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12264580 No.12264580 [Reply] [Original]

What is a harsh truth that the scientific community needs to embrace?

I would prefer if we didn't turn this thread into another autism race realism hurricane, please; but if you can discuss it without blowing a gasket then go ahead.

>> No.12264594

Every single field that can't perform falsifiable experiments should be kicked out of the Sciences, and stay out until they can do so.

>> No.12264600
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They need to embrace that they are contributing to the destruction of humanity and the loss of all of our privacy and freedom.

>> No.12264603
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this is really good. Stuff like evolutionary psychology should be removed. And I would personally live to see this guy working retail once his field is removed.

>> No.12264616

That some races have an intelligence advantage over others. Admit that and then work towards helping the disadvantaged humans to become better than they are

>> No.12264619

That all of empirical science is based off the Uniformitarian Principle which leads us to the problem of induction.

>> No.12265004

imagine the smell

>> No.12265021

An ecological collapse is coming and there is NOTHING (nothing) we can do to stop it.

>> No.12265026

empiricism is more like the temporary trending behavior relative to our perception
that language gets baked in to perceiving, understanding, and expressing, as does bias
that they project their biases onto reality and that's part of shaping it
that their methods are part of what hold them back
that other languages and approaches allow to perceive in and thus do new things with something. tesla thought in "aether", and the guy obviously made some advancements in science, yet to no end you will hear scientists trash aether. this hinders anyone from at least perceiving in this manner and being able to make discoveries based on such belief. the egoism and elitism really hold back science. it seriously needs to dial back its arrogance.

also stats are total dog shit

>> No.12265029

the only realistic solution to the climate problem is massive depopulation

>> No.12265031

its the measure by which you define intelligence that's the fallacy.
what's the context

>> No.12265036
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You can ignore racial genetics somewhat, IF you engage in eugenics.

>> No.12265037

this is really lazy

symbiotic living in accordance with nature
she's fine with exploitation, it's part of the process. it's more like how far. at that point, she needs to take a breath for awhile to rejuvenate.
this can be accomplished without genocide

>> No.12265052

what's a kind of intelligence that the usual low-iq suspects excel at?

>> No.12265083

eugenics in humans is silly because it takes thousands of years to have any noticeable effect

>> No.12265087

the arts, mostly
though there's cultural campaigns that have largely trashed it

>> No.12265089

what are you basing that on?

>> No.12265090

depends what you mean by eugenics, there's plenty of genetic disorders you could reduce by 90% within a generation or two.

>> No.12265099

what race do you think excels at the arts?

>> No.12265103

"excels at the arts" this is part of what I'm talking about
I grew up "renaissance", involving myself in numerous subjects and both art and science. My family was all the same.
I am able to listen to music from many parts of the world and can recognize intelligence of the people expressing it.
You've funneled intelligence into a projected box. Just because you are unable to connect with it doesn't mean it's not blossomed in its own right

>> No.12265110

like do you really think michael jackson and jimi hendrix would have excelled at IQ tests?
can you not acknowledge "intelligence" in these people?
this is the problem with how "intelligence" is defined, and a huge problem with the scientific method in general.

>> No.12265116

every other use of eugenics in bacteria and farming takes multiple generations to get a desired outcome
in humans that would be hundreds to thousands of years

>> No.12265121

Do you think Mozart and Wagner wouldn't have?

>> No.12265145

mozart probably not
wagner, perhaps
consider the designers of IQ tests. the conditioning of those people. the creation and perception of a pattern that may only be there if we believe it's there, again relative to background conditioning. the type of symbolism utilized. this cultural conditioning is baked into the creation of these tests. what you and i recognize as a pattern might not even overlap if we have radically different language and environmental experience.
then you take that standard, apply a shit ton of human energy and harvested resources towards it, and you get a very elaborate web.

can you recognize a difference in the style of jimi hendrix, wagner, and mozart?
the latter two are a lot more...i don't know, methodical, mechanical in comparison to hendrix or even jackson, whom are significantly more playful, improvisational. "present" more. their structures are extremely fluid and adaptable, which is significantly different than classicals much more rigid structure

>> No.12265188

>i can just like, FEEL it, y'know?
>*vague, undefined appeals to "cultural conditioning"*
>no operationalization, no solid definitions, no experiments, no evidence
go back to the humanities, you're not cut out for science

>> No.12265189

Science should realize that most ML / AI things are based on big datasets from the real world. The smallest statistical differences that may be perceived or groeps we thing do not exist will show up if ml/AI finds it.

