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File: 18 KB, 631x137, international_stu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12243558 No.12243558 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what the fuck is up with American universities sucking international student dick? Its so fucking disgusting. Our graduate student union is basically 100% focused on international student issues. It never does any fucking shit for American students.

I understand its probably because of all the money these kids get from their dictator-collaborating parents, but have these universities forgotten where they are located? American students get kicked to the side and basically all of the resources in the university are directed towards assisting international students.

I've even see blatant fucking cheating at the graduate level and the students never get kicked out. Either because a professor of the same nationality steps in or other bleeding-heart professors go "OH NO, WHAT ABOUT THEIR VISA, IF WE KICK THEM OUT THEY WILL HAVE TO GO BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY, WHAT A TRAVESTY THAT WOULD BE"

>> No.12243571

You're kinda smart but also retarded
I understand its probably because of all the money these kids get from their dictator-collaborating parents, but have these universities forgotten where they are located?
You just answered your own question. The Americans than pay to win are not exempt either. Hope you have rich parents Anon!

>> No.12243574

Obviously, I do know the answer. But I should also note that many other countries in the world aren't this cucked. Europeans have far stricter standards for people coming to their country to study, they also have far stricter requirements for citizenship

>> No.12243582

Apparently it's a huge administrative pain in the ass to establish that a student has cheated and get a formal finding of culpability.
When I was a TA, I caught an undergrad in my section faking labwork. I'll spare you the details but we had her dead to rights. The instructor of record didn't want to persue it b/c of the hassle, but he offered her a deal: skip the final exam and take an incomplete. She wasted her tuition money and had to retake the course, but didn't get an F or a notation on her transcript indicating wrongdoing.
Shit is less than ideal in the world, anon.

>> No.12243585 [DELETED] 


>> No.12243624

>Europeans have far stricter standards for people coming to their country to study
That's because Europe actually has homegrown talent. US universities would be NOTHING without international talent.

>> No.12243643

On the Graduate level, I don't mind foreign people who come to the states to study at an American University, especially when they know English at an operable level.

What I do mind are Graduate programs designed take in 70% foreign students because its literally cheaper which means Graduate programs have a major incentive to pick them over a US citizen applying. Foreign student's governments will pay the Graduate program to take them. And worse yet, they can barely speak the language. This means when they are assigned to teach a course, no English native understands them. But you know what, I could forgive that under the assumption that they will interact with other English speaking natives and gain better grasp of the language, except they don't. They segment themselves off into their own little communities where they don't have to speak English. So that means they've been working at getting a PHD for 4 years and they can't even order a fucking a fucking pizza over the phone.

>> No.12243645

America universities are whores for those dollars.
it's sick

>> No.12243650

wrong, mr retard.
the only numbers american universities care about are the ones in the bank.
this guy explains it well

>> No.12243694
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1584639703131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foreign student's governments will pay the Graduate program to take them
Does a Foreign student with zero money have a chance to land a PhD position in US universities?

>> No.12243719

Aside from credentials, do we really need education institutions for post secondary at this point?
There's so much material in libraries and online.
Institutions are too slow, and you will, at some turns, be conditioned into a script.

>> No.12243721

Also, businesses are giving less of a fuck about your credentials if you're capable of doing the work.

>> No.12243731

The REAL question is if you can get your government to pay

From my experience: European and Russian governments Don't give a fuck. Incidentally this means that European and Russian graduate students have to be sponsored from within the graduate program, which generally means they are high quality folks in their field.

Chinese: If your parent is rich enough or has the right connections, congrats, they will literally hire someone to take the English competency test for you and your off to get a Fancy American PHD. When you arrive, you're stuck with the other 10 or so graduate students in your department since none of you want to learn enough English to get sent to a reeducation camp. Students will bitch that you can't speak english but it will be them who will be speaking Mandarin soon enough...

Side note: A Chinese girl and I shared an office and SHE fucking molested me.

India: Same thing with China except you actually know enough English to barely get around. Except America is a frightening place so its best just to stick next to your fellow Indian for protection.

>> No.12243752


>> No.12243753

>if you can get your government to pay
Fuck no, my government isn't paying me shit. They only want me to do military service and then I can drop dead for all they care.

