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12250258 No.12250258 [Reply] [Original]

cognitive decline -edition

We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>> No.12250266

old bread >>12222586

>> No.12250271

When can I get back to lectures?

>> No.12250275

we don’t offer advice

>> No.12250284

never, medicine will be a remote affair from now on

>> No.12250292

>tfw have to learn to dre on myself

>> No.12250295

Why are all the modern medical oaths so fucking lame?

>> No.12250296

We don't offer advice. OP is a fag.
Btw, today I did a practice exam of my spec entrance test and got buttraped in geriatrics. Hate old people and their soul crushing meme spec.

>> No.12250300

>got buttraped in geriatrics
just run away the next time bro

>> No.12250303

primum non nocere / hippocrates were too redpilled

>> No.12250306

>tfw have to learn status exams by looking at doctor asmr videos on onlyfans

>> No.12250312
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>> No.12250491
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>tfw the shift never ends

>> No.12250734

Question - anyone have a person come in who's suffered from abusive family/spouse (evident from whatever they're coming in for)?
How do you deal with that, especially in situations where the person would a) be a minor, or b) still want to be with their abuser, and likely would go back to them if the opportunity is presented to them?
Not an urgent, real-life situation - just asking to be clear

>> No.12251096

Ask some retard social worker.

>> No.12251151

Why are obgyns such cunts?

>> No.12251194

Are there any good intro books on Opthalmology? I'd like to start in it properly in 17 months when my options open up but can't wait.

>> No.12251297

Is my brain rotting away if I can no longer finish my sentences whenever I'm having an inner dialogue? I've also started to get into the habit of giving up amid any train of thought and have to rewrite any post I make at least three times (esl)

>> No.12251438

Inform the social services.

>> No.12251443

You’d be too if you did what they do.

>> No.12251450


>> No.12251453

Could be a million other things aswell

>> No.12251557

Looks good, I'll try it

>> No.12251693

Alcohol and getting tangled in a lifelong web of lies are the main causes of of cognitive decline.
With retarded vegan-based diets being pushed everywhere, the lack of animal fat and good protein are bound to be a major cause starting any minute now.

>> No.12251709

Do you spend much time on twitter?

>> No.12251745

when a medicine/supplement lists its dosage, does that dosage factor in absorption? another way of asking it, does the package say the dosage the amount physically in a dose, or the amount that you will absorb if you take it?

>> No.12251769

the package lists the physical amount

>> No.12251785

>does that dosage factor in absorption?
No. And neither do nutritional fact sheets.

I don't know the details, but I think they burn the food to measure the calories it releases and estimate the proportions of carbohydrates etc. Biodisponibility of foods and suplements varies in every individual and it would be too expensive to factor for all the shit.

>> No.12251794

Call the cops and an attorney.

>still want to be with their abuser
Talk about the circle of violence, send to the psychiatrist, don't know what the social worker can do about it, but I doubt they can put hands into the matter.

>> No.12251828

yup, it's just a calorimeter. the only way to really see what gets absorbed would be to check out the state of stuff in the ileum, which obviously would be pretty fucking hard for every single thing

>> No.12251869

I'm sure it's as simple as analyzing stool. I guess agronomists already do this with cows.

>> No.12252382

nah, bacteria further break down stuff in the colon but you don't get a lot out of it, that's why analyzing the ileal mass is the gold standard

>> No.12252634

reminder that medicine is 90% bullshit

>> No.12252688


>> No.12252699


>> No.12252714

Anything more serious than brain rotting away? How to rule them out?
No, I might check it for 30 minutes every week. I do spend like 2 or 3 hours a day on YouTube, though.

>> No.12252797
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I have an earache lasting more than a few weeks now.
High dose garlic oil. did nothing.
Oregano oil. no effect.
Bee products. tbd.
pine bark. not looking good.
This virus is tough?
Any suggestions as to what I throw at it next?
I might try Root of the Butterfly's weed.
I neglected to collect the elder flowers this year.
I'm starting to regret that.
That and growing tomatoes instead of the tuber.

>> No.12252840

go see a doctor

>> No.12252858
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bourgie prick.
you're next "hero"

>> No.12252868

rent free

>> No.12252915

So are you larping or are you actually this much of a retard irl?

>> No.12252951
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little of both. but then again. im not the one shilling DuPont/Monsanto for a living.

>> No.12252987

Risperidone 2mg tab. 1 each 12hrs. Refill each month.

>> No.12253055
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I don't speak pfizer.

>what is medical anthropology.

>> No.12253121

They'll help you there buddy.

>> No.12253385

Who else is having their grades raped from COVID university?

>> No.12253525

Nigga I finished my career last year August and haven't been able to work for shit because my shithole university is taking its sweet time at giving me my title and license. At 27 I'm more broke than I was at 18 eat a dick. Fuck everything I want out of this hellhole.

>> No.12253831

it's my studies thats being fucked
>lol just learn medicine from the textbook, we can't have students around now

>> No.12253853
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>tfw got a patient complaining about chronic problems after corona
>they say they got hit with the 'rona in october 2019

>> No.12253930

Dx: retard
Plan: referral to social worker and psychiatrist

>> No.12253967

>be me
>suffer from bronchial asthma as a kid
>triggered by allergies, smoke, cold, sports
>become 10hr training per week kind of fit
>no asthma ever not even when I occasionally smoke
>have gf with cats
>asthma symptoms for a fucking week after leaving her place

Can a fucking allergen really trigger asthma that easilly? My lung is wheezing, crackling, obstructed, pressured chest, can't breathe out properly. And yes I'm 100% it came with allergy and not covid.

Redpill me on Fel D1 hyposensibility therapy medbros. I dont wanna leave my gf..yet.

>> No.12253979

moderate alcohol use very probably not, I've seen studies that it reduces chances of Alzheimer's (I'd guess bc these people drink social and being social is a protect factor).

>> No.12254048
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Are you lucky for getting into a top medical school?

>> No.12254128

lol at seething femoids, if it bothers you so much, engage the people directly instead of passive-aggressive bitching online

>> No.12254141

I've got bronchial asthma too, its also mostly allergic and I can smoke cigs all night no problem. Its also cats for me - and it can be exactly as bad as you describe.

>> No.12254156

My mom just got diagnosed with vulva or vaginal cancer. She wasn't very clear which one.
It got removed fast, but we have to wait for a week before the test results are back.
That's gonna be one hell of a week.
She already survived breast cancer. She'll be fine r-right?