Example 1: Create a Twitter bot that will copy text from other tweets and after a while if will start tweeting about how great hilter was. These tweets and people exist if we like it or not.

Example 2: If you give an AI a dataset of crime, s depending on the region where this data is from the AI can become an extreme racist.

>> No.12265208

i get the meme but there's truth to it, and if you guys want to die on that hill then suit yourself
you can be extremely self critical while working on intuition you know. you don't have to be a huckster.

again tesla "felt" in terms of aether, and atomists will trash him to no end
not willing to utilize your intuition to go to the "no no" places of science is what holds back the sciences
consciousness is simply just going to turn on your insular hub. its created a convoluted, elitist, anti-curiosity, bordered bastardization of the exploration of reality.

>> No.12265221

What do you suggest as a better approach then?

>> No.12265284

Say what?

I see that you have written words and understand their meaning but this just seems stupid to me.
So you're saying that a freakin' composer to you could likely be a brainlet and what are you saying that people with the same ethnicity as the people who make the IQ tests will naturally perform better and cultural differences in countries then shouldn't matter if you look at North America and Europe for example, so someone with a 70 IQ got that because the tests are somehow rascist and that person is in fact smarter than someone with lets say 140 and you can just "feel" how smart someone else is..?

>Wagner not being playful and fluid

>> No.12265329

The harsh truth is that bibliometrics don't work and that impact factors are meaningless when the average paper in your field is drivel rushed of to the presses in order to keep running the rat race.

Also, nobody gives a shit about your subsubsub-field.

>> No.12265369

what im saying is intelligence is not a standardized thing
that anything well developed is intelligent
you can tell when things are well developed

IQ tests as theyve been created are standardized to a certain background of people that have come to associate with general patterns, or those patterns are bloomed from underlying patterns, on and on.
even dictating a pattern becomes a perception relative to the experience of the individual or herd.
you supply something generative and developmental with energy and resources, you expand it more and more, it pervades an environment. the environment, the language, the architecture, all of it, are the manifestation of the patterns utilized to get there.
within this environment, clearly, repeating certain patterns that spawned that environment will lead one to success within that environment.
am i getting my point across?

wagners playfulness and fluidity RELATIVE (I SAID RELATIVE) to jimi? To jazz?
Come on dude, the classical structure in general essentially demands that you have certain bricks laid.

i don't think mozart is a brainlet, i think he was the type of person who never take an IQ test seriously in any sort of fashion, which is why i think he would bomb.

im not saying the "tests are racist", im saying theyre standardized. human intelligence is just more than how we come to illustrate it, yet we dismiss "different intelligence" if it can't first adhere to another

you can see the merits and intelligence of others when you take a step back from self. they just haven't adhered to a structure you seem to expect them to

>> No.12265375

Current cosmological model is completely wrong and modern scientists are trying everything to tape it together with ad hocs like the great filter, dark energy and dark matter

>> No.12265377

Confirmation bias pervades all scientific reasoning and disciplines.

I am not talking about any one issue, but all of them. The longer you spend in research, the more you begin to realize that scientists aren't much better than the average person at avoiding letting what they want to be true infecting their work (though some are better than others). There's also no limit to the amount of time, effort, and money we are willing to spend on studies that refute things we don't like - whether the conclusion is virtuous or perverted.

Despite me avoiding any specific topics, everyone reading this post will see what they want to see and insist I'm hinting at specific conclusions that agree with what they already believe. This is only further proof that no one is impartial - we all project what we already believe onto what we learn.

>> No.12265397 [DELETED] 

materialism of mind is wrong

>> No.12265409

unironically i think all this stuff happening in culture is because many things with this standard have grown static

one can largely step away from bias, but some will be present, even down to heart rhythm.
it's unavoidable
the empiricism of science is a fallacy itself. it's more like "an" empiricism. it's just one matrix we operate under. one lens we look through to perceive the world.
that unique lens gives us a unique access of discovery and understanding, but it is just one.

the methods of science are going to be reworked in the not so distant future, i imagine.

>> No.12265416

from this

"i don't know" is seriously the most empowering and liberating thing you can assume when genuinely trying to explore or discover.

or, becoming a radically different person, different opinions, thoughts, behaviors, preferences, anything you can think of.
then reproach a subject
you'll see it in a completely new way

>> No.12265434

if all art is subjective then all art is equally meritorious
if all art is equally meritorious then one cannot excel at it

>> No.12265438

But how do you account for people from entirely different enviroments, speaking different languages still manage to perform pretty similar and well with basically not much being alike other than genetic makeup being similar.

