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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12261933 No.12261933 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? Don't be racist—this video debunks race realism anyways

>> No.12261941

>Comments are turned off.
that suggests it is not worth the time

>> No.12261983

it's called a bell curve
there's always going to be flukes. No race realist thinks that Blacks are a different species.

>> No.12262039

>Don't be racist—this video debunks race realism anyways
That's a compsi lecture.

>> No.12262346

why is jcole teaching me sorting algorithms

>> No.12262355

Always thought van Emde Boas trees were cool.
Algorithms is one of those subjects that seems like the stuff they teach you in lecture require minimal mathematical structure, but then all the big problems use sophisticated machinery.

I think Jelani Nelson’s own work uses functional analysis.

>> No.12262607

races don't exist
that's a dark skinned white supremacist

>> No.12262610


>> No.12262622

Looks like he's half white at least

>> No.12262722


>> No.12264845

>That's a compsi lecture

You're argument is not false, but your typo is repugnant.
t. CompSci grad.

>> No.12264850

>outliers proves my ideology

>> No.12265057
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>politely ask /sci/ to not be racist
>most of the posts are about race
You guys just lose your shit whenever you see a black person in academia, don't you? Go back to /pol/ your cross boarding pseuds

>> No.12265101
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>> No.12265124

you cant debunk something that is true faggot

>> No.12265131
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>hey look at this smart negro heh
>I bet you feel stupid for caring about the 3% that committed 56% of the violent crime mostly again white people and the trillions of dollars you spend on welfare now don't ya? heh

>> No.12265137
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that dude is clearly a quadroon not "black"

>> No.12265164

His mother is Ethiopian & his father is African-American.

>> No.12265187

Do you know what race realism even is?
Malcom X was a race realist.

>> No.12265271

So was W. E. B. Du Bois I think.

>> No.12265331

>African american
Yah so like I said not black. You can try to play all the word games you want bub. The only actual black people in the US are immigrants. about 90+ percent of black people in the US have some European genes in them somewhere

>> No.12266246

This is /sci/. Please take your schizophrenia elsewhere, this isn't a race thread retard, you're the one getting defensive

>> No.12266259
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>hi /sci/, here's a video

also op

>wtf, why are you all talking about race? ugh, fucking /pol/, smhfam

>> No.12266711

You really just can't stop can you? You're probably the guy who types "Built for BBC" or "Built for BWC" on any coomer thread. I asked nicely for you to not be racist and make it all about race but you couldn't help yourself. Don't blame me that you've rotted your brain with /pol/ and /v/

>> No.12266719

Race realism predicts millions of black geniuses though.

>> No.12266729

To help you sell shit more efficiently.

>> No.12266735

He's right, OP. You can stop trolling now.

>> No.12266777

>warren is only 1/x native american, that doesnt count
also conservatives:
>this black guy is successfull???? its cause he has 1/1000000th european genes??

>> No.12266792
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>this video debunks race realism anyways

>> No.12266825

now make him have 10 children. Europeans didn't get smarter by magic, it's a long process of selecting for intelligence for multiple generations

>> No.12266860

>outliers debunk the mean
comp sci in a nutshell

>> No.12267266
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>> No.12267268

First I'm not a conservative so your strawman is retarded on multiple levels.

Second obviously when you are mixing inferior genetics with superior genetics whether they contribute to your a positive effect to your gene pool depends on what the mix is and what dominant expression you have. I am sure you already knew this however or maybe you are too stupid to understand it which would not surprise me in the least

>> No.12267343

me in the snek shirt

>> No.12267373

>it's called a bell curve
>there's always going to be flukes. No race realist thinks that Blacks are a different species.
also, I thought for a long time that species are differentiated by the ability to produce offspring (I would swear it was in my biology handbook) but it turns out it's possible to create interspecie offspring.

>> No.12267421

I would never let a nigger teach me anything

>> No.12267446

yeah we know you're dumb
go back

>> No.12268643
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I would but that will never happen.

>> No.12268679

Species are differentiated by the ability to produce FERTILE offspring, Anon. For example, a lion and a tiger can mate, if I recall correctly, but the offspring is infertile.

>> No.12268693

how can everyone in this thread be so unbelievably retarded? just stop being racist and grow inner love and confidence before you start heavily projecting about a group of people that would literally stomp your head into the dirt if you said this shit to them in person

>> No.12268716

Honestly who cares about the whole race thing? I understand the sentiment, but it's useless.
If it's true that some races are inferior of intelligence, people will use it as an excuse for depriving valid individuals of that race of rights and mistreat them unjustly.
If it's not true, you will have discovered nothing that changes the fact that natural rights should be universal among the various species of humans.
As for general policies, if you don't want someone just push so that you can emarginate them for no reason at all. I don't need science to tell me some race is stupid to decide if I want to associate with someone or not. It's this mentality that if the science tells me that a race is equal or superior in intelligence than I have to associate with individuals of their race that is wrong.
I associate with who I fucking want, people who sometimes are inferior and other times superior to me. That's all.