>> No.12254168

I can see how it can be really discouraging. Imagine working your ass off for years, getting perfect SAT scores, GPAs etc only for people to think you got it through affirmative action.

>> No.12254211

Yeah but what is that "persistent" effect this is horrible, also any info on hyposens therapy? Any Immunofags here?

>> No.12254214

What do you guys think about transsexualism and the whole upsurge, danger or just cultural liberation?

>> No.12254235
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>> No.12254485

4 years from now she'll be sucking cock for recommendations. In 6 years she'll do it our of habit.

>> No.12254520

I still don't get why americans make such a big fuss about getting into med school. You literally don't know shit about medicine at that point, what the fuck is supposed to be the merit here?

>> No.12254522


>> No.12254525

In what sense? Corrective surgery or hormone treatments are something we should not do (primum non nocere) but otherwise I don't care.

>> No.12254526

that's the problem with losing actual standards

>> No.12254530

People are that retarded, yes. That's what this field is all about.

>> No.12254539

Can you fuckers shut the fuck up about "med school" already? You passed a highschool level test, good for you. Nobody gives a shit. Fucking premeds, seriously.

>> No.12254564

Cope, med students have onlyfans. They make more from that than ANY job they can possibly get.

>> No.12254602

another fucking post on biden
ffs go to /pol/

>> No.12254652


>> No.12254657


>> No.12254729

t. roastie premed

>> No.12255351
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Manage my symptoms from your socially distanced ebony tower faggot.

>> No.12255359

My family doctor of 4 years just up and left when the outbreak began.
She is a mother of 2 and has a husband who owns a farm and easily provides.
What a waste of resources.

>> No.12255382

I can be your family doctor, just gib citizenship.

>> No.12255711

Should I keep my stubble beard for my internship? It's a pretty casual hospital in a lower class area but not sure if it'll be a good look to some of the boomer higher ups. I use it to hide my pathetic excuse for a jaw and chin and it adds about two points to my overall attractiveness.

>> No.12255840

when are you meant to get prostate pain checked out been having very brief (3 seconds) of intense pain once every month for the last 7 years am 21

>> No.12255855


>> No.12255955

What are the dynamics with working in the hospital as a junior doctor?
Are all the clichés about bitchy nurses and attendings treating you like shit true? Or just a meme?

>> No.12256423

As long as it is dense nobody will tell you anything. If it's patchy forget about it, makes you look like a stoner.

>> No.12256487

Hey anons, how's it going in the hospital treating your COVID patients. Let's talk about the miracle stories, heartbreaks, or just vent about the stress of constantly working alone on an island with these isolation rooms

I'm working ICU as an RN in Texas and because of my age/other nurses being pussies I'm having COVID's daily and have become my Neuro units "COVID expert" (sucks for them I'm inexperienced and retarded). Had a extremely obese viral-pneumonia positive that just seemed like a death sentence along w/ her other co-morbidities. Well she managed to get trached and pegged and after some intense trouble with desaturations it dawned on me, this lady was talking around her Trach so we were oxygenating the wrong thing all along. Switched to the face mask and she did beautifully. Told the doc what was going on (of course he already knew and had told the shift prior to start capping trials etc.) and she did wonderful on our proper capping trials and she got the trach pulled out the next day and sent to the floor. She kept calling me her angel and it reminded me why we do this. Plus she lost a ton of weight being ventilated for a month, lucky her!

On the flipside I went through one of the most disastrous extubations of a spanish speaking aphasic patient. We couldn't suction her because she simply did not trust any of us and passing a 14 french down her nose did little. The doc not wanting to have to re-intubate ordered racemic epi but the RT was from the floor and didn't have it ready/didn't even know where it was. The doc who most graciously decided to stick around in the room with me from the beginning just looked at me and uncharacteristically said "this is becoming a shit show" and remarked about how nobody wanted to help us because of the COVID. Well we re-intubated (the anesthesiologist also wisely commented, "holy shit your patient looks like total fuck") and she died alone a couple weeks later.

>> No.12256496

Inform social services, regardless of what you do this is out of your scope. Do your best to keep an open ear and hear them out so you can know their side of the story and best therapeutically communicate with them.

I'd 100% not call the cops and an attorney, this is not your job. Inform the social worker, it's within their scope of knowledge to decide best what authorities to get involved based on the severity of the situation. If it's clear physical abuse, strategically isolate the patient from the partner and inform charge/social work/doc and let them escalate.

>> No.12256499

The nursing students I see are getting their clinical experience raped by COVID. They're finally allowed back in the hospitals but they're in their senior semester w/ second semester nursing knowledge. Poor kids, the new grads that lost their senior clinical semesters had it even worse

>> No.12256505
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Why can I feel the blood pump in my leg?
Started this morning, feels like a minor buzz in the leg every 2-3 seconds, that's not normal.

>> No.12256506

This really how it be for female docs sometimes. However, the badasses don't let that affect them because they will deal with far worse in the field not related to sexism.

>> No.12256512

You're either suddenly hyperaware of your heart pumping blood through your legs after sleeping all night or are dehydrated after not drinking all night and feel the blood pumping through your constricted vessels. Drink some water and see if it gets better

If you feel any pain or redness in your calves call your doctor.

>> No.12256520

A-anons I've lost my fetish for mature porn after wiping so many old ladies asses. Truly the worst complication of this profession for me

>> No.12256540

Don't we have robots yet to wipe old people ass?

>> No.12256559

In my country we have pretty clear regulations for how we respond.
>Under 18
We have to escalate to the police.
>Over 18
Decision to escalate is the patient's.

>> No.12256563

No we have nursoids

>> No.12256776

what's fibromyalgia

>> No.12256800

No we have pct's

>> No.12258092

Do probiotics do anything other than get shit out?

>> No.12258094


>> No.12258365

really nothing happeninj, there's like 3 people in the icu in whole country

>> No.12258371

females are the ultimate robot

>> No.12258491

You may be retarded.

>> No.12258511

if i’m a premed and didn’t get perfect scores, 31 act and 1400 sat, will i not get into a decent med school (assuming i get a good mcat score)

>> No.12258563

How to prepare for Sub-I?
How to get honors and a LoR?

>> No.12258802

How important is where I go to residency for EM? Will my training be a lot worse than the more prestigious guys, or will I learn mostly the same stuff? I'm a DO so I'll probably get a lower tier residency.