You don't really need to take an IQ test seriously to perform well anon but you'd likely perform even better if you do.

What do you mean by different intelligence as you obviously don't mean differences in verbal, reading and so on as that would already be accounted for, are you just saying that someone can be quite skilled in a particular thing while also being a brainlet or are we talking idiot savants here?

Can you name an example other than music as it's a pretty subjective thing what one enjoys and if we are using dollars and cents as a metric then you probably already know that it has a whole lot to do with marketing, the ones that actually write the music and lyrics and so on as I would say that very few if any do it all by themselves i.e. write the songs, music, perform, market, publish and so on.

>> No.12265453

I think to the public science is often sold as some kind of force for technological progress and to a certain extent it is, but the way it is sold kind of sets the expectations to high. The the progress during the last few centuries was really unique and is unlikely to happen again. We are seeing a slowing down of progress and while it's not gonna grind to a standstill it's going to continue to slow down, even if occasional there are small notable bursts.

>> No.12265457

>speaking different languages still manage to perform pretty similar and well with basically not much being alike other than genetic makeup being similar.
they've accepted the environment and surrendered aspects of themselves
IQ tests are a microchosm of this. if you are very open and you approach an IQ test, you will basically learn the pattern as you answer the pattern.

i can't really define "different intelligence" to you, I'm just talking about that which clearly displays developmental properties while not adhering to a standardized structure.
>saying that someone can be quite skilled in a particular thing while also being a brainlet
that can be one aspect but not necessarily the full scale

the subjectives are what help give us access to this sort of awareness. we can't really define "why" music is amazing, we just know certain music is amazing, and to different people.
the trouble in giving an objective example is that the objective has been standardized

>> No.12265462

Not really, I've changed a lot during my life but never once considered something really differently unless I learned something which led me to needing to reasses my viewpoint as facts doesn't change even if you do as long as the underlying conditions for the fact stays static that is.

>> No.12265469

yes but art can still have a sort of "utility" about it
relative to the illumination of others it is able to produce. This though also has environmental context about it

art doesn't need to be "well developed" to be provoking. we've all come to understand this
but you can acknowledge very illuminating art as that which has spoken to, or put a larger stamp on the human soul. this we can objectively "measure" in terms of the species as a whole, though individual mileage may vary.

anything in its own element and well developed is going to bring illumination in

>> No.12265473

>underlying conditions
so change this and see what else you find
this is exactly my point.

>> No.12265481

as for whether the low iq can create art that maximizes more utility than can the high iq, this is an empirical question that would need to be answered via measurement

>> No.12265493

>they've accepted the environment and surrendered aspects of themselves
What does this even mean and why would taking an easy test mean that someone has done this, it just sounds made up.

So that something feels developed to you is your definition of intelligence

But wouldn't that basically be a mix of experience and muscle memory which anyone should be able to learn given enough time?

Why wouldn't someone be able to define what kind of music they like, what they like in music and why they enjoy a particular song or piece?
Of course this would only apply for that individual and not everyone but there are some things that can be said generally like people in general seems to enjoy the I–V–vi–IV progression

>> No.12265495

Considering how fast other animals can be bred to show increases in intelligence, that's bullshit. Of course you can't create new traits, but you can very quickly reorganize the traits you. I understand people being anxious about eugenics being used as an excuse for tyranny, but thinking it's that slow shows a very fundamental lack of understanding of genetics.

>> No.12265502

You don't need to genocide, people die automatically just have less babies. Reduce world reproductive rate to 1.5, massive population drops in just a few generations.

>> No.12265504

What year the second world war started and ended won't change no matter how much I change, who the US president is at this current moment won't change no matter how much I change, the molecular weight of something won't change either and so on.

I don't really understand what you're getting at.

>> No.12265514
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>I would prefer if we didn't turn this thread into another autism race realism hurricane
Shame. I had a few notes.

>> No.12265537

God exists.

>> No.12265538

sure i guess give kanye an IQ test

>> No.12265543

the past doesn't exist
our belief and our maintaining of this knowledge carries into the present perception

not knowing allows you to see in ways that filters wont allow you

>> No.12265554 [DELETED] 

That Jews have subverted science.

>> No.12265565

And academia in general

>> No.12265573

Seethe, Jews are the master race.

>> No.12265576

So not knowing our past and be able to learn from history as in not repeating potential errors would be advantageous in your view, how do you figure that?

It doesn't seem wise in the slightest and forgetting stuff is not something I'm good at and believe me there are things I've gone to extreme lengths to try and forget but it simply isn't possible.

