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12246526 No.12246526 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about the current state of longevity/anti-aging research, NMN, Sirt genes, Resveritrol, David Sinclair, Aubrey De Gray, etc? I'm pretty fascinated by it all lately but I know it's also quite controversial still.

>> No.12246532

You may die younger with than without, just commercial companies that want they bullshit on market, bullshit which they haven't tested for 150 years.

You should try eating spinach and cover yourself with monomolecular carbon oxide every now and then to reduce toxins from skin.

>> No.12246541

It’s all bullshit

>> No.12246741

That seems a bit extreme to say considering all the studies that show positive results.

>> No.12247292
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There isn't any. The fact that you fucking NPCs are STILL talking about fucking resveratrol proves there will NEVER be anything that adds even 1 YEAR to the maximum human lifespan. Resveratrol is a chemical that was based on fraud and fake "longevity experts" have milked like thirty fucking years out of that bullshit.

>> No.12247298

There are literally none. And all the ones that are claimed to show it literally show the opposite like the decades-long fasting monkey study. It 100% demonstrated that fasting will not add ONE FUCKING YEAR to your life, but all the NPCs still claim it "proved" the opposite.

>> No.12247681
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>It 100% demonstrated that fasting will not add ONE FUCKING YEAR to your life, but all the NPCs still claim it "proved" the opposite.
The only study I can think of or find at the moment that matches your description is this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812811/
But I'm not sure how you're drawing the conclusion from it that it won't extend life when it literally shows that the calorie-restricted animals have lower mortality rates at the same ages for both all-cause and age-related.

>> No.12247687

Should I make an anti-longevity/anti-anti-aging research thread? In which we discuss how to make scientific funding go to other fields of study.

>> No.12247740

Why do you want to prevent humans from improving quality and length of life?

>> No.12248830

Lower mortality is not the same thing as life extension. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT, YOU DUMB COCKSUCKER.

>> No.12249166

>being more likely to live to an older age is not the same thing as life extension
So then what's your definition of life extension?

>> No.12249174

>being more likely to live to an older age is not the same thing as life extension

>So then what's your definition of life extension?
Why don't YOU put YOUR two IQ points together and see if you can come up with the answer. This isn't rhetorical. I genuinely want to know if you have the cognitive power to make even a pathetic attempt to figure out what the difference is.

>> No.12249193

No, seriously, what's your definition of life extension? Because mine is living longer.

>> No.12249195

You really are fucking retarded then. You couldn't even make the attempt. Living "longer" and still dying of a normal old age isn't life extension.

>> No.12249217

>Living "longer" and still dying of a normal old age
What? If you would have otherwise died at one age and you take actions to die at an older age, you haven't extended your life? If you do things that stave off age-related illness and keep you from becoming bed-ridden at an earlier age, you haven't extended your life?

>> No.12249222

Let me make this very simple for your retarded ass. If you just want to be healthier and die of old age, you can have a good diet and exercise frequently. That's it. Everyone go home. Life extension has been solved.

>> No.12249226

You should really just start making these in /x/

>> No.12249240

Seriously. This entire field is just a scam millionaires use to fool people out of cash.

>> No.12249293

Yes, literally everyone will eventually die of old age. You're such an enlightened genius for figuring this out, anon. But if you die of old age AT A LATER AGE THAN YOU OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE then you have, by definition, EXTENDED your LIFE. The goal of this type of research is to figure out how to radically extend human life expectancy well beyond what we currently consider normal. It's done in bits and pieces, a couple years here, a few more years there, honing in on the exact mechanisms and how to slow, halt, or reverse them. What I hear you say is, "You'll die eventually no matter what so it's all bullshit."
>If you just want to be healthier and die of old age, you can have a good diet and exercise frequently.
But is it not worth figuring out WHY that is the case? Figuring out WHAT constitutes a good diet? If and how we can distill those effects into some other delivery method or even simply amplify/enhance those natural effects to make your diet and exercise go even further in improving your health and slowing your aging?
You seem to think we have it all figured out, but even something as seemingly simple as "diet and exercise" is very complex and controversial.

>> No.12249322

Anti-Aging research is a very good way to see our gaps of knowledge in the current cell/medical field.
We have diseases that can shorten your life span, either genetically or from some outside influence. Both of these open up another can of worms.
Then we have the accumulation of mutation and other failing systems until the body doesnt work anymore. Totally different than genetic defects.
These 3 very large domains need a whole lot more knowledge before the bigger picture comes into play. And I believe Sinclair is namely working in the last domain.
Much more research has to be done.

>> No.12249608

>If you do X and Y you will likely live longer than if you did not
>But this does not mean that you lived longer
Semantics with a hint of dumdum

>> No.12251576

Defy death indefinitely would be nice

>> No.12252558
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why does this guy always look so fake and sleazy to me? its like hes a slimy wax doll trying to look young and sell you his overpriced supplements that dont work

>> No.12252566

Jesus you got BTFO brainlet.

>> No.12252702

Completely retarded desire to have. Malformed worldview spastics chasing their own tail

>> No.12252730

Him and guarente are both full of shit. They set the field back 10 years with sirtuins and NMD shit. Sinclair's most recent stuff on epigenetic reprogramming is promising though. The whole information theory idea of it is bullshit, but the core method he used was solid

I rank their stuff on the same level as the calorie restriction shit.