>> No.12258826
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I don't have an answer, but I made you a pepe

>> No.12258835

based saved

>> No.12259011


>> No.12259086

>sometimes have discomfort around glans / forehead
>very reddish out of nowhere
>goes away after a while
>comes back sometimes
>stays for 3 or so days before disappearing

This has been happening for the last 4 months or so. What are the odds this is cancer and I'm kill? I haven't been to a doctor yet cuz lul no insurance and poor. Is this something I should go tomorrow to a doctor? I don't have any pain though, also no discharge of any form.

>> No.12259088

forgot to say - I keep proper hygiene down there and haven't had sex in more than one year (one and a half year to be precise)

>> No.12259268

take an antihistamine

>> No.12259338

Thoughts on D.O? Don't have any M.D acceptances because i'm a brainlet, but what should I expect besides big student loans should I pursue?

>> No.12259346

Where do you guys study internal medicine? I was looking for some courses and they are expensive as fuck.

>> No.12259350


>> No.12259778

Is there any point in a Ravitch procedure to correct pectus carinatum when the subject is over 22 years of age?

>> No.12259781

>asthma, low overall lung capacity
>spend the first hour of every day (and sometimes during the night) coughing up phlegm
>nose constantly full of mucus
Are these three connected to one another? I've had all three of these symptoms since childhood and was wondering if they're at all fixable

>> No.12260037

Cecil and Goldman. IM can only be taught through grinding suffering.

>> No.12260488

letting women study medicine was a mistake

>> No.12261304

3rd year DO here. Your chances of prestigious residency are lower. Derm, ophto, neuro surg, IR, are basically impossible. We have like <10 DOs out of over a thousand match each of those per year. Most other things will be fine, but you'll likely match a lower tier residency than your MD counterpart. Learning OMM is annoying and mostly a waste of time. Basically, you really get punished a lot for fucking up in pre med, but at the end of it you still get to be a doctor and help people while making doctor money.

>> No.12261737
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>Learning OMM is annoying and mostly a waste of time.

You could argue that learning a lot of stuff in medical school is a waste of time. But OMM is actually quite beneficial to people and if I hadn't matched rads I probably would have done FM/neuromuscular medicine. Yes, I am a radiology resident who thoroughly enjoyed doing OMM.

>> No.12261897

Hmm kind of seems like it was still a waste of time for you though :^)

>> No.12262065

Not quite, I actually enjoyed doing it. Plus I can always do it on family.

>> No.12262545

Asking for another anon, is it okay if one breaths about 15 times per minute? Mid-twenties in terms of age.

>> No.12262549

not very important and the EM prestige game is very different from the rest of medicine

you're a DO so EM is probably a super reach for you

>> No.12262553

it's for retards
only do it if you want FM or IM

>> No.12262573

I actually didn't fuck up in pre-med. My MCAT was an even split 515 which is roughly a 35 on the old scale, my UG s/cGPA was over a 3.8 from a respectable institution, I had the ECs albeit cookie-cutter but they checked off the boxes. Everything was there, but I didn't/haven't gotten any love from MD schools. I figure they are simply that competitive now. DO however have given me a lot of attention. Ultimately, MD would have been nice for the reasons you guys have mentioned but i'm fortunate enough to have a DO acceptance only a few hours from my home.

As of now I would like to pursue FM->Sports Med or perhaps PM&R, would those be viable for a DO?

>> No.12262594

Can you still shag her?

>> No.12262745
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>you're a DO so EM is probably a super reach for you
Not really. We had ~83% match for EM in 2020.

Yeah we have a ton of people match those, super viable. You picked three of the specs where OMM can actually be helpful as well. If being a DO won't hurt your ego, I'd say go for it. That being said your stats are very competitive for MD. I'm pretty surprised you didn't get any love.

>> No.12262785

I'm surprised too but I could have shit secondary responses or a bad PS, I don't know.

Glad to hear and see PM&R being somewhat viable for DO. Seems chill. I wonder if I could get away with only taking comlex for those specialties.

What are you trying to match into?

>> No.12263098

Hey doctors, I got stung by a wasp in the back of the neck a few days ago. This morning my neck was all red and itchy. It’s kinda painful if I press on the skin. It’s not blotchy or spotty, also not shiny, basically a solid light red zone for about half of my neck. Do you think it’s cellulitis? I thought otherwise because it’s itchy, but I got prescribed antibiotics anyway.

>> No.12263135

Hey medfags, what's your opinion of NP taking your jobs?

>> No.12263467

goodbye anon

>> No.12263477

That's what I'm asking

>> No.12263545

I am in radiology, so that won't be happening. AI will be encroaching, but that won't significantly affect me for decades at least.

>> No.12263555

The itch makes it less likely to be cellulitis, but it doesn't mean there isn't more than 1 process going on. Generally, the antibiotics we give are pretty benign and likely won't cause you too many issues. If you feel strongly about it, you can always hold off on starting them and see if it gets better/worse. If you already started, just finish the course.

>> No.12263707

Is it ok if my prostate hurts from about 15 mins to about 30 mins after ejaculation?

>> No.12263755

no it's not
unless you ejaculate from being fucked in the ass then idk

>> No.12264090

>unless you ejaculate from being fucked in the ass
No. Standard stuff.
So you're saying I should see a GP, or is it small enough deal not to trouble him in these times?

>> No.12264097

>the best one is to see your family physician
visits arent done in pandemic

>> No.12264112

it's probably nothing as most things are but you should see your gp or at least give him a call via telephone or something
after all you are asking for medical advice on an anime forum

>> No.12264145
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>asking for medical advice on an anime forum
The only community I trust

>> No.12264203
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Hey /med/bros, haven't posted in a while. I'm an anesthesia resident for a little over half a year and I'm already feeling kinda fucked. Having to deal with uncooperative surgeons, stupid patients, stressful night calls, the corona crysis, tutors that don't give a fuck about you and say to you "you're doing fine anon", but yet you feel unready is stressing me out a bit. The situations I get myself into are not written in the textbooks and they require me to have pure practical experience which I don't have. All this frustrates me. But on the other hand, I don't know if I could do another job.

>> No.12264237

anesthesiology is repetitive garbage
intensive care is better

>> No.12264259

In my country they're one specialty, but I'll have an ICU rotation later in my training.