So you think that me knowing something that I didn't even live through would change my day to day life, let's just say I have my doubts.

>> No.12265577 [DELETED] 
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Your days are numbered, Moishe.

>> No.12265580

Psychologists are already researching methods into raising IQ. They just never talk about it because they know it’ll enable extremist groups.

>> No.12265588

>They are working on the wrong or secondary questions instead of primal.
>Materialism leads to the death, Spiritualism leads to life.
>Humanity progress is not what it's taught, and doesn't works like Moore's Law.
>Our thinkers are too anthropocentric.
>You are dumb without understanding of Gnoseology.

>> No.12265589
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>master race

>> No.12265590

>the fallacy is this thing I don’t know yet and want you to specify
l m a o

>> No.12265592

freedom with a hint of shart

>> No.12265593


>> No.12265599


>> No.12265601


>> No.12265610

>So not knowing our past and be able to learn from history as in not repeating potential errors
This gets memed so much
First, a lot of our "past errors" are baked into our DNA
Second, reading history maintains the behavior. It's literally just a story that can "awaken" aspects of you. The more associated you are, the more apart of you it is.
I'm not saying history is useless, just that it will leave imprints that we are unaware of.

If people want to be able to see in new ways, they have to be willing to let some things go.
Some doors must be closed for others to open.

This isn't a recommendation, it's just how it is.
If you maintain a static system, it will always catch an axe.
When you have similar people conditioned similarly looking at something, they're only going to see it one way.
Now put a lot of them in a room together and watch the mass delusion cement itself into empiricism.

>So you think that me knowing something that I didn't even live through would change my day to day life
Unequivocally without a doubt

>> No.12265620

If you think those men were great artists, they're something wrong with you.

>> No.12265623

>jimi hendrix
>not a great artist
alright dude

>> No.12265634

>Ashkenzi Jews have a higher average IQ then Europeans

>> No.12265638

Why would you ever put something like that in a negative manner, "awakening" something in me like from what the church did to my people when christianity came to the Nordics and what mainly the english (Churchill and Dresden) and soviets did to my people isn't something that should ever be forgotten, also knowing what doesn't work gives us a chance in not wasting time in risking trying it out.
Strategical mistakes and the fact that communism equals failure being baked in DNA O.o

Some doors needing to be closed for others to open that I understand but you can't just forget something, yes you can hide it away somewhere but you won't ever forget it unless you catch some alzheimers or dementia.

Then how does one forget something? What you're saying is if you learn something then that's it so don't ever learn anything or learn even more?

>> No.12265654

Oh wait, but I thought the narrative was the IQ isn’t an accurate way to measure intelligence? Also, Cheating with numbers and a false sense of superiority is in (((your))) blood.

>> No.12265659

The past century of psychology is basically totally worthless, especially in USA, because it did not consider the mental effects of infant male circumcision and how it may affect thought patterns and behavior.

>> No.12265673

We're really going to have to talk about population soon. There are too many humans and we need space. Are we really just going to let populations keep increasing in size for the sake of money?
>but muh entire global population can fit in Amerca!
Literally it can, but we'll be miserable and living in god damn pods. And what about food and resources?

>> No.12265675

Come on now why would anyone mutilate their child for no reason whatsoever if not for religious reasons, it just doesn't make any sense as it has no viable positive health benefits and only negative

>> No.12265685

Yes having more room to live wouldn't be bad

>> No.12265700

>too many people
>we need space
We need to stop giving aid to Africa.

>> No.12265705

Nope, races with higher average IQ's are superior it's why Jews are the superior race.
>Also, Cheating with numbers and a false sense of superiority is in (((your))) blood
Holy COPE, IQ is cheating when whites aren't at the top? That's hilarious, keep on seething you white monkey.

>> No.12265713

You forgot to account for the Nordics anon

>> No.12265719

>You forgot to account for the Nordics
Inferior to the Jewish mind, they would run the world if they where superior.

>> No.12265720
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>> No.12265731

>Charts with no source
Is this what the coping white does? Like blacks lmao. Also
>Way more non hispanic whites in Amerca then Jews in the world
Did you think this proves your point?

>> No.12265735

You just said that the higher the average IQ was all that matters.

You really do just pick and choose what you feel like at every given moment don't you

>> No.12265736

Show me chart with proof showing that Nordics have a higher IQ then Jews

>> No.12265751

Stupid people and anti intellectuals cannot simply be ignored, the harm they do is real and significant and must be actively minimised, especially during times of crisis and disaster.

