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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12250526 No.12250526 [Reply] [Original]

Mankind will be extinct within 25 years
I am a scientist and climatologist at a well-known university. My job is to study, test, and run experiments on the surrounding Arctic seabeds and ice glaciers. We study differences in ice levels and the surrounding temperatures. I have been doing this for well over 25 years and love it. We started noticing some anomalies back in 2007 in regards to the rate of melting ice caps.

I'm just going to get straight to the point and I won't make any replies to anything because it really doesn't matter and I'm pretty drunk. This is the only post I will make. Basically, not only are we fucked, we are dead men walking.

Earth has reached the point of no return. The initial ice caps are depleted so much that the underlying sea water has risen between 15-17C. What this means is that it's creating a chain reaction and melting the underlying permafrost underneath, releasing godly amounts of methane. When you do this, really bad things start happening, as this destroys the atmosphere entirely. The last time we had huge amounts of methane, 95% of all living things died. We are on the verge of this happening again and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The runaway chain reaction has started and the only way to save Earth is to force it into an ice age, but good luck with that. By 2028, life will begin dying and I'm assuming will attempt to go underground (most likely). By 2035 -2040, any remaining civilizations that still exist will most likely be dead.

No one is talking about this, and I'm not sure why. This is not BS, this is straight up facts and based on real evidence. So enjoy your memes, because I do. Your "happening" will come soon enough. Start stockpiling now because I am.

>> No.12250534


>> No.12250536


>> No.12250537

Sounds gucci. Death here I come!

>> No.12250542

Ok frogposter

>> No.12250545

God I wish

>> No.12250553

Thank you Mr. Doctor Scientist for warning us in time. Want a blowjob now?

>> No.12250574

I doubt we'd be that lucky
100k more years a dystopia

>> No.12250610
File: 87 KB, 1080x1064, 1602882569217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

climatology is pseudoscience dear tv poster
back to >>>x

>> No.12250635


Not a serious field of study desu. Literally the gender studies of "hard" sciences.

>> No.12250660

Low IQ cope
>wahh wahh the world can't end wahh wahh

>> No.12250664

Peddle your doom on x schizo

>> No.12250670

It would be easier to trust this doomsaying if climatologists haven't been claiming it's the end times and human will go extinct in 10 years since the 80s

>> No.12250671

you're correct, anon. ignore the low iq brainlets replying to you, they can't grasp that the world they know is coming to an end.

>> No.12250699


>> No.12250704


>> No.12250710

Nobody said the world isn’t ending. We said we cool with it

>> No.12250722

Not great, not terrible.

>> No.12250736
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Didn't read. Opinion discarded.

>> No.12250740

who are you quoting?

>> No.12250758
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1602966363336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in screencap

>> No.12250774

Good. How can I accelerate it?

>> No.12250778
File: 87 KB, 625x626, 06A57D82-666B-452F-A5FB-297C8322B49C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no peer reviewed sources
>playing nostradamus which is inherently unscientific
>guize im a climatologist and not some random idiot who learned about the concept of feedback loops for the first time trust me
>>>/x/ go back, schizo

>> No.12250779

>Mankind will be extinct within 25 years

>> No.12250786
File: 64 KB, 1125x641, A05614A4-A942-4B55-8E99-4BE4AE6EF509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad hes wrong, edgelord

>> No.12250796
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>he thinks global fucking warming is going to kill off humanity and not AI

>> No.12250802
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>> No.12250804

>implying wanting to be alive isn't a cope

>> No.12250805

dont drag other people down with you, depressed virgin

>> No.12250807
File: 35 KB, 680x417, D276F7D0-3CAF-49F0-BBF9-3FD7F4C1FB62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do, because its wrong you brain dead amoeba
no evidence for this claim

>> No.12250811
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>> No.12250822

>My job is to study, test, and run experiments on the surrounding Arctic seabeds and ice glaciers.
>”My job is to say the world is ending or else my department will have no purpose and we’ll lose our funding”

>> No.12250866

No sources
>I won't make any replies to anything because it really doesn't matter and I'm pretty drunk.