>> No.12243831

can't pass TOEFL, can't teach.
it isn't perfect, but works well enough.
>They segment themselves off into their own little communities where they don't have to speak English.
I've never seen a foreign grad student do this, but with post-docs who know they are going back to Japan in one year, yeah I've seen it.
>There's so much material in libraries and online.
Depends on the discipline, bench work is bench work, that shit doesn't happen in the library or at a desk.
>They only want me to do military service and then I can drop dead for all they care.
lol that's fine in your own country but is a national security risk for a host nation.
>Professor anon at MIT, the FBI would like to know why Major Zhang is working in your lab.

>> No.12243841

the only right answer

>> No.12243861

TOEFL is made to be passed by 4 year old but we don't ask 4 year olds to teach Calculus, I can assure you it doesn't work well enough, especially when the test is taken in other countries where you can pay someone to take it for you

>> No.12243880

The U.S. olympiad teams are among the best in the world and they're composed of all native students...

>> No.12243883

>A Chinese girl and I shared an office and SHE fucking molested me.

Did you fuck her?

>> No.12243887

>can't pass TOEFL, can't teach.

My department makes international students take an exam given by the English department in order to teach. But you know what happens if they don't pass (at least the first time)? Our department gives them money via a departmental grant. They literally get rewarded for not passing.

>> No.12243897

At my university, in my department, we have a research group thats consists of like 15 Chinese PhD students, with several Chinese post-docs and Chinese undergraduates, led by a Chinese professor.

Literally the NSF is paying out probably close to a million dollars a year for a lab in which only Chinese is spoken and where the lab only collaborates with other Chinese professors/labs.

America is literally the most cucked country in the world

>> No.12243932

No I freaked out
>Studying Carleman's inequality
>Get up to go take a shit
>Fugly Chinese office mate approaches me
>Before I could do anything, her hand was already down my pants and grabbing my junk
So I'm tired, I need to shit, and this entirely unattractive woman who can't speak English had forced her hand into my pants

My advisor god bless her, pulled some strings and they did a full reassignment of office mates after winter vacation, got stuck with a jovial Romanian who would start muttering children's rhymes (I think?) beneath his breath when he got stumped

>> No.12243948

Did the girl get in trouble?

>> No.12243955

Fuck no, It would have been a purely he said/she said thing and between me, who was getting sponsored by the department, and her, whom the department was paid to let her stay, I would have lost, so I just let it go.

>> No.12243958

fuck international students

>> No.12244017

That's because the olympiads are mainly a US phenomenon. no other country cares about them.
Very few countries care about extracurriculars for college admission, so being first in some math olympiad or spelling bee brings no benefit and kids will just do it for fun (assuming they've ever heard of the olympiads... that stuff is not popular abroad)

>> No.12244024

bullshit, the Chinese and Russians are really into it as well, it is a matter of national prestige for them

>> No.12244041

Wasn't there a scandal a few years ago about Chinese profs or PHD students from some Ivy league institution spying for China?

>> No.12244054

Rome would have conquered nobility send their children to rome to recieve a roman education, this would make them pro roman when they become leaders in their native groups

>> No.12244348

the problem is they treat these fags better than native students, I wouldn't have a problem if they treated everyone the same

There are countless support committees and groups for international students (they literally have immigration lawyers on hand for them). The graduate student union is basically 90% of the time concerned with international student problems only.

Most of them are pretty average too, so it's not like they're doing this for exceptionally bright people

>> No.12244358

t. never interacted with international students

>> No.12244779

There's plenty of talent, it's just that it's not black or Hispanic and they are the only ones allowed in because of. .. muh diversity.

>> No.12244794

Rabid nationalism like this is a sure sign of a dying, declining country. You will never make America great again.

>> No.12244817

They sell "education"

>> No.12244854

We have the same issue in the UK. Universities are even going as far has hiring private charter jets to bring foreign students in. And yet despite all this, many of the major virus hotspots in the UK are universities. It's ridiculous.

>> No.12244892

what the actual fuck

>> No.12244894

America was already great. We don't need a bunch of pajeets and chinks to stay great, regardless of what a bunch of loser university administrators tell us

>> No.12244952

It's money. They may pretend it's all about diversity and virtue signalling, but at the end of the day, it's all about the sweet extra money they can squeeze out of foreign students. Over ten times as much as domestic students in some cases.

Cherry on the cake was the universities begging the government for money months ago with the promise that they will reduce intake of foreign students, but they would have had to have done that anyway with all the lockdowns

>> No.12245003

Nah how ages america always hinged on being a great source destination for academics and innovators. If that ever dies (unlikely) then america is truly dead.>>12244894

>> No.12245011

>That's because Europe actually has homegrown talent.
Not really