>> No.12265754

You're comparing a composer to a performer dipshit
It syou're also treating intelligence as a synonym for ability
Fuzzy fuckin logic here

>> No.12265756
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Face it kike, you and your ‘people’ are lying subversive freaks and once people stop being blinded by your lies, there will be one more expulsion of Jews added to the list. One can only hope that it is the final one.

>> No.12265763
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Not good quality but you get the general idea.


>> No.12265774


>> No.12265781

>4Chan screenshot from /pol/ is a debunk
>Still quoting Richard Lynn who's studies have been disproven multiple times
>Acting as if them having a lower earlier in the Century disbunks their higher average IQ now as if average IQ can't increase amongst a race.
Oh my god, the cope that white nationalists will attempt to act superior, you cling onto high IQ as proof of your superiority and Jews who have a higher IQ are simply lying instead of being superior. Just face it, the Jews are the master race, that's why they control the world, that's why all of academia including the science done in it belongs to them. The racial superiority of the Jew is evident, you're just a whitey who can't cope with being inferior. Imagine pretending the sheep is superior to the herder.

>> No.12265784

>Richard Lynn
You guys are still using this debunked map? Why? Didn't he test mentally ill children in Spain for average IQ lol. Even if we take this true, Israel isn't just Ashkenzi Jews, it's filled with Ethiopian and Shepardic Jews. Clearly not fair for the master race that is the Ashkenzi jew.

>> No.12265788

Calm down there's not necessarily any shame in being less intelligent than other people

>> No.12265792

Ok goy, keep acting as if you're the master race. Remember you're always in our hands.

>> No.12265796

Stop putting words in my mouth, I never once used that description you did

>> No.12265800
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>> No.12265801

Would you say whites are superior to all the peoples they conquered?

>> No.12265804
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>> No.12265808

Fair enough
Yes, why wouldn't I?
>inb4 we genocides the Jews
Don't care we have you under our control now. Currently all other races have been conquered by the Jew.

>> No.12265812
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>> No.12265817

acceptance of potential ignorance

>> No.12265819
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>> No.12265845

Good on you for being honest. Desu i don't know really the theories. Is it an outright scheming plan for domination or is it more of an emergent group evolution thing?

>> No.12265878

I'll give him a pass for calling bullshit on Epstein

>> No.12265893

I'm not a Jew, I'm fucking with you guys.

>> No.12265900

wtf, but why or well I guess I get that but still ^^

>> No.12265951

Well you were pretty clearly being facetious but do you buy into accusations that they wield too much power?

>> No.12265973
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The hunter gatherer lifestyle was the peak of human existence and we destroyed it for no good reason.

>> No.12265987

go live in the alaskan wilderness and shut the fuck up

>> No.12266001
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I'm literally researching which tribe I want to live with, one day you will understand what modernity stole from you.

>> No.12266756

i live like a fucking caveman in the midst of modernity, alaska would suck fucking dick. running around the streets in the burbs barefoot and not giving a fuck is comfy as it gets. i am very greatful to our kike overlords

>> No.12266760


>> No.12266764

octopi are probably smarter than us.

>> No.12266765

the jews are the ubermensch

>> No.12266789

absolutely based.
Read this frens. social sciences are a meme.

>> No.12266791

enjoy the mosquito swarms lol

>> No.12266793

For this reason the main goal of science and engineering now should be the diffusion of knowledge with the goal of empowering small autarkic communities of no more than 150 people each.

>> No.12266798

or state mandated birth control as an alternative (but without abortion)

>> No.12266802

lol and how many thousands of years separate Europe and Africa, for example?
Plus this can be proven to be false, you can have a major impact in 2-3 generations.

>> No.12266813

this is a bit reductive approach anon.
There are very good artistic traits in some med ethnicities (like the italians) but also the northern balkans IMO.
I have no scientific proof to back it tho.

>> No.12266815

state mandated homosexuality. i dont have a problem with that, it's equal.

>> No.12266837

that would be a little more destabilizing for society anon

>> No.12267551
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>What is a harsh truth that the scientific community needs to embrace?
Research papers as a requirement to get your degree empowers publishers to act as a gatekeeper for what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable. Thus imposing an orthodoxy by treating foreign (or simply uncomfortable) ideas with much greater scrutiny and by simply accepting orthodox ones if they "kinda sound correct". Pic unironically related.

>> No.12267580

There's too many people. A reduced population helps everything.

>> No.12267604

That's not really a harsh truth. A harsh truth would be to suggest which continent to start with.