>> No.12264271

Yeah obviously someone who had a few inches taken off their intestines is going to absorb it differently anyway. And anatomically people probably have slightly different intestinal surface area anyway. Just like how we have different sized lungs that let some people breathe more air kek

>> No.12264403

Goodman, Rang&Dale, Katzung or Golan? Please for the love of God.

>> No.12264439

None of the above. Fuck pharma.

>> No.12264497

>t.the eternal surgeon

>> No.12264611
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how do i stop my cognitive decline? i started med school as a top student now i am barely scraping through

>> No.12264810

>Cognitive decline
Accept the realization that you were never a top student to begin with

>> No.12264878

care to elaborate?

>> No.12265273


We need Rule 34 of Sketchy

>> No.12265521

>cognitive decline edition
can anyone help me out.
since my late teens I've been getting gradually more off. Like, my problem solving ability is fine, but I've had increasing vertigo, and some, idk, mild episodes of light headedness that can last for a few minutes. I'm not really describing it perfectly. It's like if I were to be taking a drug or something and everything kinda "wooshes" and while I can make sense of what's happening I feel like I may be losing it, like I could faint or something.
What the hell is going on. I remember back in my early teens my ability to perceive the moment was crystal clear, and now everything just feels kinda hazy or dreamy. I don't know what the fuck is going on...

>> No.12265665

Any advice on studying for a freshman? Should I not go too deep too early and just stick to what the professor rushes over in class or should I try to understand all the fundamentals?

>> No.12266179
File: 257 KB, 507x676, red marks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey med anons, what are these red marks I get on my skin?
It's like a blood tattoo, it never goes away (I've had these for a good 8 years). What are they/causes them and how do I get rid of them?
Mostly on my chest but also have one or two on my arms.
Late 20s male for what it's worth.

>> No.12266193

Why do family physicians get paid so little compared to other specialties when their workload is so hectic?
>ask my family doc about his path to his current job
>he went into med school with a grad degree in psychology + mental health
>wanted to be neurologist or psychiatrist
>his gf at the time told him not to go with either or she'd leave him
>wanted him to go into family med since it had the shortest residency
>he's now a family MD with a huge patient load and barely spends time at home
>literally works from 9:00 to 22:00 up to 6 days a week
>talks about how he's not paid for as much as he works
>at least he has his gf, now wife
He likes to vent about it when I talk with him, thinking what if he told the gf to get lost. He's only a few years older than me.

>> No.12266261

Is anyone aware of recent research on treatment for behavioral frontotemporal dementia? 65 year old in my family has all the symptoms but he has a clean MRI. We'll be waiting 2+ months to get a neuropsych eval done but want to prepare as best we can in the meanwhile.

>> No.12266368

it happens to all of us. I began feeling spacy around 13, I'm 26 now. You get used to living life in the fog. I don't even remember what it was like before other than that it was "better".

>> No.12266463

looks like a type of cherry angioma, it's abnormal yet benign capillary growth

>> No.12266492
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my penis is like, tight, just proximal of my circumcision scar. i'm 24, and i just noticed this. when i get an erection, everything fills in but this region fills in last. when i'm fully erect it's normal as it always has been. in my mind, it's like the skin there is squeezing the blood out. this has happened as like, a weird thing when i've been really cold or something, maybe like 5 times in my life total, but has happened every time i've gotten an erection the past two days.
i have no clue what to even search for, because everything on google returns stuff for "erectile dysfunction" and "peyronie's", and people talking about how to make their penises bigger and such.

>> No.12266525

talk to a urologist

>> No.12266964

>cherry angioma
Having check pics on google I think you're right. Thanks Anon.
>causes: unknown
>treatment: none
Based medical science. I think one or two of mine were partially caused by pimples but that might just be coincidence.
Guess I'll just leave them and tell people about my tumours.

>> No.12267309

Does it starts at 26 because that's when you finish school and your life begins to be shitty daily routine?

>> No.12267318

How do I increase my empathy? I find it useless to be compassionate and empathetic to a patient, it feels very fake and unlike me. I want to feel like it's the right thing to do, because obviously patient's feelings are very important.

How do fellow medfags empathise better?

>> No.12267331

this is what uni told me to do

you are supposed to be empathetic in the sense that you understand how the patient feels and their situation, truly understand it
you are NOT supposed to be sympathetic where you start to feel FOR the patient

so yeah

>> No.12267376

yeah, I have trouble with the former, I just don't have it in me to put up a facade of "caring", I want it to be natural

>> No.12267388

but that's exactly the thing you are not supposed to 'care'
because if you did you wouldn't actually be able to help people, especially in the long run because you'd get worn out
you are supposed to understand and empathize NOT care and sympathize

small difference but it makes sense

>> No.12267397
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>can do a PhD part-time
>can't do an MD part-time, not even select units of it
Why'd they do it /med/? I don't even want to become a doctor, I just want to learn more anatomy, physiology etc.

>> No.12267401

because MD is actually important
half of university graduates now get phd's who cares

>> No.12267405
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>MD is actually important

>> No.12267410

Real answer is that MDs are a trade. You can't really train as a mechanic or carpenter part-time either.

>> No.12267473
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Berne or Boron for physio?

What books did you guys use for:


>> No.12267477

hmm I see, interesting stuff

>> No.12267525

it's borderline psychopathy if you ask me, but this is what they taught me

>> No.12267732

Thanks. Maybe it's not supposed to happen though. There are so many pollutants and bioaccumulants which I think are fucking with our brains.

>> No.12267740

It's because you're jacking off.
Do no fap for a little while you'll notice it goes away.

>> No.12268124

Is there a condition that looks like a mild vitiligo? I noticed some light patches of skin on my gf's forearm today. She's white and it looks like she's losing tan in patches, only the right arm tho. Doesn't look as severe as vitiligo, I've seen people with that condition before, and this seems 10x milder, barely noticeable, but I have no idea if it's something to get concerned about.

>> No.12268187

hello /med/

i have a mark on my lip that sometimes is a coldsore and otherwise when it heals it's black and never really goes away

is it herpes or do i have cancer

>> No.12268219

post a picture faggots of whatever you want to have checked out because otherwise you are just wasting your time

>> No.12268573
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I have gastritis (or at least I think it's that because it feels like that) but the doctor doesn't have any open hours until friday.

Any possibilities of treating this without proper drugs?