>> No.12268751

>If it's true that some races are inferior of intelligence, people will use it as an excuse for depriving valid individuals of that race of rights and mistreat them unjustly.
Depriving certain people of certain rights is not necessarily a bad thing for humanity as a whole.
For instance you don't give toddlers rights to bear guns.
As for being mistreated unjustly, that's really subjective.
I'm all for black people being treated adequately. No less, but also no more.
Anyway, rights should be given solely based on intelligence and common human interests, not race.

>> No.12268800

>Algorithms is one of those subjects that seems like the stuff they teach you in lecture require minimal mathematical structure, but then all the big problems use sophisticated machinery.
exactly. all the math undergrads shit on CS but once you study it at a higher level it is quite cool. also most of the kids taking this level of course have probably studied as much math as most math undergrads

>> No.12268819

Different species can actually produce fertile offspring though. Humans and Neanderthals certainly crossbred and produced fertile offspring, yet we still class them as different species.
Species are really just a human invention to explain different evolutionary paths taken by different organisms

>> No.12268836

only the females were fertile and only the unions with Neanderthal men and human women produced them

>> No.12268870

>Anyway, rights should be given solely based on intelligence and common human interests, not race.
Rights are not granted and cannot be given. All humans are entitled to them. Begone authoritarian.

>> No.12268875
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Keep seething

>> No.12268902
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>l-libertarians are on our side
>muh libertarian pipeline
fuck off faggot. You've been parroting this shit since /new/ and it's never been true.

>> No.12268911

kill yourself

>> No.12269030

it doesn't help that to the laymen, the canonical representatives of algorithms are in sorting. Some of those problems are interesting (fusion trees and the information theoretic lower bound are cool), but the world of algorithms and algorithms research extends way farther than that. Things like compressed sensing algorithms, sketching, computational geometry, dimensionality reduction, etc.. From Nelson's own papers:

There's even more abstract things like being able to admit exhaustive search of certain infinite sets in finite time.

>> No.12269083
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Why are you leveraging a good researcher to make a race bait thread? We already know this place is infested with /pol/lacks who argue in bad faith, and who use every opportunity to deny their intentions.
>ugh so everything you don’t like is /pol/?
>nevermind that all my graphs are common shitposts and sourceless images from /pol/, they have nothing to do with it!
/sci/ is already dogshit at understanding any CS worth understanding - they wouldn’t take anything of note away from this thread

>> No.12269109

so why the fuck did you make the thread you faggot

>> No.12269113

holy fucking cope

this black dude mogs you to oblivion and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.12269115

Harvard is an excellent name for a computer store.

>> No.12269120

It's a typo, they spelled Harvarb wrong

>> No.12269394

why does he look like a hobo though? was it intentional?

>> No.12271868

Do you have a source for this? I believe you but I'm genuinely interested in learning more

>> No.12273880

No. Also blacks in academia have a higher chance at having been selected just because they're niggers. Also, no you don't pass.
Yes whites "grow inner love" (be gullible dumbasses) while nogs and spics take their money and shit all over them. Why don't you go ask a raging retard nigger who shouts about whypeepo to "grow inner love"? Get raped, fag.

>> No.12274006

t. guy in the video
Harvard's ideology is literally picking brown people no matter what.

>> No.12274009

/sci/ is full of absolute retards good lord. go back to an IQ thread.

>> No.12274014

Denying that harvard's ideology is basic bitch wokeness (less whites and picking brown people for authority positions) is just silly at this point. You could have have some incredulity in like 2011, but after that the jig was up.

