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File: 84 KB, 700x573, Hand_zur_Abmessung_2D4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12246012 No.12246012 [Reply] [Original]

Is Digit Ratio actual scientific thing or more pseudoscience nonsense?

>> No.12246822

bumping my based thread for an answer

>> No.12246849

Look at the referenced papers anon, then find out how many times they've been cited and what journals the papers are in. That's usually a good basis if a topic is credible or not.

>> No.12246931

am i still banned ?

>> No.12246935

No, just nobody cares.

>> No.12246946

the first i ever heard of this was a girl trying to find out if i was gay in middle school. she said she read it on cosmopolitan. what a major invasion of my privacy if it was real very disrespectful of her. i knew right away it was bs and she was dumb for believing in it. i think it was 8th grade.

>> No.12247014

Well anon, are you gay? Yeah, digit ratio is real, but just looking at someone's hand isn't an invasion of privacy. Trust me, it's been well backed many times, and the NFL even uses digit ratio to measure player prospects.

>> No.12247023

>tfw 1.0 digit ratio
balance in all things

>> No.12247024

im gay but my digit ratio is the masculine one, and again it is an invasion of privacy and no its not real

>> No.12247046

i have a really high ratio and a penis length of 18 cm and am straight

>> No.12247069

Anon, I assure you it is real, rat studies, people studies, ect. It's completely confirmed, it wouldn't have a full wikipedia page if it wasn't.

>> No.12247084
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its not real, this is my gay hand ur looking at.

>> No.12247095
File: 404 KB, 676x986, 1602641623699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low digit ratio chads WW@?

>> No.12247112

God those nails are fucking disgusting.
>Other studies have disputed this; some have shown that the digit ratio in homosexual men is similar to,[56][134][135][136][142] or lower than,[131][126][133][138] that of heterosexual men. One study concluded that differences are dependent on geographical variation, with gay men having lower or similar ratios to straight men in Europe, but higher or similar in the United States.[143] But this finding has been questioned in a meta-analysis including 18 studies, which suggested that ethnicity, rather than geography, explained the differences previously found in men of different sexual orientations.

It's pretty clear that digit ratio doesn't have much to do with being gay.

>> No.12247121

but thats the entire practicality to the entire concept - a novel way to identify homosexuals. if its a racial thing then it doesnt mean anything new to what we know: some races have higher testosterone than others.

ur wasting ourtime.

>> No.12247125

I also have an 18cm penis, but at a low digit ratio and strait as well. Also I'm probably shorter than you.

>> No.12247131

is low ratio when your pointer finger is the smaller one?

>> No.12247146

>but thats the entire practicality to the entire concept
No, no it is not. The interest in using digit ratio to identify homosexuals is nil at best, a passing interest for fun at worst, don't let some roasty who took some test out of a cosmopolitan magazine tell you otherwise. God you sound like a faggot, I bet you could find oppression in a ham sandwich.

>> No.12247150

i am not tall, don't know the exact height but around 175 cm

>> No.12247153

ok so will you tell us how digit ratio is practical ? when we already know testosterone varies by race?

>> No.12247164

actually forget that i am retarded and can't divide, i have the smaller pointer

>> No.12247171

me too, i think men in general (white men )have a smaller pointer. i think baboon races are more likely to have huge pointers

>> No.12247175

answer the fucking question. i fucking hate when people ignore my chief query.

>> No.12247186

i don't think you'd consider me "white"
i am half Avar half Chechen

>> No.12247197

this is not ur moment to bring in /pol/ memes
this is also not ur moment to talk abut ur specific racial makeup and whether it constitutes as white or not. not the place

>> No.12247216

sure mate, respond to me not to the "baboon races guy"
i bet you have a big pointer and a small index

>> No.12247229

My index and ring fingers are exactly the same length, and come only slightly passed the last joint on my middle finger. Both relative and absolute length are the same. I'm heterosexual. I checked a number of women and found they had the more masculine variant, longer ring finger, interestingly.

>> No.12247245

Yeah i also think is bs (contradicting studies), but i am barely literate so who knows

i read that te guys with 1 : 1 ratio, tend to be closeted gays (n = 50000 across multiple studies), you should look into that

>> No.12247261

can't wait for the high ratios incel response to these facts and logic

>> No.12247285

Also, I don't really get the metric here, though I didn't read carefully to find the thresholds either. Mine would 1, or 1:1. Is this high or low? I've scarcely seen anyone with a longer index, therefore I figure the bulk of the stuff listed on the wiki as low(er) ratio is <1, ie, any case where the ring is longer.

Some of the correlations noted are accurate, like the schizo and psychopathic tendencies, improved literacy and verbals tuff, paranormal experiences, etc, monogamous core tendencies (though variable). A lot of this is just as well, or better, described by early childhood trauma and conditioning towards doublethink, fantasy, reframing for control, magical thinking, and ultimately in a higher level sense (not a core defense) paranoia and the urge to simply destroy all threats. Perhaps the digit ratios play a role though, in baising or modifying the genetic predispositions for certain responses to environmental demand. The narcissistic (God-like) and schizotypal branches.

Interesting regardless. I'm masculine overall, but don't really see myself as being a gender. I don't think about it like that, or at all, really.

Yes, that was my introduction to this topic. Not gay though.

>> No.12247288
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>big pointer
>small index
you cant have both

>> No.12247289

My left and right are the opposite ratio's

>> No.12247291


>> No.12247293

Logic DESTROYED with facts and logic!

>> No.12247297

you still havent replied to me u stoopid assbich

>> No.12247318

i made that up, didn't read anything about 1:1
charts don't apply if you are a 1, it says only for high/low

btw bit of advice how not to be gay, stop writing walls of text and obsessing about this
then try gay sex, if you don't like it, you are not gay


>> No.12247337

i meant a high "gayness"/"small dickness" index

>> No.12247388

I write walls of text and obsess over everything. I have no desire to try gay sex

>> No.12247421
File: 115 KB, 1024x852, 1602880159264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