>> No.12268682

what are your symptoms

>> No.12268704

probably herpes of sort

>> No.12268933
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Pain in marked areas that gets worse after eating, bad breath (especially after waking up), heartburn and occasionally nausea.

No vomiting or blood in my stool.

>> No.12268951

Berne, complement it with Moore

>> No.12269479

>I don't speak pfizer.

risperidone is an antipsychotic, you schizo

>> No.12269495

newer DO schools tend to have shit clinical rotations

>> No.12269510

>I wonder if I could get away with only taking comlex for those specialties.

comlex only is fine for FM (you just have to pass)

PM&R used to be very noncompetitive, but more people are becoming aware of it

>Why do family physicians get paid so little compared to other specialties when their workload is so hectic?

it's a very variable specialty. tons of FM docs only work 4.5 days a week, outpatient only. A lot of FM docs on the east coast don't even do any OB or peds

>> No.12269609

i understand no reply to this is medical advice and that i should see a doctor. however,
is mere swelling a sign of infection? i had an in-grown toe nail, shaved the nail down. it begin to get purulant, so i put antibiotic ointment on it and cleaned it out for a few days.

now, it's hurting much less, no major discharge. but it's still inflamed. i can't tell if the infection is getting worse or not. is just inflammation a sign it's still infected? i figure if it's hurting less, with less discharge, then it must be doing better, but it's weird that it's still having such inflammation. it doesn't seem to be spreading. thoughts?

>> No.12269854

Reminds me the time I had an ingrown toenail that got so bad that with enough time the nail ended cutting through my toe skin. It was like a year of excruciating pain since it first started to the day it cut my toe skin.
After that happened I watched a YouTube tutorial and cut the edge of my nail with my swiss multitool and a bottle of peroxide.
My recommendation is don't be a retard and see a podologist. As a medic I don't get payed enough to trim nasty ass feet.

>> No.12269902
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Stop. this is the final solution. Warm 100-110F water irrigation, followed with this. If that doesn't help you feel better, the next step is prescription anyway (Otic solution). This eye wash is purified water, boric acid, benzalkonium which is the Otic solution without the antibiotics and cortisone. If you are in generally good health, you should be able to fight off the occasional ear infection, as humans did for thousands of years. Good luck.

>> No.12269909
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I was going to say, such an experience is basically universal.

>surgeon busts his ass
>patient gushing about god saving them

>> No.12269927

Eat raw vegetables, leaves and stems with water along with smaller meals. You need a whole lifestyle intervention, probably. Bad breath is poor oral hygiene and an indicator. More frequent and thorough brushing and flossing will help fix the entrance to the alimentary canal and allow your system to process whats inside while you eat less, exercise more, and get more sleep.

>> No.12269998

Very competitive in the US, from what I understand you actually have to complete a bachelors first (with very good results because again competitive).
Here it's literally a glorified IQ test and if you pass you can get in. If you have a degree then you do the graduate version of the IQ test, I can't remember if it was harder or easier but yeah. I've never done it though because it costs something like 200-300 dollarydoos to do the test and I don't want to be a doctor. Uni mate kept trying to get me to do it with him as though me doing it too would somehow help him do better (I had better grades).

>> No.12270088

Thanks for the advice anon. Berne looks like a complete book.

>> No.12270094

I never got why people use Boron.

>> No.12270154

Guyton & Hall on Physio. Histology I used Stevens. Pathology Robbins.

>> No.12270176

Its basically like, you have to understand why your patients would lie to you.

Thats just a summer tan fading.

>> No.12270178

I'm going to check out Stevens. Don't really like Guyton, i feel like he's not telling me the real story, like there's more to it.

>> No.12270738

>they are all pretty similar
>Big Robbins

>> No.12270743

It can occur without inflammation

Calor, dolor, rubor, et tumor

>> No.12270748

It really starts hitting around 45

>> No.12270750

Just bee yourself, faking it is fucking stupid.

>> No.12270762

Sucks to be them doing my job for a third of what I get paid.>>12263467

>> No.12270768
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>> No.12270786

Should have ditched the gf

>> No.12271094

You mean, like being kind, talkative and genuinely interested about whatever shit they going through? Shiet. I couldn't tell you my man. I was emotionally neglected by my parents so hard throughout my childhood that I ended up on the spectrum.
I'm so bad at consulting and dealing with pts bullcrap I've been reported to my higher ups more than once. That's the reason why I'm currently unemployed and studying to pass the spec exam to anesthesia.

>> No.12271631

Medicine is about helping people and empathy is about understanding what the pacient is feeling.

Put yourself in your patient's shoes and think about what he's going through right now. Have you felt the pain he's feeling right now? What would you like to hear if you were in his position?

Also read Bates chapter 1

>> No.12272230

Sounds like gastritis with an ulcer being a less likely possibility. Takes a proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole or whatever ends in -prazole) or an H2 blocker (cimetidine or famotidine) for 2 weeks. Don't mix the two drugs, take one or the other.

Add tums as needed and follow the dosage recommendations.

>> No.12272250

>How do fellow medfags empathise better?
>Medicine is about helping people and empathy is about understanding what the pacient is feeling.

Empathy is about relating to the hardships that the patient is going through, but it's not crying on their shoulder over dumb shit. You will quickly become jaded towards drug addicts and fatties who have terrible health and won't follow your recommendations. Don't waste your time or energy on these people, there are plenty of people who truly want to help themselves but just don't know how.

>> No.12272272


Oh and don't take any nSAIDS (like ibuprofen) and avoid spicy foods which may cause irritation.

>> No.12272433

Yes, i agree. You need to understand what they're feeling but you're not supposed to smile like a burger king employee and cry over they're inability to help themselves.

>> No.12272487

Damn, being a non french/spanish speaker medic must be shit. For me Suros or gtfo.

>> No.12272617

Overweight, hypertense, but pretty active (playing football 3-4 times p.w.) male 40 y.o with a recently discovered heart murmur . Can't get heart rate up over 110/min

With this info, would you advice against sports until further investigation (gp found the murmur, I don't know what kind, but heart specialist should check it in a month or so)

>> No.12273196

The part about empathy on Bates is perfect for him.