>> No.12252737

sure he may be doing research on that, but he still pushes these supplements. he has founded literally over half a dozen random companies pushing this shit

>> No.12252744

A mouse or a worm is not a human. They are fast living animals that are optimized to reproduce as soon as possible. Calorie restriction works on them because it simulates famine conditions. They go through an alternate development pathway where they age more slowly because they need to survive a bad year. If 1/3 of your life is spent in famine, it makes sense to evolve mechanisms to extend your life by 25%

Humans are already exceptionally long lived. Evolutionarily, there would be less pressure to avoid aging during a famine because those conditions are a small fraction of our lifespan. Not to mention, slowing down aging would be difficult mechanistically when we are already so optimal.

>> No.12252752

They both have. Gaurente got bought out by some big pharma company I think. The project fell through, but I think he still managed to walk away with multiple millions.

On one hand, it's good that they are trying to put research in the hands of the public ASAP. On the other hand, they seem to be of the mindset "this kinda works in mouse/worms/yeast, I'm sure people will buy it" without any thoughts to what might be different in an organism with a x25 lifespan

>> No.12252770

thats basically what they have do for every company. sell some super "promising" results and cash out quick before it turns into nothing. i'm sure he'll be doing it with the epigenetic stuff too

>> No.12252872

>its like hes a slimy wax doll trying to look young and sell you his overpriced supplements that dont work
He literally doesn't sell anything, though, and he doesn't even make recommendations. He tells people what his supplement regimen is only because they bug him so much, but he doesn't even say what brands he uses or where he sources anything.

>> No.12254930

>Him and guarente are both full of shit. They set the field back 10 years with sirtuins and NMD shit.
ok then show the alternatives

>> No.12255075

The whole point of a life extension is to keep you from being vulnerable to the shit old people are vulnerable to. If you need to be saved from that shit then it's not extending shit.

>> No.12255086

should anti-aging in terms of skin health, hair health, etc. and anti-aging in terms of life expectancy be treated as if they're the same?

>> No.12255100

You're talking about two different things. Having a healthy life isn't the same as having your life extended. The latter means to literally solve the hard problem of age and make it so you DON'T AGE. This is likely not possible unless we become Jellyfish.

>> No.12255244

Healthspan =\= Lifespan

>> No.12255261

>The latter means to literally solve the hard problem of age and make it so you DON'T AGE.
What if we slow the process of aging such that life expectancy increases, just not infinitely? I don't see why anything short of completely solving aging can't be considered life extension.

>> No.12255416

There's a lot of promising stem cell work. We also get better at growing organs and replacing arteries every day. Not to mention the alzheimer's treatments that relieve the brain of protein aggregate build up.

Even if there were no alternatives, the sirtuins research is just not useful in humans. Also, the NMD supplements is akin to noticing that there is engines run low on oil over time, and solving it by pouring oil on the roof.

>> No.12255515

Half a thread's worth of semantic squabbling could've been avoided if people understood this

>> No.12255557

But doesn't increasing healthspan inherently involve increasing lifespan? If you delay age-related illness you delay the decline of health in old age and thus delay the date of death which is an increase of lifespan.

>> No.12255567

>doesn't increasing healthspan inherently involve increasing lifespan?
Not inherently, but it's highly correlated.

People talking about extending lifespan mean removing barriers to supranormal longevity.

>> No.12255609

I take it you didn't see the tales from the crypt where the guy was brought back to life and couldn't die, but he was already embalmed.

>> No.12255645

I would say that increasing lifespan doesn't have to involve increasing healthspan. We can definitely keep people alive and bedridden on dozens of medications as they rot away for many more years than they otherwise would. But increasing healthspan leads to increasing lifespan by virtue of delaying age-related negative effects that lead to age-related death.

>> No.12256432
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does anyone here know why anti-aging has been popular here recently?

>> No.12256451


But look at the branding! The new stuff isn't regulated and isn't allowed to make any specific health claims, but the bottle looks so amazing it must be more valuable than gold!

>> No.12256611

Nice milkers!

>> No.12257038

tldr so you dont actually have any alternative to his research

>> No.12258284

>You should try eating spinach
I'll take ecdysterone directly instead (or rather in addition).
Also please just shut up if you have nothing to say.

>>12246526 Activate Ampk for longevity or not? I don't think the guys you named are sincerely interested in efficiency.

>> No.12258339

Nobody cares about preclinical trials. These people just want attention and your money for their new book.

>> No.12258914

all of this research just doesn't seem revolutionary and it wont lead to antiaging solutoins, am i the only one that feels this way?

most of the research rn, esp. resveratrol, revolves around administering an existing organic compound at high doses. isn't that a pretty uncreative solution? its been the pharma paradigm for years now and while it worked for its time, modern results are dismal, a revolutionary advancement requires a revolutionary method no?
people are just searching for the next novel chemical but i think it will take more than some pill to cure aging

>> No.12258941

Natural compounds are easy to bottle and sell. They also rarely need to be FDA approved. FDA doesn't even allow clinical trials with the goal of "fighting aging"

>> No.12258991

Is dasatinib+quercetin legit?