>> No.12267713

i'd be willing to bet that within the category of artists that the same general principle holds, on average

>> No.12267729

Nah, back then eugenics was harder because you were taking very vague metrics on performance waiting for a small population to pop out a cool new mutation. Now there are larger populations and more accurate tools to measure and quantify a lot of things people might want to do eugenics on, like that tall chinese basketball fella who's was the product of chinese funded eugenics. If the american government really cared about say heart disease in the population it could give every child in the next generation a copy of that italian anti-cholesterol gene, even giving 1/4 the population it would put the genes in the genepool and elevate the price of healthcare n shit or whatever. I've collected a list of cool human genes that have arose through random mutations, if all were implemented it would just enhance current people.

>> No.12267738

so this is to say you have a non-standardized intelligence, and then define intelligence by the relative hubs

do you think the actual IQ test for an artist should be the same as it is for say a mathematician or any other "indicator"?
Do you think IQ tests could be designed in such a way, or designed by a group (such as artists or others) that may speak to, say, an "artist IQ", if we are willing to accept intelligence is not a singular standardized thing? An IQ test that artists would excel at and other groups would not?
Does the medium alter the expression of intelligence? Symbolic imagery, versus, say, an IQ test that's able to be designed through audio?
Do IQ tests reflect the writer and all their background conditioning?

>> No.12267745


>of our privacy and freedom.
man made social constructs

>> No.12267908

>do you think the actual IQ test for an artist should be the same as it is for say a mathematician or any other "indicator"?
it depends what you're trying to measure. if we assume there exists something called Artistic Intelligence, then no. but in so far as an IQ test of artists is intended to measure g and not intelligence qua artist, then yes. essentially, iq tests measure pattern recognition and memory skills. neither of which seem to me necessary to be a skilled artist. being an artist requires creativity, which isn't obviously (to me) a form of intelligence. i guess you could argue that it is? but i also would expect creativity to loosely correlate with g although i don't have any Facts And Logic to support that offhand.

but i guess i also would ask what the value is in positing a narrowly defined trait like like artistic intelligence rather than a broader one like creativity. what's interesting about g is that the correlation holds up across a bunch of seemingly unrelated mental tests, and that its effects also show up in various ways with respect to positive/negative life outcomes. and if the g of a better artist is higher than a worser one (as defined by utility maximization, lol) that would be supportive of g's value.

>> No.12267977

if you think making art does not require g, but mere creativity, then I challenge you to paint a landscape that is not distinguishable from a photo

>> No.12267986

Seeing as most artists seems to be pretty shit these days which likely correlates with IQ tests, I don't really see an issue with this.
When it comes to music the smart people are mainly behind the scenes pulling the string, writing lyrics and music, when it comes to art well art has been utter shit for way too long but hopefully at some point people start painting beautiful things like nature and such.

Obviously you can be dumb as can be and still drag a brush around on a canvas or sing a song

>> No.12268000

i knew someone was going to nitpick that after i posted it. obviously you also need the technical skills to realize your creative vision. which given the correlation of g to job performance across domains also probably correlates with g, giving another reason why being an artist would correlate with g.
but this also goes into the question of aethetics. because many of the Great Masters were technically quite strong but creatively boring from a contemporary POV, and most of them would probably fail to maximize sufficient utility of modern peoples to even be considered great artists, based upon the definition above.

>> No.12268016

>being an artist requires creativity, which isn't obviously (to me) a form of intelligence
idk if we can have a genuine discussion on the topic without inevitably coming to an impasse then, because i don't agree

>> No.12268027

are you an economist? You lot seem to be obsessed with IQ and standardized testing like SAT, GRE and GMAT. I really wonder where this came from

>> No.12268033

ONLY you make science interesting. by itself it is pointless garbage.

>> No.12268040

i didn't posit this definition, i was using anon's above. see >>12265469

>> No.12269053


>> No.12269114

>if you can discuss it without blowing a gasket then go ahead.
No I cannot discuss the fact that ab14 day ban on in-vitro human embryo growth exists without blowing a gasket, I seethe infinitely at this judeo-christian retardation. Every day I wake up incredibly angry about it. Don't reply to this post I genuinely will not reply back it makes my blood pressure so fucking high.

>> No.12269395


>> No.12269426

Well also making it interesting should never take priority over the truth. Deceiving people in the hopes that you hooked them in generally doesn't end well in the long-term once they realise they have been lied to.

>> No.12269446

In order of importance: Asia, Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia.