>> No.12274433

MD1 here, I have a stupid question

>normal person goes and exercises
>may experience some hypoglycaemia but glucagon degrades glycogen
>maintains survivable glucose levels
>doesn't die

>T1D with good insulin control goes and exercises
>keeps sugars nearby
>misses hypo signs
>goes into a coma and dies

Assuming he hasn't overdosed insulin, why does he die of a process that's primarily mediated by glucagon? Is it because insulin levels would decrease during exercise in a normal person and the T1D still has baseline long acting insulin in his system?

>> No.12275872

>Is it because insulin levels would decrease during exercise in a normal person and the T1D still has baseline long acting insulin in his system?
this would be my guess
also insulin sensitivity is increased during and right after exercise

>> No.12275879

who do you lads reckon has a bigger prostate joe biden or donald trump

>> No.12277303

what do about hidradenitis suppurativa

>> No.12277731

Good sleep, exercise, decent diet. All you need unless mentally ill.

>> No.12277854

donald 100000000%

>> No.12277902
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>risperidone is an antipsychotic

>> No.12278394

Trump dadday nc fr fåm.

>> No.12279681

PAY a visit to a dermatologist

>> No.12279730

Join the sessions but keep it below your usual performance. As you're a fatass you don't want to break a good habit of regular exercise, but dying would rob the specialists of more job. Stay alive for the economy

>> No.12279885

Pay an appointment with a specialist.

>> No.12280032

Is there reason why 3rd world physicians (anglo world) prescribe medicine for literally anything? (Including antibiotics for the common flu)

>> No.12280554

Placate patients who get irate because they paid out-of-pocket just to be told to wait out a viral infection

>> No.12280680



Thanks for being a doc but fuck you chronic long covid sucks fucking dick fuck

>> No.12280782
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Maybe there's something going on with insulin + somatostatin.

Still, it's hard to compare apples to oranges (sick vs. not sick) with that little of detail.

hypo could be from -> too much exercise, infection brewing, lytes are off, missed dose of drugs, new drugs, taken off normal drugs, etc, etc.

Fuck open ended questions like this. The only time you'll ever get a report like this is if it's either from a nursoid, or from a retard family member. Even the worst of family can piece together whats going on. This isn't real world prep, it's test prep. maximum gay/10

>> No.12280885

Because idiotic pts already have their diagnosis and prescription made by Dr Google.

>> No.12281695

Thank feminism for that

>> No.12281703

Yamamoto is wife

>> No.12282359
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why is cum basic? if uric acid decreases pH what increases it? is there a way to control pH of cum?
some times my cum tastes soapy/foamy and sometimes it has a sharp taste that lingers, i want to always be soapy and foamy, maybe more aromatic. also is it possible to absorb the nutrients back from my cum or do they go down the shitter?
>inb4 lol gay drink cum
a true courageous scientist tests on himself

>> No.12282361

Yikes. Reporting this to the authorities.

>> No.12282484

It is theorized that semen is alcaline in order to survive the acid and dangerous vaginal environment.
Also, stop being a cum guzzling fag.

>> No.12284104

Yes? Normal rate is 12-20

>> No.12284316
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Any other fag here working in a hemodialysis unit?
How are you handling your covid-19 patients?

>> No.12284349

Is it possible to say whose the blood is, for example on some evidence (if you had three suspects's blood and all were AB for example, and the sample was AB too, could you detect whose blood was on the evidence precisely)? Or do you can only test for the blood's group?

>> No.12284566

You would be able to test for DNA.

>> No.12284567
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1 tsp powdered cinchona bark steeped until drinkable temp in 2 cups boiled water.

>> No.12285014

you CAN do a blood analysis, you don't actually need DNA
there's many other antigens other than AB and rhesus so you can identify people's blood way beyond AB0 and this is standard practice in hospitals nowadays
so with high probability you can differentiate a suspect from a victim even if they are the same AB0 rhesus group

>> No.12285016


>> No.12285529

Today I was supposed to visit a friend of a friend, I am fairly certain he has thyroid problems.

However yesterday he was brought to an hospital, because and this is what I gather not directly from the source because of auditory hallucinations, the room mates called the ambulance for him but they did not do anything and told him he had to go to a specialist.

He is currently staying in Britain so I don't know what kind of modus operandi the hospitals have over there which would have barred them from finding about his problems, I will have to ask him directly once he feels better and I actually see him but anyone here ITT has any idea what they might have and could not check?

>> No.12285748

idk maybe a blood chemical profile. If done well it could've noticed the abnormal thyrod hormones

>> No.12285753

I know what to check for his thyroid I am just worried about his mental state as well or are you suggesting that an hormone inbalance might be connected to that incident?

>> No.12285758

Eat more fruit with chemicals that have benzene groups

>> No.12285762

The thyroid is an endocrine orgam, you can easily identify an hyper/hypo thyroidism by measuring the amount of thyroid-related hormones in the blood. You can also do a physical exam by palpating it and seeing it size

>> No.12285781

>You can also do a physical exam by palpating it and seeing it size
After seeing my father go through 3 medics because his thyroid was so big he had trouble breathing, the operation to fully remove it was extended by like 4 hours and they even asked him to keep it because of how big it was I don't trust my own hands for that.

Anyway I did not want to focus my efforts on his thyroid alone I already figured that he is hypothyroid but I don't want to ignore other causes.

>> No.12285789

what nootropic do you recommend?

>> No.12285805

Abstaining from any drugs or subatqnces has had the best nootropic effect on me. So i recommend that

>> No.12285809

what about tea?

>> No.12285832

I dont drink tea. At least very rarely

>> No.12286031

Adequate sleep and a cup of coffee in the late morning

>> No.12286297


>> No.12287312

What other boards do /med/ anons frequent?

>> No.12287359

Int, a, fit, sp, vg.

>> No.12287483

What type of negative health effects could someone expect from high ochratoxin a levels in the urine? High as in 10x the reference range.

>> No.12287812


>> No.12288312

Feels like a lymph node (under jaq not sure what that is) is swollen. Got a lump that is soft and moves and feels like theres a lump in my throat.
>no cold or sickness lately
>been over a week
>HIV neg
>no other symptoms indicative of anything
The only thing is another one on my shoulder-neck area is slightly larger and barely visible but it has been for years and again I've had no other symptoms. Oh and
>just got back from dentist shit is gucci

>> No.12288337

Are there any downsides to having hypothyrodism?
Other than having less energy (which habit and willpower can fix) isn't it a biological advantage?