>> No.12250887
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>> No.12250889

>What this means is that it's creating a chain reaction and melting the underlying permafrost underneath, releasing godly amounts of methane

methane doesn't exist in large pockets under fucking snow retard even less so in permafrost if it was then there would be ungodly amounts of fracking there but there isn't because the amount is negligable

>> No.12250892

>The runaway chain reaction has started and the only way to save Earth is to force it into an ice age

>> No.12250893

Stop being mentally ill.
literally who cares.
the difference is the guys like me that probably don't give a fuck see many obvious solutions.
The problem is left as a challenge for the faggot.

>> No.12250910
File: 8 KB, 250x250, ED73ED20-C862-4364-9B90-D0309445280F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual scientists are already working on it, not this larping retard

calm down and stop believing everything you read on fucking 4chan

>> No.12250911

>force it into an ice age
I agree
we should do this regardless.
brainlet can't read or think
nothing new here.

>> No.12251057

We don't.

>> No.12251075

Honestly this. If there's so much methane there, why is nobody exploiting it?

>> No.12251109


If you are a real scientist doing real prestigious science with other competent scientist, why do you publish on 4 chan I stead of nature, science, or physics review

>> No.12251145
File: 512 KB, 1088x1325, 818C2359-4B73-4CD6-9BAB-E31B331D0C99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to fags like this guy either, bad trolls

>> No.12251210

methane hydrate, retard
however I'm still skeptical anytime some says the sky is falling

>> No.12251573

Don't forget the impact that removing the jet fuel particulate contrails had. We saw on 9/11 that it affected the temperatures, and it explains why this year saw such a fucking insane spike in temps especially, as well as throwing the entire weather system out of balance making every prediction wrong. It's why we got the hurricane season we're having, why we got such record breaking high AND low temps as well as rain fall etc.
Trust me when I say this, this winter is going to be fucking insane in terms of snow and cold.

>> No.12251641


I sincerely hope that you are right, as this would have the happy effect of preventing any individual from escaping into biological immortality. Better that the entire species should go extinct than that a single individual should enjoy such ontological game-changing escape.

>> No.12251665
File: 15 KB, 290x299, Listening_To_An_Idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mankind will be extinct within 25 years

You are an IDIOT !!!

>> No.12251848

Acknowledging there is man-made climate change is fine and scientific. Using that fact to make doomsday predictions based on models that are laughably inaccurate and oversimplified is metaphysics/mathematics, not science.

>> No.12251855

Retard here, if icebergs are frozen to the max doesn't that mean if they melt down the volume they occupy will be less in liquid state than solid state?

>> No.12251866

Yeah, I heard that one, like 75,000 years ago.

>> No.12251885

Water is one of the only compounds in the universe where the solid state is less dense than the liquid state. As a result, it's buoyant enough that the majority of the ice is elevated above the water level, especially in the salty ocean.

>> No.12251968

Not according to this: https://medium.com/climate-conscious/the-clathrate-gun-d2fd9695f901

Not sure why I'm bothering responding. The fact that you think a mass extinction (sans asteroid impact or nuclear war) can happen in the timeframe of 25 years shows you're dumb as a box of rocks.

>> No.12252034

>Mankind will be extinct within 25 years
I wish
>I am a climatologist at a well-known university
You could have just said quack and hack.

into the trash you go leftard cuck

>> No.12252039
File: 360 KB, 463x462, NoeticSurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we eat babies

>> No.12252045

>we are dead men walking
We have been dead men walking since the day we came out our mommas pussy homeboy

>> No.12252068

take your dementia medication Al Gore nothing happened the last 50 times you predicted it

>> No.12252075

Al Gore isn't a scientist and you're a retard.

