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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12242098 No.12242098 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I'm in college studying physics because I want to make anime real. I've realized that the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is real, and I'm trying to discover the secret of interdemensional travel so we can meet our waifus in the anime world for real, not just in our heads. Right now, I'm taking a class on Classical Mechanics but it's boring as fuck and I need to step up the pace of my learning if I am to be a genius scientist who solves the interdemensional travel issue. What topics should I study so I can achieve my goal? I have a small list already:

Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Field Theory
Gravitation Theory
Non Newtonian Fluids
Watch All Vsauce Vids
Black Body Theory
Double Slit Experiment
String Theory

Anything else I'll need? Make fun of me if you want like last time but I'm actually gonna do this, so if you want anime to be real and believe there is even a 1% chance this could work you better help me out.

>> No.12242105

amazing bait

>> No.12242120

I have similar goals, so to speak. I also already got a PhD in physics.
Generally, my approach is more "Landian", if that makes any sense.
I'd add more computational topics, for sure, and I also don't think it's worth investing time in >Yang-Mills or >String Theory, simply because you'll be dead before you do anything relevant in those corners.

>> No.12242365

What about 2D animation? Isn't it easier, maybe avatar of AI 2D animated on your screen, wouldn't it be better than ending up 2D?

>> No.12243344

>so we can meet our waifus in the anime world for real
So many of us will get their asses handed to them, it will be unreal. Realize that getting them from their source material world, will likely result in a hell of a lot of rejections. You will need to target the universes that contain the waifus that will accept you. Luckily, the rule of divisions allow you to find a decimal frequency frequency, and just sheeve down the channels you need within a certain decimal band.

0.000000009999 All these will reject you <-->all these will accept you "999999" All these are wierd---->9999999
And within that you will have to find bands that are for worlds that are to your liking.
Reimu on a good day.
Reimu on a bad day.
etc etc etc

As for the exact pinpoint world, those will be reserved for immensely special autists who are wiley enough to get the girl even through impossible odds.

>> No.12243347

Gravio-Space-Time. Universe. Dimension.
These are the subdivisions.

>> No.12243402
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Also, alot of you are PROBABLY gonna die in the attempt. I mean, there is no telling what a shift in dimension to a 2D world is gonna do to someone from this 3D world, or even jumping to a 3D cyber world will do to something coming to this one. Indeed, so many ways this can explode in our faces. You might even end up erasing all existence. This universe, collapsed or even exploded thanks to tapping into a universe with too extreme a power.

There are work arounds to this, such as finding worlds with particularly powerful artifacts or even stable worlds to help manage the spread of this kind of chaos. Gaining access to these key worlds will be top priority. However, I project, that if this world is stable, we should be able to collect enough energy to at least open to our neighbor universes, or survive the collapse of this universe, collect some of their resources, or the next worlds, and try to access more difficult ones. It's a fucking exhausting project. We will literally be at this for a few eternities...
Let alone the balls necessary to unify all worlds.
Is it worth it?
Your waifus might even just kill you for daring to cross into their worlds, and more than likely you will need to find a method to turn yourselves 2D, 3D, Cybernetic 3D, 4D etc or vice-versa.

Even this poor autist had a simpler task and couldn't summon the power to save one human in his OWN universe.


Would you be willing? Would you have the gaul? Not to mention, the implications socially and politically. We would have to go rogue. To go full heretic. It's a small window of opportunity and it's chaotic.

>> No.12243419
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All I am saying, is don't forget.
This can all go very, VERY wrong.


>> No.12243437
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But enough about that. You will need to find a way of gently transitioning to 2D and 3D first, maybe even try to use Gensokyos magic to influence the portal you made, or both worlds or one world. Then you will have to accurately ascertain that it is indeed "safe" to cross.
If you don't explode like a psyker form 40, assume you have succeeded. Good luck OP anon. And remember, even if you do all the math, your chances of success are still 50/50 at best.