>> No.12288579

>Are there any downsides to having hypothyrodism?
if you don't get replacement hormone as a child you turn into a mentally retarded dwarf
as an adult you develop cognitive decline and myxedema in the long run
in the short term you just aren't yourself

the hormone replacement therapy is actually of vital importance

>> No.12289257
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do you think licorice?
I think anise.

>> No.12289269

Graves' makes you go crazy.
>you can easily identify
I had a veteran endocrinologist misdiagnose graves' as a heart condition.
>the operation
Radioactive Iodine

>> No.12289283

Once again, I have not made it into med school. I'm an ausfag and this is the 3rd time I've made it to the interview stage (final stage) and I've been rejected once again. I've almost started another career and at this stage, I'm about to give up on the med dream. Do any of you anons have any coping mechanism for being an autist? It's just so depressing and frustrating to not be good enough for multiple years. Maybe I not gonna make it :(

>> No.12289334
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i am asking the question for my wife. neither of us eat any licorice or anise. we do have a history of living in buildings with water damage though.

here is her ochratoxin a level

>> No.12289381
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by the way, before someone says see a doctor, we are. my wife has been undergoing intense treatment for Lyme. our doctor recommended the book Toxic by Dr. Neal Nathan to my wife. that book touches a bit on Lyme but much more so on mold related illness.

because of that book, i felt comfortable asking the doctor to run a urine screening for mycotoxin, finding the above. she wants us to do an ERMI test before treating the exposure so that we can perform mold remediation/mitigation if necessary. i don't believe that the test would have been ordered unless i'd have asked. not unless the Lyme treatment dragged on for a while longer without her staying unwell.

her verrucarin a is high as well.

>> No.12289384

>without her staying unwell.
without her getting well*

>> No.12289398

What's the interview stage like?

>> No.12289444

>are you a woman
>are you hot
>you're in
i always fail at the first question

>> No.12289502

you have a year to pass for being trans

>> No.12289559

Isn't Australia ruled basically by the chinks? I doubt that sjw bullcrap will work there.

>> No.12289563

if by ruled you mean kept afloat then yes

>> No.12289875

You are what you eat type of thing. They work with cunts all day.

>> No.12289881

Get off the web more. Read for pleasure more. Do some mindfulness exercises

>> No.12289886

Aren't like 91% of gut bacteria immediately dead once they come into contact with even trace amounts of oxygen?

>> No.12289891

You're alive today because of that which you deem bullshit. Be a little grateful and educate yourself.

>> No.12289905

Perfect argument to abolish any and all affirmative action and go back to pure merit.

>> No.12290125

>(which habit and willpower can fix)
Lol, where the hell do you self-deluding weirdos come from? When I was at my most hypothyroid I tried to go to work and ended up in the wrong place multiple times, tried to get gas and kept turning around and pulling in with the pump on the wrong side, then I became paranoid and started having mild hallucinations. What makes you think you'll jsut be super dooper ultra efficient and just magically function without a vital component of your body? Are you going to get your legs hacked off and with sheer willpower get up and walk away?

This type of fantasy shit needs to stop. You're only digging yourself in deeper by thinking you can ignore it and it'll just fix itself and be okay because you're just that special.

>> No.12290139

i'm the anon who posted the mold question. yesterday i was watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcsas5zCma4 and desu what you described here sounds like the type of "alzheimers" experienced by some mold toxicity sufferers. hope you're in remission with whatever you're suffering from!

>> No.12290151

My sexual drive is 0 for 5-6 months. I can watch porn and don't even get hard,(can if i start to stimulate dick but ejaculation wont be joyful) no interest in girls and so on. After 6 months i get normal libido, i can cum 2 times a day no problem. Will get diamond from a thought and if i open porn site i will almost shake from arousal. This will continue for 2-3 weeks than it drops to 0 for 5-6 months again.

WTF /sci/, whats wrong with me ?

Also post your strange body function/malfunction(not only sex related)

>> No.12290160

Fungal, parasitic, L-form, etc colonization in one's tissues can cause problems. However I think there are other, more artificial factors.

Have you had a vaccine recently? Did you have the HPV vaccine? How old are you?

Basically, think of the Vulkans from Star Trek. Re-engineered to have a set mating window.

>> No.12290169

>Grave disease
thank you anon, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.12290182

something like a quarter of people genetically arent able to metabolize mycotoxin properly

>> No.12290193

Is it really a hard genetic issue? Is it really even mycotoxin? Or is it crystal-forming nanotech and genetically engineered pathogens sprayed on food crops, especially grains, for the last several decades?

you tend to find electrohypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity, and mold issues clustering in the same individuals. This is relatively new.

>> No.12290200

??? yes the lab report says it's ochratoxin a

>> No.12290208
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22 y.old

>Have you had a vaccine recently? Did you have the HPV vaccine?


>> No.12290216
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btw what's your experience with stuff like EHS, MCS, etc.? i had always assumed it was bullshit, along with CFS and "chronic lyme", until my wife started undergoing treatment for the latter and the doctor recommended book related by Neil Nathan, who afaict is a brilliant doctor. that book is fantastic and has really opened my eyes.

>> No.12290249

>crystal-forming nanotech

>> No.12290265

Relatively minimal. I developed the "Microwave Sickness" syndrome just as it was characterized by the Soviets in the 1960's, and I can often tell when I'm being irradiated and the general signal scheme (the Soviets also found this to be true in Polish workers interestingly), but it's never reached the level a lot of people with EHS describe. Since then I've met a few people with the whole deal, chronic lyme, "Morgellons", MCS/CFS/EHS, and I'll just I'm not sure they're strictly separate phenomena. I also suspect some amount of chronic lyme could be synthetic biology, ie biomimetic nanotechnology. Supposedly applying a TENS machine to the individual will quickly tell you whether it's really lyme etc.

I haven't heard of that book, perhaps I should check it out. I consider things over a fairly wide range, and over time I talk about these topics less and less. I'm uninterested and unwilling to invest energyto focus in strictly on the subset which is socially acceptable. The Overton window.

>> No.12290268

You don't do science, you do religion.


-Magneto proteins

Stanley et al 2016 - Bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus regulates feeding and metabolism
Wheeler et al 2016 - Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system
Nimpf 2017 - Is magnetogenetics the new optogenetics?

Recently certain reports failed to replicate it, however. Which could be genuine, or it could be trying to put the cat back in the bag for whatever reason. The original work was done via the Rockefeller Institute.

