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12262473 No.12262473 [Reply] [Original]

I work with Chicken Little, who consumes covid doomsday porn all day.

Is it a guarantee that catching covid results in heart, lung, organ damage; or is it just a potential side effect?

>> No.12262504

yes, 100%, or your money back, guaranteed
I got corona and I'm using a stick between my teeth to type this from inside my iron lung

>> No.12262505

Why does it matter? Jesus died too so it can't be all bad

>> No.12262511

Covid is a terminal disease, but so is life for that matter

>> No.12262529

We need to find a cure for life.

>> No.12262550

1) nose,throat buildup
2) attack lung alveolus
3) cytokine storm destroys walls of alveolus
4) virus enters blood stream
5) blood clots all over the body

corona is not justflu, it's a flu+blood disease

>> No.12262555

>oh look it's this shit again
listen buddy: it's a fucking crapshoot, Russian Roulette all the way down.
Some people just have the COOF COOF COOF for a week or two then they're more or less okay
Some people get so fucked up by it that they have to go to the hospital, get a ventilator tube shoved down their trachea because their lungs are so fucked that they can't breathe on their own.
Some people get it so bad it kills them.
There is a complete spectrum between the extremes.

I got lucky, mainly because I'm physically fit to start with (not fat, not weak, excellent endurance, etc) when I had it back in late February. Went straight into my lungs, no sore throat, no sinus problems to speak of. I still had to use a nebulizer once, and it took two full weeks to completely get over it -- then six weeks to feel something like 'normal' again, training-wise. So I'm saying: I was a relatively MILD case but it still kicked my ass in weird ways nothing else ever has. Plus, I really don't feel 100% the same, not really, I don't have as much endurance in the heat, and I'm tired more often (although that may be just general stress and anxiety from the world being fucked up).
But there are people who were perfectly healthy, above-average even, who DIED of the fucking thing. YOU CAN'T KNOW.

>> No.12262559

Fuck chinks

>> No.12262570

>So I'm saying: I was a relatively MILD case but it still kicked my ass in weird ways nothing else ever has. Plus, I really don't feel 100% the same, not really
I've been hearing this a lot, including from the people I've known who had pretty mild cases. They describe it as being weird and unlike anything they've experienced before.

>> No.12262608

taiwan is right next to it, barely a scratch because they're not idiots like trump/gop

>> No.12262613
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>> No.12262617


>> No.12262640

I just want to know what the facts are

>> No.12262656

The flu can't literally cause all of that, it's just that covid is the centre of attention right now

>> No.12262660

Try a helium tank and a cpap machine

>> No.12262756

I’m assuming the words “may” and “potentially” are used in there but the dude I know probably just selectively filters them out

>> No.12262758

It was weird, weird as fuck, that's how I know that's what I had, that plus duration, timing, and after-effects.
>I just want to know what the facts are
o It's real not a hoax and not """the flu"""
o You can't predict how it will affect you if you contract it
o Severity of symptoms ranges from as mild as a cold or influenza to life-threatening/deadly
Those are THE FACTS. What else do you need to know?

>> No.12262788

I’m not doubting the covid in any way shape or form, I’m questioning my friends certainty that if you contract virus you will have lifelong effects such as heart and lung damage, guaranteed

>> No.12262847


>> No.12262870

Unless it turns out to be like HIV, I seriously doubt it. It's true that some asymptomatic people were found to have inflammation of the heart and lungs, which is concerning, but that doesn't necessarily mean permanent damage, nor does it mean it happens to everyone. If there is some mild organ damage, it could be decades before those people start feeling the effects, so we're not going to have clear answers any time soon.

>> No.12262930

I tested positive and the only symptoms i had were reduced sense of smell and taste and a week long headache, the flu feels 10000x worse

>> No.12262932


>> No.12262938

the common cold coronavirus OC43 often causes myocarditis, the fear mongering media makes it seem as if covid-19 was a unique virus

>> No.12264338

It's only an issue if you health is so shit that any other disease would wreck you. Also in the early phase of Covid certain us hospitals made a ton of people who didn't need ventilators go on it unnecessarily. This of course deprived the people down the line who did need the use of said ventilators

>> No.12264365

The damage many people face but often isn't mentioned is the mental health issues and abuse (domestic,mental, sexual) cases that have jumped high due to it. Some people have 2 parents who are part of the vulnerable demographics like 80+ parents.

My father is 70/late 60's and he's going crazy driving everyone in the house crazy as a result. Before he was tolerable to put it lightly but now that my sisters and I are at home we have to deal with him a lot.