>> No.12252079

Who else is not from New-York, Venetian, or any bc, coast city and doesn't care or read ops post?

>> No.12252087

>literally 0 evidence: the post

>> No.12252092

Wtf bros a polar bear just flew over my house

>> No.12252096

Perhaps present some evidence to contrary yourself. Literally everything in the news is pointing to OP being right, the heatwaves, australia/cali/colorado/canadian/siberian/south american late season wildfires, decimation of the arctic, ect. Guess what? the wildfire season is year round now for most of the world, let that age 10 years and we'll be fucked.

>> No.12252101

Stop your rootin' and start yer tootin', boys, the ride is going to get plenty bumpy.


>> No.12252117

>As a result, it's buoyant enough that the majority of the ice is elevated above the water level, especially in the salty ocean.
Isn't that wrong though? We even have a saying for that: "it's just the tip of the iceberg"

>> No.12252127
File: 1.25 MB, 1356x668, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mos icebergs aren't the stereotypical "large bodies with a small amount poking above the water", they're ice-sheets spread out relatively thinly over the water's surface, only going tens of feet down, with a large amount above the water, like pic related. So yes, their melting will add overall volume to the ocean, even more so if the glacier's on land.

>> No.12252132

ice is less dense than water especially salty water

>> No.12252156

>forcing Earth into an ice age
So Yellowstone eruption would both get rid of Burgers and save the Earth?

>> No.12252225

>make a claim with no evidence
>prove me wrong
Post anything about a massive amount of methane being about to be released from the arctic.

>> No.12252237

>Earth has reached the point of no return.
kinda wish this dumb larp shit was true

>> No.12252292


>> No.12252322

So what do we have to do to make it come sooner?

>> No.12252349

You don't frack for methane you tard.
Fracking is for getting natural gas out of rock

>> No.12252355

Will this mean the Second Coming will happen in my lifetime? WE'RE SAVED BROS REJOICE LADS REJOICE HE'S HEEEERE OUR SAVIOR'S HEEEERE!!!!

>> No.12252364

Well we'll find out, won't we

>> No.12252457

This is unironically what 50% of America believes

>> No.12252462

I pray to God you're wrong but I feel in my gut that you're dead on.

>> No.12252468

So what you are saying is we are all dead because the Earth is releasing a giant fart?

>> No.12252647

yeah despite the fact the earth has had a temperature several degrees higher than the worst predictions of global warming at multiple points in it's history of land dwelling lifeforms, somehow only now will it be enough to make it uninhabitable. SAGE

>> No.12252653

daily reminder we are right now at this moment in an iceage and the planet warming up would be a return to the earths status quo

>> No.12252686

Nothing ever happens, reality is boring

>> No.12252756

So whites are a species that developed to cold conditions so global warming means that even the earth itself is genociding whites

>> No.12252767

Mankind died long ago, there's only walking zombies.

>> No.12254576

The earth belongs to black men, white boi

>> No.12255975
File: 79 KB, 819x1024, 1593683247331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you, cheers bro

>> No.12256011

freely swimming pockets of ice melting contribute nothing to sea levels. What’s significant is the ice on the caps that melts and runs into the oceans.

>> No.12256023

no, their weight contributes to sea levels just as if they were liquid. look up the basic principle of buoyancy.

>> No.12256987

is there nothing that can capture all this fucking methane? Isint all fecal matter on earth constantly releasing methane? Dont we have industries that harvest gas from the air? If humanity was close to extinction im sure our governments would be willing to foot the bill.

>> No.12257396


>> No.12258518

climate change to /sci/ is white genocide to /pol/

both feasible theories taken WAY out of proportion by you autists

>> No.12258525

and then life returns to being primitive for another 60 million years

>> No.12258588

>science can't create pants that contain farts
>expect them to contain the whole ocean farting at once

>> No.12258957

Oh noes!!!

>> No.12259043