-Prefabricated implants and stimulators
Freeman 2017 et al - A Sub-millimeter, Inductively Powered Neural Stimulator
-NeuraSigma Monarch (similar to patent on flicker rate manipulation?)
-Delgado etc

However, what if you don't need to surgically implant electrodes? Through RF guided nanotechnology, implants can be grown in the body.
-Implants grown in the body, assembled in place


>> No.12290271

Ok garret take your meds now

>> No.12290290

you might enjoy a podcast called the better health guy blogcast

btw of all the aforementioned, EHS is the one i'm most skeptical of, since it's also the easiest to test for rigorously (close your eyes, let me flip this EM radiation on/off, tell me when your symptoms activate) and no one can pass the test

>> No.12290300

Welcome to /sci/, you're talking to one of the board's deranged schizoposters who is probably going to get very angry and dump a few thousand links about crazy shit

>> No.12290302

whatever, i like fringe stuff

>> No.12290350

Regarding EHS. Three things:
1) Some papers have shown an ability to detect well above chance
2) Sampling bias is difficult to control for. ie, just becase nocebo exists for some, doesn't mean EHS exists for none
3) Many papers have shown reliable objectively measureable physiological responses in both humans and animal models. Which is quite impressive considering there are almost literally no controls or naive subjects with which to get a strong shift from baseline.

In my case I can definitely tell. In one case it was with a rental car, started having cold clammy skin and a speedy aggressive feeling (as well as a strange sense of body position in space). Checked out the car further, which I'd previously pulled a bunch of fuses to disable some shit, and found the onstar module probably had a 4G LTE capability. Pulled that fuse too, it stopped happening. DECT phones are the clearest, they really scramble the mind and getting too close to them, or putting them up to my head, causes a sort of quasi-seizure. In one instance it triggered involuntary spasming of the arm (testing without battery and witha rock of similar size did not cause this), and I was in a store the other day with a DECT phone on the counter. By the time I got done paying I was trying to listen to what the woman behind the counter was saying and I just could not seem to understand or generate a response. I did eventually respond (coherently), and I was trying to put the stuff in the bag and it was as though I didn't have depth perception, just couldn't seem to get my hand to go in the bag. Was disoriented for the next several hours. It's either the DECT, or the RFID magnetic induction system of the payment thing. Very obnoxious, regardless. One of many such instances you begin to correlate.

>> No.12290352

I think high levels of NO may be required for field transduction, or something resembling demodulation in tissues. One paper (Bawin et al, her last paper) found field effects would still occur so long as NO was present, whether it was chelated with Hb, or the synthases were blocked. Merely being present was adequate. Perhaps methylxanthines and ryanodine receptor activity lowers the threshold for adverse responses to EMF, mold, chemical, etc.

Well I've got a lot of fringe and not so fringe stuff here.

Also see:

>> No.12290378

what is the strongest study in your opinion that demonstrates that EMH is physically possible

>> No.12290381


>> No.12290385

err, sorry, not that it's physically possible, but rather that people/animals actually experience it

>> No.12290423

Don't know off the top of my head. Many animal studies and a few in humans are noted in the link, but I've not constructed a full EHS section. You can try ctrl+f in _Index.txt and the EMF-portal dumps.

>> No.12290480

what are the most important things someone can do to mitigate EMF risks?

>> No.12290545

In short, reduce exposure and improve nutrition. For the longer version see the section near the end of "-documents, links, information (read first).txt"

>> No.12290604

how does one reduce exposure short of moving innawoods

>> No.12290657

that document actually seems like good research. thanks.

>> No.12290664

if i have a "coldsore" that constantly reappears in the same spot since getting third degree burns on my lip in that spot from a pizza 3 years ago and the coldsores are always painless but NEVER completely heal, is that likely to be herpes or scarring?

it heals when i drink an absurd amount of water, but as soon as i stop drinking water to the point of needing to constantly pee it returns

>> No.12290694
File: 167 KB, 686x911, 1602705675956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a the schizo has to ramble on /med/ episode

>> No.12290796

Plot twist: the anon that stalked him and assembled that pastebin is the actual schizo

>> No.12291029

Everything after peak that is not plateau is decline.

>> No.12291034

Herpes. You don't feel shit because you burnt your nerve ends.

>> No.12291061

40some cope

>> No.12291063
File: 397 KB, 700x460, pillman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Have exam in 2 weeks
> Wanna review the stuff is already studied
> Reading is boring
> Decide to do anki cards because internet claims it's the best study method in medicine of all time
> Try Zanki
> Feel like i'm not learning anything at all
> Decide to make my own cards, so i open up my textbook
> 416 new cards

Alright /med/, give me your best study tips.

>> No.12291071

>Reruns again

>> No.12291086

Only studying tip I can give you is to get to know your kind of learning based on your prominent intelligence and apply the recommended methods to your studying.

>> No.12291142

Apparently i'm a kinesthetic chad.

Guess i'll pick up a book and jump around the house.

>> No.12291173

Trump takes Finasteride; his prostate is likely smaller than Bidens

>> No.12291179

I've used anki for a number of engineering courses to great success. Pretty much learned 2 of my courses in 2 weeks using it and passed, one time. I think the key is to be meticulous about making your decks - use snipping tool to copy in figures and equations, and make your cards high-quality and difficult. I've literally memorized like 50-60 equations and their context in the space of days using anki, because by making the cards you basically get a first pass of all your material, and then by reviewing them you can do spaced repetition literally anywhere. Especially with the phone app (at least on android).

tl;dr anki is too fucking good to be free. genuine godsend

>> No.12291389

Class action lawsuit against lobbyists and agencies who promote fiber when?

>> No.12291433

He's still at it even after getting doxxed?

>> No.12291483

I know exactly what you mean, but my problem is the size of my decks.

I use a lot of cloze deletions but i end up with over 300 or 400 cards. It's a massive amount to do and makes me worry about the quality of my cards and my study session.

How do you avoid making a lot of cards?

>> No.12291995


>> No.12292748

Why is neuropathy so misunderstood by many in the medical field?

I go to try to get my celiac disease diagnosed and treated and the doctor thinks I'm trying to get opiates.

Then she thinks I have a heart condition and that that's more immediately important.

Now I say I wouldn't be surprised if my celiac disease was taking a toll on my heart, but the heart is not the underlying problem.
I think she wanted to run up my bill.