>> No.12274028

How are blacks and Hispanics ruining white peoples lives? We’re wealthier, healthier, and hold a disproportionate share of power in the government. Have you ever met a minority? It’s hilarious that people like you accuse non-racists of being sheep when you cultivate your ideology in obscure message boards full of paranoid NEETs and half baked pseudoscience. Go step outside you miserable sperg

>> No.12274033

indeed van emde Boas trees are cool but I a had difficulty in understanding certain problems until recently

>> No.12274061

They're a huge drain on the federal budget (which disproportionately impacts whites), vote against freedom, ended white private spaces and have massive anti-white racial animus. They agitate until institutional anti-white racist laws like affirmative action and diversity hiring become the norms. If meritocracy were in place whites would be even wealthier and healthier, and in an ideal world whites would have all of the governmental power in their own majority countries. Instead we're in a situation where third worlders control their own countries and they get shares of control in majority white countries. In the USA, they are also just an essentially infinite supply of really compliant scabs, so labor nationalism is dead now. They are the most privileged groups ever.
>while you cultivate your ideology in obscure message boards
K but this "obscure message board" (JFL at 4chan being considered "obscure" in any way) is less ban happy than other places of conversation. And that is why Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, etc. should be forced to refrain from banning people with ideologies they don't like. The reason these ideas are limited to "obscure" forums is because people like you love banning people with ideas you don't like. Then, people become radicalized as a reasonable response to your behavior.

>> No.12274143

what is our right to rule predicated on? Should minorities not be allowed to vote at all because they comprise less than half of our population? Or is it because they’re less intelligent? I’ve never understood that aspect of your belief...

>> No.12274186

I thought this board was for science, not comp sci and race realism

very dissapointed

>> No.12274189

>Should minorities not be allowed to vote at all because they comprise less than half of our population?
No one was suggesting that you disingenuous piece of shit. Obviously, he was suggesting it's suspicious for a minority to play a large role in government. It would be like finding out a massive portion of politicians are in the same industry, are foreign born, or felons despite the odds of that being extremely low. You have to go back.

>> No.12274191

>computer SCIENCE

>> No.12274195

>in an ideal world whites would have all the governmental power in their own majority countries
>he never suggested that minorities shouldn’t vote

How else would you effect that you retarded fuck? That belief is fundamentally incompatible with democracy in a country with even a single black person. Minorities don’t play an oversized role in the government. They play as much of a role as their population permits, if not less.

>> No.12274203

>How else would you effect that you retarded fuck?
You would design society with majority rule. The greeks have a cool name for this: "democracy". You're such a faggot.

>> No.12274220

The United States isn’t founded on the principle of majority rule, and most modern democracies aren’t true democracies. The founding fathers explicitly stated that they wanted to prevent “tyranny of the majority,” which is why we have the electoral college and representatives (rather than putting everything to a direct vote).

Plus The government is more granular than you’re implying, which makes perfect sense. Different regions get their own representation, so inevitably black people will have a portion of control over the government.

>> No.12274224

And if you really wanted a representative democracy, minorities, women, and white liberals would rule this country. Go look at popular vote tallies over the years.

>> No.12274251


>> No.12274253

I didn't understand any of this shit, is comp sci easy to get into

>> No.12274673

i hate black people because i am garbage, what is your counter to that ?

>> No.12274692

>i am garbage
time to recycle you faggot

>> No.12274994

trivial software dev (aka the focus of too many undergrad CS) is super easy to get into. Actual CS, aka grad material and onward, is pretty hard to get into.

>> No.12275016

K, what is your right to vote predicated on? I don't want you voting.

>> No.12275064

wrong this is a long debunked myth

>> No.12275075

the faggotry emanating from this post can only mean this poster sucks oodles of cock on the regular

>> No.12275084

holy shit you want to suck this dudes cock don't you little twink? HAHAHAHA this faggot made this thread because he wants to suck that quadroons dick, or they are already lovers. Stop promoting your queer lovers/crushes on this board you little femboi twink

>> No.12275089
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>> No.12275091
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holy based

>> No.12275133

>pronounces latex lah tech
>seems to not give a fuck about the class
what am i meant to think about this? seems like virtually every undergrad course has these two perquisites

>> No.12275135

>people like you accuse non-racists of being sheep when you cultivate your ideology in obscure message boards

1. 4chan is one of the biggest websites in the world I would hardly call it obscure.
2. The Vedic caste system is as old as humanity itself, there is nothing to "cultivate" it is simply a matter of education and enforcement

White people tried to be welcoming. Tried to let "minorities" share in these great first world civilizations we build. But you come here and bring your racial consciousnesses with you, your third world mentality. We tried to give you your own cities and representatives to wipe our hands of responsibility for your failures but now that you have destroyed your own living spaces you want to invade and destroy ours also and when people stand and say "hey no this isn't working" the Jews who control the media run interference and create animosity and violence against whites. We did a trial run and it didnt work out, this is an abusive one sided relationship and need a divorce. I don't wish you harm or ill will, I just want you out of my nations pockets and politics before you sink this ship and take us all down with you.

