer by Kipling?

>> No.12271534

The idea is that moonshot projects unify us.
Plus those who dare can leave this mess and build a better world. I'd do it.

>> No.12271559
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>> No.12271575

>minority with a PhD falls for it
it's hard for me to not fall for /pol/ memes

>> No.12271577

how can we spend money on national parks when people are starving? how can we spend money on roads when people are starving? how can we spend money on education when people are starving?

>> No.12271633

>Why cant you underage fags have an intelligent conversation?
I doubt that you should expect one from Seth Rogen.

>> No.12271651
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The fact that you have the time and resources to discuss this on 4chan proves that you could give more money to charities. Isn't it unethical to waste time on here?
Thinking it's unethical to spend any amount on frivolous things as long as there's any suffering left is an unreasonable standard.

>> No.12271657 [DELETED] 

jews really annoy me

>> No.12271666

Jews were fundamental for space exploration. Albert Einstein and Abraham Silverstein as prominent examples.
NASA was built by Jews, Nazis and hillbillies

>> No.12271699

He's wrong, only homosexuals don't care about exploration because they are too busy taking it up the ass.

>> No.12271701

Why do they even put "PhD" in their Twitter accounts, anyway?

>> No.12271706

>there are so many people that are suffering here on earth
Tough luck. I hope they can make it out of this one!

>> No.12273440

It's a White man thing, ((Seth)). You wouldn't understand.

>> No.12273587

Look i lean green but absolutists and totalitarians one way or another get the bullet.
The stage rotates.
We are intended to spread the mother among the cosmos.
Deal with

>> No.12273595

>things to be proud about shouldn't be mentioned only a bunch of aggro negative shit that gives us no sense of pride and is just pure shame into action

I like to help these communities because I appreciate them and think they could use a hand.
Though every time it's shame I inch back just a wee bit more. It's usually shame wielding. Weaponized.

>> No.12273605

What's the context of the article
Because "hiring more black people" is not the same as "hiring less white people"
If his active intention is to hire less white people, then yes, that's actively anti white.
Things like this should come from a pro-place, like pro-black artwork and actors etc.
Isn't Hollywood really saturated by the Jewish community anyway?

>> No.12273625

Suffering will never end in an active system. Ever. It's really about balance, and there's many reasons people suffer.
The show still goes on.

>> No.12273635

Thanks Vedas!

>> No.12274328

People who hope that humanity can escape from people like him, that's who.

>> No.12274369

Look at me I am so smart!
Thats why.

>> No.12274371

Based and ascended pilled
Wtf I love Seth (((Rogan))) now!

>> No.12274375

How are they able to keep the camera running AND prevent carbon buildup on the glass between the camera and the exhaust?

>> No.12274439

>It's like poetry.
It's not poetry, it's cynicism.

>> No.12274462

I can assure everyone that this post is correct as I'm one of them.

>> No.12274473

you can also hope for genetically engineered cat girls and unicorns

>> No.12274482

No, that's retarded.

>> No.12274513

So he just said that cause it was a gop tweet. If trump said tomorrow that going to space is a dumb pursuit, you’d have all these actors tweeting out how important it is to immediately get people on the moon and Mars.

>> No.12274521

>there's no difference between a robot being somewhere vs a man

>> No.12274528

how can we spend money on bottom surgery when people are starving?
how can we spend money on vaccine research when people are starving?
how can we spend money on movies/tv when people are starving?
how can we spend money on music when people are starving?
how can we spend money on plastic surgery when people are starving?
how can we spend money on anti-antisemitism when people are starving?

>> No.12274532

I've noticed that actual expert researchers don't use that type of moniker anymore because it's been ruined by diversity hires

>> No.12274560

>actor, comedian, twitter checkmark
Opinion discarded. Also this is not /v/

>> No.12274569

How is that Americans put man on Moon many times and but are nation what respect this achievement least? Moonhoaxers spawns from USA most of time, people attacking it and wanting it stop also mostly from there. Even Russians respect moon landing more

>> No.12274582

Whoa, Trump is monster

>> No.12274589

True, we don't need high speed wireless internet in times were people are forced to stay home more time and use internet more to also perform important tasks and jobs

>> No.12274597

Wouldn't it be much less expensive to put thousands of microdrones there, so that people from earth would hire them to move around the foreign planet?

>> No.12274631
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We can make a compromise though.

>> No.12274702

You know we both are in one tribe here and in a different at the football stadium amd in another at the polls. You think that humans are bound by location like 100000 B.C. Human nature isn't scientific either.

>> No.12274706


>> No.12274795

This shit is on purpose. They're deliberately trying to spread misinformation.

>> No.12275215

this is a stupid assumption

>> No.12275269

This. Who the fuck cares about making movies, am I right? What a worthless career.