>> No.12269450

Arrogance is a symptom of previous succes. Aether theory never amounted to anything because it has no merit.

>> No.12269452

>that the scientific community needs to embrace?
That they are full of shit and have learned nothing since semmelweiss, the luminous ether, gastric ulcers and so on.


t. MD.

>> No.12269456

Or relocation.

Our woumb is making it clear we are ready to be birthed into the universe. The stars are our destiny.

>> No.12269467

Arts, social cohesion, manual labour.

But lets be honest, iq tests are dogwash, they test your education.

>> No.12269475

Thats not how it works, you would in effect just creat new genetic deseases through inbreeding, or increase severity of others.

>> No.12269527

>Library filled with books all containing the woord NAGGERS over and over and over

>> No.12269535

If i kill all but the 10 smartest black people, would they then become the master race?

>> No.12269556
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>> No.12269558

For a while yes. Until their children procreate with their own and then have the IQ drop back down due to inbreeding thanks to the decision to have a population of only 10 people.

>> No.12269560

And the ones more important than any other

>> No.12269567


>> No.12269607

>accuse jews of secretly running the world for centuries
>wait for them to believe it
Do you know what step 3 is, fren? It's pretty hilarious

>> No.12269628

I'm a white natty and I unironically agree. The linchpin here is that christianity is trash. While whites sent their intelligent smartasses to celibacy/priesthood, jews won't respect a rabbi with less than 4 kids. And that's the end of that: if you're sending all of your intelligent dudes to faghood guess what happens. Meanwhile modern jews are masters of pilpul because they have the blood of hundreds of preachers in their veins.
This is why protty germoney throttled everyone on the planet, and they were very close to being on par with the ashkenazi.

Of course, as of now, literally everyone on the planet is gay besides china (and they'll end up suiciding somehow they always do)... jewish birthrates are circling the drain not even the orthodox can save them.
But I hope they do save themselves. Somebody has the save themselves. Otherwise it's going to be brave new world but 1000% less fun. Just stuff everyone into a VR headset and you can't even do drugs.

forward slash pole won't admit this because they're all christian boomers now, nobody there has even read nick land

>> No.12270873

Nooo I can't imagine, what?

>> No.12270878

Point at the jews and laugh.

>> No.12270886

A lot of people think Popper's falsifiability is outdated though.

>> No.12270907

Hey, that's my line

>> No.12270920

White men are not to blame for every failure by blacks or women.

>> No.12271727

not true

>> No.12271783

>see OP
>scroll down
You people have a brain disease and need to hang yourselves so healthy human beings can talk to each other in anonymous forums.

>> No.12271794

>Considering how fast other animals can be bred to show increases in intelligence
That's bullshit.

>> No.12273048

The way our society is developing, we're destined for over-socialization

>> No.12273080
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What about psychoanalysis?

Nobody ever thinks of empirical research into the phenomenology of being.

>> No.12273083

literally no posts itt like that

>> No.12273091

I don't know how Freud got anywhere at all with his bullshit, let alone becoming the most influential person in the history of psychology. It's a testament to how worthless the entire field is.

>> No.12273101

Sounds like you're an atheist who doesn't comprehend his own addiction to the marvel cinematic universe, anon.

>> No.12273107

Especially psychoanalysis

>> No.12273114

Explain why.

>> No.12273134

because it managed to become successful across so many academic fields despite having no basis in observable reality
freud himself refused to be psychoanalyzed

>> No.12273173

Most areas of psychology better fits in the realm of philosophy. It comes down to the way the field attempts to perform experiments.
Neurology seeks to answer many of the same questions and is able to perform rigorous experiments.

>> No.12273182

>freud himself refused to be psychoanalyzed
What does this demonstrate other than Freud's fear of his own methodology?

This could easily be construed as an appraisal.

>> No.12273197

demonstrates that psychoanalysis as a therapeutic tool might not actually be good for you

>> No.12273212

You'd have to explain how you deduced that. There are several hypothetical reasons he wouldn't subject himself to an experimental method he himself generated.

>> No.12273218

Technological advancements are limited to amount of money availale.

>> No.12273348

I think "the inventor of [x] refuses to use [x]" is evidence towards [x] being bad in general -- not proof, just evidence -- and the link is so common-sensical that I'm suspicious you can't see it.
What's one of your hypothetical reasons?