The Democrat party has now literally become the party that panders to non whites to do harm to whites and their interests for votes and jobs that has scarred this nation for ever more. We are tired of being pushed around and aren't gonna take it much longer. You can say only people here feel this way all you want, but we both know that isnt true. The leftards started the whole racial consciousness game, made every political detail about their race and using their race to attack whites and now want to attack white people for doing the same thing. Nah, you awakened the sleeping beast and a reckoning is coming now and no one can stop it. This isn't a threat and isnt me being a tough guy on the interwebz this is just me reading the writing on the wall from keeping my ear to the ground. Something you spergs dont do

>> No.12275190

>grow inner love and confidence
>literally stomp your head into the dirt
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12276916 [DELETED] 

they didnt do much stomping anyone into the ground when they were being caught on the plains by other negroes and sold to jews into slavery. I don't know where this meme came desu, most likely due to the more violent and criminal nature of blacks. Yah you attack and punk normies pretty easy but when you run into violent white men the equation changes real quick. Nigs are a huge majority in prisons yet they get man handled by the aryan nation lol. I am pretty no black nation ever won a war against anyone but another black nation. Uppity monkeys get their shit pushed in without much trouble desu

>> No.12276920

they didnt do much stomping anyone into the ground when they were being caught on the plains by other negroes and sold to jews into slavery. I don't know where this meme came from. Most likely due to the more violent and criminal nature of blacks. Yah you attack and punk normies pretty easy but when you run into violent white men the equation changes real quick. Nigs are a huge majority in prisons yet they get man handled by the aryan nation lol. I am pretty sure no black nation ever won a war against anyone but another black nation. Uppity monkeys get their shit pushed in without much trouble desu

>> No.12277115

Loling at npcs seething at his pic
P.s me on the right

>> No.12277199

actually that is me, I'm the guy that types built for BBC. How are ya?

>> No.12277285

A world without niggers would be a perfect world

>> No.12277306

>quotes 2 things that arent redundant and act like they are

>> No.12277309

>trying this hard
what i said still stands, my only advice is you should eat more/eat less because you are severly under/overweight

>> No.12277472
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Based except for the white fetishization. Whites are less intelligent than Asians, Jews.

>> No.12277828

And yet Europeans invented and created literally everything.

>> No.12277829

This is true. If you disagree you are low IQ or brainwashed or prolly both.

>> No.12278383

Even if I agreed with your extremist hyperbole of race realism, I would still regard your sense of tactics as politically naive to the point of resembling a medieval peasant's regard for Divine Right, tribal as a typical member of an African war-lord's pack of superstitious vandals, and embarrassingly retarded projection as it pertains to culture--high culture most particularly. You are the cancer of which you purport to be the cure, the niggerest of all that's white, a noisy bitch with nothing to contribute to discourse in science or art except an unwitting self-portrait of paranoid resentment, as opposed to the West as someone born here can possibly be. You flunk. Now get back to your containment board.

>> No.12278414

Since 2016 /pol/ was flooded with so many normies and plebbit fags which flooded other boards to eternity.
Fuck off, we are full, go back to /pol/

>> No.12278612

>being this retarded
wew lad holy shit wtf is wrong with you

>> No.12278620
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>seething lolcow.jpg

>> No.12278630

>argument is negroes are criminal and violent and less intelligent by nature
>negroes response is to threaten criminal violence
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12278634

rofl at this word salad. holy kys you seething retard

>> No.12279264

a heckin smart black man that means all of them must be like this!!

>> No.12279273

>make the egregious claim that one intelligent black person disproves race realism
>surprised when people call you out on it


>> No.12279328

>I bet you feel stupid for caring about the 3% that committed 56%
The real question is why don't you feel stupid for arbitrarily deciding to stop looking into the statistics.
It's not 3% committing 56% of the crime, it's more like 1% committing 56% of the crime, but if you were that granular you wouldn't be able to blame every single black man for the crime of existing :(

>> No.12279338
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>only people here feel this way
funny it is all the leftard media talks about, if you support Trump you are a white supreme is supposed to be the narrative. Did you forget the narrative in order to try and score internet points or are you just too stupid to hold a consistent narrative?

>> No.12279368

the demographic is black males between the ages of 18-35 IIRC. Are you too stupid to understand what a demographic and how this works? I am guessing you mean only 1% of the black population has been convicted of this crime. That isnt how this works. Shall we look at welfare statistics? 13% constitute 39% of the recipients. No matter how cut, no matter metrics and stats you use there is no questions blacks are a net drain on any nation they inhabit.

>> No.12279395

>13% constitute 39% of the recipients.
It's more like 4% constitute 39% of the recipients.
56% of violent crime being committed by black perpetrators =/= all 13% of the US population that is black people are criminals.
Why do you keep being intellectually dishonest?