>> No.12275279

Also, sausage party was awful. This retard has no say in societies goals.

>> No.12275343

You could put various telescopes on Mars that are further out, less influenced by the atmosphere or the magnetosphere, and on separate schedule from any terrestial telescopes. Combining this data with existing data could do a lot.

You could also put a fueling station on Mars so as to make travel beyond (to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, which are of much interest, for example) it much easier and sustainable. There still is a lot to learn about most planetary bodies, especially their magnetospheres.

And that's not even mentioning potential raw resources like heavy hydrogen on the moon.

Or we could just make movies about it.

>> No.12275583

Because no matter how much money we spend on "helping people that are suffering", there will always be people that are suffering.

If we spend a thousand billion on feeding the poor, guess what we'll be doing each and every year? A thousand billion on feeding the poor, again and again and again, because "the poor" will always exist and they will always be hungry. It is a resource sink that cannot be solved by throwing resources into it.

We have a choice, then; "do we spend an extra hundred billion feeding the poor, even though there'll be just as many starving poor come the next fiscal year, or do we spend that hundred billion on something actually meaningful, as opposed to making the lives of worthless plebes marginally more comfortable?"

Personally, I'm in favor of going to the stars, rather than making sure that every poor person's table has an extra can of soup.

>> No.12275652

I smoke tons of weed and I’m not soi/ onions status. Weed is just like some scotch after a meal, but less harmful

>> No.12275669

>and I’m not soi/ onions status
Yes you are

>> No.12275682

fuck off, you think too small, too emotional


>> No.12275714

>Feed two people
>They reproduce
>Now you have to feed three people

Blows my mind that my moral obligations increase every time a male and a female procreate.

>> No.12275716

You mean He3, not heavy hydrogen.
According some /sci/ bro, a company called Helion Eenrgy is about to demo a reactor that produces He3.

>> No.12275727

Yeah I think you're right. It's been years since I read something about that, and this is far from my area of expertise.

>> No.12275750

Heavy water is a thing in conventional fission reactors and weapons research, though.
There's a film about blowing up a WWII D2O plant in Norway called The Heroes of Telemark

>> No.12275804


This shit's fascinating, thanks.

>> No.12275944 [DELETED] 

fascinating how they always just happen to be jewish..

psychological study on jewish animosity towards whites when?

>> No.12275979

The difference is that putting a man there is orders of magnitude more expensive, difficult and inefficient.

>> No.12276074

Still a drop in the bucket compared to other national expenditures

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"

Lots of things are inefficient. Having nice food is inefficient compared to just eating rice and beans. Relaxing and having hobbies is inefficient compared to just working and sleeping. Going to new lands is inefficient compared to just watching documentaries and reading books.

Are you a machine, or are you a man? Where is your soul?

>> No.12276232

>a drop in the bucket compared to other national expenditures
But a big chunck of the space budget.
>"We choose..."
Empty rethoric
>Lots of things are inefficient
Sending people into space is one of them

>> No.12276253

Thank you for proving my point, machine.

>> No.12276261

It depends on the mission. NASA already is focused on using machines for the majority of missions, but a number of people elect to become astronauts because they find it fulfilling and because certain things are less maintainable via machine alone. This is why some missions involve humans operating machinery both remotely and in person.

Sure, machinery could be developed to fill these roles, but that take more time and money, which in the present would more costly and inefficient.

I do agree that the "putting x on y" feign of accomplishment is a bit insufferable, but sometimes you do have to play PR to get funding.

>> No.12276417

>Empty rethoric
It was a method to concentrate technical ability of the nation to one project. It produced new insights of material, energy and power technology. Modern computation also owe a massive debt to the project.
>Sending people into space is one of them
We need people to oversee projects, we can televise anything effectivly beyond earth. We need managers overseeing fleets of machines.

>> No.12276425

see >>12271666

>> No.12277130

Why do you say that?

>> No.12277143


>> No.12277149

>feeding a child for $8 a day
>$8 in the fucking 1970's
What the fuck are they feeding the kid, fried chicken and beluga caviar?

>> No.12277151

Why do we care about what some "Dude weed lmao" person thinks though?

>> No.12277178

Just have to make a movement like "No fags on the moon" and boom lefties for space all day.

>> No.12277186

Humans do.

The new world niggers on twatter do not. They care about their brain rewards centers getting activated when they virtue signal about how morally superior they are for supporting a country that instigates genocide after genocide. Fuck twatter and its inhuman userbase.

>> No.12277233

>Put this kind of people on slave ships going there

>> No.12277248
File: 20 KB, 620x400, elon_musk_royal_society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me Elon Musk has responded to the weedman

>> No.12278232

The eternal /sci pedantard