>> No.12243458

>Gensokyos Magic
*or whatever rules/magic the world you are trying to access pertains*

>> No.12243477

OK, thanks for your suggestions everyone. I took a break from studying cause my brain was getting fried (differential equations are hard as FUCK) and made a travel plan of all the different dimensions when I finally invent IDT (InterDemensional Travel)

K-On Universe
Fairy Tail Universe
Naruto Universe
Final Fantasy Universe
Boku no Hero Academia Universe

>> No.12243479

nigga just learn how to lucid dream

>> No.12243480

I admire your optimism. Don't forget regular ass biology to try and keep yourself alive to build such a machine.

>> No.12243488

Prioritize. Which of these would likely be able to help us the most access the rest...?

>> No.12243507

Hands down. Purple horse is overpowered in the universe and teleportation department.
This place is just regular earth with a few spontaneous chibi moment powers
It's literally a trip to 2D filtered 3D cel shaded K-ON roleplay servers
>Fairy Tail
Tricky. With some adventuring you might find a trinket to access other worlds. People there aren't always friendly either.
The poor black mages. We would get lectured to hell and back about how morally questionable this world is. U-U

>Boku no Hero Academia
Last I checked they would likely not help anyone just because they asked, although a few of the science based heroes might actively intervene or help depending on how they perceive your karma.

No. Sadly this all rides, literally on purple horse being naiive enough to help you shortcut your way to the multiverse. Even then you risk corrupting everything. Yes. This is probably the most intense game of poker I have ever seen.

>> No.12243511

How the fuck would you translate science or electromagnetism to magic?

>> No.12243517

>Watch All Vsauce Vids

>> No.12243527

You would only be able to reverse engineer its effects by translating what comes out of the portal in this world. Unless you found something ridiculous like an artifact that can do so. I have no idea what it would look like, other than it would be like a balancing scale.

>> No.12243547
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>autists would literally endanger the entire universe because they want to see their waifus

>> No.12243562

This is literally impossible. OP you're crazy.

>> No.12243565
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>autists would literally endanger the entire universe because they want to see their waifus

Aha! So it begins! Already people are forming equal and opposite reactions to this.
An antagonist is born! Heroes! Villains!
Context! War! Drama! Excitement! Come! Try and stop us! See if we won't continue! The world is spinning. People are dying! Flowers are wilting! Birth! Rebirth! Cycle! AhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


>> No.12243568
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>many-worlds interpretation

>> No.12243570
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>your chances of success are still 50/50 at best

These are odds. I like.


>> No.12243617

CS or bio are more feasible methods to make anime real.
congrats retard you got a meme degree.

>> No.12243633

>not taking CS to make waifu chatbots with hololive visualizers

>> No.12243637

>Brainlets talking about bringing 2d to 3d
Completely wrong. It would be much easier and better if our dimension was "2d", or perfect. That is actually doable, especially with the digital age upon us. You should go work with virtual reality, advanced AI, gene editing. In the future, we'll be able to get rid of these aging inferior bodies for perfect 2d renditions of our ideal representations. We'll also have cured death, and we'll be able to create people from nothing. You will almost certainly be able to "make your waifu real", and become as perfect as she is (Why would you want to remain imperfect and 3d?).

All this is possible, but extremely hard to do, especially within your limited lifespan. You'll die before then. What a shame, born right before the best age of humanity.

>> No.12243642

Yet. They are just based on the source aren't they?
You will never find the external exact place they lived, and the question will forever live in your minds, "would the real one, love me?".

>> No.12243648

>Completely wrong. It would be much easier and better if our dimension was "2d", or perfect. That is actually doable, especially with the digital age upon us. You should go work with virtual reality, advanced AI, gene editing. In the future, we'll be able to get rid of these aging inferior bodies for perfect 2d renditions of our ideal representations. We'll also have cured death, and we'll be able to create people from nothing. You will almost certainly be able to "make your waifu real", and become as perfect as she is (Why would you want to remain imperfect and 3d?).
imagine actually believing this and calling others brainlets

>> No.12243665