>> No.12279427
File: 69 KB, 640x624, niggerProblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the one being dishonest while you are trying to play word games

I was being generous with the welfare stats, you are right it is much smaller group of people taking up a much larger portion. Also everything I said is true, you are a projecting idiot, fuck off and kys

>> No.12279464

But you've already provided a mechanism for identifying the problem, and then you are deciding to blame unrelated and innocent people too. Why?
>Also everything I said is true
No, you are blatantly wrong. You said that 100% of black people are on welfare. That's obviously untrue.
>you are a projecting idiot
I'm not projecting anything. I'm asking you how you justify assigning the blame of some black people onto all black people.
Like even in your image it says America has a nigger problem, but that's not true at all. Ignoring how unethical it is, even if you executed/deported 100% of all criminals there would still be a huge population of black people. What's the rationale for labeling the people you've already established aren't a problem, a problem when you've already eliminated all the identified criminals?
It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12279499

I said a net negative. You don't understand demographics and you dont understand what NET mean. You should have cleaned up your own backyard I am not supporting "the good ones" and taking the bad with the good. I am sorry if you are a good citizen I really am but your argument of staying with the crazy wife and suffering because you love kids just isnt feasible and you are a selfish narcissist and the unethical one for even suggesting it. Your people are your problem not mine. You can babysit them wherever you go if you are one of the smart negroes, they arent my problem.

>> No.12279507

You don't have nigger problem, but amerimutt problem.
Maybe the crime rate would be lower, if you weren't uneducated pigs, consider that.

>> No.12279517

>I said a net negative.
You've already identified the problem and the specific individuals who are responsible.
It's like you've identified poisonous snakes and instead of of saying "Lets remove the poisonous snakes" you came to the conclusion "remove all snakes"...despite you already having identified the poisonous snakes.
It doesn't make any sense.
> I am not supporting "the good ones" and taking the bad with the good.
Well unfortunately for you, you're not going to do shit and you'll never do shit as long as you're being deliberately unreasonable. You've already identified the problem and you make any solution you offer blatantly unethical by including people who aren't part of the problem into your "final solution" just because they share skin color.
Realistically speaking you'll get farther saying "do something about the criminals to stop them from committing crime" rather than saying "punish the criminals entire neighborhood! Surely that will work!"

>> No.12279518
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black criminal hands typed this

>> No.12279537

Blacks in my country never do crimes, because they're educated and from rich families, also guns are banned here.
So again, amerimutt problem. Invest in education once instead of fucking over countries having oil.

>> No.12279541
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>it's your responsibility to fix black people
yah no, not into white man's burden school of thought go fuck yourself

>> No.12279551
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>larping as a cuck this hard

>> No.12279552

I'm not saying you have a responsibility to do anything, in fact the opposite: I'm saying you don't have the capabilities to provide or enact any solutions whatsoever.

>> No.12279558
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>implying I am one man making fringe observations
I thought this was already covered in this thread

>> No.12279560
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I live in Europe (no, not Paris), so your BLM comics doesn't concern me.

>> No.12279563

Your "observations" have fuck all to do with reality.

>> No.12279571

Americans a shit subhuman selfish race that would cut off its nose to spite its face

>> No.12279602
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>it's everyone else's fault

Name one country in the world where nigs live that they arent over represented in crime and lowest IQ mr "not in america". Who commits all the knife crimes in London again I forget?

>> No.12279784 [DELETED] 

Well he brought the race factor into the question, so...

>> No.12279786

Well he brought the race factor into the question, so...

>> No.12279872

lol inb4 everyone starts talking about their concealed carry
He is right. Hence your lack of a proper reply.

>> No.12279919

>says blacks dont commit crimes in his country (just lol)
>amerimutt is a term that mean whites mixed with lower IQ blacks
>says amerimutts are the problem
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12281294

I'm not the guy your arguing with but do you now that crime effect less than 1% of population. You have a higher chance of dying from suicide or car crash. I never expirecene a crime because I'm not poor.

Also Islamic violence is isolated and rare. A news story does not represent reality.

>> No.12281685

He's only there because of forced diversity and I could absolutely destroy his shit on the topic. Didn't even watch the video btw.

>> No.12283255

>negroes just chimped out and caused half a billion dollars in property damage on a 6 month long terrorist campaign
Oh well I guess fuck it all good then, you convinced me. I also no longer care about teh trillions of dollars white people spend so they can breed like rabbits and make the over all living experience of all future generations of whites as shit tier as possible. Man you are really good at this, you should take your talents to redit and help them there the way you helped me to see the light bro

>> No.12283260

nice anecdotal evidence faggot