>> No.12273886

>what is a border collie

>> No.12273893

he was a mediocre guitar player, any decent progressive rock guitarist can do at least twice what he could

>> No.12273905

>I would prefer if we didn't turn this thread into another autism race realism hurricane
Well too fucking bad because >>12264600,RR, and accepting that eugenics is a good thing are the biggest """harsh""" truths that are absolutely imperative for the """scientific community""" to accept. And if they don't, people need to stop trusting scientists full stop even if it means defunding and destroying substantive science. Yes,they're that important, and yes, destruction of privacy, freedom, and importing millions of third worlders to permanently destroy the wages, freedom, and budget of your country while decrying any ability to improve the human race genetically is millions and millions of times more important than if COVID killed 200 million people in the US.

>> No.12273940

Being parasitically clever doesn't make you stronger overall.

>> No.12273944

The P value is overrated and abused.

>> No.12273945

>Asia, Africas, Americas, Australia, Europe

>> No.12273950

The earth is flat and motionless
space is fake and gay

>> No.12273952


>> No.12274363
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What's implicit in peak wisdom literature like that of Montaigne, Shakespeare, and Goethe, which is that on the level of species as well, intellect always undoes the conditions and processes that gave rise to it in the first place, such that at best, and very rarely, they slowly fade away into a kind of aesthetic twilight of satiety soon after science and technology adequate for creature comforts not previously attainable are generally brought about, but far more usually along any of the more precipitate routes of self-induced disaster that are already evidently unfolding here, but tiresome to re-hash before any audience that hasn't yet lived long enough and well enough to accept how appalling that evidence is. That last part of it is of course understandable. On the other hand there is something extra pathetic about the conviction that one can have literally everything, coupled with a sterility of imagination about what that is, or could become in the ordinary course of development.

>> No.12274395

>This could easily be construed as an appraisal.
Not really.
This is just you trying to bullshit your way out.
>There are several hypothetical reasons he wouldn't subject himself to an experimental method he himself generated.
If there are several then why the fuck are you refusing to list them? If someone refuses to get into a car under any condition, they might have several hypothetical reasons for it, but if they refuse to give answers as to why that is then that is fairly indicative of them being embarassed of the actual reasons themselves.

>> No.12274442


>> No.12274533

>The earth is flat and motionless
>space is fake and gay

Space is also flat, just like earth.

>> No.12274921

That different races have a different average iq

>> No.12274929

Behavior is as much genetic as anything else.

>> No.12275214


>> No.12275262

theres too many niggers, not too many whites

>> No.12275601

dont fall for the propaganda. theres more than enough resources and space for everybody, even if we want to eliminate greenhouse emissions.
massive depopulation would only increase the power of the ruling class (exxonmpbil CEOs for example) and fuck us even harder
small scale depopulation of certain high impact groups is better

>> No.12275634


>> No.12275653

Blacks are prehistoric neurologically.

>> No.12276761


>> No.12277367


>> No.12277372

>What is a harsh truth that the scientific community needs to embrace?

That cotton masks can't even stop sneeze drops, nevermind viruses themselves.

>> No.12277563

Based robot

>> No.12277568

It's spelt 'minimised', peasant.
I speak the Queens English, not some bastard dialect.

>> No.12277715

A lot of people think the Bible/Koran is the literal truth.

>> No.12277824

Incredibly based take. The distribution of knowledge is way too top-heavy and specialized, making our systems fragile and prone to shocks.

>> No.12277826

No lol it takes literally one generation.

>> No.12279680

Rigorous methodology is far more important then statistical analysis

>> No.12279725

Mankind may have been able to develop along a path leading to the state you describe, but it did not do so. In fact, some societies did start down that psth, but were all destroyed by those that followed alternative paths.

So could mankind pivot to living as you (and Wendell Berry et al) describe from where it is today? I don't see any route that omits mass depopulation via war and/or starvation.

Essentially best case: what dregs emerge from the disaster now unfolding might yet forge a future mankind as you envisage. It's not gonna grow north from 7 billion tho.

>> No.12281448
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The scientific community must contend with Him.

>> No.12282936

does not

>> No.12282939

That academic science isn't science. Just a bureaucratic sandwich with some tubes and pippetes thrown in.

>> No.12283083

>What is a harsh truth that the scientific community needs to embrace?
That experiential reality is what really matters.

>> No.12283369

Is theoretical physics bullshit?

At what point do they say that they have big enough collider? They're already talking about scaling up from the hyped Large Hadron Collider.

>> No.12283374

There is no big enough, the bigger you go the more you can learn.

>> No.12283408

But it will never be as big as your mother.

>> No.12283445
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Sulk didn't create the vaccine for Polio but he instead took the credit from his peers.